James McAvoy on the inauguration: ‘I’m not American, so it’s your f–king problem’


Here are some photos from Wednesday night’s New York premiere of Split, the horror-thriller movie from M. Night Shyamalan. I’m including photos of Night, star actresses Haley Lu Richardson and Anya Taylor-Joy and of course the lead, James McAvoy. Variety went to the small-ish premiere and they asked McAvoy, who is a Scotsman, if he had any plans for today’s inauguration. He told Variety that he’s “not really publicly political” and then he added: “By the way, I’m not American, so it’s your f—in’ problem.” OUCH. Not for nothing, but Mr. Brexit is coming for you too, McAvoy.

For what it’s worth, Split does look like a good horror-thriller, and the reviews have been overwhelmingly positive. McAvoy’s performance – as a villain with multiple personalities – has been singled out, and critics are calling this film Shyamalan’s return to form. Rotten Tomatoes has it at 80%, which is pretty good.

McAvoy was also on the Tonight Show on Wednesday night and he played a game with Jimmy Fallon. McAvoy won! He can suck ramen noodles really quickly.

Photos courtesy of Getty, WENN.

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146 Responses to “James McAvoy on the inauguration: ‘I’m not American, so it’s your f–king problem’”

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  1. Sam says:

    I always find it amusing when a reporter asks an actor or actress that’s not American, about American Politics and how they feel about it. Mostly because I’m always interested to hear the responses.

    • Esmom says:

      I don’t know, it’s not like he hasn’t benefitted from Hollywood, for starters. It doesn’t seem so crazy to ask him his thoughts.

      • Betsy says:

        This. Now a “man on the street” in London or Rome would be kind of dumb, but if they work here, I’d expect them to have some kind of opinion. Since we make them answer questions.

      • Kitten says:

        Agree completely. Shit like this doesn’t happen in a vacuum and conversely, it doesn’t remain in a vacuum. Trump’s presidency will affect the world.

        @Esmom-I was hoping you’d be here because I know you listen to Fresh Air. Did you listen to the latest about Trump’s business conflicts of interest? Listened to it on my run this morning and HOLY SHIT. Tinkles is definitely going to get impeached.

      • Esmom says:

        Hey Kitten, I did indeed. Appalling. Crazy. I wish I could believe that he’ll be impeached but I trust the powers that be in this national nightmare about as far as I can throw them. Just the other day I said something to my son about how he’ll probably be impeached and he laughed and said “but you said he’d never be elected and look what happened.”

      • Megan says:

        Sorry, James, this is your problem. Whatever war Trump starts (and he will start a war), there is a good chance Britain will get sucked in, too. Remember Afghanistan?

      • Kitten says:

        @Esmom-I’m still kind of reeling from it. I knew it was bad but I didn’t realize the extent. I don’t know how he’ll be able to run this country when the lawsuits start pouring in. God, what a f*cking mess. I’m still so angry that we let this happen..

      • Esmom says:

        Kitten, that’s what’s so frustrating. Even when he’s blatantly unconstitutional, all we’ve been able to do is stand by helplessly while he gets away with stuff no other candidate/PEOTUS has ever been allowed.

      • Rose says:

        At least he admits that he doesn’t really care. But I wish the rest of them would stop thinking that their opinions are worth a sh#t because they have a soap box. I don’t care what a performer thinks. They are not economists, or political scientists. For the most part they a stupid. Being photogenic or a musician doesn’t make them smart. Having a platform to broadcast their rantings does not make their mental vomit valid.

      • Flan says:


        And it’s not like the Americans haven’t benefitted from Gambia and the people that were abducted from there and sold as slaves.

        Yet, that doesn’t mean all Americans should have an opinion on what is going on there now, does it?

        What I mean to say is that everything that happens in the US is overreported in other countries and we shouldn’t all be required to have opinions on it. It’s good to read about the major things and discuss it in more detail when specifically going to American websites likes the excellent Celebitchy. However, we are entitled to not have to constantly have opinions on something we had no influence on.

      • AnneC says:

        @kitten and @esmon
        Another really good overview of Trump’s business/ethics issues is the Jan 12 podcast, Pod Save America. It’s a bunch of Obama people (used to be called keeping it 1600) and they interview Obama’s ethics czar about Trump’s upcoming legal issues. Really interesting and shocking and I’m keeping my fingers crossed for lots of lawsuits brought on by various groups and state attorney-generals.

      • Sunglasses Aready says:

        @Meghan. If there’s a war caused by the US. It’s a US problem. A lot of people in the UK will protest and urge the UK government against this because bottom line Trump is a draft dodger.

    • Miss Jupitero says:


      What can one possibly say? Mr. McAvoy, actually this election affects absolutely everyone in the world, including you– though given your pink bubble of privilege, you will probably suffer least.

      And there goes my old mild McAvoy crush, crumbling into dust.

    • Josefina says:

      I don’t think he meant it that literal. I think it was probably more along the lines of “you dug that hole, now you figure out how to fill it back”. You know that thing they do in the military when one recruit messes up and they punish everyone else instead? This feels a little bit like that, so I can understand if he’s all “fuck you” about the subject. Discussing Trump for us non-Americans is extremely stressful because we had zero fault in this, and there is nothing we can do.

