Stephen Colbert doesn’t ‘regret’ his Trump jokes: ‘He can take care of himself’

'Life, Animated' opening night screening and Q&A

As we discussed yesterday, Stephen Colbert was and is in “hot water” for saying some funny, true and (albeit) crude words about our Emperor Baby Fists. Colbert took issue with Baby Fists kicking CBS journalist John Dickerson out of the White House, and Colbert basically said that the only thing Donald Trump’s mouth is good for is sucking Vlad Putin’s D. The Deplorables were SO OFFENDED. They all clutched their pearls and cried about the rudeness, the obscenity, the homophobia! They had NEVER heard language like that! How dare Stephen Colbert?!? Yeah, it was all manufactured outrage, but still, Colbert probably felt like he had to address it on last night’s show. This is what he said:

“Welcome to ‘The Late Show,’ I’m your host Stephen Colbert. Still? Am I still the host? I’m still the host!”

“Now, folks, if you saw my monologue Monday, you know that I was a little upset with Donald Trump for insulting a friend of mine. So, at the end of that monologue, I had a few choice insults for the president in return. I don’t regret that. I believe he can take care of himself. I have jokes; he has the launch codes. So, it’s a fair fight. So while I would do it again, I would change a few words that were cruder than they needed to be. Now I’m not going to repeat the phrase, but I just want to say for the record that life is short and anyone who expresses their love for another person in their own way is, to me, an American hero. And I think we can all agree on that. I hope even the president and I can agree on that. Nothing else. But that.”

[Transcribed from ‘The Late Show’]

Basically, Colbert is saying that he will totally continue to make jokes about how Donald Trump is Putin’s puppet but my guess is that he’ll probably cool it a bit on crude beej jokes? I also think Colbert is saying that any man or woman who performs oral sex is an American hero and should be celebrated as such. Will this calm the Deplorables and their #FireColbert campaign? Probably not. But as Colbert has made clear, he’s not going to stop criticizing the emperor.

Stick around and watch the whole video because Colbert does a good summary on FBI Director James Comey’s testimony before the Senate yesterday.

The Met Gala 2017

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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28 Responses to “Stephen Colbert doesn’t ‘regret’ his Trump jokes: ‘He can take care of himself’”

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  1. Lucy says:

    I love it, the more Colbert speaks the more chettoh nazi gets enraged, his poor fragile little ego can’t take it. It’s a small comfort to those of us who have to watch him destroy America.

  2. Turtle says:

    He’s really feeling his oats right now. THANK GOD.

    Nah, his response won’t appease the Deplorables. Classic bullies who can’t stand it when anyone claps back at their b.s.

  3. Anna says:

    Cocksuckers and pussylickers of the world, do it more, do it for America! Colbert is just so great.

  4. Melly says:

    I need Stephen Colbert and Samantha Bee to get me through the dark years ahead. I’ve been a fan of both of them since the Daily Show. Colbert was always so funny and clever.

    • GingerCrunch says:

      IKR? I cried when Colbert Report ended, cringed a bit at the first few months of the Late Show and am so thrilled he’s come back with a vengeance. Still would prefer to not to have our current president who made this all possible, but…

  5. Beth says:

    Trump can nonstop insult and offend everyone in the world, but can’t handle some jokes about him? What an asswipe

  6. susanne says:

    Love Colbert, but haven’t been watching as of late…maybe he was getting a little too mainstream late show-y for me?
    I’m not buying the ‘shocked and horrified’ from the right. I do not believe that Colbert has an ounce of hatred/fear of the lgbt community. He was playing to the homophobes’ hatred.
    And WOW…his wife looks amazing in that gown.

  7. Lillian says:

    Trump is the definition of “he can dish it out but can’t take it” along with the rest of his administration. Did you see how Joe Walsh reacted to Jimmy Kimmel’s plea about children and healthcare? Joe can’t even pay his child support

  8. Neelyo says:

    Since the inauguration Colbert’s rating have risen steadily and he’s about to take over Fallon in the late night bracket. This Deplorables boycott isn’t going to do a thing but help Colbert even more. Love it!

