Cele|bitchy | Hayden Panettiere’s New “Got Milk” Ad

Hayden Panettiere’s New “Got Milk” Ad


Hayden Panettiere, who turned 18 yesterday, is the new spokesperson for the Milk Education Board’s “Got Milk?” campaign. The new ad (seen above) will make it’s official debut in the October issue of Alloy, but you can say you saw it here first.

Recently, Hayden was quoted as saying,

“I find it kind of funny watching people patronize me or think I’m dumb because I’m blonde and young. Hopefully I’m mature enough to laugh at them because they’re the silly ones and not me. I know I have a higher IQ than 99 percent of the brunettes out there. And it gives me more of a sense of accomplishment when I achieve things after people have underestimated me.”


I’m sure she’s a smart girl, afterall she’s made quite a nice career for herself in just a few short years, however claiming to have a higher IQ than 99 percent of the brunette population is probably not a very intelligent thing to say.

[Header Image: PR Newswire]

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