“Joe Jonas does ‘Single Ladies’ in a leotard” afternoon links

Joe Jonas does “Single Ladies.” In a leotard. Greatness. ‘Nuff said. [Websters is my Bitch]
Kimora Lee and Djimon Hounsou name their baby Kenzo Lee Hounsou [Dlisted]
– And here I thought nothing could make Zac Efron’s masculinity more apparent… I was wrong. Lip gloss can [Lainey Gossip]
– The Travoltas ‘Moving Forward, Not Moving On’ [PopEater]
Robert Pattinson Poses in His Underwear [MSN Wonderwall]
DMX Heading Back Home…To Prison [Bossip]
Kate Hudson Cheers on Alex Rodriguez [Fafarazzi]
– The 10 Best Music Videos of the 80s [Pajiba]
Katy Perry Never Just Hooks Up [I’m Not Obsessed]
Renee Zellweger in Glamour Magazine! [In Case You Didn’t Know]
– I still think Bethanny Frankel has pr0n star zombie eyes [Crazy Days and Nights]
– Sexist Principal Mandates “Pants For Boys, Dresses For Girls!” [The Frisky]
Tony Parker and Eva Longoria Know the Way to St. Tropez [PopSugar]
– A new Britney Spears book claims she shaved her head because she was pouting [I Don’t Like You In That Way]
Spencer Pratt calls Audrina Patridge a ‘ho’ [The Superficial]
Heather Graham’s breasts are the absolute only things she’s got going for her anymore [Hollywood Tuna]

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18 Responses to ““Joe Jonas does ‘Single Ladies’ in a leotard” afternoon links”

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  1. I Choose Me says:

    Hahahahahah! That was…I have no words.

  2. Jaclyn says:

    Finally, I can agree with Spencer!!

  3. Bellatrix says:

    Brüno’s so going to come and give Joe Jonas a lesson on how to shake your tail feather in heels… 🙂

  4. Wench says:

    Bahahahaahhaahha! I’m crazy when it comes to boybands, so have a secret space for the Jonai – but that was actually funny!

  5. layacrossmybigbrassbed says:

    not funny. very creepy. seems like his gay wants out.

  6. Liz says:

    I’m going through a case of minor self loathing right now. I blame the return of the Jonai.

  7. Jag says:

    Principals like that have no focus on what really matters: education. Girls have been wearing pants for decades, so get used to it. (As a pants-wearing girl, this really annoys me.) Wearing pants to a graducation is “looking nice” for the boys, so why can’t it be for the girls, too?

  8. georgiagrl says:

    Isn’t this a bit played out already like so last fall?

  9. the original kate says:


  10. RobN says:

    I thnik I can see his purity ring.

  11. Because I Say So says:

    He’s about what? 6 months late to the party? Not funny and it’s obvious he’s trying hard to not actually do the dance steps or the words. You know he’s practiced to this nearly every night since the video/parodies came out last fall.

  12. Sunnyjyl says:

    I like the SNL/justin timberlake version better. That is one crazy fun song though.

  13. Even my 10 yo daughter (normally a Jonas fan) says Joe is a loser for doing this.

  14. Katt says:

    If he was going to do that, he shouldn’t have half-assed his way through it. I want to see dedication and commitment! He could have ATLEAST learned the words.

  15. Lori says:

    o m g

  16. Sabrina says:

    I agree with Katt there but then again he’s brave enough to do this considering that many thinks they’re gay before this even came out.

  17. grasshopper says:

    Timberlake did it better (same song and outfit) in that SNL skit; Joe Jonas gets an “E” for effort though

  18. river says: