Evan Rachel Wood thinks bloody rain is romantic


Evan Rachel Wood, Marilyn Manson’s 19 year old girlfriend, says one of the most romantic moments of her life involved blood raining over her in the music video for Manson’s “Heart-Shaped Glasses.” “’At the end of the video, we’re kissing and it’s raining blood – and for me, that was one of the most romantic moments of my entire life.’” Well it’s hard to argue with an obvious statement like that. Who wouldn’t find that touchingly romantic? Probably whoever had to clean up that blood. I hope it wasn’t real blood, but with Marilyn Manson, that hope is probably wasted. Wood sure seems to think that Manson is the bee’s knees. That’s right; I used a 1940’s colloquialism. It’s the only thing I could say to even out macabre in this story.

“Evan Rachel Wood’s inspiration to make a sex video with her boyfriend, rocker Marilyn Manson, was to ‘show that it’s okay to have different, weird ideas about romance.’

“‘We made it for each other … Because that’s how we were feeling at the time: Even though ugliness can be all around you – you can literally be in a thunderstorm of blood – if you look past that, it really is just two people holding on to each other.

“‘And you know, the same thing with the sex scene. If you’re going to have a sex scene, that’s what it is,’ Wood continues. ‘When you’re with someone and you’re in love, that’s usually what happens. It’s not always soft. Sometimes it’s somebody screaming or whatever.’”

[From People]

Well I’d agree with her that it’s “okay to have different, weird ideas about romance’” – mine isn’t quite so much the blood raining from the sky thing, but to each his own I guess. You’d probably have to get used to stuff like that if you want to date Marilyn Manson. I don’t know why you’d want to date Marilyn Manson, but that’s one of his prerequisites. Instead of flowers, he probably brings Rachel dead birds and leaves them on the doorstep. Wait, no that’s what cats do. Did you also know that Manson has an absolutely adorable side? Well according to Wood at least.

“The self-described ‘shy, painfully shy’ teen says that her ‘healthy, loving’ relationship with Manson, 38, would surprise people – as would how loudly he snores, which, she says, in fact lulls her to sleep.

“’For the first time’ she says, ‘I really feel like I’m around somebody and in an environment where I can just let go and not worry about being judged. And I’m sorry if I have blond hair and blue eyes and my boyfriend looks like a vampire. What do you want me to do about it?’”

[From People]

I hope that last part was taken out of context. Why would you apologize for having blond hair? Is she apologizing that she and Manson look so different, or is it that she looks so innocent compared to him? Evan Rachel Wood strikes me as someone who doesn’t have two brain cells to rub together. She just seems vapid. Either she and Marilyn Manson are incredibly similar, or she’s just an empty vessel that he’s been able to fill up with his own personality. Something tells me that the “painfully shy” actress didn’t take showers in blood before she met him. That’s not good for your blond hair.

Picture note by JayBird: Here’s Marilyn Manson in concert in 2005, and an undated scary photo. You can see how the ladies can’t resist. Header of Evan Rachel Wood at the Hollywood Awards Gala in November 2006. Images thanks to PR Photos.



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