Cele|bitchy | “Some people chose not to celebrate when Casey Affleck won” links

“Some people chose not to celebrate when Casey Affleck won” links

Brie Larson “refused to clap” when Casey Affleck won. So many people were completely pissed off about his win too. [Buzzfeed]
Viola Davis needs to collab with Lin-Manuel Miranda to get a Grammy. [Dlisted]
Samuel L. Jackson had to give some Oscars to some white guys. [Jezebel]
Yes, Dev Patel is absolutely adorable. [LaineyGossip]
Here are some cute photos of Prince Harry! [Go Fug Yourself]
Donald Trump loves to golf, hates presidenting. [Pajiba]
Erika Girardi will be on DWTS. [Reality Tea]
The Rock went to the Oscars! [The Blemish]
Katy Perry’s blonde look isn’t working. [Moe Jackson]
Kate Upton wore an uneventful ensemble. [Popoholic]
Alicia Vikander looked like a zombie at the Bulgari pre-Oscar party. [Wonderwall]

The 89th Annual Academy Awards Pressroom

The 89th Annual Academy Awards Pressroom

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80 Responses to ““Some people chose not to celebrate when Casey Affleck won” links”

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  1. Cody says:

    I mean….he’s an average actor (compared with the greats)…comes out of relative obscurity because he’s a “childhood friend” of Damon…and steals the show. He doesn’t hold up to Someone like Daniel Day Lewis for example….I think the academy awards are getting too populist. Where’s the art?

    • Don't kill me I'm French says:

      He is great really in the movie

    • Becky says:

      I haven’t seen Manchester BTS so I can’t comment, but personally I thought his performance was amazing in the Jesse James film (also thought that was Pitts best performance to date).

      However, I’ve really gone off him after the assault claims. Completely understand people not celebrating his win.

    • lucy2 says:

      I’d previously seen him in a few other films (he’s been acting since the 1990s, didn’t come out of nowhere) and I do think he’s actually very talented, but after learning about his harassing behavior, I’m no longer interested in seeing any of his work. He and Mel Gibson can go disappear together.

      • Paula says:

        +1. I don’t care how talented they are, I won’t be supporting anything they are in. Same with Allen, Polanski, Depp… Sad thing is soon there won’t be any movies left for me to watch.

      • Don't hit the ducks says:

        @Paula Depp wasn’t found guilty.

    • LAK says:

      He may have got this particular part for knowing Damon since childhood, but he has the record to hold his own. For once this was nepotism for the right reasons ie he isn’t a talentless hack coasting on his connections. He is a much better actor than Ben or Matt, but prefers to stay in the indie world rather than make mainstream fare.

      As for those sexual harrassment shenanigans, that’s a different story and needs to be addressed, and it puts him in the category of a talented artist with sh**ty, possibly criminal personal life inhabited by so many Hollywood people.

    • Adrien says:

      When I was young, he was one of my fave actors since I saw him in To Die For, Nicole Kidman breakout movie. He is a competent actor who is fairly consistent with his work.

    • Jeesie says:

      I don’t like the man, but he is a great actor and a long way from the ‘populist’ choice. Besides Gone Baby Gone and his little part in the Oceans films he’s mostly known for art house films.

      You can’t complain because he’s ‘come out of obscurity’ and then also say the Oscars are too populist. He was the least famous actor nominated by a mile.

  2. Jayna says:

    She gave Casey a hug on stage. Denzel won the SAG award for BA, and she was aloof to him also when giving him the award.

    • Don't kill me I'm French says:

      I think she just is ill at ease .

    • Millenial says:

      Eh. It’s harder to get out of doing the hug, I think, because everyone does it and “rejecting” a hug (especially if he went in for it and she brushed him off) would have been a huge scene/internet meme sensation for years. A lot easier to make your point if you just don’t clap. But, then again, maybe she is just aloof.

