Meryl Streep: Donald Trump has ‘woken us up to how fragile freedom is’

2017 EE BAFTA Film Awards - Arrivals

Here are some photos of Meryl Streep at this evening’s BAFTAs. I had forgotten about it, but she totally got nominated for a BAFTA for Best Actress for Florence Foster Jenkins. That happened soon after her Golden Globes speech, which just goes to show you – everyone loves Meryl, but they especially love Political Meryl. Anyway, Meryl wore Givenchy to the BAFTAs. I like that she wore a suit and I like that she seemed comfortable-yet-glam. And I really enjoy that she just wears her glasses everywhere now, even to awards shows.

Meanwhile, Meryl attended a fundraiser for the Human Rights Campaign on Saturday night in New York. She received the Ally for Equality Award and she used her speech to once again talk about Emperor Baby Fists. She said something I’ve been saying since he was elected: we’re all going to be really, really lucky if we survive this. Like, it’s not a joke. We could all die in a nuclear war started by a Trump tweet-storm. Here’s part of Meryl’s speech:

“If you think people got mad when they thought the government was coming after their guns, wait until they come and try to take away our happiness. We’re not going to go back to the bad old days of ignorance and oppression and hiding who we are.”

As tears welled up and her voice cracked under the strain of the emotion, Streep said, “We owe it to the people who have died for our rights, and who have died before they even got their own. If we live through this precarious moment. If [Trump’s] catastrophic instinct to retaliate doesn’t lead us to nuclear winter, we will have much to thank our current leader for. He will have woken us up to how fragile freedom is.”

“I am the most overrated and most over-decorated and currently — currently — I am the most over-berated actor…of my generation….We have the right to live our lives, with God or without, as we choose. There is a prohibition against the establishment of a state religion in our constitution, and we have the right to choose with whom we live, whom we love, and who and what gets to interfere with our bodies. As Americans, men, women, people, gay, straight, LGBTG. All of us have the human right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

[From Variety]

I cannot even begin to describe the wailing tantrums from all of the butthurt Nazi snowflakes today. Meryl’s speech once again went viral and all of the Deplorables got on social media to cry about how Meryl is out-of-touch and blah blah blah. Regardless of what I’ve said – and what many people have said – about Meryl’s statements on feminism, race and inclusion, I can find no fault in what she’s been saying about Baby Fists and what he means for our country. In fact, I agree with her whole-heartedly.

2017 EE BAFTA Film Awards - Arrivals

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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35 Responses to “Meryl Streep: Donald Trump has ‘woken us up to how fragile freedom is’”

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  1. Shambles says:

    I absolutely agree with her. The convenice of a free society is that one doesn’t have to spend every waking moment paying attention to what our leaders are doing, a convenience we took for granted for a long time. Now, we’re getting a taste of what it’s like to be less-than-free. We can’t afford not to pay attention. So yes, Trump absolutely has shown us how fragile freedom is.

    I guess all we can do is fight with every breath, and try to put as much good into the world so that we might be reincarnated as dragonflies when the world starts to regenerate life again.

    • ME says:

      I agree that Trump has shown us how fragile freedom is but that’s not the worse part. His supporters have shown us that millions of our fellow citizens are gleefully intolerant of anyone that is different or doesn’t share their views. Trump and his cabinet of misfits have given a voice and platform to really vile people.

    • Rico Shew says:

      “The convenice of a free society is that one doesn’t have to spend every waking moment paying attention to what our leaders are doing, a convenience we took for granted for a long time. Now, we’re getting a taste of what it’s like to be less-than-free. We can’t afford not to pay attention.”

      No wonder some progressives think the Democrats are the more effective evil.

      My highlight from the BAFTAS was Ken Loach’s win and acceptance speech:

  2. Melly says:

    Meryl Streep is far from overrated. She is absolute perfection.
    I generally get annoyed when celebrities try to talk about politics because they almost always have no depth to their opinions, like they only read the title of news articles. Nasty Woman Meryl expressed her political views intelligently and I think she has a real grasp on our current situation.

    • zxc says:

      This was good but still, let’s not forget this is the woman who said she’s not a feminist but a humanist.

      • Scylla74 says:

        I also feel uncomfortable when I think about this… especially in the context of a movie about the first feminist movement!

  3. Jaded says:

    Removing the right to free speech, hog-tying the media, and surrounding himself with only rich, white “yes-men” is only the beginning and everyone who wields a powerful public persona like Streep, like the cast of SNL, like the Patriots must continue to shine a spotlight on the evil cesspool that is now the White House. It’s time we all become heroes and resist this impending apocalypse or face a dystopian future.

