In Touch Weekly has been banging the drum on Brangelina’s split for many months, even starting the rumor that Brad Pitt was texting intimate messages to his ex-wife, causing much disturbance between Brad and Angelina. Last week, In Touch seemed to be the only tabloid who saw Brad and Angelina fight like cats and dogs all the way through Cannes. This week, it’s just a continuation of that story line – Brad and Angelina consult the lawyers and fight over money. It writes itself.
One of the biggest plot-points of In Touch’s self-perpetuating drama was that Brad Pitt didn’t immediately fly back to New York to nurse Angelina back to health after she received an on-set head injury. Maybe because it was just a scratch, and Angelina went back to work the next day? Nevermind, call the damn lawyers!
Brad and Angelina’s relationship has been troubled for months. But now it appears to have reached its breaking point. In Touch can now reveal that the once-happy pair are consulting with lawyers in case they need to split.
According to one longtime friend, Angelina met with a high-profile LA celebrity attorney around Easter, when Brad was in France. Angelina would want to win custody of their children and would fight for them. Brad has been in touch with his lawyers also. He knows what is happening.
Brad would want 50/50 shared custody of [the six kids]. And while he’s happy to support the kids, he won’t give her a cent. “They will each retain what they went into the relationship with,” the friend says.
Brad and Angelina, who are currently living on opposite coasts, aren’t ready to go public with their troubles.
“Brad and Angelina can barely stand to be in the same room with each other,” says another friend. “It seems like they have both checked out of the relationship and are only pretending to be a couple.”
But not for long. Their friend says they’ll spend most of the summer apart, and announce their split when their children get used to the idea.
“Brad and Angelina may have fallen out of love a while back,” says the pal, “but they both share an amazing love for their kids.”
[From In Touch Weekly, print edition, June 15 2009]
Has anyone else taken note of the shifting timelines the tabloids keep giving for when Brad and Angelina will announce this split? One tabloid says “give it a month,” while another says the ever-vague “soon,” and now In Touch says “when their children get used to the idea.” So, In Touch’s sources are good enough to know the exact conversation that took place in a Cannes hotel room, but for an actual date of a split, no one can say. Interesting. They also have a series of little pull-out info pieces about the division of property and assets, that sort of stuff. However, I can happily report that In Touch’s writers are no longer writing Brangelina haikus. Hurray!
* Brad and Angelina are still hammering out who will keep their $3.5 million house in the French Quarter. The pair purchased it together in 2007.
* Angie wants full custody, but they hashed out a tentative agreement for shared custody before the Cannes film festival, a source says.
* “Brad told her the reason he had never married her was so she wouldn’t take half his money the second things went wrong,” a friend reveals.
* While Brad acted out in LA, Angelina had to go to the hospital after injuring her head during a stunt on the set of Salt on May 29. The next day, she returned to the set, where she was seen texting and chatting with extras, a source says. Many wondered why Brad didn’t fly back to be with Angelina after the accident.
[From In Touch Weekly, print edition, June 15 2009]
“Brad told her the reason he had never married her was so she wouldn’t take half his money the second things went wrong”? Yes, because money is what drives Brad and Angelina both, and there’s so much documentation to prove that where? First, I always thought Angelina was the one who didn’t want to get married, and secondly, it doesn’t seem like Brad and Angelina ever really cared about how much money they spent, or on what. Money isn’t what drives either of them, in my opinion.
Here’s US Weekly’s two page spread of In Touch’s phony Brangelina covers.
le sigh…what’s that saying? even a broken clock is right twice a day?
I guess that InTouch is hoping that SOME day, they’ll actually be right.
Make it S T O P
please no more articles about these 2
Isnt there a link where i can see the 2 page spread bigger? They wish sooo much for a breakup just to earn more money. Lol
The fact is they (the tabloids) don’t really need to know what is actually going on in the lives of BP and AJ.
They make plenty of money just treating the whole thing like a soap opera plot:
Fight/make-up/secret wedding/secret visit to the ex/pregnancy/adoption/fight(continue ad nauseum)
I can’t imagine those who write for these mags are at all concerned with whether they are accurate or not.
Very likely they regard their stories (about all the celebs, not just these two) as much as entertainment as the movies the celebs make. (and sometimes more interesting!LOL)
Jeez, can we bring back the Eminem/Bruno butt-in-face thing?
I’m so sick of Pitt/Jolie, Aniston,the Octomom, and _____________ who are basically uninteresting and just not news worthy.
LOL! Stunned at the daily in-depth analysis of what are plainly pulled-out-of-thin-air stories. I can understand wanting to get hits on the site but this is just bizarre!
