Cele|bitchy | Donald Trump tweeted a video where he violently ‘attacks’ the CNN logo

Donald Trump tweeted a video where he violently ‘attacks’ the CNN logo

Village Idiot Sarah Huckabee Sanders insisted last week that Donald Trump never, ever, ever encouraged or condoned violence against anyone. She insisted that he was no bully, that he was the victim of bullying and when Emperor Snowflake is questioned or mocked or merely discussed, he will “hit back” in self-defense, regardless of whether “hitting back” will make him look like a thin-skinned despot in charge of a banana republic hellbent on limiting a free press and/or free speech. I might be paraphrasing, but not by much. After Sanders spread all of her lies last week, many pointed out all of the instances where Donald Trump actually had incited violence, whether it was that time that he insinuated that Hillary Clinton should be shot, or that time he told supporters to assault protesters, and on and on. Well, guess what? Trump incited violence again. He posted this on Sunday morning:

This is footage from Trump’s old appearance on WWE, back when Trump was merely a C-list celebrity, slum lord and idiot. Someone mocked it up so it looks like Trump is beating the hell out of a CNN logo. The video mock-up was made by a Reddit user called HanA–holeSolo, apparently, and the guy goes on Reddit to write about “stabbing Muslims.” WaPo had an interesting and frightening article about that, and it makes me wonder if Trump has been lurking on a Reddit subforum. Yikes.

All of this – and much, much more – caused #25thAmendmentNow to begin trending yesterday. On this, the eve of our nation’s birthday, it’s a nice sentiment. It’s nice to think that all of the hacks, traitors, Deplorables and average Republicans around Trump would all come to their senses and realize that the guy is bonkers and that the 25th Amendment needs to be invoked. I doubt it will happen though. Not before Donald Trump gets to meet his BFF Vladimir Putin this week.

Photos courtesy of Getty.

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150 Responses to “Donald Trump tweeted a video where he violently ‘attacks’ the CNN logo”

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  1. KJA says:

    How is this real life?

    • Tiffany27 says:

      Seriously. This shit is real. HOW??????

    • pru says:

      So often lately it feels we’ve slipped into a different dimension. I hope Dr. Kaku is researching this!!

    • DeniseMich says:

      Because the majority of people in Red states think this behavior is okay. If people in Red states at least voted for Democrats in local elections we would be able to shut this sh*tshow down.

      Unfortunately, there is a distinctly different way of life for Red and Blue states.

      Red states have heroin epidemics. Blue states are legalizing marijuana. Red states want no gun control. Blue states write gun control into state legislation. Red states restrict parts of the affordable care act (women’s health). Blue states add additional provisions to the affordable care act.

      I don’t know how you find the middle ground in such huge divisions

      • Sarah says:

        You don’t. That is why #bluexit is gaining traction. An informal split. Cause Teump is going to get a reporter killed.
        And I’m waiting for a reporter to ask Huckabee Sanders if she helps her brother murder dogs.

      • Esmom says:

        LLS, Please, Shakepeare in the Park involves artists interpreting…wait for it…Shakespeare. This is a sitting President tweeting violent trash targeting the media. You’re probably one of those people yesterday scolding the “libtards” for not being able to take a joke. Get a grip.

      • tw says:

        Ils – Forget for a minute that Julius Caesar has been played across the world for nearly 400 years, each time with contemporary culture reflecting classic themes. And forget that Caesar in the 2013 rendition in the Park resembled Obama, which no one seemed to mind. And just remember –
        if you had seen or read the play, and had the capacity to understand it, you could not ignore or forget the fact that the assassination in the play comes off as a despicable act with disastrous consequences. The message of the play is that violence is never an appropriate response.
        Therefore, your comment only proves your ignorance.

      • JackieJormpJomp says:


        SPOILER ALERT FOR 400-YEAR-OLD PLAY: the people who conspire to kill him in the play are the villains.
        (I’m assuming you don’t know what it’s about, because the idea that you DO know the point of play and are still angry would be just too pathetic.)

        If you DID look up the play and still think that the end message of Julius Caesar is “killing heads of state is good,” then no one can’t help you.

      • Mermaid says:

        Despite DJT’s craziness, I’m sort of hopeful that we can survive him. Two friends of mine who voted for him recently told me they regretted it and now wonder if he’s on drugs. I really wonder how the current crop of Republicans sleep at night. Taking insurance away from millions, polluting drinking water, pulling us out of Paris Climate, shooting endangered species is just fine with these people. Unbelievable!!! How did we come to this???

      • hoopjumper says:

        @tw it was not a 2013 Shakespeare in the Park production–that year they did an adaptation of Love’s Labor Lost and Comedy of Errors. But you’re right, this has been done with Obama before, and Delta even sponsored it:


      • tw says:

        Yes, 2012. I was there, saw it and mixed up the year.

      • jwoolman says:

        LLS – the play was done in modern dress and this includes making Julius Caesar vaguely resemble the current US President. They made him black and wearing typical Obama suits back in 2012. This time they made him blond and wearing typical Trump suits with a long tie. They didn’t change the character itself, which was written hundreds of years ago and based on a real historical character. Nobody was suggesting assassinating either Obama or Trump, the whole point is that assassination is a Very Bad Idea with Very Bad Consequences. The story is one of betrayal.

        The idea that this is an anti-Trump thing is just a weird Trumpian fantasy. If they had not had some homage to the current President in the character’s attire, considering the homage to Obama in 2012, the same people would be screaming that ignoring him was anti-Trump and questioning the legitimacy of his Presidency…

      • Jerusha says:

        @Ils could you please reference some of the posts or tweets you made complaining about the right wingers and their effigies of a noose around President Obama’s neck? I’ll wait for your response, but I don’t expect much from your selective memory.

      • AnnaKist says:

        llS: I guess you’ve now worked out that you should’ve turned right instead…

    • Merritt says:

      Every single day I have to remind myself that this awful excuse for a president still has supporters.

      • Tate says:

        And his supporters are as delusional as he is. One of the deplorables on twitter was spouting off about how trump really won the popular vote because their were 5 million illegal votes. The idiot ended its tirade by saying that America unanimously elected trump.

        I encouraged the minion to go look up the definition of unanimous.

      • B n A fn says:

        Jerusha, you are only asking for someone to post or tweets the effigies of hates on Obama to keep the hate going. You know where to find them, just google.

      • erica says:

        B n A fn, I think you misread that. Jerusha seems to be making the point that those calling people out for their mistreatment of Trump had no problem with similar (and even worse) atrocities hurled at Obama.

      • Jerusha says:

        erica is correct, B n A fn. Everytime someone comes on CB with their plaintive, “Oh, you’re so mean to the president,” I ask them to post the receipts where they complained about the other side’s treatment of President Obama. I know there will be absolutely no response from them.

      • B n A fn says:

        @jerusha and Erica, thank you. My fault reading too fast.

        Happy 4th to All.

        I’m going to pretend that 45 is just a bad dream today. Will not talk about him today.

    • FLORC says:

      Because idiocracy was a prophesy. And now we’re all f****d

    • Sasha says:

      I’m putting this here, under the first comment, because I can’t believe how disgusted I am and how all of this is so out of control, so much so that it’s incredibly disturbing my life. I can’t go on defending normalcy. I don’t have it in me. I hope that those of you that have more fortitude than I go on fighting the good fight. I have so much going on in my life right now that the disgusting ongoings are depleting me. I hate you, Donald Trump. I hope you will be impeached. However, I can’t do it anymore. Bless you all who can.

  2. minx says:

    Every day it’s more insanity from this waste of space.

  3. Cannibell says:

    Authoritarianism 101. Demonize, dehumanize. Then, stand back and watch other people and institutions do your dirty work.

    • Sixer says:

      Yep. Exactly this.

    • Radley says:

      Exactly. He exhibits many symptoms of sociopathy, not the least of which are his piss poor impulse control and lack of genuine empathy for people. Combine that with not being very smart and likely cognitive decline and it’s a recipe for disaster.

      Vlad knew exactly what he was doing by helping prop up this hot mess. Vlad’s the psychopath in this scenario. Very deliberate. Very calculating. Very cold blooded. No conscience.

      Dangerous combo. That can’t be overstated. We’re racing against time to make the case against Trump and company before he does massive damage at Vlad’s behest.

      • Tryannosarahs says:

        He displays pretty classic symptoms of narcissism, to be honest. The only difference I have noticed diagnostically from a narcissist and a sociopath/one with Anti-Social Personality Disorder is who they want to talk about.

        A sociopath/ASPD wants to talk about you to learn how to manipulate you. A narcissist wants to talk about themselves. Other diagnostic symptoms are pretty parallel.

        Other than that I agree. Putin knows how to play to his psychology and interests like a fiddle.

    • Who ARE These People? says:

      Yes, you nailed it. He can’t do anything on his own.

      And Radley yes, it’s a race against time. I keep hoping for a stroke but the thing with sociopaths is that excitment makes their heart rate go down, not up. Trump causes chaos to soothe himself.

      • Christin says:

        Everyone else is rapidly aging, when usually the guy in office is the one who does that. Two of the cable news guys (King and Tapper) have aged 10 years in five months.

    • Cintra.C says:

      Yes, you nailed it.

    • Lahdidahbaby says:

      You got it, Cannibell. What a scary time we’re living in. Recently I found out that one of my social acquaintances actually voted for him — a very pleasant person, I always thought. And after she revealed that, she mentioned that she and her husband have an assortment of high-powered automatic weapons at their house. The pairing of these two facts is no coincidence. Many people who voted for Trump are waiting with their automatic weapons for the arrival of the black helicopters. Violence is the inevitable end result of this sort of paranoia, and not just the inevitable result in many cases, but also the DESIRED result of it. Otherwise the people whose basements are bulging with automatic weapons and emergency food rations will be all dressed up with nowhere to go. The apocalypse is what they’re shooting for. Yeah, shooting for.

      • Cannibell says:

        @Lahdidahbaby: Scary doesn’t even begin to encompass what you’ve described – “a pleasant person,” “revealed” her support for Trump, then “mentioned that she and her husband have an assortment of high-powered automatic weapons at their house.” What a nightmare scenario for those of us who believe in the power of dialogue and ideas. There’s no discussing anything at the other end of a gun barrel. I hope we’re not doomed, but I fear we may be.

      • Lahdidahbaby says:

        I hear you, Cannibell, and I couldn’t agree more. Lots of seemingly pleasant folk will be at the other end of that gun barrel pointed at us because they’ve been duped into believing our elections are rigged, our First Amendment rights are a threat to freedom, and women should obey their menfolk…in short, they see democracy as a failed system and now all they want is to “defend” their families and their property from a takeover by the “Deep State conspirators” they have imagined into reality.

  4. Shambles says:

    And Bill Clinton was impeached for a blowjob.

    Happy Independence Day indeed.

    “In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.”

    • GO says:

      Actually, it was for obstruction of justice.

      • Sami says:

        Obstruction for lying about an extra marital affair. And yet here we are. A fired Acting AG and FBI director to hide a relationship with Russian agents who interfered with the election and still acting like this isnt classic obstruction of justice.

      • Miss Melissa says:

        It was for lying about a blowjob. After all the investigations and innuendo, the independent counsel, the hatred and government shutdowns, in the end all they had was a blow job he didn’t want to admit publicly to his wife.

      • Kristen says:

        And he was acquitted.

      • Shambles says:

        Alrighty then, I amend my statement.

        And Bill Clinton was impeached for obstruction of justice, for lying about a blowjob.

        … while our current POS fired the FBI director, publicly admitted he fired the FBI director to impede an investigation, has intimidated witnesses, possibly committed extortion, treason, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc

      • GO says:

        It doesn’t matter that it was obstruction of justice about a blowjob, it was the obstruction of justice that was the issue, not getting a blowjob….

      • Shambles says:


        Okay? Great? I literally just agreed with you. What are you trying to prove? Donald Trump has also committed textbook obstruction, which he publicly admitted to, over matters much more serious than the Clinton affair. Matters which threaten our national security. Yet, no one seems to care. THAT is the point. I know I brought up Clinton myself, as an attempt at dry humor so I don’t cry, but it seems like you’re intentionally trying to miss the point and derail the conversation.

      • cr says:

        “It doesn’t matter that it was obstruction of justice about a blowjob, it was the obstruction of justice that was the issue, not getting a blowjob….”
        Oh, with the Republicans it was probably about the blow job. Republicans in power have weird relationships with sex.
        Ken Starr was investigating everything he could remotely think of and they ended up going after him over lying about a blow job.

      • lightpurple says:

        It was obstruction of justice for lying about a blowjob in a deposition for a case that he won, twice, without the obstruction. It cost us $40 million to find it and was pushed as reason for impeachment by a group of adulterers (Gingrich, Livingstone, Hyde, Hutchinson, Barr), a child molester (Hastert) and Lindsey Graham. While Trump appears to have admitted that he obstructed justice AND intimidated witnesses over treason.

      • Honey says:

        Bill Clinton shouldn’t have had to let the world know about getting blow jobs. It was none of our business. That kind of thing is something the couple should keep private while dealing with the problem. Absolutely ridiculous that all that time and money was taken settling something like an affair that the world didn’t need to hear about ended up with an impeachment.
        All this dangerous trouble Trump is starting while tweeting like a teenager that nobody knows to taunt other countries and innocent people is a lot different than oral sex. The more Trump keeps up this BS behavior, the worse we look and the bigger risk he puts us in. Blow job compared to careless, childish, nasty attitude that risk our safety? Get real GO.

      • Cintra.C says:

        Speaking of obstruction – Ken Starr had to step down as president of Baylor University for mishandling sexual assault accusations against members of the football team.

  5. Dtab says:

    I feel like we are living in an episode of ‘Black Mirror’ and it really isnt that enjoyable.

    • BritAfrica says:

      I know! I keep thinking the same thing.

      What this man is advocating is really dangerous. I really fear that we are going to see someone (a Senator or Rep or even the crowd at a Democrat rally) severely hurt by what he is trying to incite.

      Surely somebody can stop this before something really bad happens??

  6. Rice says:

    Where are all the Trumpsters who called for Kathy Griffin’s head and called for less rhetoric after Scalise was shot?

    • Miss Melissa says:

      Only convenient when aimed at the Democrats.

      • India Andrews says:

        Democrats do the same thing when it pleases them. Shakespeare anyone? Both sides are hypocrites. Have been for a loong time.

        Before anyone jumps me, I voted for Jill Stein, not Trump. I can’t stand either of the two main parties.

        The White House computer techs need to block Trump’s Twitter access.

      • Shambles says:


        Another poster tried that upthread. Or maybe you just changed your screen name? And since when was it the democrats performing Shakespeare in the park? Were Adam Schiff and Elizabeth Warren in costume?

        And declaring that you voted 3rd party in this election doesn’t do you any favors, or give you any moral high ground over Trump supporters. It was Clinton or Trump. This vote was too important to give away to a third party. If you didn’t vote for her, you did nothing to stop him.

    • B n A fn says:

      They said he was only joking but Kathy was seriously thinking about decapating 45, gmafb. You cannot make up this s$$t. There is nothing too low for his people not to excuse or make up an excuse for his behavior.

      I’m thinking the cable news expecially should not cover him on a loop. Just say one time for the the day what he tweeted and then just ignore him and his bad behavior. Do not cover the White House briefings do not talk about his tweets, nothing, just pretend he’s not president and does not exists. I bet this could drive him absolutely bonkers. he loves the attention that he gets for his lies and childish behavior he’s asking for attention. When he starts coming on camera 🎥 and explain to the American people what he going to do expecially about health care ect. When he starts acting like a president, then will cover him.