    • Lilly says:

      He’s been leading in the ratings since January…

    • jwoolman says:

      I doubt that many of the Deplorables were part of his audience in the first place. They really are a small minority in this country. Maybe even only about 15% of potential voters, when you figure in the non-voting registered voters (millions of whom were actually blocked from voting) plus the eligible adults who are not registered to vote. The network must realize that. As long as he brings home the ratings, he’s golden to them. Since it’s taped hours before broadcast, they just bleep and blur out the stuff over the top taboo-wise, makes it funnier.

  9. Otaku Fairy says:

    “Sir, you attract more skinheads than free Rogain. You have more people marching against you than cancer. You talk like a sign language gorilla that got hit in the head. In fact, the only thing your mouth is good for is being Vladimir Putin’s c–k holster.”
    SO glad he’s not apologizing for that. I think the Deplorables who were fauxraged by his comment can be divided into two categories: The homophobic voters who genuinely didn’t get the context of that last sentence (nobody said they were all smart) and were butthurt over what they saw as someone implying that Baby Fists might enjoy Putin (or any other male) giving him the bigly, and the Trump supporters (and their subservient sympathizers) who were smart enough to get that it wasn’t about gay people at all but decided to manipulatively make it about homophobia because they really didn’t like the fact that Trump was being insulted and they were being called out for their racism.

  10. Incredulous says:

    Never give up, never surrender!

    I never thought I’d quote Galaxy Quest in support of Stephen Colbert.

    • FluffyPrincess says:

      That is one of my all-time favorite movies! Great quote and totally apropos for this situation!

  11. EnnuiAreTheChampions says:

    Ahhhh, the Sean Spicer concert requests made me guffaw!

  12. adastraperaspera says:

    If you’ve never seen it, go on youtube and find the video of Colbert roasting George W. Bush during the White House Correspondents dinner. It was a brave speech, and looks even more so now that we see how all the war and tax cuts led to where we are now.

  13. Lucy says:

    He and his wife were featured on Humans Of New York (MET Gala edition) the other day. Both lovely and charming people.

  14. Madly says:

    So much hypocrisy. He could have said what he wanted to say without disparaging a minority underrepresented group.

    • Peeking in says:

      Oh stop it!!! He didn’t disparage anyone. He didn’t say anything about homosexuality, maybe Putin just pees in Trump’s mouth when he uses it as a holster, did ya think about that? 😂😂
      I’m so happy Colbert didn’t apologize.

      • Madly says:

        Yes it was homophobic but once again because someone you like said something to someone you don’t does not excuse the homophobic remark. You lose the moral high ground.

      • Otaku Fairy says:

        @Madly, no, he was not disparaging gay/bi/pansexual people. Please, spend more time being worried about what the administration you or your relatives/spouse voted into office is going to do to our community than worrying about Colbert using a sex act performed by people of all sexual orientations as a metaphor for one oppressive STRAIGHT man’s grateful submission to the political agenda of another oppressive straight man. If he had said it about Kellyanne or Ivanka making themselves the political equivalent of the Trump administration’s cock holster, republicans and independents wouldn’t even have this sudden, convenient fauxrage about ‘homophpobia’ to stand on and would have to find another way to twist this into ‘Meanie Libruls disparaging marginalized group.’

      • C-Shell says:

        Thank you, @Otaku Fairy

    • Des says:

      Hey @Madly, I’m so glad you care about that “minority underrepresented group”, especially since it is about to be heavily affected by the discrimination act Trump is gonna sign at the urging of Pence. Since you care so much about them, please raise your voice against the executive order and Trump/Pence as much as you are against Stephen Colbert, a comedian. Thank you.

  15. unmade_bed says:

    If Colbert would’ve called Trump “Putin’s bitch,” would people argue that Colbert was being misogynistic?

  16. pinetree13 says:

    I LOVE COLBERT! Always have. I’m so glad he’s gone back to being political. He shied away for a long time in his new gig but COLBERT IS BACK BABY!


    • Cheryl says:

      I don’t think he shied away from it. I think that he just loved Obama so much that he didn’t want to say anything that might offend him. Just saying. As well agreed he did not have to apologize. Free speech and all. Wonder if the right will riot?

  17. Trashaddict says:

    Oh the Come-y comments. F*&^ Comey upside down and sideways with a hot F&^%ing poker, I am so rage-y listening to his testimony I wanna scream. Yeah, I can tell he was really, really torn about the whole thing. My heart bleeds for his painful internal dialogue. F$%^er.