Read Czarina’s post, kaiser, all the answers are there.
Geronimo – I was just thrilled they weren’t writing haikus anymore:
Angelina, Brad
Money, lawyers, custody
Sad tabloid bullsh-t
I suppose this is why no slander/libel lawsuits have been filed against the tabs. After all the non stop free publicity, their faces on the covers, who needs the truth as long as they are continuously, speculated and talked about? an example of the end result is Jolie bumping off Oprah as the number one celebrity in the Forbes list, despite making a fraction of the money as Oprah. They obviously enjoy the attention and each time their relationship is questioned they just drag out the kids and interest world is ignited. Sorry folks but all this speculation is old and tired, it would all stop if they truly wanted it to but then why would they – their movies are not blockbusters at the box office but somehow they continue to be offered scripts. ( yea I know that Wanted did well but I went for the action not to see her exposed scrawny ass)
As long as people keep buying these rags they will continue making up stories about these and other celebrities. Their marketing teams know which stories sell the most copies, and obviously it’s these 2 (and throw in the ex for good measure). The Gosselins were a flash in the pan, Pitt-Jolie-Aniston stand the test of time, so doubt it will end anytime soon. Just wish they’d hire me. I’d make up much more believable stories and could finally work from home.
its called freedom of speech
maaaaaaaaaan there is at least 3 or 4 articles a day about these two… isn’t it EVER going to get old?!?!!?
I love how the fact that tab mags are obsessed with Brad/Angie becomes their fault. That Angelina is responsible for Forbes putting her on the list as #1.. Looking at all the covers is reason enough for people to stop buying and believeing all this crap. I mean they claim to have all the “intimate” sources who hear all these intimate conversations, yet never can tell the most trivia things.. Where was the family at christmas, where are they staying.. Funny..
I don’t buy them because they are full of shi* We know what Brad/Angie want us to know.. nothing more. Simple, Fact. And if people really thought about it.. They don’t let us know much. That is why people buy the rags, and believe all the dumb rumors.
I wish they would break up and get it over with!
why hasn’t someone sued their asses already?
These 2 could be a lot richer of they just sued every one of those mags for their BS lol
Of course Brad wouldn’t marry her so she wouldn’t steal his money. Because no Hollywood lawyer has ever heard of a pre-nup, right?
WTF cares…They’re tired,boring “celebs”. Dullsville.Not worth reading about.
feebee that is a GREAT idea! i wish they would sue every one of these magazines ten times over so we’d stop hearing about these two already… something HAS to be done… this is so overboard.
Why not post something positive for once, like the article Angie wrote on the Darfur war crimes trial that is being published in Time magazine this week?
I don’t know why people keep saying they should sue. Celebrities hardly ever sue tabloids because the laws and burden of proof makes it difficult to do so. If it was so easy to not just sue but also win there would lawsuits all over the place.
I;m struck by how factual-like it reads
I wouldn’t read that magazine even if it was free. That rubbish magazine is for the haters and the haters reading that junk keep that magazine going. You really have to be an idiot to believe any of it.
The KIDS are being split up for adoption by MADONNA and Oprah. Oprah wants the white rugrats and Madonna wants the foreign ones.
to: Zebra Spots
NO SKANK…They will stay together because for the same reason many people stay together… THEY LOVE each other, THEY LOVE their kids. and for the people dying for a brak up.. please, please hold you breath..
Stop reading about them since they bother you so much. Interesting how the people who say they don’t like them read every article, blog, story.. Interesting how the people who don’t like their movies have seen them all.
Crew knowledge: they both have incredibly horrid B.O. They are nasty and very dumb.
Zebra is dead-on. Peeps always had their noses plugged around those 2 blowhards.
the troof be told they is a coupla gays. she luvs the women and he luvs the boytoys.
I don’t really know why they would fight over money, they are NOT married, so whats his is still his, and whats hers is still hers..unless they put all thier money together, which makes them both stupid!
Jennifer Aniston: Freedom of Speech is not a vehicle for spreading rumours. Even this lowly Canuck knows what Free of Speech encompasses south of the border.
Wow. I’d say the Angelina/Brad haters are about 30000% crazier than the Aniston haters!