    • teacakes says:

      She actually smiled when she pulled Denzel’s name out of the SAG envelope though. What she thinks of Harassfleck is pretty loud and clearly stated through her actions, even when she’s constrained by the appearance of professionalism.

  3. Margo S. says:

    Ewww! That last photo with them all posing with their oscars is so cheesy! Like a sears portrait studio shot.

  4. Mia4S says:

    Bravo Brie! We see you, we get it.

    Can Creepy Affleck go away now? He got his Oscar but we better not see any “leading man” bump for him. I get it, they voted for the performance. Fine, there’s your award, now piss off.

    • Zucchini says:

      Honestly I don’t see him doing leading man roles. He was just passable in Triple 9 when he tried to be the leading protagonist type. He was underwhelming and kind of enervated and didn’t have the warm presence you need for that and it ended up being Chiwetel Ejiofor who provided that energy.

  5. Lucy says:

    The Rock and Lin-Manuel need to host next year! Together! It’d be amazing.

  6. Rachel says:

    I watched Manchester by the Sea, and I have to admit Casey deserved to win. He played his role as a shattered man to perfection. I was glad to see someone recognized for their acting skills, rather than his popularity with Hollywood.

    • Barbara says:

      Thank you for your comment because that is how I feel. And until he is actually charged with a crime I choose to treat him like everyone else. Enjoy your award Casey. (but please cut your hair)

    • Karen says:

      I also thought he was amazing in Manchester by the Sea.

  7. Rocio says:

    I love how Viola is leaning away from him. Abuser or rapist, this guy mistreated women and that’s a HELL NO in my book. It’s a shame he’s won.

    On the other hand, isn’t there a blind item about Alicia V and pills addiction? Could it be? She looked out of it.

  8. me says:

    Can someone fill me in on the history with Casey Affleck? Was he charged with sexual assault or accused but not yet charged? In that case, should we just assume he’s guilty? Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think he should have gotten the Oscar. I mean he is nepotism at it’s finest. Also, did anyone catch Chrissy Teigen asleep during Casey’s speech lol?!

    • Jayna says:

      It was a civil lawsuit.

      • me says:

        Yeah I just googled it. Both women settled out of court for undisclosed amounts of money. I wonder had they actually pressed charges and gone through with it, what the outcome for Casey would have been. Though, for victims, sometimes court proceedings can be victimizing as well.

      • Tourmaline says:

        You can’t “press charges” for a civil cause of action though–sexual harassment is a civil cause of action.

        I just read the details last night and wow there was a huge pattern of him being an absolute piece of garbage in his treatment of women working on his film with Joaquin Phoenix. Those two Affleck guys both have their Oscars but they remain troubled jerkboys.

    • Don't kill me I'm French says:

      He was accused of sexual harassment in a civil case by 2 women who worked for him in his directed movie with Joaquim Phoenix.
      He paid a settlement

    • paolanqar says:

      Unluckily the 2 women who accused him had no proof of what really went down and it’s a miracle that they received any compensation at all.
      This is very telling to me… if you’re willing to pay someone who is accusing you of sexual harrassment but with no evidence to prove it, it means you are in fact admitting you have done something wrong.

      But hey, Mel Gibson was there and he was fawned over. Woody Allen is a sex predator and he is PRAISED by almost every person in the industry.

      The shocking thing it not that Casey won, he deserved to win for his performance, but the fact it was hired in the first place. He should have been shunned and banned from working again.

      Wynona was shunned and humiliated for many years for shoplifting.. but men can do whatever they want and they will have even more jobs lined up for them.
      Has anybody noticed how he has to hug every woman he comes across? Creepy.

      • Lightpurple says:

        Actually, no, it most certainly does not and I work on these cases for a living. These cases take years and are extremely costly. Agencies and courts that hear them are overworked and understaffed with huge backlogs. They encourage parties to mediate and settle. It can often be far less costly to settle a case than it will cost to win.