      • Lucky says:

        I agree with you. No coverage would drive him crazy. Could you imagine how upset he would have been if everyone ignored the CNN tweet???

      • Gina says:

        This! This! This x 10 000 ^ ^ ^
        You know what it’s like when your toddler is attention seeking – the kind where ANY attention will do, positive or negative.
        I remember my Mom telling us, and there are 5 of us, she would completely ignore the tantrums, the begging, the antics, all of it. It worked.
        I’ve often wondered what if there could be a worldwide media white out on everything and anything Donald Trump related.
        If it’s attention, affirmation and validation he needs, don’t give it to him.
        Sigh.. nice to dream
        Happy July 4th … I’m in Sydney, it’s nearly 1:00am … Feeling desperately homesick. Love to everyone back home

      • AnnaKist says:

        Awww, Gina. I’m sending you a hug – also from Sydney. Welcome, and I hope you enjoy your stay. Chin up. It’ll be a bit warmer for the 4th, so enjoy the sunshine. ☀️

    • tw says:

      It’s simple – THEY ARE HYPOCRITES.

  7. Aiobhan Targaryen says:

    For him to be going this unhinged on twitter something must really be coming. Not just that mess with Mika and Joe but something to do with the investigation. Eric Holder tweeted something recently as well. The last time he did that Comey got fired.

    Where is Stone Cold Steve Austin at when you need him? The Stone Cold Stunner would definitely knock Dump out for a bit.

  8. nemera34 says:

    His defenders are even worse. It is amazing how low these people are. They twist themselves in knots to make this horrible person and his actions seem normal. That there is nothing wrong with this. He is suppose to be busy running the country. Yet he has hours upon hours to watch TV and tweet about the media “being mean to him”.

    • Who ARE These People? says:

      I think he believes that watching TV and tweeting IS the job of president because he only saw other presidents on TV and thought, “How hard could that be? *I* could do that…”

      Anyone who’s held a job entailing ‘soft’ skills (such as communications) knows this one: People can be shallow and think your job is “easy” until they have to do it themselves.

      Trump’s ego is so big and his personality so shallow — and his TV work and career rebranding so successful — that he could easily envision the top job as being something he could do.

    • Sarah says:

      Here is what I figured out at 3AM.
      Trump’s supporters are mostly poorly educated, lower IQ. Racist and sexist. Truth. Here comes this guy who tells them they are great, and since he is a scumbag like they are, they feel important. Puffed up.

      • Who ARE These People? says:

        He does make his followers feel puffed up, but unfortunately his voters/supporters are not all poorly educated, lower IQ people and a lot of them are women.

        He appeals, for example, to evangelicals because of his power to appoint conservative judges to the Supreme and lower courts.

      • Mermaid says:

        Totally agree. It’s the same old racism and put the blame on someone else so at least I feel better than someone else crap that’s been going on since the Civil War. It’s so depressing that some people still think this way and even sadder still those people are 34% of us but they still got him in office. I hope the rest of the world realizes most of us hate him too!!!!

      • Eden75 says:

        There are some of us outside of the US that have some theories on his win.

        1) He appeals to the “lowest common denominator”. That is the less educated, the easily sway-able (those that believe the 3 am tv product commercials) and those that are all about name recognition. These are the ones that don’t know better, believe everything they see on tv and only care that it was a name that they automatically associated with a good brand because that’s all they heard about his name.

        2) He appeals to those who feel disenfranchised in the modern US. That would be your white, straight, religious males who feel that ever since the 1960’s they have been largely ignored and that the minorities and other special interest groups have gotten everything that they want while they have been told that they have it all. This group feels that they have the right to be heard as well, and building a wall, restricting travel and whatever else can be done to protect the great ol’ US of A is the way to go.

        3) Born and breed Republicans who tow the party line no matter what. ALthough, this is true for the Dem’s as well. Y’all have a very strange attachment to your political parties and there seems to be no veering from your party, even if someone else may have something better to offer.

        Granted, there are a lot of stereotypes in that, but they seem to hold true. The rest of us are sitting back and watching, and some of us are waiting for another civil war (as someone mentioned above, the #bluexit idea). That is a scary thought, a country that is supposed to be a world leader having the rumblings of a modern day civil war. Particularly when you live right above the damn place.

      • hogtowngooner says:

        Yes, and I would also add that they adore him because he antagonizes the people they hate (liberals, Democrats, the media). They seem to live in a zero-sum game in which anyone else who gets the benefits of living in America is automatically stealing it from them directly, and anytime those people are targeted or antagonized, they consider it a win. He pisses off the people they hate, and they LOVE him for it.

    • Esmom says:

      Agree that his defenders are even worse. To actually believe his behavior is in any way, shape or form acceptable. And meanwhile McConnell is trying to sneak his revised healthcare bill through, which will have devastating consequences for millions. I don’t get it. Yesterday was really bad.

      • vaultdweller101 says:

        I think the latest Gallup poll had 85% of registered Republicans supporting him. The highest it’s been in a while.

  9. Nancy says:

    I think he truly believes he is being witty and people are with him. As has been repeated continuously on cable and network news, the old boy is slipping. He is using his embarrassingly awkward tweets and this video to distract his peeps from everything he is failing at. Well, it’s not working. Soon even the lamest of the lame will see through his transparent veneer and realize this is one sick man who should be in a home, not the White House. Look out Alice, the Mad Hatter is on a roll.

