Miranda Kerr covers the September issue of Red Magazine. I hate that I’m saying this, but I love her whole look on this cover. I WANT that turtleneck sweater. It would look perfect in my closet. Miranda’s hair and makeup look cute here too. She’s glowing! She’s probably knocked up already. She’s not really promoting anything specific, but I guess she’s always got to mention Kora Organics, her skincare/beauty line. Does anyone use Kora Organics? I’ve always wondered if people are really into it, whether anyone swears by it. Here are some highlights from her Red interview:
The best part of being her own boss: “I love how rewarding it is to run my own business and see all my hard work come to fruition. It’s something I’d always wanted to do and I learn something new every day. I’m very involved, across everything from formulations, manufacturing and packaging to sales and marketing.
What kind of boss she is: “I’d like to think that I am an approachable boss. At Kora, we often say, ‘teamwork makes the dream work!’ To get the best out of people you need to give them time and listen to their ideas.
Dealing with rejection: “I work in an industry where there is a lot of rejection before success, so I had to learn at a young age to believe in myself and try my best not to take rejection personally, [you have to deal with rejection with] an optimistic mind. Some challenges were hard to overcome and understand, especially when I was younger. But I see them as experiences to learn and grow. I also find meditation helpful in dealing with times of stress.
The most challenging aspect of motherhood: “I think it’s the responsibility of raising a child to be the best version of themselves. Thinking back, the sleep deprivation for the first year was pretty challenging too! But the sleepless nights were well worth it. Being a mother is just a huge honour. My favourite part of the day is picking Flynn up from school. Seeing his little face light up when he sees me! It is joy and love in the purest form. It’s just magical seeing him grow and develop his own personality.What she teaches her son about women: “At his young age I’m focused on reinforcing the basics- treating everyone with respect and, of course, to have good manners.
How she stays healthy: “I eat foods in their most natural state. I do believe in moderation though and try to live by the 80% fresh and healthy, 20% indulgence rule. As for exercise, I start the day with at least 20 to 30 minutes of exercise. I like yoga, Pilates, swimming, resistance training, skipping and walking our dog, Teddy. If I have a shoot coming up I target certain specific areas. I just try to keep active and walk as much as possible.
Can I tell you how much I enjoy that she listed “skipping” as one of her go-to activities? I’m not throwing shade! I love that she’s out there, talking about skipping-as-exercise. I stopped skipping when puberty hit and my boobs grew, but I imagine Miranda’s rigid-looking bolt-ons aren’t too affected by skipping (okay, that was shade). No one show Miranda that Prancercise video, okay?
Photos courtesy of Red Magazine.
I think she means skipping rope. I’ve known of Aussies calling it that, where I would probably say jumping rope.
Not in Aussie, but we also use skipping rather than jumping rope.
Yes, that’s what skipping means here in Australia. I couldn’t figure out the joke til I read your comment.
Me, too. I used to know a guy in the Navy who jumped rope to stay in shape. It’s a really excellent workout.
Yup, great for cardio conditioning. Boxers incorporate it into their routines a lot too.
No, I think she meant skipping. Have you tried it since you were a kid? It’s hard! It’ll get your heart & breathing rates up quickly!
And it’s weight bearing! I want to try it. I also miss hopscotch. Might draw out a board in the basement.
I love her haircut. My hair would never look good that length. Can you even just imagine the luxury of not working an 8-5 job, so you have lots of time to work out? The dream.
Trampolines are so great you can skip on them and not have the impact. It’s actually what the astronauts at NASA use to recuperate from space. Great for your lymphatic system.
Depends if you need to avoid weight-bearing exercise. If you need to build bone mass/density and joints can tolerate it, weight bearing and impact are more important.
What’s skipping?
You guys call it jump rope/jumping rope I think
I love to skip. More fun and less pain than running
And strong arms from years of digging for gold (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)
*golf clap* I feel like I should be insulted, but no. Well played.
She’s also regularly chases billionaires. So much so, and given their overall lack of fitness, they rarely outrun her.
“Rigid-looking bolt-ons”? Did I miss something? I always thought Miranda’s figure looks very natural, for the most part.
Her implants look natural, but they ARE implants and you can see the scars. I agree with this writer: Rigid-looking bolt-ons.
I didn’t even realize she had implants! Learn something new every day.
They’re small – it’s not like she went Pam Anderson size – but it’s obvious. They’re definitely not “Oh, I just went up a bit after having a child” – they aren’t obvious or glaring but find a pic of her in a low cut gown and it’s quite clear.
A lot of the VS models have smaller implants; I have a very “to each their own, unless you lie about it” attitude and I would say I’m often impressed with the small subtle implants that can be done now. I mean I’ve had my D cups since the age of 12 so some perky B-Cs always seemed like a dream to me.
ok, well all i got out of this was clicking on over to that prancercise video. oh my, it made me giggle

That lady is in shape! As I approach that age, she’s become my new idol!
I love skipping/jumping rope. Best cardio!
Miranda says all the right words, but doesn’t live by what she preaches.
I do believe she works out – She’s toned. I think we’re all just tired of all model and actress “lifestyle tips”. I’m tired of “Gosh, gee, I’m so normal and eat McDonald’s three times a day and never work out AND YOU CAN TOO”. I’m tired of “I exercise from dusk until dawn and live off coconut oil and maca powder”.
I get that someone is usually asking them the question but I don’t even get why. How does Miranda Kerr look like Miranda Kerr? By being born looking like Miranda Kerr.
If their tips were like “Don’t use tanning beds or methamphetamines”, I’d be okay with it.