Cele|bitchy | Howard Stern to remake “Porky’s”

Howard Stern to remake “Porky’s”

Howard Stern announced way back in 2002 that he was working on remakes of 1982 teen sex comedy Porky’s and the 1979 Ramones teen rebellion flick Rock ‘N Roll High School. Not much came of those projects for years, but now it’s been announced that Stern’s version of Porky’s is a go, and will start filming in October of this year:

“They say [The Porky’s remake is] all greenlit and everything, ready to go. They say they can even start shooting in October, but I don’t know if that’s true,” says Stern. “It seemed like a fun project, which it is.”

[Quote is of unknown origin, probably from Stern’s radio show. From Slashfilm.com via Fark]

I don’t remember much about those three Porky’s films except for the fact that they were usually on HBO on Friday and Saturday nights when my parents would typically be out. Those were the type of movies that were strictly forbidden that you made sure you watched whenever possible.

The author notes that Superbad, which comes out on Friday, is in the same R-rated teen comedy genre and if it does well at the box office it could mean that the new Porky’s will be fast-tracked. Incidentally, that Superbad movie is getting excellent reviews from critics and has a whopping 95% aggregate rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

There’s not a lot known about the Porky’s remake from what I could find. The original featured horny teenagers in rural Florida and was set in 1954. I bet Stern’s version will be set in modern day.

Yahoo! Movies has an entry about the project’s status way back in 2003. At that time it was thought that Stern would use unknown actors, as in the original, and might make a cameo. It was not thought that he will have a large role in the film.

In 2005, Commentors on Scott Weinberg’s blog on Rotten Tomatoes were overwhelmingly negative about a potential Porky’s remake by Stern.

Prosper761 was particularly harsh:

Whose brilliant (I wish a [sic] typed text had a way to convey sarcasm) idea was this? Thank goodness Bob Clarke redeemed himself with “A Christmas Story.” That anyone would even entertain the idea that remaking “Porky’s” is a worthwhile project, is beyond my imagination. Are there no producers willing to make original films anymore? Are there no screenwriters writing original material anymore? (well, that at least I know is not true). No wonder the rest of the world hates America — just look at the reptetive, unoriginal crap that Hollywood foists on them (and us). Anyone interested in starting a grassroots campaign against remakes?

[From Scott Weinberg’s blog on Rotten Tomatoes]

Maybe that kind of response is why the film was delayed for five years.

Original Porky’s header image from Canuxploitation.

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