Susan Sarandon would love to see Hillary Clinton ‘mobilize her people’

'Feud: Bette and Joan' Premiere - Arrivals

I’m actually sort of tired of yelling at Susan Sarandon. Part of my exhaustion is just frustration with Sarandon’s inability to acknowledge her mistake, or reflect in any way. She’s a rich, privileged white woman who can “afford” to take the long view of the political state of America. She will remain largely unaffected by Donald Trump’s policies and she refuses to acknowledge that. Anyway, to recap: Susan was a Bernie supporter, then a Bernie-or-Buster, then an impossibly smug “vote of conscience” Jill Stein endorser. She got into Twitter-beefs with Debra Messing, she claimed that Trump was a disrupter just like Bernie, she claimed that Trump’s win means that people are “awake” now and most recently, she whined about how Trump’s win was not her fault. Susan is giving interviews these days to promote Feud, and while she talks a lot about the miniseries, almost every interview ends up including some political questions. Like this Vulture interview – go here to read. Some highlights:

The people “blaming” Sarandon for Hillary’s loss: “Well, I think those people are just at a loss of really examining what happened. And it’s easy to blame me. But I mean, seriously, there’s me and Viggo Mortensen against all the people that supported Hillary. That would mean that we outweighed Meryl Streep, George Clooney, Beyoncé, Jay Z, Katy Perry, Julia Roberts. I mean every single person. Does that make sense to you? You know what I’m saying? I don’t think it’s rational, it’s not based in anything rational. It’s just a way to not deal with reality.

She wants an end to the division: “Honestly, I think the point is we can’t afford to be divisive at this point and we have to move on. I have a lot of things I could complain about in the primaries, but right now we can’t be in third grade and playing a blame game. We have to be dealing with very, very serious things that are going on, and we play into Trump’s hands by wallowing in this blaming thing instead of actually unifying and doing something about it. I just saw, today, that he signed something that would put transgender kids at risk in schools.”

What Hillary should do: “So are we really going to spend the time going after me and not go after the people that we really should? I hope that all these disgruntled Hillary people, and I haven’t heard much from her, are paying attention to DAPL. I didn’t hear anything from Hillary when that was going on. Now all these people that march and have found themselves to be political, that’s so great, and it’s what they have to do now. She should be mobilizing her people to deal with all of these affronts to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, all the Democrats that are voting with the Republicans, paying attention to the specifics of what’s happening, and stop wasting our energy on this kind of empty blaming. It wasn’t about winning. It’s supposed to be about the issues. And now we have real issues and things that need to be addressed, environmentally and with civil rights. We can’t afford to be wasting our time and energy and taking on a few people and saying, “They were the reason.” I mean, that’s just absurd.”

People are “awake” now: “Now we have a guy who is so clumsy and so obvious that suddenly people are awake, and that’s a very good thing… I’m certainly not in any way defending Trump, let me go on the record to say that, because people seem to want to say that I am. I think he’s a horrible person, and he’s really dangerous. But the good news about Trump is that he has exposed all the cracks that are in our system, and now the light can get in. We have to get rid of these cabinet appointees, and we can do it. And we have to get out and vote during the midterms, which nobody has been doing.”

[From Vulture]

She goes on and on like that, but you should just read the entire Vulture piece if you want to drive yourself crazy. I’d like to point out two things. One, she infuriates me with “Hillary needs to do this and that.” I literally felt my blood pressure spike. You know what Hillary was trying to do, Susan? She was trying to get elected so we wouldn’t have to deal with the monster named Donald Trump and all of his demonic minions. Two, her political naivete is simply staggering. The fact that she just brushes off something like “We have to get rid of these cabinet appointees, and we can do it.” Sure, but we’ll still be left with Trump and Pence. And you know how all of those cabinet appointees got in? Because progressive purists were encouraged by political naifs like Susan Sarandon to “vote their conscience.”

'Feud: Bette and Joan' Premiere - Arrivals

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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77 Responses to “Susan Sarandon would love to see Hillary Clinton ‘mobilize her people’”

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  1. mia girl says:

    Can we just cancel Sarandon already?

    • tegteg says:

      That would be great. She needs to pack her suits and her t*ts up and go on a longggg vacation.

    • SM says:

      I would love Susan Sarandon to already shut up. How about that. I can’t believe Tim Robins spent hart of his life with this crazy woman. Can’t Ryan Murphy talk to her and make her stop? She is harming the Feud promo campaign because each time she opens her mouth my desire to watch her on screen decreases.

