Ben Affleck: Jennifer Garner is ‘the best cook I know’

Ben Affleck has a new long format interview with US Magazine, which is rare outside the magazine. I like that they’re publishing interviews online now. Plus this is US Magazine, they know the dirt we want to hear and so they asked Ben about his family, whether he has a competitive relationship with his brother, Casey Affleck, and about politics. They even allude to the nanny scandal by asking Ben if he’s doing better than he was in 2015. They know how to get headlines and this interview is full of quotable parts. It’s long and I’m only excerpting the best segments so please read it on US Weekly for more.

Us: You’ve said that your kids are your most wonderful achievement. How does that compare with your professional success?
BA: My professional success is really important to me, and my career is really important to me. It’s the most important thing to me outside of my family. I take it very seriously and work really, really hard at it. Family comes first, but this is something that’s really important to me too.

Us: You started working on the film in 2015. How do you feel about your life now versus then?
BA: I feel better about my life every day. My kids get older. My life is very rich and full of wonderful things. I’ve been very lucky, careerwise.

Us: What’s a perfect day like for you when you’re not working and not with your kids?
BA: I don’t know if that day ever comes. I don’t spend too much time just kicking back. On Sundays I like to watch the [New England] Patriots with Matt [Damon]. That’s a nice, relaxing day.

Us: You spent the holidays in Montana with Matt, your brother, Casey, and your families. Who has cooking duty when you’re all together?
BA: Not me! Jen [Garner] is a really great cook. She’s probably the best cook I know. We had roast chicken this year; it was really, really good. Other than that, we do pizza nights, where a guy comes and makes pizza and nobody has to cook.

Us: And who cleans?
BA: Me. All the cleaning.

Us: Your younger brother, Casey, is having a busy awards season, thanks to his role in Manchester by the Sea. Have you given him any advice about how to handle the circuit?
BA: My brother is very mature. He doesn’t need any advice. He did an extraordinary performance, and I’m voting for him and rooting for him. I don’t want to say I’m proud because it sounds like I’m his dad, but I’m really happy for him. I’m really happy that he’s gotten a chance to play a role that showcases his talents.

Us: Is there a healthy rivalry between you guys?
BA: No. With my brother and Matt and Joaquin [Phoenix] and guys that I’ve known really well for a long time, we tend to just root for each other. I think there’s room for everybody, if you find the right parts. It’s not a zero-sum game. Manchester is a good example of that. He’s got his own part and his own thing. That doesn’t take anything away from me or anyone else.

[From US Magazine]

That was nice and there’s a lot more on US. Whatever is going on between Ben and Jen they’re not trashing each other in the press. Everyone always talks about how the children of these celebrities are going to access all the details on their parents’ divorces one day. For Ben and Jen the damning details are about the nanny a year and a half ago, but given how fame-hungry the nanny was, I think that was all on her and they tried to control the narrative. The original idiotic indiscretion is on Ben, but the fact that it was made public is probably not due to Ben or Jen. I think those two are tentatively back together, but a lot of people disagree with me and have strong opinions on it so I’ll keep it at that.

As for the cooking and cleaning up thing – I don’t understand how they have a person who comes over to make pizza but not a person who cleans up for them. It’s nice that Ben cleans up right away but I suspect he has help too. Also, I never realized that “chef who comes over to make pizza” was a thing. There are probably so many services and amenities for the rich that would surprise me.




photos credit: WENN and FameFlynet

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82 Responses to “Ben Affleck: Jennifer Garner is ‘the best cook I know’”

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  1. HeidiM says:

    I thought he was joking about him doing all the cleaning up………non?

  2. Erinn says:

    I know, I know, he can be a giant douche at times.

    But I like Ben.

    • A says:

      Me too. I don’t know how anyone could listen to his commentary track on Armageddon and not want to hang out with him.

      • Slowsnow says:

        He’s THAT friend who’s clever, likeable but has a complete lack of understanding of love relationships and complete lack of restraint. Reminds me of my best friend who I sometimes feel like strangling but love to death.

      • M says:

        That was a long time ago. He’s not really that person anymore.