I gotta agree with most of these posts, No one really knows what goes on in a relationship but the people involved.These two have been smart enough to keep their interviews with the media to the minimum, (the laws of supply and demand), they are astute business people (witness the millions they received for their baby pics)and I guess when news is slow one tabloid just sits down and make things up, and the rest follow, it follows the formula for soaps,who needs the truth when you can essentially make crap up – and so we get the pap churned out- they meet, have babies , fight , reconcile and repeat the cycle , with variations on the theme,most of the details are wrong but who cares, the next phase according to the tabloid formula I guess is going to be rumors of affairs, probably of a bisexual nature before the inevitable reconciliation for the kid’s sakes, . This is one couple that must wake up every morning thanking God for the paparazzi and the tabloids, they must be laughing their way to the bank, lets face it without brand “Brangelina” all we have is a couple of attractive actors with mediocre talent,(The Oscar deal regardless). And one of them has ‘issues’, I suspect a bipolar disorder, as evidenced by the frenetic traveling and uprooting of the children every couple of months, amongst other things.
Will there ever be a day when we don’t hear about the Brad, Jen, Angelina triangle? Hope so…it’s getting old.
I recieved several Brad and Angie alerts this morning, 2 said they were getting married, and 2 or 3 said they were living in different houses..go figure!
thanks for the link chicamorena, nice article by Jolie…
when you read something like that, you realize just how stupid these rumors are by comparison….
No way any well adjusted people believe this it’s just the crazy ones. It would be better if Aniston move on with her life and put a stop to all of this because even if she is not ordering people to do this it still makes her look bad either way.
Pitt/Jolie are still rising to the top.
As the lies about Pitt and Jolie spread it’s a bad reflection on Aniston and always will be. Aniston should advise her fans to stop the slandering.
It’s sure not hurting Jolie who just landed on Forbes #1 powerful celebrity.
To bad the Aniston fans don’t understand that Pitt/Jolie are overcoming all the stupid rumors you come up with. Sit on their blogs all day you are just making your self look crazy and ill.
I don’t think Jennifer or her fans have anything to do with the rumors about Brangie..I think the media, and the rag mags, make up stories to sell thier magazines..stop blaming every damn thing that is said about Brangie on Jen Aniston..give it a rest.
Same can be said about the haters……..give it a rest.
I hope they split real soon and then we can have other headlines. Who knew that the Britney publicity would ever end? I hope this also ends and real soon.
Lets just face it. All celebs are narcissistic individuals. If they weren’t, they wouldn’t aquire so much wealth and make up excuses to spend it; all while tearing up and telling everyone how much they care about kids in Africa, or how they condone an expensive bottle of water. Sorry, but I’ve known quite a few people in my life who gave EVERYTHING to their cause. They were good people who were hard working, and good to their spouses besides. And best of all, they didn’t want people to know about all of it. I don’t understand the blatant worship of these three or any other celeb.
To me, Angie seems like a giant fake who discovered a long time ago that she could counter her raunchy past with some photographs in third-world countries. Brad seems incredibly air-headed and cocky. He’s been told all his life that he’s so good-looking, and it’s inflated him. The way he acted towards his wife was appalling. And lastly, Jen seems like somebody who was too star-struck to think about anything but her next movie break. They all have it coming to them, in my opinion. Jen had her day, and Angie will be a lonely mom of six (or seven?) eventually. Brad’s a chump. Why worship? Why defend blindly? What if they’re all harpie b!tches?
maybe intouch writers should be a fiction novel writers. these covers are real funny
I don’t think that Angelina will raise children alone wether she has Brad on her side or not.
Lets’ get serious. Angelina is the better looking, younger, more charismatic, more intelligent and more interesting star than Brad Pitt. She is the one who triggers the passion/hatred, the one that take most of the light in that couple.
She has beauty, brains and a certain amount of guts.
If they ever break up, i think that it is Brad who would be left alone…If my memory serves me well, i don’t even think that Jolie was ever dumped before. She is usually the one who walked away, wether a kid is involved or not. That’s why all the media around faking it is so laughable. It never stopped Jolie to call it quits and go her seperate ways.
In that game, i will bet all my money on Jolie who would certainly have better choice than Brad than the other way around. I think that there are more men who are better than Brad by a long shot who will go after Jolie than the other way around.
well anti pathy about the next stage the rumers about the affairs…..
Who is this Sinnita Brad keeps going to England to see and is she really pregnant?
I have never heard of her.
OH, and Jen has nothing to do with the rumers, mags are gonna print what sells.
Jen has been a lot quieter than most women would have been in her shoes, the Jen bashing shows the mentality “some” of the brangelina fans.
ZebraSpots, if you read this, your comment about Angelina is NOT true! Do YOU have the ability to act and memorize a script?! Did YOU win an Oscar? Do YOU have a pilot’s license and fly your own plane? Do you take your children to museums?! Are you a goodwill ambassador who speaks in front of Congress? Angelina does ALL of these things! The garbage about Angelina and Brad not being clean is just that! GARBAGE!! Made up by jealous people. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.