– Scarlett Johansson is singing again. Not a fan. [Lainey Gossip]
– Good/Bad Celeb Hair and More [PopEater]
– Lauren Conrad Feels “Sexiest in Sweatpants” [MSN Wonderwall]
– Forget Octomom, Desmond Hatchet is 29 Years Old With 21 Kids [Bossip]
– Rihanna: Single and Ready for Acting [Fafarazzi]
– How Great Life Would Be If Jared Leto Actually Was Mr. Nobody [Pajiba]
– Nicolas Cage On The Set Of ‘The Sorcerer’s Apprentice’ [I’m Not Obsessed]
– Paris Hilton is the perfect neighbor – all the problems she’s having in her new hood are actually her neighbors’ fault – according to her [Celebslam]
– Asher Roth had the nerve to turn down Lindsay Lohan! We’re sure Dina Lohan will have an update for the media soon about what a terrible person he is for not being Lindsay’s biggest unconditional fan [Websters is my Bitch]
– White Stripes’ Meg White Weds [In Case You Didn’t Know]
– Stay Classy San Diego – Anchorman 2 Is On The Way [Crazy Days and Nights]
– Drew Barrymore Won’t Give Up On Prop. 8 Without A Fight [PopSugar]
– Cameron Diaz Bikini Body is Better from Behind [Egotastic]
– Robert Pattinson shirtless on set of New Moon [The Superficial]
– Minka Kelly Because She’s Hot [Hollywood Tuna]
oh no…and i say that for 2 reasons: 1- the singing. 2- her clown cheeks. Why do celebrities OD on blush? Its especially ugly when its a color thats ridiculously unnatural.
Homegirl is not going to let Jessica Biel show her up.
At least she’s starting to look like herself again. Not only did she not look good with the weight loss and dark, dark hair, she seemed like she was trying on a new persona. Here, whether you like her or not, she looks human again.
She’s gorgeous and always has been.
Why do so many actresses want to be singers now? Gee and they made fun of David Hasselhoff.
song is boring at best.
voice mediocre at best, she doesn’t actually write songs, which already disqualifies her from being a musician.
i don’t really know why any of the actors think its a good idea to make music. if they were actual musicians it would have been what they achieved success with.
its all so tiring, and destructive to actual art and artistic merit.