    • Placebo says:

      I like her🙁

      • Kimble says:

        Me too. Can’t believe people still blame her/Viggo/Comey and the Russians for HRC’s loss.

        We’re screwed in 2020 if we can’t acknowledge why the orange one is our Prez

      • Krakken says:

        I used to love her. Lately she has come to represent a series of strained eyeball muscles from excessive rolling.
        How’s the DAPL protest fairing under Drumpf admin ?

      • SM says:

        No one is blaming it on her. At least I’m not. As much as I hate to admit it everyone is entiteled to vote for whomever they choose. Even Trump. But her talk about politics especially during and after the campaign rather indicate she lacks perspective and empathy, is entiteled and not very politicaly smart. And I am sorry, we can’t judge people for having opinions but we can for stupid opinions.

    • Dee says:

      She’s not cancelled, She is being cast, interviewed, written about and commented on. #Nope#NotCancelled

      As someone who also voted 3rd party I completely support her right and choice to do so. She wouldn’t still be talking about it if she wasn’t asked, so i don’t blame her per SE……..but she doesn’t have to answer any question. She doesn’t owe explanations to anyone and she’s just feeding the haters who have to erroneously blame 3rd party voters for the outcome.

      • JackieJormpJomp says:

        You have a right to vanity vote, but you should see how stupid it is, by now.

    • ol cranky says:

      JFC I am so sick of holier-than-thou progressives like Sarandon implying that HRC supporters don’t support liberal/progressive causes. She and her ilk have proven that, when push comes to shove, their arrogance and ideological purity and all or nothing BS is how we ended up with not only Trump, but a GOP hell-bent & determined to let Trump endanger the country because they like the idea of a republican run oligarchy.

      I didn’t vote for Sanders in the primary because he actively lost my vote, I would not have been confident in him as POTUS but had he won the primary, I would have voted for him in the generals confident he was much better than anything Trump had to offer. Sarandon moved on to support Jill “I sat across from Mike Flynn & Vladimir Putin at a dinner honoring Putin” Stein (who is just the greens version of Trump). She has no moral authority of any kind and lost any credibility to say that she cares enough about liberal/progressive policies when she, gleefully, joined in with her comrades to help ensure a Trump presidency

      • Betsy says:

        I love your name. 🙂

        I also love your opinion. Do people really not get why Republicans get their way I elections? It’s because they’re good foot soldiers! They get out and vote, even if they sorta kinda dislike the guy (or, in the case of the clown made of mummified foreskins and cotton candy – respect to john Oliver from who I stole that joke – they hated him and they still voted R). At every level, in every election.

        I get that there are people with sucky jobs and situations and poverty and no ID and there are a million other reasons that a small number can’t vote (and we should work to combat that because it is important to have everyone engaged and involved) but there are millions who are just apathetic. My guess is a decent chunk of the apathetic are Democrats or further left on the spectrum. They have no excuse.

    • RedWeatherTiger says:

      She is to today what Jane Fonda was to Vietnam. Sort of.

  2. Svea says:

    She needs to STFU for a while.

    • DeniseMich says:

      She is an actress, not even an educated one. Why the hell are we giving her thoughts life?

      • vauvert says:

        While I absolutely hate what she says, I can’t agree with the “shut up, you’re just an actress” attitude. That’s what the other side does – tries to silence people because they are “elitist”, “Hollywood”, “coastal”, “intellectual” (when the hell did that become a bad thing??)
        What I do say is: Susan, you are wrong on multiple levels. You have your opinion and good for you, but you are so wrong. Hillary fought the good fight. She worked all her life and prepared for a job that she would have done competently and she would have surrounded herself with competent people. She lost for a whole variety of reasons that range from EC to media hysteria reporting everything in a “balanced way” as if DJT and her were in any way comparable, to idiots such as yourself who thought that she was actually worse than him. There was Russian interference and Comey being an idiot or corrupted or both, there were mistakes made in the campaign, there were people who absolutely voted against their own interest either out of sheer stupidity, racism, lack of real information, falling for Breitbart propaganda or whatever. There is plenty of blame to go around.
        Oh – and “Hillary’s people” are doing plenty; they are the ones marching, demonstrating, writing letters, calling their representatives and generally showing the Reps how unhappy they are with the insanity that prevailed and continues to prevail as long as the party in control can’t find its God*mned balls to impeach him or declare him unfit.
        So keep talking Susan but you are fifty shades of wrong and we will feel free to ignore you, boycott your movies and shows and altogether not give you the time of day anymore.

