Cele|bitchy | Melania Trump will finally move to the White House next week, June 14th

Melania Trump will finally move to the White House next week, June 14th

Melania Trump visits the Pediatric Hospital Bambin Gesu

Melania Trump hates her husband and she hates Washington. If she could slap away Washington’s hand, she would. She would prefer to sit in her Trump Tower penthouse, watching TV and doing some online shopping. Her few visits to Washington have been brief, although she generally makes it out of New York for weekend trips to whatever Trump golf course her husband wants to play. Well, the months of paying for Melania’s security in New York are sort of over. She will be moving to Washington next week, and Trump’s staffers are hoping that Melania will be a calming force on her husband. Good luck with that.

President Donald Trump’s White House residence — where an increasingly isolated figure under siege conducts his late-night phone klatches and early morning tweetstorms — is about to get a little less lonely. With the school year over, first lady Melania Trump and the couple’s son Barron are expected to finally make their official move to Washington on June 14, according to people familiar with the planning. The long-anticipated move — Trump is the first first lady in modern history to delay her arrival — is expected to lend some degree of normalcy to a presidency defined by its abnormality in substance and style.

“Her presence is not going to stop any investigations, but at a time when this particular presidency needs an air of stability, it might lend that,” said Katherine Jellison, a history professor at Ohio University who specializes in first lady studies. “The move helps to give the impression that the president is currently in a stable, solid marriage and that his home life is under control.”

Melania Trump’s parents, Victor and Amalija Knavs, are also expected to become more familiar figures around the White House, helping care for Barron, though they don’t plan to relocate full time to Washington, as Michelle Obama’s mother, Marian Robinson, did. The hyperinvolved grandparents currently live with their daughter and grandson in the Trump Tower penthouse and spend most weekends with the Trumps at Mar-a-Lago, or at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey.

But the June 14 date is seen as a major marker on the White House calendar — when the first lady puts away the full matching set of Louis Vuitton luggage that she travels with and settles in for good. The long-awaited permanent move is seen internally at the White House as potentially a major shift for a president who has grown increasingly cheerless in his job, lashing out at aides in frustration and taking out his anger over how he thinks he is being treated on Twitter.

No one expects Melania Trump to be a fail-safe against the message-destroying morning tweets that Trump often starts his day with — there is an understanding in the White House that no family member has the power to control the president. On Monday, for instance, Melania Trump was on the premises when Trump spent his morning online, attacking London Mayor Sadiq Khan following a terror attack and calling the redrafted version of his travel ban a lesser, “watered down, politically correct version” of his original. But in general, people in Trump’s orbit said, the first lady sees the tweets as damaging to her husband and generally tries to advise him toward restraint. And she is occasionally successful. On Trump’s foreign trip, aides credited Melania Trump’s presence, as well as a busier schedule, for his nine-day break from off-message tweets.

[From Politico]

You should read the entire Politico story, because there’s tons of shade. They call her aloof, stiff, uncomfortable, miserable and more. But the Deplorables are really trying to create this narrative that Donald and Melania are fine and that he actually listens to what she has to say. Please. That doesn’t have any basis in reality. She enables him… and that is the best case scenario.

Also: someone has a theory about why Melania took so long to move to Washington. This is just idle gossip, there is literally no proof. But I’ll admit it: it’s a great theory!!

Theresa May makes statement following Manchester Terror Attacks

Photos courtesy of WENN, PCN.

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42 Responses to “Melania Trump will finally move to the White House next week, June 14th”

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  1. CynicalAnn says:

    I am 100% sure her parents will live with them. They just don’t want to make it look like MO’s mom because there was so much criticism of that. Poor Barron.

    • Esmom says:

      I was thinking the same thing except for the reason…they simply don’t want to do anything the Obamas did, as reasonable or logical it was, just for spite.

      • swak says:

        Except, IIRC, MO’s mother paid rent to live there. Think the only reason the Trumps are not saying that Melania’s parents will be living there because you know they won’t pay any rent. They’ve been living at Trump Tower, probably for free.

  2. astrid says:

    Great gossip!

    • Esmom says:

      I could see her having side piece as part of their agreement, don’t you think? I honestly can’t imagine that Trump would expect a much younger wife to be faithful. Who knows, though, what goes on in his addled brain.

      • Cee says:

        He would most likely demand her complete faithfulness while he strays.

      • third ginger says:

        As we know from Comey, fearless leader needs LOYALTY!!

      • Snowflake says:

        @ esmom
        I think Trump’s who is too fragile for that. If it got out, it would embarrass him publicly. He has to be seen as “the man,” and his wife sleeping with someone else would imply he’s not doing his job. Meanwhile, in his double standards world, he’s stuff who gets a lot of P. It’s ok for him, but the little woman needs to be waiting at gone with a dinner ready!

  3. trollontheloose says:

    she wouldn’t dare having an affair. he would have sent her back to motherland. Anyone saw The Handmaid’s tale? That’s absolutely 45 territory. Anyway, is it a wig or what? her hair always looks fried and weird .. as for her moving to D.C she must be pissed. I love Washington but it’s not DC

    • Snowflake says:

      Yeah, what is up with her hair? Can someone explain?

    • Canadian Becks says:

      Yes, it reminds me of the 2 flaps of a tent, especially in that closeup where she’s looking at an unfocused Trump.

      • third ginger says:

        I am always baffled when someone with millions has bad hair. Sometimes, it is because a person is sticking to a style that no longer works.

      • third ginger says:

        Also, I loved that Michelle Obama was willing to try different styles, even under so intense a spotlight.

    • Lightpurple says:

      It looks like a wig and a cheap one at that.

    • Cran says:

      I think she sneaks into his stash of gigantic cans of hairspray.