    • Agapanthus says:

      I would be very, very surprised if he isn’t left leaning, so he will be horrified about what has happenend to America. However, I think a lot of well-known people are truly afraid to speak their mind about politics for fear of a backlash, which could affect their career, rightly or wrongly. Remember Blunt, Streep, the Dixie Chicks etc?!

      It’s a bit different here in the UK in that you can be openly critical of politicians or the country without being labled as un-patriotic or there being any kind of negative impact on your work. Not saying this is right or wrong, just the way it is.

      • ichsi says:

        He is very left-leaning and this is a quote from an unrecorded red carpet interview. I think a lot of people assume he was pissed off at the question because he swore, but that guy swears with every other breath he takes. So there’s a million ways this could have been meant. And yeah, him not wanting to piss off anyone at the premiere of his new movie is one of them.

      • Really? says:

        Isn’t this his oblique way of saying Trump is a problem, but he isn’t going to do anything about it? Just like more than a few Americans think Brexit is a terrible idea, but we’re not getting involved in another country’s policies? What would he, a non-voter, really accomplish by flat out stating that if he could, he would’ve voted for Hillary? At least he isn’t lecturing us on how liberals are smug and should feel sorry for downtrodden, poor racists (side eye: Jon Stewart, Anthony Bourdain, Zoe Saldana).

    • A mascarada says:

      Yeah, and it would be interesting to hear what American actresses and actors have to say about Brexit, Middle East and Africa migrants fatalities in the Mediterranean and the rise of extreme right parties in Europe… don’t they care? Why nobody asks them this questions? Heh.

    • Kimble says:

      It’s because America is the center of the universe, dontchaknow?

  2. juice says:

    i don’t know… i’m not american either, but this does feel like my problem as well. i’m pretty sure whatever the american president does has an impact globally, and i’m not looking forward to the fire and brimstone that is about to be unleashed on us all.

    • GreenieWeenie says:

      Idk, I’ve been wanting to free myself from the tyranny of being forced to opine on American politics. Because I’m so sick of being forced into political discourse between a grand total of two rather narrow political perspectives, neither of which comes close to my own. The US impacts everyone else, sure, but my God, we have got to liberate ourselves from American politics.

      • Prairiegirl says:

        Especially when we have no practical influence on the outcome i.e., we foreigners don’t get a vote in American elections. Feels a heck of a lot like ‘taxation without representation’ sometimes, given the impact of US foreign policy on the rest of us.

      • Matomeda says:

        +1 greenieweenie

    • tracking says:

      Cozying up to Putin and looking the other way while he conspires with far-right groups to destabilize the EU is a problem for all.

    • Londerland says:

      Ditto, Juice. This is everyone’s problem.

      Although maybe he meant “I’m not American, so thankfully I don’t have to watch the inauguration, that’s your problem”? The question was about the inauguration rather than the presidency…

      I read a fun/terrifying quote the other day from some Intel guy, some former high-up in the CIA or something, about how many people had jokingly asked him about the nuclear codes since Trump was elected – “hey Dave, come on, I know we all say the president has his finger on the button, but that’s not really true, is it? He can’t just push a button, can he? There are safeguards in place?” And his response was basically, “Yes, there are safeguards. We call them elections. It’s up to you to make sure you elect someone you trust with that kind of power, to make that kind of decision.” Soooo…yeah.

    • Crox says:

      I really like this metaphor (it was used in a different context, but it works here too): Trump as of right now is the pilot of the plane all US citizens are on. If he fails, USA will crash. But we, the rest of the world, are the place where his plane will crash and burry us beneath the ruins.

    • Saks says:

      Agree. In my case, I am Mexican so this is my problem too, everything that happens in the US affects my country (our currency is currently crazy because of Cheetolini) . We followed the election as it was ours and we are scared sh*tless with the outcome.

      I think James answer is very shallow, this election is everyone’s problem since US actions affects everyone in the world. And in another level it can be analized as a mirror to whats happening in Europe and because some analyst are saying he might lead to a world war.

  3. Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

    Indeed – I worry about how he will interfere in the negotiations as per instructions from his master, Putin, who hates the EU and would love to bring it down.

  4. Honest B says:

    Yep I’m not American either! Agree with him!

    • vauvert says:

      Great, I’m not American either but I am worried… so can I get a share in your atomic bunker? Or whatever backup plan that you have where you will be safe in case of another world war, or massive economic downturn, or whatever else this idiot can unleash upon all of us? Thanks.

      • Honest B says:

        Actually funny story I actually do have a bunker in my backyard. And yes you are welcome to join me there.

    • WeAreAllMadeOfStars says:

      So? The English press loves to talk down to American celebs, whom they of course are actively choosing to interview, by asking them all manner of non-Hollywood related questions in an attempt to trip them up and make them look stupid. The guy was asked a simple softball question from the country which has paid him millions to do the stupidest and most overcompensated job on earth. All he had to do was say, “I keep out of politics, thanks.” His answer revealed him to be a rank snob and an idiot who isn’t bright enough to care that the scope of the American presidency influences everyone, himself included. As Trump himself likes to say…. Sad.