  3. Shambles says:

    Good god, she’s just as bad as the Trump mouthpieces that go on news shows and say “BUT WHAT ABOUT OBAMA? BUT WHAT ABOUT THE ILLEGAL LEAKS OF PUBLIC CONVERSATIONS?” She pivots and conflates and blathers just as much as they do.

  4. Kiki says:

    I am exhausted. I just can’t stand people who are feeding off the Hillary loss as though it is not their fault that Trump won, when you vote for a candidate the has no reason for winning an election. I have had it with Susan Sarandon, Viggo Mortenson and others who vote for these idiots…..

    P.S I only watch feud because Jessica Lange (a better actress than Susan).

  5. Pippie says:

    Hillary is a private citizen and doesn’t have to do bugger all. Susan needs to sit down and shut up.

    • Melly says:

      Exactly. Hillary owes us NOTHING. Not a single f’ing thing. She did her best to warn us about what a Trump presidency would be like, and unfortunately too many people ignored it. We owe her a debt of gratitude for the noble effort she put in to expose Emperor Baby Fists.

      • Lyla says:

        Came here to say the same exact thing. Hilary and Obama don’t owe us a GD thing. STFU Susan!

    • Nicole says:

      Same with Obama. They don’t have to do anything

      • Betsy says:

        I get what you’re saying, that he’s a private citizen, but he is still going to be involved, though! He’ll be working to solve gerrymandering – I don’t think either he and Michelle will fully return to a quiet life. I think their website is

    • Nancy says:

      Hear! Hear! Pippie…….All of a sudden Sarandon thinks she has some sort of platform to tell Hillary’s “people” what to do. Sometimes I understand why politicians get so annoyed with their so-called allies, i.e., actors and actresses. In particular one who seems to have gone over the edge. She has zero credibility to me, just a pissed off Bernie jump to Jill stan who believes the country is blaming her for the trump presidency. I’m blaming her for being an asshat, plus that newly found plastic surgery. Stick to your day job Susie.

    • Darla says:

      Absolutely agree! They hate Hillary and now they want her to save them anyway. Well, she tried to save you. She’s not your mommy. You don’t get to have temper tantrums, scream “I hate you mommy, I wish so and so was my mommy!” and then mommy comes along and saves your butt anyway. If I was Hillary I’d be seriously thinking about pulling a Jackie O and getting out of this country.

    • Becky says:

      HRC is no longer in office, she lost the election has/had god knows how much abuse thrown at her, who can blame her?!

      I agree with Susan about how much divisiveness there is out there, but with all the right wing wing bigots and racists that have come out the woodwork, it’s difficult.

    • Esmom says:

      Seriously. If anyone has gone above and beyond to try to preserve our democracy from the likes of Easy D, it’s Hillary. She demonstrated fortitude and grace during a campaign that would have undone just about anyone else. She’s been the target of lies and conspiracy theories and unjustified hate for decades. The fact that anyone could say she was “just as bad” as Trump really needs to reevaluate their viewpoint.

      Susan can “mobilize” her ass right off her soapbox and out of the spotlight.

    • detritus says:

      Hillary has done more, worked more, put herself out there more, made herself more vulnerable, than Sarandon ever has. It’s pretty rich that she’s saying what Hilary should do. Sarandon had her chance to see what Hilary would have done, and blew it because she was pissy her buddy didn’t get a chance. She cut off her nose to spite her face and is now happy because everyone else has to smell the bullshit while she smugly sits there consequence free.

      • MissMarierose says:

        Exactly right! Hillary worked to improve the lives of others, especially children, in this country for more than 40 years. She has EARNED the rest she is taking now.
        WTF has Sarandon ever accomplished for anyone other than herself?

      • AnneC says:

        Susan is all butt hurt because of a little pushback on twitter. Hillary has taken unbelievable abuse from the right wing for 20 plus years. Trump was beyond terrible to her. Give me a break Ms. Sarandon and don’t be so thinskinned.

        I watched Feud on Sunday night and it was fabulous. The sets, the actors all did an amazing job. SS Is good as Bette Davis-she’s definitely got those BD eyes. If I don’t watch anything with people I didn’t like or agree with, I might have to stop watching any entertainment. And it’s not fair to the other actors, who do a great job. Sally from Mad Men is in it! Yay.