  10. Seraphina says:

    Make America Great Again my ass!

  11. Jessica says:

    I can’t believe a President tweeted this… what sad times 🙁

    • Ramona says:

      And since tweets are part of official presidential record, this is going into presidential archives for your children and their childrens children to one day ponder over. What will future civilizations think of us?

      • Esmom says:

        They’ll probably find him just as pathetic and puzzling as we do. A massive misstep. We can only hope.

    • Nancy says:

      He must be alone a lot, which is frightening. Most of his snarky tweets are early in the morning. Is he sleep deprived? I further wonder if he takes into account for one second the message he is sending to his child. He claimed to be so upset by Kathy Griffin, yet is indifferent to his own unraveling in front of Barron, but of course he doesn’t see it that way. Certainly his wife has to know this isn’t normal behavior, but then again, she married him, so good luck honey and keep up the good work on cyberbullying.

  12. lightpurple says:

    But wait! We must look away! Princess Nagini posted a video of Arabella sleeping in a hammock on Instagram! So very precious! So innocent! Look away from daddy now! Princess Nagini commands we pay attention to Arabella instead!

    • B n A fn says:

      Good catchlightpurple, You noticed that the daughter/wife posted another picture of her kid. It never fails, when the news is bad for her father she brings out pictures of her childrens and post them on the internet or she will get dressed up like Barbie and posts on the net, What a family. The wife is not any better, lying about writing her own speech for the convention. She promised she was going to hold a news conference to prove she was not here working illegally, never happened. The entire family is a bunch of con artists.

  13. RBC says:

    I have to wonder if the CNN logo was the creator of this video first choice to use? I just get this sick feeling that they wanted to use the face of someone else. But someone with a few brain cells decided that would have been too controversial(not that this isn’t)

    • Beth says:

      Trump makes it well-known that he hates the “fake news” from CNN the most. That’s probably why the creator used it, and most likely was the first choice

      • Who ARE These People? says:

        It’s the mainstream TV news network and the only thing that would go head to head with Fox so yes, CNN is targeted. Just a matter of time before Trump turns personally against his longtime ‘friend’ Jeff Zucker. Did no one ever learn not to be friends with that man?

  14. Dragons sakura says:

    Kim Jong Un is more sane than Donald Trump. I’d like us all to ruminate on that sad fact. This truly is bizarro world.

  15. Beth says:

    Get scarier everyday. This has to stop. Hearing his team and supporters saying it was no big deal, a funny tweet, and that we were all overreacting, especially the media, absolutely blew my mind. Time for them to take this seriously.

    Does Sarah Sucabee know that lying is a sin that God doesn’t approve of?

  16. Jenns says:

    I want to know who gave him that gif to tweet. He’s too stupid to figure that out on his own.

    • Notmypresident says:

      It came from somebody on Reddit. Which makes it even worse….the president is hanging out in the Trump subforum of Reddit and is using it for validation

      • Jenns says:

        I doubt it. There’s no way he could figure out Reddit. Someone on his staff found that gif and posted it for him.

    • Shambles says:

      Bannon got this to him. I’d bet my next paycheck on it.

      You know, the same Bannon that was named in the WSJ’s reporting as a possible co-conspirator in a plot to get Hillary Clinton’s hacked emails from Russian operatives, along with Mike Flynn and Kellyanne Conway.

      Lol. Someone sedate me.

  17. Sami says:

    Of course Trump peruses the subreddit The Donald. I mean duh. That sub was founded by that Milo guy who is Bannons main Youth Winger. Its the largest collection of unadulterated Trump loving idiots online. And its even more heavily moderated than a Breitbart comments section. Its basically a Trump praise choir so of course he goes there, he cant help it.

  18. Eric says:

    Twitter authorities bowed to Emperor Zero by not suspending his account. Unhinged Asshat Bully meet Weak Mushy Authority.

    The 25th for the 45th is a joke because that amendment is for true incapacity, not behavior most of us dislike. Unfortunately.

    Eyes on the prize, though. Mueller has an epic Justice League at his hip and he’s gonna draw pistols when he has everything in it’s right place. Can’t wait!

    • Mary says:

      Mueller’s investigation can’t wrap up soon enough. The village idiot in the White House is demoralizing our country every moment.

    • Trashaddict says:

      Does that count incapacity for love of others, logic, self-reflection, ethical behavior, generosity, and being able to get one’s head out of one’s A&$? Because he sure as S&i# meets all of those criteria.

  19. grabbyhands says:

    Is this how we get great again? People really seem to think so and it makes me want to weep.

    At least when Sean Spicer was up there, he at least had the grace to look like his head was about to explode with the lengths he would need to go to daily to justify whatever lunacy 45 had just splorted out of his mouth. Not to absolve him of guilt because he kept defending it, but the way Sanders delivers her poisonous little lies with nary a twitch is chilling.

    And then we have Cheeto Mussolini trying to justify his actions by saying his use of social media is “modern presidential”. Your predecessor used social media assh*le. He used it to maximum capacity and STILL managed to not post videos that some basement dweller made of him beating up a news logo.