    • holly hobby says:

      Of the two Affleck bros I really do like Ben. He would be someone fun to hang out with. Not a great boyfriend/husband material but a good person to be with if you want to have fun.

  3. Nancy says:

    I bet she learned how to make that roasted chicken from Ina Garten. Jennifer was a guest on Barefoot Contessa years ago. I use her recipe for that very chicken and it’s fab. I think she calls it the engagement chicken because men want to marry you after they have it. But, Ben banged the nanny, so he can eat pizza.

    • WTW says:

      The pizza thing sounds kind of weird. My husband and I have made pizza from scratch several times, and neither of us are excellent cooks. We’re not horrible, just average. Anyway, I don’t see why they need to have someone come over to do it for them. Plus, you usually let the dough refrigerate overnight, so it’s not a quick process. Sorry for the random comment, but if Jen is the best cook he knows, it seems like they wouldn’t need someone to make pizza for them.

      • Jenfan says:

        They are celebs on vacation. Either they are eating out or having a chef come in and cook and household help clean up.

        I do think Jen is a good cook – she talks about cooking on the circuit – has cooked with Martha Stewart etc. The Roast Chicken – he was probably referring to Xmas dinner – she seems the type to want to provide a home cooked meal even though they are on vacation.
        Also Ben is not talking about it – but it was published that all of Jen’s family was there as well.

      • cookie says:

        Exactly. Pizza is one of the easiest things to make once you have the dough down and any good cook would want to learn how to make it w/ different, personalized toppings.

    • notasugarhere says:

      Aren’t Casey Affleck and his wife strict vegans? I thought all the Phoenix family were. A holiday filled with roast chicken and pizza nights (from the yeast to the cheese) doesn’t sound like something they’d enjoy.

  4. Morala says:

    I don’t know, I’m not a fan of his at all, but I kind of liked the interview, he came across as nice and honest, I particularly liked the part about the importance of his career and the rivalry. I think Ben is more of a deeply troubled person than an asshole.

  5. QQ says:

    Isn’t the chef that cooks and does the thing almost at this point in time a staple/background of about a 3rd of the KUWTK ?? Is totally a thing

    • Kezia says:

      No no QQ you’ve got it all wrong. The kardashians cook ALL their on food, even the perfect looking pies that you swore you saw in a bakery before (hide the foil pie dishes).

  6. Bobafelty says:

    I have a private chef bring me pizza, his name is Dominos

  7. JoJo says:

    Their kids are going to see a lot more than the nanny. They’re going to see Blake Lively, Emily R., lots blinds about womanizing, including on the set of Oklahoma, him caught at a gas station without his ring, etc. Granted, not all rumors are true, but when there’s smoke for years, there’s usually fire. And Jen and her team pretty much attested to this in the many stories that came out right after the split and what was in VF, etc.

    When talking about how his life is different, he talks about his kids and being very lucky, careerwise. This says to me that wherever he and Jen are, if anywhere at all, it’s still tenuous. He could have said something like he feels “lucky” for the many opportunities and chances he’s been given both personally and professionally, but he didn’t.

    Jen’s face is looking very different in the above pics. She needs to be careful with the fillers/botox.

    I thought some of the pics on the red carpet with Sienna in Londonwere a little cozy – especially the ones where he had his coat and arm around her. I know co-stars do these things, but if I were Jen and we were trying to make things work, I would not be happy – especially given both his and Sienna’s histories. End of long post. 🙂

    • Ramona says:

      I dont think Jen attested to anything beyond the fact that they were separated when the nanny thing went down. We already suspected they were separated at the time here anyway and were on divorce watch months before the nanny. I also think they are being careful about not confirming a reunion but still its a big step to confirm that they spent the holidays together with his side of the family. And the wording on the cooking/cleaning does imply an intimacy and would be worded differently if they were 100% finished with each other.

    • M says:

      She’s going overboard with the botox. Her overplucked eyebrows don’t help matters, either. Why do women do that? Fuller brows make you look younger.

  8. Slowsnow says:

    A “guy that comes and makes the pizza” should be a free social service, accessible to everyone, one night a week. Honestly.

    • Mami says:

      I thought the title says “Jen is the best cock I know.” Ha. Anygoo, they need to 86 the his-and-hers-botox special doctor, who seems to have overdone poor Jen and given old Ben the wonk.

  9. Lalu says:

    When you have kids together… It’s really hard to just write someone off. They are still there even after the split and you still have to deal with them. I think if parents can work it out… That’s usually in everyone’s best interest.
    I know a lot of people think ill of Jennifer and call her a door mat. Sometimes it takes a lot more guts to stay, especially after the cat’s out of the bag.
    I wish them luck. Relationships aren’t always easy.

    • JoJo says:

      I understand the whole “it takes a lot more guts to stay” take on it. I’ve been through a similar situation and others in my close family have as well. I’m totally on board with second chances and agree that staying can absolutely be a hard but right choice. That said, it can also be just as tough to make a final break, but sometimes that is the right decision and that also takes a huge amount of courage. Every situation is different.

  10. Louise says:

    I think Jen has been friendzoned into oblivion. He talks about her as a mom etc. I also think he has banged Sienna Miller, even just once or twice judging by those photos in the Daily Fail., body language and all that. Jen would take him back in a heartbeat as she loves being the Hollywood wife. He just feels like crap and can’t bring himself to file and he is in no rush with perhaps noone serious so is letting it run.

    • Lalu says:

      She loves being the Hollywood wife?
      I don’t really care about either of them but some of the things said about her here really annoy me. Maybe she just loves him. Maybe she loves her family.

    • A says:

      Sienna says it’s a brother-sister vibe between them.

      • M says:

        So naive, lol. She basically confirmed for me that they’ve hooked up with that line. Sure Jan dot gif.

  11. Ramona says:

    According to this interview, they spent the holidays together again. Along with Matt and Cassies families. I think they are together and probably still working on it in therapy hence the reluctance to make official appearances together. Either that or they are having an extremely loving divorce in which case, I think they deserve more credit for this.

    • JoJo says:

      Casey is getting divorced too, so his estranged wife very likely was there with the kids as well, just like Jen. They’ve spent every holiday together since the split, including with their respective families, so that’s nothing new. As for the cooking, he was asked a point blank question about who does it. I don’t think his answer implied any great level of intimacy.

      • Ramona says:

        I have seen no report that Joaquins sister was there. Where did you get that from?
        In any case, even if she was it has nothing to do with these two who have continued to circle each other without filing for divorce for almost two years now. Face it, they are not making room for new people because as CB said, they are tentatively together.

      • M says:

        @Ramona The interview in Hollywood Reporter (I think that was it, will check) mentioned that Matt and Casey “and their wives and kids” were in Montana.

  12. Lola says:

    He’s joking about the cleaning, they have a full household staff.
    He vacations with the family but he’s with Sienna Miller now.

    • ScotiaGirl says:

      and you know this for a fact – that he’s with Sienna?

    • J says:

      An article on Pop Sugar yesterday said that Sienna is officially seeing someone else

      • ScotiaGirl says:

        And did they say that someone else is Ben Affleck?Sorry just saw that they said she was dating Bennet Miller and that is who you probably mean by someone else.

  13. Jenfan says:

    Cute interview – but I’m sure the questions are carefully vetted. Otherwise we would have the answers to – so how does coparenting work – do you have your own wing to the house? Do you switch off days with who gets the kids? Do the kids stay at your place? Can you give advice to other separated / divorced parents on how to keep it friendly and great for the kids? Or alternatively, Are you and Jen actually going to get divorced? Rumor has it your back together – what are your comments on that? Now the answers to those questions would have cleared the muddied waters. Either we would get “coparenting answers also Gwenth Paltrow, who has talked extensively about how they do it”. Or definitive answers to are you really still getting divorced?

    • JoJo says:

      I’m kind of curious about the sudden 360 with Daily Mail pics of Jen going to gym, to school, etc. Obviously better for the kids but a complete reversal from history.

      • Jenfan says:

        @jojo the pictures are being taken…DM does not seem to be buying them in the same way they were last year. Who knows maybe Ben and Jen threatened suit? I think from the fact that in December they were taking measures to try to shield the kids from photogs at Church – maybe it’s really beginning to effect them. Or maybe DM not getting so many clicks so they are looking elsewhere

      • JoJo says:

        @JenFan – Are they being taken though? I don’t see any of their usual school runs. Also, why does Zimbio pull them down after a few hours? Saw the ones of Jen and Sam this morning, but now they’re gone. I think the laws only say paps have to maintain a certain distance, so I wonder how they could threaten to file suit.

      • Jenfan says:

        I don’t know why zimbio pulls them down – but that is the way it has been for months. There are pics of the school runs out there with Jen / Sam / jen’s bff on Jennifer garner fan sites.

      • M says:

        Story fatigue. How many gym and coffee strolls does the world need of this person? They must not be getting the clicks and there are actual interesting people that they could post instead. Jen does not have anything going on in her life and every article is basically copy/paste from the one prior to it. Zzzz.

    • Kate says:

      The fact that he was willing to do an interview with a tabloid magazine is amazing in of itself. He clearly wanted to reach out to the demographic that reads these magazines, ME, if only to show that he’s a good father and has only good things to say about his estranged wife, Live By Night must really suck if he felt the need to do that. For Us weekly though that’s not a bad interview. Interesting that he never really addresses the separation or co-parenting, his answers are carefully worded and thoughtful, maybe honest too. He mentions he feels better about his life now everyday, which I read to mean that he is at peace with his life now and the choice that he made to separate. I do not think that he and Jen are ever reconciling, they are just being more private about there separation and the details. I hope Ben files for divorce soon, early this year, and they can close this chapter of their lives and move on, in California you can only have one petitioner, and since Ben is the one that wanted the divorce he should be the one to file. I truly believe they will both be happier when that’s finally done and over with.
      I saw some pics of Ben, Sienna, Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone taping the Graham Norton Show, and OMG Ben looks a mess, he looks bloated and his eyes are blood shot, it doesn’t help that he’s sitting with Ryan Gosling who looks gorgeous. Ben clearly had fun at the after party of his premiere, if he and Sienna hook up, good for them, maybe she’ll be a positive influence…..yeah. So much for the detox nurse.
      Live By Night is expected flop and will probably not make it’s budget, they also spent a lot on marketing so it will be considered a failure, Ben’s first as a director. Rotten Tomatoes score can’t even make it past 35%. Pretty sucky when one of the worse things about the movie you directed, wrote, produced and star in is you. No wonder he’s hitting the bottle hard.

      • JoJo says:

        @Kate – I don’t know about Sienna and Ben, but I did think their body language on the London red carpet was something Ben might have carefully avoided if he was reconciling with Jen. The whispering in her ear and putting his jacket around her with his arm still in it – even if innocent, don’t seem like things you’d want to do if you’re trying to instill trust in a broken marriage. Just too much room for misinterpretation, especially if the spouse isn’t there too.

        A random side note. I was just looking on IG and saw that Jen actually has a page. After Thanksgiving, she posted a saying, “Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.” Thought that was interesting – could choose to read into it … or not.

      • Kate says:

        @JoJo Is it really Jen’s certified Instagram page or is it a fanpage? I don’t remember her saying she was on Instagram. I know Matt Damon said he had a private Instagram page but that was for friends and relatives only as opposed to being for self promotion.
        What are your thoughts about Live By Night? If it does flop what do you think Ben’s career strategy will be? I know your a huge Ben fan, I’m meh with him, I liked him more because of Jen, now I just can’t with her either one, Jen disappoints me because she gave up her career so Ben could salvage his, now she has nothing, no career, no man.

      • JoJo says:

        @Kate – It’s @jennifer.garner. Now I’m not sure. The posts are written as though it’s her page, but maybe it’s misleading and is a fan page. She apparently did a Treasure Hunt at the Met in NYC, and that photo tagged the jennifer.garner account, so I assumed it was real. Probably a dumb assumption.

        Re: LBN, I’m not big into gangster movies, but I’ll still see it. I think Ben will be ok even if LBN fails. He hasn’t had a directing flop yet, so it was bound to happen at some point. The reviews have some bright spots even though overall relatively negative – just seems like he tried to do too much. My guess is he’ll do more and more directing and less acting. I hope he focuses more on independent movies vs. big studio/superhero stuff.

      • Jenfan says:

        I don’t think Jen really gave up her career for him. I think she pulled back to be a Mother to her kids. She has said in interviews that after she had her children her ambition shifted away from career and toward family. Like many of us balancing a career and being a mom is a challenge. You can not be good at everything – either one thing suffers – or everything suffers. It’s a fine line to walk even with loads of help. I think she also went full on in support of him – an investment she probably struggles with till today. I think her career oportunities are limited today, like most actresses over 40. And as far as a man, if she ever moves on from Ben, I’m sure she will find someone great. She is beautiful and comes off as nice a nurturing (though we don’t really know).

        I’m not the biggest fan of Ben – but I feel bad for him if LBN flops – and it looks like it will. This was totally his baby and was involved with it for a long time.

        Anyone see the full pat down Ben got from the TSA at LAX?

        Also I think that Instagram is a fan site.

      • M says:

        I saw that instagram and it has like 80k followers. It’s not verified and I don’t think Garner is someone who wouldn’t verify a social media page. It’s a fanpage and it’s pretty creepy IMO.

  14. Who ARE These People? says:

    On Pizza Nite Chez WATP, there’s this guy who goes downstairs from the home office to make the pizza.

  15. jensays says:

    lol maybe it’s an LA/OC thing? I have a few friends that for either birthday parties or sporting events /gatherings at the home they had a guy come and do gourmet pizza. it’s kinda like building your own pizza but they teach you how to do the dough and bring all the toppings so that you don’t have to worry about buying enough sauce or have bags of shredded mozz in your fridge for months. My mom and her friends were the ones who first told me about it actually and they are all in their 50-60’s. They have this young guy make them pizzas and drink wine – not a bad set up i think. Prices can range – like for my friends b-day party, i think it was like $100 for 2/3 hours and a set cost for food based on people (again the guy/girl brings all the tools and pizza stones, cutters, etc.). I know it can be higher $$-wise (as is probably the case with Ben & Jen) but its a fun experience.

  16. enora says:

    ahahah! we can tell! how much did he put on!?

  17. Jane says:

    Ben got a flop on his hands with Live By Night, karma is truly a bitch, he put everything into promoting this stinker including print interviews with tabloid magazines, but in the end it didn’t matter his latest vanity project is a complete and utter fail. Look at him now, how broken and miserable he is. When he won the Oscar for ARGO, he thought he was the ultimate sh!t, didn’t feel the need for Jen and discarded her like a she was nothing, ignored, neglected and cheated on her, made life so horrible for her she had no choice but to separate from him, he got what he wanted then he f’d it up by sleeping with his kid’s nanny, and his plans blew up in his face. He didn’t expect this, now the pressure to direct the best Batman movie ever and be the best Batman ever is more than he bargained for..tsk tsk tsk. Let’s see how he holds up, take to the bottle even more, finally divorce the mother of his kids and get on with his life, that’s what he needs to do but is too much of a p@ssy to do it.

    • A says:

      “Look at him now, how broken and miserable he is … Let’s see how he holds up, take to the bottle even more”

      I’m not sure if that’s what you meant, but goading someone to start drinking again is not a good look.

  18. S says:

    They both have crying eyes.

  19. M says:

    Best mom in the world, best cook… he truly only values her domestic abilities and that’s as far as it goes. Hollow words IMO. His actions with Sienna Miller do not seem like those of a man who is trying to reconcile with his wife. He would be very mindful of physical things (his hand is practically on her breast in one pic, and instead of taking his coat off for her like a gentleman, he pulls her in for a snuggle). He clearly does not care what Jen or anyone thinks. I don’t know if he and Sienna are ~together (she hasn’t been spotted with Bennett Miller in months, guys. lol) but I have no doubt that they’ve hooked up. She gazes at him like Jen used to. He gets off on that.

    As for this unexpected interview with a tabloid: I called this last week. He did this as a favor to them so they wouldn’t run anything about the detox nurse date. ‘Give us an interview and we won’t even allude to it.’ Nice. I also noticed that he’s referring to Jen as his kids’ mom not his wife.

    • Jenfan says:

      He actually gave US and People Mag (their’s is video) interviews. It’s surprising that the lower tier tabloids did not jump all over the sober nurse story

  20. JoJo says:

    It looks like he’s in Germany based on IG pics today. I do think it’s suspect that the DM has all of a sudden stopped running daily stories ever since Montana. I’m not sure it’s just click fatigue – there seem to be no school run or gym stroll stories all of a sudden since that time. The DM seems “Jen friendly” though, and they love to trash Ben. Wonder if Jen’s team made some kind of deal with them. It does seem like something has changed since Montana – no photos of them together at all. In the few you can find on IG, Jen looks down. Not sure if anything is going down with Sienna, but if Ben/Jen were actually reconciling, I’d think he’d be a lot more careful with his body langauage. In either case, I don’t see why either one should have to apologize to the media or the public. They’ve been separated for a long time. I don’t see why they don’t cut the cord at this point. I do believe they’ll both continue to be good co-parents either way.

    • Jenfan says:

      Looks like LBN is bombing at the box office. Sorry for Ben, but maybe as another poster says he can learn some lessons from this.

      have you actually found photos on IG of Ben and Jen in 2017 together?

      Ben seems to be in Germany today and headed to Paris tomorrow and Monday per Twitter postings.
      Let’s see if he lays low when he returns to the U.S. This has got to be tough on him.
      Also I saw a clip of the graham Norton show – where Ryan and Emma are clearly drinking wine and Ben is drinking coke (or do it looks)…,maybe he really is trying to stay sober.
      Who knows what went down in Montana – maybe he got drunk after reading the terrible reviews on LBN – and Jen told him to sober up or risk supervised visitation.

      • JoJo says:

        @JenFan – No, I haven’t seen any pics of them together in 2017, even on IG. They’re all separate. It seems like something did change. Even if she told him to sober up, if they’re on track to reconciling, I can’t imagine she would be at all happy with all of the buzz and innuendo with Sienna. After the nanny, I would imagine she would be hyper-sensitive to these kinds of flirtatious public displays, even if innocent. At some point, I would imagine she just needs to pull the plug (or he does.) I wouldn’t doubt if it’s true that he did offer to give some [albeit lightweight, softball-question] interviews to People and US in exchange for not talking about the sober coach. It almost seems like there’s some kind of moratorium on the typical coverage of them since Montana. I wouldn’t doubt if Ben’s team (including WB) has that kind of pull. Remember that story over the summer that he was spotted with a blond in Miami in an uber – it disappeared from the blog pretty quickly, and Lainey has talked a lot about the kinds of backdoor deals and power plays that go on in terms of what the tabloids/entertainment media cover and what celebs’ teams can shut down, especially with someone like Ben.

  21. Kate says:

    Ben is no different than his brother Casey when it comes to sexually harassing women in the work place, he hooked up with Blake Lively while shooting The Town, got Emily Ratatata a role in Gone Girl just so he can molest her boobs and he shoots a nine hour sex scene with Sienna Miller, I mean c’mon?? Who does that but a sexual predator. Not to mention he slept with his kids nanny, who knows how many of their nannies he slept with, we just know of one that decided to out him and she had receipts. Ben is getting his, this is Karma, he thought that since The Accountant was a hit there was no way LBN was going to bomb and yet it did , It bombed big time and it was his worse reviewed movie he directed, it was trashed. Now he’s getting all irritated with the constant Batman questions, he’s going to end up hating the day he signed up for Batman, he might even hate it as much as he hates Daredevil. It’s good for Ben to go through this to take a hard look at his life and how treats the people in his life, the impression he leaves on his kids who will no doubt learn about their pervert father. He’s now for sure on a downward spiral, he had it coming.