      • Flan says:

        The English press likes to talk down to anyone, most especially English celebs.

        The US and its issues is talked about plenty in other countries. Don’t be offended when someone gets sick hearing or being asked about it. There are loads of other important things going on in other corners of the world that don’t get nearly as much attention.

      • Tina says:

        @Flan, I know you didn’t mean it this way, but I am laughing imagining the vitriol of James McAvoy’s response if he were described as an “English celeb.”

  5. TheOtherMaria says:

    I cannot knock this man for not talking about American politics….

    Either way, he’d be roasted.

    • Willow says:

      I know he is loved in these parts but he has always come across to me as quite arrogant and the sort of person who would have a hissy fit if you did something he didn’t like. He’s funny and pretty good actor but I think there is a much more tightly wound person underneath his family man persona.

      • Kitten says:

        I too have never understood the worship. Great actor but he’s always seemed like he has a stick up his ass to me.

      • CL says:

        I think his family man person was shattered when he and his wife split last year.

    • original kay says:

      a simple “I’m not well versed enough to have that conversation” or something of the like, would suffice.

      To blow it off like he has better things to do, like it’s beneath him, like it doesn’t touch his life so lucky him, is arrogant, self serving, and disgraceful.

      • Esmom says:

        I agree. I’ve generally liked him but his response really turned me off.

      • Nicole says:

        Idk if I was a foreigner always asked about American politics I would be annoyed too. Mostly because America is quite self centered to think everyone has an opinion on what they do. I’m sure more people will worry once we tiptoe closer to starting a war but if I was foreign I would want to ignore it for now.
        Heck I’m American and I want to ignore it. Sadly I cannot

      • OhDear says:

        Also agreed. I get what he meant, but he should have said it less rudely.

    • kri says:

      It seems he is cooking nicely already.

  6. TheSageM says:

    I’m originally from South America. I have experienced first hand what American foreign policy can do. We had military dictatorships for decades, which were subsidised by the US, just because the people in my country had had the audacity to vote for left wing governments. These dictatorships killed tens of thousands of my fellow countrymen/women, and took us to the brink of bankruptcy.

    • Patricia says:

      I think it’s stupid not to be worried about the current political situation, the US interferes in the politics of the countries aggressively, this happened in my country in the 50’s and it happened now, in 2016.
      I see a conservative extreme right taking power aggressively, the return of this conservative right already brings consequences such as racism, prejudice, machismo and this belief in a class supremacy.
      The world is a sad place, the ugliest thing in people is coming to the public, not afraid to expose yourself.
      I am sad, very sad.

      • Kitten says:

        Get ready for the interference to reach epic proportions because while American presidents are not permitted to receive cash/benefits from foreign governments, Trump is currently-and will continue to-receive a steady flow of cash from various foreign governments. If McAvoy or anyone else here is dumb enough to think that won’t affect the world, then I don’t know what to tell you.

    • TM says:

      And now Russia is doing the same to the US. Putin is playing the US government by the CIA handbook.

    • kri says:

      @The SageM-what an amazing point to make. So, SA (and other countries/regions) have been dragged into and subjected to, many decades of intolerable misuse/abuse due to American/European interference. It is awful and true. Which is why I am in favor of the US removing itself as much as possible from any and foreign intrusion/conflict. Any nation or body not directly attacked should not be influencing/stealing/interfering in another country.

    • Saks says:

      This. My country’s crisis has worsened since the election. Most people are very scared because Mexican economy wont be able to survive this crisis for much longer and the US have a big (and mostly negative) influence on Mexican politics. So I agree, this election felt personal

      • Lacia Can says:

        I’m sorry about that, Saks. Canada’s economy is strong enough to withstand a few years of trump, but if he gets a second turn, we’ll likely see some serious problems. the words his trade pick has said about NAFTA – fixing things in “our territory” (meaning that Canada and Mexico are US territory) are ominous. Our PM has made some moves that indicate he’s unwilling to take trump’s BS, but time will tell. Hopefully you’ve seen some signs of this with your own government.

  7. Sixer says:

    Dear James

    Take a look at this cartoon. It explains why it *is* your problem.




    • lightpurple says:

      Quite accurate I think.

      I’m going to disagree slightly with Bremmer’s top tweet this morning: “If you’re not following some people you dislike, you’re doing it wrong. I’m happy to help.” I get his point that one needs to know what those one dislikes are saying for multiple reasons. You need to know their reasoning and find commonalities if you’re ever going to reach a mutual agreement. You also need to know what they are doing in order to protect yourself. But, you can follow by checking without hitting the actual “follow” or “friend” button, so you don’t factor into their count.

      • Sixer says:

        Not sure I concur (although I only got that tweet via someone else’s feed, actually). I follow all sorts of people on social media – far worse to live in an echo chamber than to see the conversations people you don’t agree with are having in their own echo chambers. Otherwise how do you know what you’re arguing against as you say? Also, online life is unpleasantly tribal but there are rare occasions when you can actually have a productive exchange of views with someone you steadfastly oppose. I’m not that fussed about adding 1 to someone’s follower count. That said, I wouldn’t follow outright racists or openly abusive people or similar.