    • Pumpkin Pie says:

      About the “affair”: Isn’t there a rumour about Drumpf having a guy Marla allegedly had an affair with, killed ? Her former bodyguard or smt like that?
      She looks super plastic in that photo. I don’t know what she was thinking about that hairdo.

  4. Nimbolicious says:

    I think she’s merely been having an affair with her husband’s money, and now they’re telling her she has to show up and act like she gives a damn about tiresome things like social causes and other human beings.

  5. Rapunzel says:

    I wouldn’t want to leave if I lived on 5th Ave.
    I read somewhere that Trump paid a lot for Barton’s school, and that’s why he stayed. Makes sense to me.

    • swak says:

      Her staying there until Barron got out of school doesn’t bother me. Wouldn’t have bothered me if MO had done it also (although the conservatives would have gone nuts). What bothers me is all the money they put out for SS and that NYC had to spend to protect her and Barron. If she wanted to stay it should have been on their dime, not the governments.

      • Rapunzel says:

        I too don’t respect the decision to stay cause of the cost. What I was saying is makes sense Trump wouldn’t want to lose money he paid for his son’s school. He’s cheap, only likes spending other people’s money.

  6. Beth says:

    She’d better not unpack. Trump will be heading to prison and she’ll be back home at Trump Tower by the end of the summer

  7. Molly says:

    I’m still thinking the “ongoing investigation is too distracting and intense for Baron” and they move back to NYC in the fall. She’s going to haaaaaate it there.

  8. S says:

    I’ll believe it when I see it. Barron’s intended school is very removed from White House, wouldn’t be surprised to see an about face or pied a terre for the “school week” come September.

    I don’t get at all this retcon of Melania as victim. She married him. And she’s been part and parcel of his attacks for YEARS. Like tends to seek like, and I have no problem believing they have a genuine relationship based on … whatever … and that they protect and defend each other. Are they passionately in love? Eh, unlikely, but narcissistic personality disorder disallows loving anyone more than your self, so that’s kind of a given. (And anyone who thinks she isn’t as vain as he is, is blind.) At 70, few couples are still steamy in the bedroom; doesn’t mean they’re not a good match. They’ve stayed married for a reason. Something about the coupling works … for both of them.

    That being said, I believe the “this will be good for the country” spin, about as much as I bought the “give him a chance” rhetoric on Nov 9.

    He is what is, and always has been. As is she.

    Neither are admirable as humans, and both are unfit as leaders or role models.

    • Mrs J says:

      Totally agree with all this 100%

    • The Recluse says:

      The White House is not a New York penthouse. These wretched people will be living in much closer quarters I suspect than they are comfortable with these days. And poor Barron: he won’t have a whole floor to himself anymore.
      Sucks to be them?
      (Nah! I think the pot’s about to boil over once they’re all cooped up in there.)

  9. LinaLamont says:

    See ya. Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out.

  10. KiddVicious says:

    I’m surprised he allowed Melania’s parents to live with them. For some reason I find that odd. I wonder if he treats them like the help.

    • mayamae says:

      Here’s my theory – He’s never bothered to learn their language, and they pretend to not know his in order to avoid talking to him. They probably smile and nod at each other.

      I don’t think Melania’s position is as tenuous as some think. She boldly swatted him away while on display to the entire world. That is not the behavior of a woman who fears her parents will be deported, or her child removed from her custody.

    • Bread and Circuses says:

      I suspect it was part of the deal when Melania agreed to marry him. She wasn’t just financially setting herself up for life, but her family too.

      Also, I’ve read that Melania’s father is a loud authoritarian like Trump, so it’s entirely possible everybody gets along swimmingly. The dynamics of both households may have simply been a good match.

  11. isadora says:

    June 14 is Twitler’s birthday and what a joyous occasion to surprise the husband you hate to move in the WH.

    Yeah, who am i kidding….this shit show just getting worse.

  12. Harryg says:

    Her hair is so weird. How does she get it to stay like that?

  13. African Sun says:

    I am not sure what others think but I have some theories about Melania.

    1) Melania tolerates the situation now for the sake of Barron and her parents. Not sure about their status but it does not sound like they are US citizens like Melania. I think she wants to secure their future in the US so she is hanging in there.

    2) I think she’s been pressured to make Barron more central in Trump’s coterie of working kids so the move also makes sense.

    I am the last person in the world to be a Trump apologist for Melania after that sick racist birther scandal but I think Melania is in a lot of pain but she is actually very tough.

    When this presidence is over, she might be the person who rises above all of this.

    • Ash says:

      These are good theories. I’m hesitant to paint Melania as a victim because she chose to marry him. For whatever reason(s). That said if he’s abusive toward her in any way (and that’s why she sticks around), then that’s still unacceptable.

  14. Y says:

    Her hair is terribly teased & that mid part that isn’t technically parted has got to go. It’s as if she is attemping bangs in a strange way. My hair looks better from the friggin Hair Cuttery & she can easily have it styled & treated for frizz. She has bigger problems at hand, but her hair is starting to really annoy me. I want to take a brush to it… and a whole lot of deep conditioner.

  15. Jenna says:

    Her bangs drive me bonkers. Is it mandatory that all Trumps brush their bangs forward awkwardly? Gah

  16. kristen says:

    not my birthday!!! 🙁 🙁 🙁

  17. Trashaddict says:

    Moving to DC? Oh, that’s why she’s wearing black. Not usually her color.

  18. raincoaster says:

    This is the clearest sign yet that the regime is in deep trouble. They’re trying to win back all the poor dopes who voted for him, whom they’ve been screwing over ever since.

  19. Nanny to the Rescue says:

    Eh, worry not, Melania, it’s only a temporary move. He’ll be impeached before you finish unpacking the 2000 suitcases of your most necessary possessions.

    I like the make-up around her eyes. It suits her.