    • Ana says:

      Yup! He loves incorporating sex scenes in his movies even if unnecessary. I thought it was weird and creepy. There is just something wrong with him and I believe it finally caught up with him. I wonder if WB paid Daily Mail to not publish pictures of Jen and kids while he was promoting his stinker LBN. I hope this time he will file for divorce since he will be free for a while and maybe take a break with whoever he is with nowadays. It could be Sienna (they are alike anyway…not in a good way) or the sober nurse or the nanny. So many options. Just leave Jen alone. I think she has left that marriage a long time ago but they have kids together.

    • A says:

      It’s important to use language surrounding sexual harrassment carefully. An affair with Blake Lively or nannies is consensual sex. Fondling Emily R’s boobs for a movie scene is not molestation. Victims of sexual assault and harassment deserve better than for us to throw those terms around casually.

      Not sure where this Daily Mail ‘Jennifer blackout’ theory came from. The family were in Montana in early January. Since they’ve come back, Jennifer has been on the DM multiple times:

      5 January – Jennifer getting coffee alone
      6 January – Jennifer walking with Sam in the rain
      7 January – Jennifer at LAX with Seraphina
      8 Janauary – Jennifer walking in snowy NYC with Seraphina
      12 January – Jennifer out with Sam in LA

      So on balance, it’s safe to assume Ben didn’t ask WB to pay the DM not to show pictures of his family. At least commentators can’t accuse Ben of being photographed with his family to promote his movie because he managed to avoid being photographed with them in the past fortnight.

      • JoJo says:

        @A – DM may have included a photo of Jen here and there into stories about Ben on the dates you mention above. I’m not sure – too hard to check. But it’s completely different than what DM has done
        day after day after day after day – for years – which is run a daily story on Jen and her gym stroll or school pickup, etc. You could almost set a clock to it. That has not happened since they got back, except Jan. 5 (getting coffee alone) and Jan. 8 (in NYC.) I actually like Ben, but it would be naive to think that celeb PR teams and studios don’t have influence over the media. You kill this story, I’ll give you this one, you stop covering this, I’ll give you this; or … if you don’t stop covering this, you won’t have access to this again, etc.

  22. Charlotte says:

    Gossip Cop debunks news that Garner is “disgusted” that Miller was “all over” Affleck at the film’s premiere and that Garner was also “none too pleased” that Sienna talked about her sex scenes with Ben. GC says it s beyond ridiculous. Once again no mention if their divorce is still on or not. IMO this is very telling

    • Jenfan says:

      Agree, except this has been going on so long…how long can a couple remain as they do…not officially together..not visibly with anyone else.

      I think the one thing you did not hear from Ben on this whole press tour is “how great their separation is working ala coparenting”
      He spoke a lot about how his kids and his family is his priority. Mentioned here and there how Jen is a great mom and a great cook. I do think if he was actually able to directly address, how they have been able to re-define their relationship to being great friends to raise their children together. To admit that it’s really tough to do, but they are doing it – I think there would a lot less conjecture. But truthfully the only way that we will all stop wondering is, if either they actually file for divorce or if one of them has a public significant other.

    • Joni says:

      Sorry to burst your bubble, but GossipCop isn’t always accurate because their denials come straight from pr reps. They also said the detox nurse was a “family friend”, lol. What’s really telling is how fast her team went to GC to debunk this story. Methinks the lady doth protest too much…

      • Jenfan says:

        It’s actually not that fast, that cdl article was out last Tuesday or wed after the Monday la junket and premier.

      • Joni says:

        The article was posted on Wednesday and it was about the LA premiere, not the London one where they were even more cozy. My point is, cdl is irrelevant and I don’t know why her reps would give them the time of day. They were so bothered by it that they had to respond.

    • A says:

      The obvious GossipCop denial would have been to say was “Who cares? They’ve been separated for 18 months.” Telling that they have stopped mentioning the divorce.

      Ben gushed about what an “incredible” actress Jennifer is in another interview today (brought her up voluntarily in response to a question about the jobs he’s offered as he ages)

      • Jenfan says:

        Which interview ?