  4. robyn says:

    If there is one overarching thing the Donald Trump election has shown me is that democracy is, indeed, an exceedingly fragile thing. As the DT administration chips away at it, people are trying to fight back against the authoritarian tide … but it’s exhausting. It’s so much easier to let things go and to not notice the tricks being played on truth and the constitution. She’s right … for many Americans, semi-automatic weapons and the right to own them is far more important than democracy for all American citizens.

  5. Joannie says:

    Where was her outrage when her government started a fake war and displaced thousands in the ME? It’s caused so much trouble for Europe that Merkle is now setting up a fund for refugees to leave and go home. What home? Where was her outrage when Obama did this? Perhaps better planned than Trump but he did it none the less.

    • Carissa G says:

      Ugh. I’m so tired of all these arguments of when someone becomes “woke” to what’s going on. Yes, foreign policy can be INCREDIBLY complicated and the main reason we meddle in foreign policy is due to not only our government, but PRIVATE CORPORATIONS, interest. Do you really think if they didn’t have all those resources (read: oil) that we would care what’s going on there? And with some of our current administrations cabinet members having direct ties to those companies that profit off those resources, they have shown they don’t care to stop meddling.. In fact they want to do it more. Bringing up the past as a means of deflection to what’s currently going on doesn’t change the present. But we can learn from it, however its clear those in power don’t want to learn or change anything.

      Tl;dr — get the money out of politics

      • Daisy says:

        But you bave to admit that there is a double standard for praising Obama who has also done some horrible things in his foreign policy?

        And it’s not like this is the first time America has been like this. It feels like no one ever learns anything.

        And from most celebrities it feels like pandering.

      • Carissa G says:

        Double standard may not be the right term.. Perhaps a blind eye? Willful ignorance? Lack of understanding / acknowledgement?

        I agree tho, those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.. And it is clear that we have not fully learned our lesson (which is that monied interests conflict with human/ emotional interests), but I think we’ve made progress. It’s like that question on a test you always get wrong, or unhealthy relationship you keep going back to, eventually you do answer it correctly or leave the relationship.. You just have to hope it doesn’t do any extreme damage before you get to that point.

        As for celebrities and politics — were experiencing first hand exactly what can happen. #iblamemarkburnett lol

      • Greenieweenie says:

        Obama isn’t seen as an initiator of conflict but an inheritor of it. He didn’t pursue an aggressive foreign policy or eschew multilateralism on priciple like the administration before him. I often see Obama censured for his use of drones–and I think this is indicative of American tendency to equate war with justice or American empire with some sort of moral high ground. The American president represents American interests only, and drones save American lives. OF COURSE the whole endeavor is morally bankrupt and degrades human life. Of course. This is why war should be avoided at all costs and US presidents shouldn’t hop, skip and jump their way over entire regions on a six month flight of fancy that then sustains two decades of conflict.

      • Rev says:

        You should try to avoid using the word “woke”, so people don’t wind up skipping over the rest of your comment.

    • Yes indeed. I have more of a problem with those who can act so self-righteous but when the ones they side with have done horrible things, they so readily turn a blind eye. If the recent 9th circuit judgement, whether it’s overturned or not, just the process of our checks and balances shows, is that it isn’t the politician who controls they system, it’s the foundation of our Constitution. Politicians come and go. It annoyed me when headlines screamed fascism and our country will be destroyed. They clearly didn’t know how our three branches of government work.

    • Elisa the I. says:

      @Joannie: ISIS is a direct result of the illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003. This invasion was US-led and – among other things – ultimately led to the war in Syria. So to solely blame Obama for what happens in the ME is a bit naive.

      • Joannie says:

        Elisa I didnt blame Obama for the war in the ME. I do blame Britain and the US though. And it started long before Iraq. Whenever there’s a war follow the dollar. Who benefits the most? Those that have their fingers in selling arms. Cheney comes to mind as well as G.Bush senior. I think people have to realize their govt isn’t interested in the people’s best interests. Theyre interested in their own and their sponsors.

  6. deevia says:

    This woman is as establishment as it gets, with her posturing on feminism / racial equality (reads: “for my own benefit” screw all of you white or black – her ignorance on pay gaps and “we are all african” show it all). This is gerrymandering to the liberal ideals at its finest – boohoo, now we can’t secretly pretend we are the master race on progressiveness because our own kind act like a-holes. The U.S is trying too hard on how to divide the portion of the cake on some imaginary “equality” quota instead of how to make the cake bigger for everyone – its stregth was always “get rich or die trying” not “we are for the people” lol.

  7. adastraperaspera says:

    Recently watched “Silkwood” again. I remember how important it was to me as a young lesbian in the early 80s to see popular celebrities like Cher play a lesbian, and Meryl and Kurt Russell play her friends. So many actors and actresses then would not work on a film that portrayed gays positively.