      • GreenieWeenie says:

        I’m not a huge Bremmer fan. He reminds me of Thomas Friedman. Not an expert on a lot of the topics he talks about, but he comes across as though he is simply by selling the conversation.

      • lightpurple says:

        I check Paul Ryan (EVIL TROLL FROM HELL!!!)’s Twitter feed several times a day but I won’t give him the satisfaction of a follow. I then contact his office (futile lately as he has been blocking the phones) and of those he mentions. I’ve had a few interesting conversations with congressional staffers. He retweeted one Congressman’s statement (John Katko) that began “you know I stand against Obamacare …” but went on to say why the guy, a Republican, was not voting to repeal and he pretty much blasted Ryan. I think Ryan didn’t read past the first line. I called the guy’s office and had a very good conversation with one of his health care aides, which is unusual for someone to take the time for non-constituents. I don’t agree with him on most issues and not even fully on this one but we had a good discussion about those differences.

      • Sixer says:

        (I actually don’t know who Bremmer is!)

        Ah yes. I wouldn’t, for example, follow Nigel Farage but I would take note of what he says and what other people reply. I agree then, probably.

        What I meant was, to take one issue as an example, that I follow feminists who could be described as TERFs but also trans activists, gender-affirmative transwomen and even a few gender-critical transwomen. Interesting people, some of whom I agree with and some of whom I don’t. But sensible people with views they can argue, not the extreme fringes.

        I think the problem with social media is that the extreme fringes of any issue always have the loudest voices and dominate the conversation. Then current affairs TV shows book them because they think they will make good TV and what could have been a sensible debate between sensible but opposing viewpoints is not just polarised but polarised into two extreme positions hardly anybody holds. And they drag everyone else with them,whether everyone likes it or not.

  8. wood dragon says:

    Oh dear, dear, dear. This administration will be everyone’s problem and soon.

  9. Pip says:

    Of course it’s your (our) problem too, dickwad.

    Brexit. Trump. Not a good time for the world. & anything that allows Farage the oxygen of, well, oxygen, is a BAD THING in my book.


    PS: Sixer, have you seen that Arron Banks & Farage are hosting a party tonight in Washington. Here’s hoping for a giant meteor …

    • Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

      Have you seen the photo’s of Farage at the concert/party last night looking like the smugess little ?!@£$?!£$&*. I want to punch him in the face so bad but if i start i won’t stop 🙁

      • Pip says:

        I genuinely can’t look at the TV when any of these evil bastards are on – I’m only just starting to take my fingers out of my ears 🙁

        I’m usually a complete news junkie but I just can’t. Not yet.

        Today genuinely feels terrifying. Thinking of you all the other side of the pond …

    • Sixer says:

      I have seen. URGH. This is the other thing wrong with what McAvoy said – Banks and Farage are doing everything they can to ensure a post-Brexit Britain is a wasteland of a tax haven combined with an Atlantic Bridge for the wealthy fascists among us to make money out of. It does matter to us. And it does matter to all the Britons who voted Leave because they wanted more control over what happened to them, not less. Let alone those who voted Remain.

      • Pip says:

        I know. The thought that not only are we turning our back on the EU, which is tragic enough, but we’re about to jump into bed with the most appalling, despicable, unhinged POTUS of my lifetime makes me want to weep.

      • Sixer says:

        Look at that cartoon I posted upthread for the state that Europe is in (and it isn’t just us). If McAvoy doesn’t think he should have an opinion on Trump, he’s in dreamland.

    • Carryon says:

      You know what gets me the most about this? NIGEL FARAGE IS NOT ‘THE BREXIT LEADER’!!! This is the guy who stood for election for six or seven times and LOST. He got frozen out of the main campaign because he would hurt Leave campaign’s chances. Yet he goes to USA with Aaron Banks and hangs around like he succeeded at something and people believe it. The guy who can be considered ‘the brexit leader’ is Micheal Gove. From Boris Johnson’s recruit to ‘Take back control’. Everybody with a little interest in politics knows that. The fact that Farage can get away with lying about it and putting himself in ‘the leader’ position really does my head in.

      • SilverUnicorn says:

        However, Farage’s comment about May who stole his speech from him, well he said something right there.

        He’s not leading the country anfd he is not the Brexit leader, but there’s someone else who’s leading it for him: PM Theresa May.

  10. original kay says:

    Human rights violations are everyone’s problem. It is morally reprehensible to sit idly by. Those with privilege should be first in line to help those who do not have the resources available, and most often that is a voice that reaches nationally, globally.

    • Kitten says:

      ITA. Really tired of rich white men/women either lecturing all of us to “wait and see” or like McAvoy, saying “it’s not my problem”.

  11. teacakes says:

    I’m terrified but at the same time I can definitely see the pov of fellow non-Americans who say it’s not their problem.

    He didn’t say the UK didn’t have problems or was peachy, just that he doesn’t have to bother with the inauguration.

  12. Lucy2 says:

    I don’t blame him one bit for not wanting to discuss it, publicly or not. However, he is a fool if he truly believes that it will not affect the rest of the world.

  13. nemera34 says:

    Actually it is everyone’s problem. What happens in the USA will affect the world. Some people need to take off those glasses and see the truth.