    • Kitten says:

      I mean, Spicer did his job, that’s all.
      That’s what he was hired to do: defend Trump’s lies.
      But yes, at least he always seemed stressed-out and in over his head when he was behind that podium.

      By contrast, Huckabee-Sanders seems to truly believe Trump’s delusions. Scary to behold.

      • Nancy says:

        She is her bible thumping, pretentious, vile father’s daughter, through and through. I’m quite sure for both of them, this is her shining moment. I can say not one positive word about trump or any of his lackeys or mouth pieces, other than what keeps me going, it can’t last forever. Smoke and mirrors.

      • Mermaid says:

        I loathe Sarah Sanders on so many levels. Her blatant lying, her boundless hypocrisy, nepotism, her pearls, arrogance, etc. And we have evangelical cousins that think she’s just great. I can hardly bring myself to speak to them at family reunions.

      • AnnaKist says:

        They’re like mould growing in your house. It keeps spreading, and each day makes a new person in the household sick. It doesn’t go away on its own, and a little bit of bleach has minimal effect. The only way to deal with it is to put a massive effort into eradicating it.

      • jwoolman says:

        She is yet another bible thumper who has only nine commandments in her translation of the Bible. Missed the one about not lying entirely. Just like Pence.

        If you defend a liar’s lies, then you are also a liar.

  20. Lucytunes says:

    It’s all distractions. Including the Morning Joe stuff. They are going after voter rights, trying to quickly and quietly pass a dangerous healthcare bill. look for the man behind the curtain!

    This isn’t important. We know he’s a narcissist. We know he is unfit. But the republicans are happily taking his shield and using it deflect from what they are doing that’s REALLY matters. They are going after our democracy and we have to pay attention and be ready to fight.

  21. Sayrah says:

    I have no clue how we sank so far. So embarrassed for this country.

    • Lady D says:

      Me neither. I’m going to remember this in the future. Of course, I’m assuming we are going to survive Trump.

  22. kate says:

    I am …speechless.

  23. Jerusha says:

    If trump hasn’t been lurking on a Reddit subforum, I’m sure miller, bannon, or some of the other White Supremacists we taxpayers are funding, are.
    Once these scum are removed from the body politic, the WH will need to be sandblasted inside and out to remove their foul stench.

  24. MS. Lib says:

    This is disturbing on so many levels!

  25. Eric says:

    My state, CA, put two middle fingers up when asked by a fraudulent “commission” to reveal voter’s personal info.

    Call your State’s AG and tell them to do likewise. Now!

    • lightpurple says:

      It depends on who is the holder of the data. Here in MA , it is the Secretary of State. Our AG will defend his decision not to release the data, of course. So, call whoever the responsible state entity is.

    • Erica_V says:

      It was the Secretary of State here in RI and Nellie said kick rocks Cheeto!!!

    • jwoolman says:

      That request really is a huge danger sign. That’s the info the Russians were trying to hack in at least 39 states. So the states are supposed to just hand it over to these people supposedly investigating a non-existent problem that has already been investigated several times?

      Their real agenda is voter suppression, which was most likely the Russians’ goal also (or more precisely, their Republican collaborators’ goal). Hands up if you still believe that no Republicans were cooperating with the Russians to get such information….

      All that info can also be used for identity theft.

      If they want that info, let them work for it themselves. Anything publicly available can be accessed through normal channels.

      More than half the states so far have refused. Even Indiana! I can’t imagine that Hoosiers really want their voting info and last four digits of their social security, date of birth, party affiliation, etc. floating around in such dubious hands. It is way too weird.

  26. Slowsnow says:

    I had a lot of trouble explaining this to my husband who saw the video on the news without sound (he was working). His puzzled look says it all. We honestly did not think it could go any lower but Trumpelho hits rock bottom and keeps digging.

  27. Aussie girl says:

    Seriously, the sub _the_Donald is a bain to society. The amount of hate filled, delusion is concerning. These people don’t care if the world was burning down, as long as they felt they where “winning”, they would welcome it. A good quote: ‘To a poor man, Trump is what they see as rich. To a stupid man, Trump is what they see as smart and to a weak man, they think he is strong” .
    WTF is the POTUS posting gif from a keyboard warrior on reddit for!!! My thoughts on this whole thing, and bare with me ,their hypothetical. Dumpy’s team would have to be running low on ego boosting articles and print, regarding his beyond poor capabilities and performance. Someone reads that sub and must pass on the delusion. To me that means his team are sooo desperate to appease him, that they are scrapping the barrel of the internet. I think it was already clear that his team would rather fluff him up, than have a conversation about the reality, as well as behaviour and proper professional etiquette.( big fuck you to Ivanka for this as well). I imagine, it must be like a child and easier to fill him up on Breitbart and comments from Reddit’s _the_donald than deal with his tantrums. These are strange times . I can’t help but think that dumpy has beyond exceeded my expectations , regarding how incompetent AF he would be in this role.

    • jwoolman says:

      Even worse, the lunatic screamer Alex Jones and his InfoWars (one of Trump’s favorite tv shows) now have press credentials for the White House. So my bet is that Trump will be visiting with Alex Jones (whom Trump openly admires) in the White House. Expect more and more crazy tweets.