    • Lightpurple says:

      As an attorney who litigates workplace sexual harassment cases, it really concerns and frightens me when I see women, whom I consider intelligent and otherwise well-informed, post misinformation about workplace sexual harassment procedures. And I have been seeing a mind-boggling amount of misinformation.

      Workplace sexual harassment is a violation of federal laws governing the workplace. It is a civil violation, not a crime. Federally, the EEOC regulates and investigates. Most states also have similar agencies and some states have stricter laws. A case starts in administrative law, although after filing, you can move the case to court. A state filing in most states acts as a dual filing so both the state and EEOC will review the case. You file a complaint, you do not press charges. The police are not involved. The respondent is the employer, not any individual employee, unless a retaliation claim is also involved. The employer files a Position Statement. There may or may not be an Investigative Conference during which the complainant makes a statement and the employer’s representative (the harasser is rarely present) makes a statement and they both answer the Investigator’s questions. There is no witness testimony presented and no cross-exam. The investigator may ask for more information about the workplace and documentation. The investigator strongly recommends settlement or mediation, regardless of the facts of the case. The investigator then decides whether there is probable cause to go forward with a trial with full discovery and witnesses and all that. It can take over a year just to get a finding on probable cause. This litigation is costly, time-consuming and emotionally draining for everyone involved. If sexual harassment is found to have occurred, the employee must then prove damages. Most cases settle just to end them with no admission of any wrongdoing. And what is supposed to happen if harassment and damages are proven? The EMPLOYER, not the bad employee, pays damages to the aggrieved employee, hands down progressive discipline, usually a suspension and/or reassignment to the bad employee, reviews it sexual harassment policy, retrains all staff on the policy, and they all go on working together

      • Kitten says:

        Thanks for explaining all of this. The comments had me a bit perplexed TBH.

      • me says:

        My initial comments were based on not knowing the facts of the case. I thought he was being charged with sexual assault but later read he was being accused of sexual harassment. I know there is a difference between the two. However, some of the incidents that happened took place during non-working hours and not on set. Is it still considered “work place harassment” then? It’s all very confusing but thank you for your insight. Also, different countries have different rules and laws. I do not live in America and am not familiar with your laws.

      • noway says:

        Thank you it is amazing how many people don’t seem to note the difference between a civil and criminal complaints. Also, you gave people on here good advice on the process.

        Now the story on Buzzfeed says that one woman found Casey snuck into her room at night and was caressing her back next to her in her bed. Now that seems a bit more than sexual harassment. If this is true she may have been able to press some sort of sexual charges if she filed a complaint, but they didn’t. So who knows.

    • Lightpurple says:

      @Me, I understand and my response was not directed at just you. If you read the other comments on this, you’ll see people are all over the place on this and mostly wrong. And again, it concerns me that women, who are most often the targets of such harassment (men get sexually harassed too; I’m currently handling a case in which a woman groped a guy’s crotch ON SECURITY CAMERA and then sued the employer for suspending her) have such wrong ideas about what it is, what recourse they have, and what the punishment is and is not.

      Example: the most famous US sexual harassment law suit? Paula Jones v William Jefferson Clinton. Jones filed in 1994 seeking $150,000. Using the logic so many are using here, Clinton must have done it because he paid $850,000 in settlement in 1999, right? Wrong. Notice the 5 years difference? And the $700,000 over the amount of alleged damages? And that I didn’t say “paid Jones?” Jones filed her lawsuit with only 2 days remaining on the statute of limitations. Clinton filed a Motion to Dismiss on procedural grounds, arguing a sitting president couldn’t be forced to stand trial. The judge denied that Motion but ruled to delay until he left office. Both Clinton and Jones appealed. After several levels of appeal, it reached the Supremes who remanded it back to the first judge to be tried. Discovery and depositions began, which resulted in Clinton lying about the affair with Lewinsky, but, in the meantime, before actual trial, Clinton filed a Motion for Summary Judgment, arguing that Jones had not put forth the minimum necessary to show Probable Cause for a sexual harassment case to go to trial (Jones’s lawyers did file counter arguments). The judge ruled for Clinton and dismissed the case. PAULA JONES LOST BECAUSE SHE COULD NOT MEET THE MINIMIM STANDARD TO SHOW SEXUAL HARASSMENT. Jones appealed again. And lost again. And appealed again. By this point, both parties had racked up tens of millions in legal fees. Clinton paid the settlement to her lawyers to end the case. Jones filed bankruptcy and never saw a penny.