  14. spidey says:

    I hate it whn actors get asked about politics if other countries. Best they can say is “I feel it would be rude of me to comment on them”.

  15. paranormalgirl says:

    Hope the Trump presidency doesn’t affect his paycheck on films made in the US, since babyfists has such disdain for Hollywood at the moment.

  16. RussianBlueCat says:

    If the United States was some small island in the middle of the ocean with no real presence on the world stage I could see why it would be easy to say “who cares what happens there?”
    The United States is a major world power, there is not a country on earth that is not touched by its influence whether socially, economically, militarily. Even countries like North Korea may hate the US , its leader is fond of Hollywood films and sports( basketball).
    With this inauraguation a person who has made some frightening and disturbing comments about what he would like to do once he takes office will be in control of nuclear weapons and guiding foreign policy.
    Some people say give him a chance and stop overreacting. Has he said or done anything to calm people’s fears? I am still waiting for someone to answer that question

  17. grabbyhands says:

    James, I love you but the fascist that takes the oath in a few hours is EVERYONE’S problem now. Count on it.

  18. Laura says:

    He could have been more polite, but I don’t see what the big deal is?? He was asked specifically about his plans for the inauguration, why would he have particular plans for today? Is the whole world supposed to stop today? I’m not American and trust me, nobody is excited about having an unhinged loon who doesn’t believe in climate change as president of the US, but we can’t act like the whole world is supposed to stop today. Expecting non-Americans to have strong feelings about the inauguration is kind of weird. He had opinions on Brexit and on the referendum for Scottish Independence so he’s definitely not out of loop or out of touch.

    • Shijel says:

      Ah. Much more eloquently put than what I managed to vomit out below.

      I do have strong feelings about the inauguration, but I very much dislike the implication that as a non-American, I’m supposed to hold my breath. I mean, I am, but I’m no fan of the sentiment. Like you said, the world is not supposed to stop just because of this.

      • Kitten says:

        I don’t think most of us here are saying that though–well, at least I’m not. I definitely don’t expect the rest of the world to be as invested or concerned about Trump’s presidency as we are. But I also don’t think people should be ignoring it, as McAvoy seems to imply.

        If I lived outside of the US I would just be relieved that I wasn’t dealing with this mess, yet aware of the Trump presidency’s ripple affect that will inevitably impact everyone.

        Mainly, I’m jealous of anyone who doesn’t have to live with the embarrassment and unavoidable danger that will result from having an unqualified, incompetent lunatic being chosen to lead a country.

      • Sixer says:

        I mean, I suppose one could argue it’s not the business of Johnny Foreigner if you guys vote for a President (and party) that wants to strip reproductive rights from women, gut what welfare you do have, and all the other awful but domestic things, and who embodies the personal traits of a bullying racist misogynist. I tend to an internationalist view of such things so I think I should be extending solidarity to all affected by such politicians and policies wherever they are in the world but I get it that some think it purely the business of Americans themselves.

        But international relations in a nuclear world matter to us all. Climate policy matters to us all. And I can’t see any rational argument that every world citizen shouldn’t weigh in about these things, particularly when the world’s only current superpower has elected an unstable buffoon.

      • Arpeggi says:

        @ Kitten, sadly, the rest of the world will be dealing with this mess. That’s what is terrifying/horrifying us. For instance, getting into an economic fight with China will affect worldwide economics, starting a war with Iran will lead to a massive clusterf&*k and the death of thousands of people that had no say in this election.

        That being said, I sort of understand McAvoy’s point. Non-Americans have tried to warn you about electing Trump, but in the end of the day, about of a third of the population stayed home instead of voting (I did my part as I bribed some of my US students into registering and voting using lemon squares and cupcakes), and Trump got in despite reports of Russian interference, bragging about assaulting women, the obvious risks of conflicts of interests and so on. And we can blame the Electoral College as much as we want, but let’s remember that terrible people were also elected in the Senate and Congress too. Americans created this mess and they should be the ones on dealing with it. All the rest of us can do is make sure that our governments don’t side with Trump, that we don’t let our home brand of extremists take power and request accountability from our elected officials. We’ll try to be good allies to the people fighting against injustice and for civil rights in the US, heck! I even donated to PP this morning because women everywhere should benefit from access to affordable healthcare just like I do in my country. But we non-US citizens can’t do more than that.

    • Laura says:

      @ Kitten @Sixer IMO we’re talking about two completely different issues. The journo question is absurd.
      I don’t know anybody who would dismiss the huge impact that US foreign policy has on the world, that’s why I said that the world is concerned about Trump. But I really dislike the assumption that anything happening in America is supposed to be the most newsworthy in other countries.
      We all followed the US elections very closely, but the inauguration is definitely not important in the grand scheme of things. Why should James have plans about the day of presidential inauguration of another country? Why should I care? Why did the journalist assumed that a person who doesn’t even live in the US would have strong feelings about a symbolic function?
      Realistically can you imagine an American actor being asked his plans about the inauguration day of another country? Please.

      • Kitten says:

        “We all followed the US elections very closely, but the inauguration is definitely not important in the grand scheme of things.”

        No. See, you got it backwards.
        Trump’s Inauguration may not seem important now, but his presidency absolutely WILL be important in the grand scheme of things.