      In case you are lucky enough to not know about Alex: He promoted “Hillary has sex slaves in the non-existent basement of a D.C. pizza place”, the one that was shot up by an InfoWars fan who believed Alex and thought he was rescuing the Secret slaves. Alex recently started screaming about NASA kidnapping children to work as slave laborers on a secret Mars base for twenty years. NASA actually had to deny this ridiculous thing. Think about that for a few seconds. NASA. Had to deny a child slave labor camp on Mars. NASA!

  28. why? says:

    The closer it gets to Trump’s meeting with Putin, the more unhinged Trump becomes. It’s like Trump is extremely scared of Putin. Is this meeting when Trump will officially hand over this country to Putin? If the press think that Trump’s attempt to silence and control them is bad now, just wait until after he meets with his puppetmaster.

    The King of Fake News is spreading more fake news. According to the King of Fake News:

    He has great job numbers. Did Trump ever respond to that report about how he lied about the job deal he made with Carrier? Trump had his people attack that union worker and as it turned out he was right about Trump lying about the job deal he supposedly struck with Carrier.

    A strong economy. This is a false positive because the millionaire and billionaire people in his administration like Tom Price still haven’t divested from their companies and are manipulating the system by approving laws that will help their stock do well and removing those regulations that will prevent them from doing well. Tom Price, the same Tom Price who has been doing rounds on talk shows to support TrumpRyancare, Housecare, and MitchMcare(he has stock in a medial company), was being investigated for abusing his position to help his stock do well, so the press need to be weary when telling us that Trump isn’t so bad because the markets are doing well. Trump said it himself. He has very rich people working for him.

    His success with ISIS and the border. Neil Gorshe who the GOP had to change the rules to get him on the Supreme Court is proving that he can’t be independent of Trump. If Gorsche hadn’t be on the Supreme Court, Trump’s Muslim Ban would have been rejected.

    • lightpurple says:

      Price is still under FBI investigation.

    • why? says:

      It’s being reported that the King of Fake News, WitchHunts, & Lies is furious over talk about removing him using the 25th Amendment.

      There should also be a movement to get Trump’s twitter account banned since he is using his accounts as a bully pulpit. He has incited violence, verbally attacked people, threatened Sally Yates and Comey, and spread lies about Obama, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch, and Hillary.

      It also wouldn’t hurt if the WH press reporters would boycott all of Spicer and Sarah’s briefings. They are only making things worse by running back to the WH and looking the other way when Trump, Spicer, and Sarah attack them or their fellow peers. Why do they even bother to attend the briefings, they aren’t learning anything new? Those WH briefings are designed for one viewer, and that is Trump.

      • cr says:

        I’m not for banning his Twitter account because his tweets can be used against him, and have been in the court rulings on the travel ban.
        The more he tweets the more he digs himself into that hole.

      • Tate says:

        I agree with cr on the tweets. Let him keep digging.

      • Jerusha says:

        No banning. His tweets are part of the official record. They will be part of the “trump presidential library”(🤣🤣🤣🤣)eventually. He’ll remain a laughingstock throughout history. As will his cultists with their idiotic tweets.

  29. Patricia says:

    I hope CNN is doubling down on their security because this is a dog whistle for one of his violent and disturbed supporters (of which there are many) to go shoot up the CNN studio. It really is.

    This is scary. I am scared for those working at CNN. I feel like this is a direct threat to them, from their own president! This is so violent, I didn’t think I could be shocked by him any more but I am. This is shockingly violent and aggressive.

    • Lady D says:

      “Shockingly violent and aggressive” Trump is starting to remind me of Putin.

    • Mary says:

      Yeah this is so irresponsible of Trump. Cant he be charged with inciting violence? Trump belongs in jail at this point

      • Tate says:

        He should have been charged with inciting violence during the campaign. Remember all those hate filled rallies where he encouraged supporters to “knock him out”

        This has all gone way too far. I remember watching one of his rallies last summer and thinking… this isn’t America. Lesson learned because that is exactly what a large portion of America is.

  30. Franny says:

    And his supporters are still defending him. I can’t respect anyone who thinks he’s doing a good job, so I’m avoiding a lot of people right now. Our ignorance and trash mentality are on full display. It’s a daily nightmare.

  31. Nc (where I’m at) is swing state. It’s truly split here. You can’t talk about politics at all out loud. One person will applaud you and someone else will be ready to fight. It’s really sad. I never knew discussing politics could be a dangerous matter.

    • Trashaddict says:

      Hang in there Chicken N pastry. Hopefully the voters in NC will recognize that the Emperor has no clothes….

  32. PunkyMomma says:

    Don’t be distracted by Cheeto Mussolini’s antics! Keep an eye on the Senate; keep an eye on his Voter fraud investigation; AND don’t be blinded by these antics — there is a campaign gaining momentum among some of the House and Senate Republicans to discredit the FBI and the Mueller investigation. The closer Mueller gets to the money trail, expect to see more outlandish behaviors on the part of Donnie Two Scoops and his minions. Stay focused!

  33. PunkyMomma says:

    Sorry. Double post.

  34. Annetommy says:

    It really is beyond ridiculous. The only saving grace is that no way could he throw a good punch with his teeny weeny hands.