      • me says:

        Very interesting !

      • kri says:

        Lightpurple-I hope you see this,,THANK YOU!! You are amazing for explaining these things. And thank you for saying that it’s not just women that this can happen to-anyone can be harassed. I really appreciate you for this, Lightpurple.

  9. paolanqar says:

    That pic of Meryl Streep’s wax figure in the feature links scares the bejesus out of me!!

    Affleck is a sleazebag and a scumbag. You can tell from his eyes.
    Say what? Which Affleck?
    You pick!

  10. aang says:

    I’m upset at the best song award. The music from Moana is amazing and I’m not even a huge Hamilton fan. But I think the song the Rock sang was better than the one that was nominated. I thought Moana was a better movie than Zootopia as well.

    • paolanqar says:

      Moana is such a good film. The animation is amazing.. you could see the tattoos embossed on the skin of each character. And the hair were so realistic.. I loved it.
      The song reminded me of another song, maybe Pocahontas’? I can’t say which one but the melody is familiar.
      I can’t stand Justin Timberlake but I really liked his song and I loved Trolls.

    • Honey Bear says:

      Zootopia was a TERRIBLE movie. It had far too many pop culture references.

  11. littlemissnaughty says:

    Some days I wonder what Jennifer Garner thinks of him. She probably sees exactly what he is, whatever that might be.

  12. molly says:

    Sadly this industry not only supports these cretins they reward them.Women are treated like shit but Pedophiles,sexual predators, rapists & wife beaters are all very welcome.

  13. Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

    Denzel’s face when he said that Denzel taught him how to act was priceless! He did not look too happy. The doucheness, particularly toward women, really runs deep in the Affleck family.

  14. An says:

    Casey Affleck mumbled his way through another movie and actually won an award for it. I can’t believe people aren’t onto his schtick by now. It’s like Ben playing emotionless douchebags who run around with guns — it’s the only character he can do.

  15. Sam the Pink says:

    Sexual harassment aside, I have no regard for a person who goes to the Oscars, knowing their is a chance they could WIN an Oscar and does not look like they bothered to get a bath and a shave. Seriously.

    • Sparkle says:

      I saw a recent interview where he said it is for a role.

      • Sam the Pink says:

        I get growing his hair out for a role (including a beard). But he could have GROOMED for the night. It wasn’t that he had a beard, it was that it looked unkempt – and his hair looked greasy and matted. I meant that he really did not look CLEAN.

      • Adrien says:

        Uh-huh, what role? The Joaquin Phoenix pretending to be mentally ill role? He wants to be seen as a serious artist who doesn’t give fukcs. Halle Berry was criticized last night for her unruly curls but no one cared for ungroomed dudes because hey, they are guys being guys. They are expected to be filthy.

  16. YepIsaidit says:

    They gave him a standing ovation. Hollywood celebrates perverted abusers.

    • Sam the Pink says:

      He’s generally looked at like a joke, which is sad, because Corey Feldman has been calling this out for a loooong time. Hollywood tolerates all kinds of abusers, perverts, etc. under the guise of “art.” They are generally more than willing to look the other way because, well, “art.”

      • YepIsaidit says:

        “Art” or who can make them money? Their version of art is silly.

        They should have their little circle jerk parties in private because the public is catching up to who they really are. Perverted freaks.

        Don’t forget Donald Trump is very much one of them.