  8. Veronica says:

    Sadly, Meryl, I think the more accurate statement is that it’s woken up a lot of white women to how quickly their rights can be taken away. Most minorities already knew it.

  9. Donna says:

    Where was her outrage at child rapist Roman Polanski? I still remember her leaping to her feet, applauding madly, when he was gifted with an award a few years back.

    • Needlehole says:

      This! I’d only like to add that she also supports Woody Allen as well. Hardly someone I’d ever listen to on ANY subject. When you back evil people, how can anyone in their right mind ever take you seriously again?
      I noticed a while back when Patricia Arquette made her speech at the Oscars back in 2015, Meryl could barely contain herself in the front row. It’s almost as though she couldn’t bear to have someone else in the spotlight – and ever since then she’s been repeating that moment over and over again. I’m bloody sick of Hollywood trying to tell the world how to think, what to think and when to think it. Especially when it comes from people like this. I can form my own opinions thank you very much. I certainly don’t want to hear what someone that backs pedophiles thinks, that’s for sure.

  10. Fiorella says:

    She looks great in the suit but I wonder if it would be even cooler without the lace cami

  11. Eric says:

    Don’t forget that Diaper Bigly is a prisoner in this country right now. He bailed on going to Milwakee for the Harley meeting when he heard that thousands of protesters would be descending on him like locusts.

    So now he’ll go between the WH, Mar-A-Lagoon, and TT NYC. Good luck with that, biotch.

  12. Hola says:

    After all americans drop the bomb in japan not that long ago…
    And i try not to listen to american actors who are just good at delivering lines or actually any american … im here for the gowns

    • Greenieweenie says:

      Sure. And Japanese slaughtered their way through China…and still have yet to acknowledge it? Find me a country that has no history of crimes against humanity.

      At least Americans are willing to turn a critical eye on themselves. Ever see the documentary Fog of War? It quotes Robert McNamara talking about firebombing Tokyo and how that would be considered a crime against humanity today. I don’t pay particularly close attention but I’ve yet to encounter anyone that close to Japanese government talk about Japanese war crimes–which are extensive–in such media.

    • Tarsha says:

      Just look at what Japan does the whales who are bordering on extinction.

  13. Hola says:

    I guess you are saying that japanese deserved it because they are evil and americans are good because they feel guilt
    Oh americans… never change

    • Tata says:

      that’s NOT what Greenieweenie is saying at all. Good, evil, that Japan deserved to be bombed – what?

      No one says that US foreign policy is perfect. We have had our share of awful policy. I see Greenieweenie trying to say every country has its issues and dark history with which it must grapple and that is where change starts.

      It’s a bit much to say you refuse to listen to any American….again, speaks to black and white thinking.

  14. EbonyS says:

    Woken who up to how fragile freedom is? Because PoC, ESPECIALLY Black women have been aware of just how quickly taken away and how fragile freedom is.

    Which is why 96% did NOT vote for Donald Trump this election. Anyone else, I’m side-eyeing the hell out of right now.

    I am seriously so scared. My mom wants us to give up our dual citizenship to our West African home. We’re all naturalized, American citizens now but you never know. Trump could watch Sean Hannity do a report on Boko Haram and Nigeria could get added to the list of the Ban that is NOT targeting Muslims 🙄

    • sunnydaze says:

      Yes to all this. I think it’s also important to realize this is only the beginning – it’s like that poem “First they Came” by Martin Niemoller – First they came for the trade unionists, then Jews, then Communists…”then they came for me and by then there was no one left to speak up”.

      RIGHT NOW it’s only these 7 countries. RIGHT NOW it’s Muslims. RIGHT NOW it’s PoC…but anyone who believes that is the end of it is an outright fool. My MIL is Norwegian and has never gone for her citizenship. Recently my husband had a chat with her about really reevaluating where she wants to be, and where she is travelling, to which she laughed and said something about no one having a problem with Norway. Yeah, well, no one had a problem with Australia until very recently so….Point being, none of us can assume exemption. Mark my words this administration will find a way to seep into every pore – we MUST speak up for each other RIGHT NOW.

  15. Rev says:

    “wait until they come and try to take away our happiness. We’re not going to go back to the bad old days of ignorance and oppression and hiding who we are.”

    How big of a hyperbolic moron is this lady?

    If you work in Hollywood and you’re conservative, YES, you need to hide who you are, or find other like-minded conservatives. Heck, post a thought or observation on Twitter than doesn’t follow the leftist group think and watch the angry sheep come to whine and attack.

    And here’s some rich and entitled Hollywood elitist worrying about “them” coming to take your happiness away?

    Leftists have truly gone insane.