      • A says:

        With El Mundo

      • Jenfan says:

        So I read the translated el Mundo interview (was in Spanish). He actually says a lot of interesting things in it. None of it will make headlines here because it was in Spanish. In terms of Ben calling Jen an incredible actress, it was in the context of what roles are available to him as he ages. He volunteers that it is much harder for women as they age and cites Jen as an example of an incredible actress who he sees the number of roles that are offered / available are much fewer in number than what are available to him. (Again this was translated so it may have lost something in the translation).
        What I would comment here is that what this says to me is that He and Jen are a part of each other’s lives beyond coparenting. Their discussions extend beyond exclusively child care and parenting. Does it mean their together not necessarily – but a part of each other’s lives beyond the bare minimum necessary.

      • JoJo says:

        I think that is somewhat obvious considering they go on trips together and still live on the same property, etc. And they have both already publicly stated on several occasions that they remain good friends. There was a new blind yesterday about Ben in Germany – who knows if true. Also, I don’t care what silly comment Gossip Cop got, I would bet my house on the fact that Jen absolutely was “disgusted” by the Ben and Sienna vibe on the tour and all of the sex scene headlines. It had to be humiliating, after everything that’s happened. And I still am intrigued by what’s going on with the DM moratorium – willing to bet something specific happened there and that there’s a definite reason behind it. No pictures of Jen with Violet and Sera (except NYC) since they got back.

      • A says:

        I think that the children have become really upset by it I’m the last year – constantly making faces, shouting at photographers, running ahead of Ben and Jennifer to get out of shot. They started to make changes last year with the use of a driver’securrity guard and it’s possible they’re starting off the new year with new ways to protect the kids.

      • JoJo says:

        Yeah, something’s going on. Zimbio posted pics of Jen and Sam yesterday morning, but they were gone a few hours later. I’m wondering if they tried to shut stuff down after the sober coach story on DM – because that story never got wider pick up, and also the paps would probably be yelling things out to them about whether Ben is sober, getting help, etc. and I’m sure they don’t want the kids hearing that stuff.

  23. JoJo says:

    Gossip Cop is not an indicator of anything. Gossip Cop also posted a denial that they were separating right before they issued their statement about divorcing. Personally, I think it looks incredibly silly how they keep denying that REALLY, REALLY,, BELIEVE US, Jen is not upset over JLo, or Anna K or Sienna, etc. If she doesn’t care, then just ignore it. It looks desperate. As for the pics on the red carpet with Sienna, I showed them to my husband (who doesn’t really give a toss about any of this of course :)), and asked what he thought. Straight away he said oh yeah, they may or may not have had anything going on (now or in the past) but that if he is with Jen, the pics seem a bit inappropriate (look too cozy, too firty, even if innocent.) They didn’t look like a man trying to get back with an estranged wife. He was like, oh yeah, that’s over or they have an understanding (him and Jen.) That’s just one man’s opinion of course, but it’s probably as good a guess as any of ours. The people who want to believe Ben/Jen are a fairy tale couple will interpret every breath, every glance and every word uttered as proof that they’re getting back together and those that don’t will read the opposite. I personally think the stuff with Sienna is likely pretty innocent, but at the same time, I also think that it sort of says something about the state of his relationship with Jen. I don’t see a shred of romance between Ben and Jen and haven’t for a very long time – they seem more like friends or brother/sister to me at this point. But then, I always thought they were an odd match. Kind of like Marha Stewart and Anthony Bourdain. 🙂

    • Joni says:


    • Charlotte says:

      I am aware that the GC is not always reliable and often makes some adjustments maybe depending on how the denial should be perceived by public. But it’s true that in recent times the word Divorce no longer ‘appears,while a few months ago, the concluding sentence was always the same:”the divorce is still on”.

  24. Jenfan says:

    Gossip cop strikes again, denying that Jen told Ben to quit drinking or move out of the house.

    Interesting – I thought the line was that Ben lived in another house on the same property – but per this denial he seems to live in the mansion with them. I guess when you live in a really big place – there is room for both exes to have their own corners to retreat to.