  17. Bridget says:

    And on another note, it must drive Kyle Richards crazy that yet another Housewife is on DWTS and it’s not her.

  18. AnotherDirtyMartini says:

    Brie may have refused to clap, but I watched her closely & she gave him an enormous hug.

    • Zucchini says:

      Only when he reached in first. She was just going to hand the statue to him. She couldn’t really refuse the hug with millions watching and she’d probably end up with a reputation for not respecting commercial contracts and harming people who “depend” on her like her manager or agency.

  19. Deedee says:

    I find it interesting that Affleck is wearing a pink ribbon pin.

  20. bap says:

    Denzel should have won.

  21. sara says:

    I think Casey is a fantastic actor, and also well deserving of the award. He was really, really great in this role.

    While it’s disturbing to think of Casey’s involvement in a sexual harassment case, the truth is that none of us *really* knows the circumstances of the situation and what truly happened. I, for one, am not going to jump to the worst conclusion and assume that Casey is a womanizing sleazebag.

    • detritus says:

      I, for one, will believe two women accusing over the one accused man.
      People arent accusing him of womanizing, they are accusing him of molestation and creating a hostile work environment.

  22. Pancake Bacon says:

    Obviously, artistic tastes vary greatly, and if you believe Denzel or Andrew, or Viggo, or Ryan, gave the best cinematic performance of 2016, there’s full merit in that.

    Casey Affleck though, is far from a mediocre actor, and is actually fantastic in several roles he’s been in. The performance he gave in Manchester By The Sea leaves you changed after watching it. Given the how introverted and closed-in the character was, Casey still managed to deliver a wallop, which hit me hard. It’s the kind of performance that the Academy doesn’t reward often enough, and for once it did.

    The specter of the sexual harassment does hover over Affleck; the case has been settled by all parties, and so I’ll take it from there. If new reports of Afflect do arise, then well… all bets are off.

  23. Danielle says:

    Alicia vikanders dress in that p8c is cute. She always looks so sleepy tho.

  24. Zucchini says:

    I just watched that part again. She was going to keep her distance but he reached out for a hug. She did not clap right after saying his name or when she was waiting behind while he was given a standing ovation. Sooo obvious she really was just going through the motion and didn’t want to give him approval or endorse his win. He’s such a weird rambler. I’ve seen Jesse James, Interstellar, and Triple 9 and he seems to do the same thing over and over.

  25. Juliet- says:

    You can say a lot of things about Affleck but he is a fantastic actor and no one can take that away from him. If we’re talking acting, he did deserve to win. And this should be his second Oscar imo. He was the heart and soul of The Assassination of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford and totally would’ve won if it wasn’t for Javier Bardem being a lock that year.

    Denzel has won about 300 times anyway and it is likely he will keep getting nominated. Andrew, Viggo and Ryan will eventually get theirs as well. It’s only a matter of time. So I don’t understand how people are coming up with this “_________ was robbed” angle.

    I am willing to give Casey the benefit of the doubt because the whole thing was settled years ago and no one but the parts involved can claim to know what REALLY happened. The rest is just speculation. And to be fair, I haven’t heard anything fishy about his life before this virtual non event came to light. What is so ironic is that a lot of people who are judging Casey are the same ones who are whitewashing his brother’s behavior to oblivion. And we know the stories about him are out there. Is it because he is playing their favorite superhero or what?

  26. Juliet- says:

    Also this whole thing with Brie and Emma Stone was so blown out of proportion. She may have her reservations about him (she never said it in so many words) but her hug was a bit too long for someone who hates him so much.

    And Emma was laughing with him like sunshine came out of his ass after the BAFTAs, not to mention they shared a W Magazine cover without any problems. Also, may I remind you she worked with Woody Allen?

    The only one who genuinely seems to dislike him is Viola Davis and it’s not hard to tell when someone annoys her. Just look at Jared Leto.