  35. Spunk says:

    I am embarrassed for Americans. My president(Jacob Zuma,South Africa) is absolutely terrible and a criminal who’s above the law(for now,I hope) and has been accused of raping an HIV positive woman and claimed to have cured himself with taking a shower… yes a shower. The women’s league of his political party stood by him through it all…He’s not Cheeto eccentric and unhinged though. But he has been running us to the ground for two terms now. y’all better ensure Evil orange-sunset doesn’t make it that far because damn…he got nuclear codes…who knows what a twitter user will tweet at him and have him do something that puts millions of people in danger

  36. Lori says:

    A men with zero political experience was elected president. He makes poor political choices and behaves unworthy of the job. He is being the same arrogant bully he was before the election. Why the suprise..

  37. Reece says:

    And this will be in all likelihood be in the Smithsonian.

  38. Svea says:

    Am reading Scott Peck’s People of the Lie, his analysis pf evil from a psychological perspective. It perfectly diagnoses Trump and his cohorts.

  39. Julia says:

    Does this man ever plan on doing any actual work? Is his entire agenda simple to viciously offend, shove and verbally attack others?! That’s neither productive nor what he promised he’d accomplish.

    • Xtrology says:

      Just yes to the 25th Amendment. Really? Do we even have to think about this? But if you read my blog, you’ll know why we are stuck here. Sad.

  40. Indiana Joanna says:

    The media just unmasked the Reddit account that created the video as a serial miscreant (and illiterate) who attacks minorities and others. He even misspelled “emperor.” A moron.

    This is the base that baby fists and Bannon pander to.

  41. Erica_V says:

    Apparently WWE is thinking about addressing this on RAW tonight. To that I must repost this gem of a comment from Cage Side Seats.

    “It’s a sad day when we’re all hoping that WWE does not lower itself to the level of associating with the F–KING PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.” -ChiTown78

    • Rapunzel says:

      WWE will not likely say anything negative about Trump. The McMahons donated millions to his campaign and Linda McMahon is in his cabinet.

  42. Guest says:

    The very sad thing is he’s not going to be impeached – he’s going to around for the next four years.

    • Gwen says:

      Trump’s a candidate for a heart attack. At the rate he’s been going, that’ll happen before his term is up.

  43. B n A fn says:

    Just heard something funny on CNN. 45 says, last year, President Obama was unpresidential because he did not wear a tie while giving an interview and it was unpresidential for former President Obama to run down the stairs on Air Force one. He also criticized BO FOR the way he walks and bops, unpresidential he says. My head is going to explode with the hypocrisy of this man, 45. I believe I’m living a dream and hope I will wake up soon and laugh that I thought this was real life.

    • Jerusha says:

      I doubt the Blob-in-Chief has ever run anywhere. One of these days his head will explode with his jealousy of President Obama, a man a thousand times better than him in every way.

  44. Lisa says:

    Remember when the big scandals of BO’s first months (according to Sean Hannity of Faux News who went on and on about it) were that he wore a tan suit and admitted he used Grey Poupon mustard? Oh, wish those days were back. This is beyond all belief. What stupid excuse are the trumpsters using about his behavior now? If it’s that its just a “joke” I guess they need to excuse Kathy Griffin’s “joke” too.

  45. wolfpup says:

    Is it just me – or does anyone else find Donald Drumph petty – like a girl. No offense to girls, but he is not worthy of the word, bitch, he’s a girl; very petty. Does anyone else notice his blow-back for the women’s march is to attempt to dismantle our health care? To force us to have babies? And dismantle the safety net that cares for single mothers and children? Why are the Republicans forcing us to have children, when they will not take care of them – of course, that is their birth control measure – our utter helplessness, with a babe in arms – and damned us for having sex in the first place – put the fear of God in us – the low percentage on a woman’s vs. man’s wage – and we need to imagine ourselves as brides, with a man who will leave us for a prettier woman; and we need a man? -, whuh? Why are there women who are voting in the best interest of their husbands, not themselves, or their children?

    Maternal health care is not so good, but teen pregnancy is not the problem it was, before Planned Parenthood, and all the teachings about how not to get pregnant. Seriously, how many of us, or our children have turned to that agency to provide a way? (without veils, or permissions by others?) The male establishment is so against females – why? I don’t mean to sound simple, but seriously, what is the point of this male chest-bumping?

    • jwoolman says:

      You know he must have paid for abortions. He tried to get Tiffany aborted. He just says what he thinks his supporters (and Pence) want to hear. Nothing real about the guy and we have it all on video – all the contradictions.
      He used to identify as Democrat but I guess the Dems didn’t want him when he decided to run for President. His kids were still registered Democrat in 2016, or thereabouts.

      I doubt that Trump voted much until his name was on the ballot. There was a documentary following him around on Election Day earlier in the century and he acted as though he had never seen the inside of a polling place before and had no idea of the procedures. He hadn’t even bothered to call the registrar to make sure where he was supposed to go, since he had moved. There was allegedly some mixup over his name that could have been corrected if he had bothered.

  46. Plibersek says:

    Ignore the tweets. They’re a distraction.

    • wolfpup says:

      They are also the true thoughts of the American president. Why wouldn’t we pay attention to them? Is someone else running the White House? Apparently, Drumph does not get his way – so who is running it all? Jared Kushner?

      The tweets may seem like a distraction- but they also tell us the inner workings of Drumph.

      • Plibersek says:

        No they don’t. They’re a smokescreen from the main game. As General Betray-us said ‘If you follow the troops and follow the money, don’t follow the tweets.’ He was spot on.