    • Shark Bait says:

      Her argument is the same one I hear from a lot of Bernie or Busters who ultimately voted Stein. They are saying Bernie is out there trying to make things better and that Hillary is in hiding and doing nothing. Bernie is a senator!!! That’s why he is questioning Trump’s cabinet picks and policies.
      As you said, Hillary is a private citizen. I feel like if she was out there against Trump in the resistance, she would be called a sore loser and be accused of being unable to accept election results. Bernie has more of a position of power because he is still in the senate. Ugh, I supported Bernie and voted for him in the primary, but I can’t even with these busters.
      I respect Susan for being so politically active all her career, but she is just repeating rhetoric.

      • Kitten says:

        Yep. My Bernie Bro BF sent me a Guardian article written by Cornell West the other night. It was about how Obama and the Dem party failed etc

        (I didn’t read it)

        He also sent me some dumb quote from some person I’ve never heard of saying that progressives won’t unite behind the Democratic party because “too many neoliberals” and on and on.
        Just the same stupid song and dance I’ve heard 8 billion times.

        Hey guess what? Go f*ck yourselves, Progressives. Because as an Independent, I have greater concerns right now. I don’t have time to coddle and woo you into supporting the Dem party. If you don’t see the importance of supporting the ONLY VIABLE PARTY WE HAVE during a time as politically tumultuous as right now then you are selfish as f*ck.

        Gah. I’m so angry again today. I’m sorry you guys.

      • Really? says:

        She could mobilize Bernie supporters to do the same thing since she believes her movie star platform requires her to speak about politics. It doesn’t look like she has another movie/tv show coming out.

    • Kitten says:

      YES This is what I keep saying! Stop dragging HRC and Obama into this shit storm! They are not obligated to do a f*cking THING right now. They don’t have to be a part of politics at all if they don’t want to. JFC I am SO sick of this!!!!

      People like her are as bad for my blood pressure as the Trump supporters are.

  6. Maria says:

    what is the benefit of being ‘woke’, if all the power is now in the hand of the wrong people? So many battles to fight.


    • Melly says:

      Being woke and powerless isn’t exactly ideal. And she can’t be that “awake” if she’s SOOO painfully unaware of her privilege.

  7. MunichGirl says:

    Why is she still talking about that? Just shut up. She’s the reason I don’t watch Feud.

    • mia girl says:

      I won’t watch it either. She’s just the worst.

    • bleu_moon says:

      Same here.

      • Gina says:

        I thought I was alone. She worries about the pipeline while the rest of us worry about the country. No shame in saying I wish Hillary had won. Kanye West has more brains than Susan Sarandon? Old and rich – we don’t live in the same world and I wouldn’t watch her change a tire.

  8. HK9 says:

    While I think she has a right to state her opinion, I don’t care because she’s one of those people who don’t know when it’s time to put down your personal political preferences and vote against a fascist. I also think someone also should tell her to stop playing with her face because by the looks of it, it won’t end well

  9. Jerkface says:

    Yeah well I’d love to see the muppets mobilize an army and pelt you with nerf footballs but neither of those things will fix what we have to take care of now Susan now will it?

  10. Tate says:

    Shut up Susan!!!! Just shut up!!!!

  11. Lightpurple says:

    Oh, Susan, yes, it really was about “winning” because winning gives one the ability to govern. Hillary Clinton is a private citizen who no longer has a platform. She owes me nothing and she certainly owes you nothing. Stop blaming Hillary. And since you are so big on “awareness,” please become aware of how clueless and annoying you truly are.

  12. eggyweggs says:

    She’s musty.

  13. bap says:

    Overrated celebrity.

  14. minx says:

    She needs to just stop talking about it, stop reminding people.

  15. Whyme says:

    Yes, yes but is smoking marijuana still ok is the real question! 🙄

  16. Bexington says:

    She keeps arguing that it’s not her fault trump was elected because the majority of Hollywood was for Clinton, implying that she had very little influence compared to Streep, clooney etc. HOWEVER, she fails to understand that this election was so close, and that every vote mattered, and that her “vote of conscience” DID make a difference, by tipping the scales in the other direction.

  17. Darla says:

    Shut up Susan.

  18. Neelyo says:

    Shut the hell up you puffy faced wig wearing fool

  19. Karen says:

    shut. up. just–stop.

    Truly, i think that having to carry a nation of voters on her back and then fight through tears to deliver a concession speech that had to remind young women and girls they have value beyond their looks–yeah. HRC can go have a drink and take a break.