        Don’t get me wrong–McAvoy has every right to not care, I’m certainly not stopping him–I’m simply saying that he’s wrong if he thinks Trump’s presidency won’t have an impact on a global scale–whether it’s the stock market, a recession, a war, his impeachment, whatever. Much like the passing of Brexit had an impact on the United States, whether we chose to be worried about it or not (I was very concerned myself).
        It’s simply a mistake to not recognize and be concerned with this wave of nationalism that is sweeping across the western world. And I don’t think anger about the US’s incessant need to be at the forefront of global politics is really a sufficient excuse to not care.

        The Inauguration might not seem like a big deal to him, but it’s symbolic of a gigantic shift in the United States. It marks the end to many democratic institutions that we’ve enjoyed for the past 8 years.

        That’s my last comment because truthfully, I don’t really care enough about James McAvoy to argue too hard about this, I’m just pointing out the obvious here. Now off to the open post about the Inauguration because this is the country I love that’s being torn apart.

      • Sixer says:

        Oh. I see. A bit like the assumption everyone will watch the eventual coronation of Charles Windsor when his mother dies (billions will but who cares)? The inauguration isn’t important as an event to non-Americans, even though the election was?

        But the question was just a proxy to ask McAvoy what he thinks about Trump, wasn’t it? He, presumably, would have answered the same if he’d been asked that directly last week.

      • Kitten says:

        Sorry this is my last LAST comment.
        @Sixer-Exactly. I do agree it was dumb in that obviously he wouldn’t have plans on American Inauguration. I think they hoped he would take the bait and talk shit about Trump.

        His response was fine, really, but it would have been great if he took the opportunity to talk shit about Trump, just because any time that happens it’s a good thing 😉

      • SilverUnicorn says:

        I didn’t watch it either. I cannot stomach Trump in any form on TV, plus media are bending forward to accommodate the OrangeLoompa.

        Sorry but I cannot condemn McAvoy in this instance.

        As a EU migrant to UK, you’ve no idea how many times I’ve been told I shouldn’t speak about Brexit and that if I don’t like it, I can always pi$$ off back to my own country or another.

  19. Aang says:

    Split looks way too scary and creepy for me. Enough real world scares to go around today. I’m going to see Hidden Figures later today, to take my mind off the horror.

    • Annetommy says:

      I love scary and creepy. I think it looks silly. Not a big fan, though I would recommend one of his earliest films “Inside I’m Dancing”.

  20. AnotherDirtyMartini says:

    Ha! I wouldn’t mind some empathy, but that headline made me laugh.

  21. robyn says:

    America is a super power and important to the world. Everyone in the world needs to be concerned and vigilant.

    In other words, that egomaniac bully America voted for potentially can cause difficulties for every country, except Russia, of course.

  22. Shijel says:

    I’m not American, but I am Baltic, and considering our incredibly bloody and horrible history with Misha to the East….. Baby Fists sure as hell is -my- problem. I like McAvoy a great deal, but I would expect him to extend some empathy towards those who will be affected by Baby Fists, americans and non-americans alike.

    ON THE OTHER HAND…. the US [sweeping generalisation, yes] has expected the rest of the world to be intimately familiar with the US politics and history long enough. So on the off-chance that McAvoy was just being cheeky because he as a non-US citizen was asked about yet another America-centric issue (that might just bleed out across the globe), I’ll laugh with him.

    I think I’ll still remain a bit more empathetic. Most of my friends live in the US, and they’re all the wrong colour, the wrong orientation, the wrong gender, the wrong class and I’m worried sick about them.

    • Kitten says:

      I’m Lithuanian (Esmom is too)–both my grandparents on my dad’s side were born there.
      I’m curious as to what the general feeling is out there regarding Trump’s connection to Putin.
      Any thoughts?

  23. Izzy says:

    When a new era of McCarthy witch hunts takes root in Hollywood – like it’s already begun to in academia and the free press here – it’ll be your problem.

    When the rest of Europe including Britain finishes its swing towards far-right pre-Nazi Germany, it’ll be your problem.

    Also, Jimmy Fallon is such a tool.

  24. guest says:

    Let be tell you this: I totally unsterstand him. Of course, American politics have an impact on the whole world but geez, every country has its own problems. Brexit, right parties, a population which is not happy at the moment, so why the eff should everyone comment on American politics? I am honestly sick of this Trump talk. You made your bed, now lie in it. Of course, it effects all of us, but right now Europe and Russia have to deal with other issues as well.
    As for Split: great film. Great performance.

  25. Moxie Remon says:

    I guess he never heard of geopolitics. All I know is I cried that day in November and will be doing it again today.

  26. I Choose Me says:

    I disagree with him but I still want to sit on his face. *Dreams of an alternate reality where I actually have a shot.

  27. Charlotte says:

    the American presidents policies will impact on the world it’s kind of dump to say it’s only an American problem.

  28. Charlotte says:

    ^ dumb

    Sidenote : I don’t think James is dumb but this statement sounds it. I actually really like the guy.

  29. Aminah says:

    About to go tldr as devil’s advocate here.