    But mostly, enough–Susan. enough.

  20. bleu_moon says:

    Can we “Kellyanne” this woman and just stop interviewing her?

  21. Jayna says:

    Condescending, smug, and passive-aggressive remarks towards Hillary.

    I want to smack her.

    People voted for Hillary in the general election because we understood the issues and very different ideology between Repubs and Dems and becaused we realized
    what would happen if Trump was elected, unqualified, dangerous, bringing out the underbelly of the Repubs, divisive. We understood the dangers he posed and how imperitive it was Hillary won for the sake of our country. Susan Sarandon cared little about that, unlike her fellow Bernie supporters like Mark Ruffalo and Sarah Silverman who supported the Democratic ticket.

  22. sa says:

    Ugh. She says “we can’t afford to be divisive at this point.” Where was that attitude during the Democratic Convention? Or during the campaign once the nominees were determined?

    I kind of agree that it’s not her “fault” that Trump was elected, but for all that she sells herself as being so politically involved, she did nothing to stop it. She does not get to take the moral high ground here.

  23. Juniper says:

    I understand what she means about exposing the cracks in the system. Yes, while Hillary would have been the obviously better choice – I am also hoping that this catastrophe will make us see that this isn’t just about a President – this is about the re-electing of the same asinine and idiotic Congressmen over and over. There are so many problems that need to be fixed.
    But for her to go for Hillary and say she needs to mobilise her people? Give me a a fucking break. She needs to do nothing. Barack Obama need to do NOTHING. And frankly – I thought her draggin Mortensen into it was cheap. It’s like she’s just trying to get the attention off of herself. Last time I checked, Viggo wasn’t spewing his thoughts about such things on Twitter.
    Oh – and that is some BAD face work. She doesn’t look like herself anymore.

    • sa says:

      I actually disagree about her mentioning Viggo Mortensen. She seems to have become the face of the celebrity Bernie or Bust people, but Mortensen was out there during the campaign saying ‘if you want to vote for a woman, vote for Jill Stein’ Because, apparently in his mind, that is the only reason people were voting for Clinton.

      As far as I’m concerned, to the extent that Sarandon’s to blame, so is he. So I have no problem with her mentioning him.

    • Veronica says:

      Americans have “super hero syndrome.” We want a perfect candidate to sweep in and fix all of the problems that are technically our responsibility to moderate as voters. The real reason why we’re in this mess today is our own apathy – we thought democracy could self-regulate and sustain itself. Now we’re learning just how fragile it really is.

  24. Jaana says:

    Susan Sarandon strikes me as a very unpleasant woman. Unpleasant to be around as a friend or employer.

  25. Bonobochick says:

    Does Susan realize that Hillary doesn’t HAVE to do anything as she’s a private citizen now?

    I really need Susan to stop talking about politics cause she sounds like a fool.

  26. cindy says:

    Okay, she screwed up and now won’t admit it. I still like her because she is the only famous person I am aware of who publicly held Woody Allen to the fire and refused to work with him. I have a soft spot for her, please don’t throw things at me. I have no idea why she is doubling down on this, I wish she would just stop.

  27. robyn says:

    Susan wants to regain the admiration she lost from folks like me. And she is still looking for ways to bash Hillary. Hillary had middle of the road solid ideas. She wanted to repair what needed fixing, enhance and unify. Hillary had the knowledge, intelligence and dignity to sit in the highest office of the land. Every single vote and voice counted. Susan wasn’t there when needed. She failed.

  28. Lillly says:

    She can so f*ck off already. What does she think we’ve been doing?

  29. Beatrice says:

    Susan Sarandon’s story has indeed become tiresome. Whether you liked Hillary enough to truly embrace her as a candidate (or not), there is no question that things would look a lot different today if she had won the electoral college vote in November. Sleeping or awake, the day to day disaster that is the Trump regime is a bitter pill. Unless you are totally disconnected from reality and facts, the only choice is to consciously engage on every possible level and elect people who will be serious and responsible with the health and well being of our country and planet.

    Hillary is not the leader of anything anymore. We now have to reinvent the wheel and figure out how to make it it roll. As for Viggo, he lives in lovely Madrid, Spain much of the time and really has the luxury of just making art and dropping in and out of the conversation. It looks like a beautiful life, and he is welcome to it. Susan Sarandon and others in the public eye can decide to show up or just lend their voices, but reclaiming this country is really up to the rest of us.