    The USA has quite a selfish worldview, though. It has flat out ignored or meddled with other (big and small) countries in the past so very often yet when it has a problem or has been meddled with expects the world to stop everything they’re doing and combat and commiserate en masse with them. It’s ignored developments and pleas from citizens of/and countries like Turkey, Myanmar, Russia, Egypt, etc., countries that are every bit as important as the USA in terms of regional and strategic power and influence. At the moment, it is America’s problem that they elected a Russian stooge into office. That might change (most likely, tbh) but at the moment it’s a purely American issue.

    It’s not so much that “when America sneezes the whole world catches a cold” as it is that when the world has a cold America refuses to acknowledge it until they sneeze and then demand the world it previously ignored provide them comfort, warm drinks and inoculations.

    So I can kind of see why he’s like “you made your bed” about it all.

    • mya says:

      @Aminah +100000
      exactly. I mean why americans expect that rest of the world loose their sleep over their problem? the day trump got elected, it got a single colum in my countries prime newspapers along with other international news. We had bigger problems of our own. Most of the american think the world begains and ends with them which is stupid. Many people don’t even know or care about trump.

  30. Monsy says:

    well, im southamerican not a US citizens but i’m worried.

    Trump is a fascist and he’ll lead an autocratic regime.
    He has a hate speech against women, latinos, muslim, LGBT community and basically everyone that isnt a white man.
    He has the biggest arsenal nuclear weapons,he’s short-tempered and he’s terribly ignorant and unquialified for the job.
    I’m worried about my boyfriend, a sweet, kind guy, who is muslim, and im worried about his family, about what kind future his little niece is going to have.
    I’m worried about my family that lives in Utah
    My father tortured and impresioned for opposing to a fascist dictatorship. He and my mother could never find a job until the dictatorship ended.

    let’s not normalize Trump, he’s dangerous and we must stay alert

  31. Karen says:

    not fond of a movie that casts a mental illness as evil – wrong message at the wrong time

  32. Karen says:

    not going to see this movie. It sends the wrong message at the wrong time. Mental illness should not be portrayed as evil.

  33. Pip says:

    I’ve just read on the Guardian’s live feed of today’s debacle that, should dickwad decide to launch a nuclear attack, there’s NO-ONE who can stop him. Seriously?

    Bloody hell.

  34. frigga says:

    I like this guy. He’s a cutie and he knows his place.

  35. perplexed says:

    I thought maybe he meant the inauguration, rather than the election, was an American problem. At least that’s the impression I got from this line in the post: ariety went to the small-ish premiere and they asked McAvoy, who is a Scotsman, if he had any plans for today’s inauguration”.

  36. Guesto says:

    I have no probs with James’ response. He just sounds irritated and end-of-his-tether with the uber-saturation we’ve all had of trump and American politics.

    It doesn’t mean he’s ignorant of the havoc that trump’s presidency will likely wreak, just bored to death with having to comment on it. And he’s not alone on that one.

  37. Jamie says:

    I am American, so Trump will be a disaster for us here in a million different ways.

    That being said, we don’t live in a vacuum. I’m worried about the upcoming French and German elections, the EU and NATO, to name only a few potential trouble spots. We’re in a bad time, and the United States has unfortunately chosen someone who knows nothing and doesn’t care to learn.

    Maybe McAvoy spoke hastily and without reflection; but his attitude is a bit off-putting.

  38. helonearth says:

    For all those getting up in arms about his response – please read what he was asked again:
    “If he had any plans for today’s inauguration”

    Why would a non-American have special plans for the inauguration? I know its going to be all over the news tonight and I have no intention of watching any of it! I hope the viewing figures are the lowest ever.

  39. Reece says:

    The more he talks, the less I like him, the uglier he gets.
    This is everyone’s problem. And if he can’t understand that then he’s no better than those that voted for it.

    • Guesto says:

      Get a friggin grip and stop giving me more reasons to seriously despair of the % of Americans that seem to be incapable of stepping outside their desperately insular, self-absorbed selves.

      That same self-absorbed, insular self that, btw, is totally responsible for today’s trump.

  40. Margo S. says:

    Hahaha! That’s a great response. I love mcavoy. Split looks so good and I cannot wait to see it. I’ve been waiting for my m night comeback!

  41. A. Key says:

    I agree with him. I’m not American. Does US policy affect global policy? Sure. Am I going to lose sleep over something I had no say in whatsoever and could not influence at all? Hell no.

    Will Americans lose sleep if Marine Le Pen comes to power in France? I doubt they even know who she is. Will her coming to power affect global policy? Definitely. Same thing for Russia, China or any other big player on the map. Americans don’t give a crap what happens outside of their own back yard and the world should stop giving the US so much air time and focus on its own domestic problem. There’s a trump waiting in every country, worry about stopping his next incarnation from appearing where you live more.

  42. mya says:

    kudos to you! ugh, muricans they always think they’re the king of the world now sinking in atlantic like jack. oh please rest of world don’t circle around murica. they have their own political problem. and murica is not the only country with atomic power. India, Pakistan, Iran etc. So no they would not tremble in fear like sissy thinking what trump might do. If trump shoots, he gonna get shoot back.

  43. Kay says:

    “Ouch” comment is right😕 I’m afraid that’s how some of the rest of the world feels. Alot of non Americans can’t believe he got in! Alot are laughing at us. Alot just had enough of us. But the way Hitler had an impact over the whole world, I’m afraid so will Trump. And I wish he didn’t. I wouldn’t wish our problems now on anyone!

  44. Natalie Morgan says:

    But WHY ask him for his opinion? I know it’s a current event, but as he’s Scottish, the impact of Brexit and another potential Independence referendum are going to be more important than the inauguration of President Baby Fists.

    What next? Asking a Gambian actor today what they think about the inauguration? For some non-Americans, there are MORE IMPORTANT THINGS TO WORRY ABOUT.

  45. el says:

    I understand that he’s not American, the US is not the center of the world, and that he had no part in the results of the election, but frankly, this quote comes across as arrogant. I know there’s going to be people falling over themselves to defend what he said, but the way he tossed aside something that does have a real effect on global relations makes me roll my eyes. If nothing else, he could have either had a little empathy towards people who will be directly affected by Trump’s presidency or just simply stated he doesn’t discuss politics. It’s also true that asking bombarding actors with political questions is typically unnecessary, but I don’t think it’s something that should be off-limits to ask them. Then again, I just remembered that this is the same guy who said he loves offending people, so maybe this shouldn’t be so surprising. He’s a good actor and for a while seemed really nice, but with this quote and how he’s acted lately, his sense of humor including this quote is starting to put me off a lot and make me wonder about him.

    • Guesto says:

      Arrogant, or just bored to death with Americans at large thinking that everyone everywhere should be as as fixated on your trump mistake as you are?

      • el says:

        First of all, who said I was fixated? That’s some real reaching you’re doing there. Secondly, no one is suggesting that he needs to be absolutely fixated on the topic and not talk about anything else EXCEPT the the inauguration and/or election. It just makes him seem to have less empathy than I thought since, as myself and others have stated, the situation poses a problem to foreign relations. I should also add that he has seemed to talk about politics in the past if I recall correctly and does seem like a smart guy in general, so that’s another reason why what he said made me raise my eyebrows. Not to mention that he works in the US for at least some of his films, including Split, which was actually filmed in Philadelphia.

      • Guesto says:

        It was plainly an off-the cuff, bored-to-death comment by him, and nothing to do, if you know anything about him and his engagement with politics, with what he might really feel, privately, about the horror of trump.

        Your need to turn it into an unempathetic insult is just compounding my point about Americans thinking everyone, everywhere, should be as vocally engaged and outraged as you are, all the time, with no rest, ever, to the point of exhaustion.

  46. selery says:

    Hahahahaha @ all the Americans who are appalled when foreigners don’t weigh in on American politics. Do you think the president of Nigeria doesn’t have an impact on this world? Or the president of Turkey? Or the president of Bolivia? Politics is a dirty game all over the world and your brand isn’t any different.

  47. Neens says:

    The US is the most ethnocentric country in the entire world. It’s not surprising some Americans would be offended by his reaction.

  48. Tanakasan says:

    Everyone is missing the point here:

    Someone actually paid for M. Knight Shyalaman to make another film.

  49. I'm With The Band says:

    As an Aussie, a global citizen, and a citizen of a country that is an ally to the US, this is absolutely my problem. I can’t help but feel that the fact that voting isn’t compulsory in the US played a huge part in the election outcome. I, for one, am guilty of thinking that Clinton was a shoe-in and that we would never see a President Trump.

  50. Marianne says:

    I mean, he’s right to a point. I can understand him not caring because it’s not something that will effect his or his son’s day to day life. And because he’s not American it’s not like he can actively make change for the country by voting. But at the same time it does annoy me a bit when act like this. Especially since he does movies here. Plus, it’s pretty ignorant to think this will have zero impact on the country you’re living in. It doesn’t have to be something big like WW3 happening, but something smaller on the scale like trade deals could be affected.

  51. sara says:

    As none American, I do share his sentiment of “F-k you Americans for letting this happen”. You guys elected your president that is going to make YOU great again at others’ expenses.

  52. Achoo! says:

    Old Polish Proverb : “Not my circus, not my monkeys”

  53. Canadiancutie says:

    Asa Canadian I am worried about Trump being President of the US. The problem myself and other Canadians I have discussed this with, we feel you all let this happen. You didn’t take him seriously right from the start and then it snowballed out of control. Every time something horrible came out about him, it basically got swept under the rug. Who the hell elects a President that says to “grab them by the pu$$y”, calls Mexicans drug lords and rapists, and cheats people in business??? He basically hates everyone that isn’t a white male.
    So many Americans didn’t go out and vote. WTF were those people thinking??? I feel very bad for Americans that did vote for Hillary. Now you’re stuck with this abomination for 4 years. I think the rest of the world is just fed up with Americans foolishness and self absorbed nature. We just don’t understand how some Americans just don’t get it.

  54. nicegirl says:

    I for one think that is a disgusting remark.

    I’m not a citizen of any other country but the US, and I care about their welfare.

    This reminds me of

    “First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Socialist.

    Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”

    Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) was a prominent Protestant pastor who emerged as an outspoken public foe of Adolf Hitler and spent the last seven years of Nazi rule in concentration camps.