  30. holly hobby says:

    Hilary got passed over for the top job. Why would she be “doing” something about these issues when she doesn’t work for the government anymore.

    Ugh Susan I liked you better when you were making that old pervert, Woodster, squirm. Please take a seat with Ben Carson and do not speak again!

  31. The Original Mia says:

    I can’t/won’t/refuse to deal with Sarandon and her privileged BS. Especially in the wake of everything that happened yesterday with Carson and Republicare. Hillary owes us nothing.

  32. Beth says:

    Plenty of people are “awake” Susan. Because this clumsy man Trump has us so stressed out that sleeping isn’t always easy

  33. Jaded says:

    ORLY? I would love to see Susan Sarandon shut her pie-hole. Of all the snotty, sanctimonious and short-sighted (sorry for the alliteration) positions to take….Susan, YOU and all of your rich, privileged and self-absorbed ilk ARE a large part of why Trump is now in the WH so do us all a big favour: STFU and mobilize some of your peeps to donate some of your vast wads of money to a Democratic organization working to bring that monster down.

  34. JRenee says:

    I don’t want her to shut up because she’s an actress. I want her to shut up so I can still enjoy the movies I purchased with her in them. She is oblivious to the damage she’s doing by turning people off. Please be quiet if you are only going to continue to point fingers!

  35. Keaton says:

    1) Susan needs to be a big girl and own the comments she made during the election. Stop playing the victim and accept that people are angry that you had the nerve to say Trump would be better than Clinton. I think she’s one of those people that wants to be free to say anything but then doesn’t want to deal with people responding negatively to her comments. That’s not how it works Susan.

    2) She needs to STFU about Hillary Clinton. Seriously Susan STFU and STFD. First the crap about losing an Oscar nomination due to “Clintonized Hollywood” and now saying Hillary should be doing more?
    Not only does Hillary NOT owe us a damn thing it’s apparently pretty damn devastating to lose the POTUS. Robert Dole called George McGovern after he lost to Bill Clinton in 1996. Dole asked him “When does it get easier?” and McGovern reportedly responded “I’ll let you know when it does.” McGovern lost to Nixon in 1972!
    Note: Neither of those men were EVER the odds on favorite to win the way Hillary was.
    Moreover, neither of them went through half the personal abuse she did in the course of their elections. I’m not saying people should be boo hoo’ng for Hillary Clinton. I’m just saying that given the circumstances Hillary has been fine. Hell she’s been more visible and outspoken than MOST POTUS losers but in general she’s letting the new generation of Dems take the lead. That’s the right thing to do.

    That’s another thing that pisses me off:
    The same people that attack Hillary for not doing more now are the same ones that would scream and throw a fit if she was more active. “Go away Clintons!” blah blah blah. You know it’s true. Everytime something remotely pro Clinton shows up in the media they go bananaland. I’m referring to Susan, Cornel West (a man who has said disgusting things about President Obama too), many Bernie or Buster types in general , etc

    Tip to Bernie fans: Attacking Hillary Clinton right now is counterproductive. You don’t need to go after her to make Bernie look good. Bernie doesn’t need to be propped. He can stand on his own. If you hate her then just STFU about her. She’s out of the picture so please cut the crap and focus on the real enemy.

  36. honeybee blues says:

    “Honestly, I think the point is we can’t afford to be divisive at this point and we have to move on.” No, you simple-minded twatwaffle, the point at which we could not afford to “be divisive” was during the campaign, you idiotic tosser! A division in which you played a creating roll, so STFU and grow a few brain cells before you ever speak publicly again.

  37. Veronica says:

    The audacity of people demanding Hillary Clinton, of all people, to “rise up” in the defense of this nation. What do people think a presidential candidacy is? A spa day? There’s a reason most people are politically devastated after they lose.

    We wanted to tear her down, then demand that she be strong enough not to let it get to her. At the end of the day, women are still human. We can’t be surprised that even the strongest among us have a mental breaking point.

  38. PettyRiperton says:

    Susan is still fast asleep because if she was “woke” she wouldn’t be asking people who did what they was suppose to do to keep doing what she and her Bernie bros didn’t.

  39. Disgusted says:

    I’m trying to move on from the fact that Sarandon and her band of embittered rag-tag Sanders holdouts have done everything they could to ensure that Clinton lost. But her sanctimonious clenched jaw recalcutrance makes it really difficult. I think I hate her.