Demi Lovato goes to therapy twice a week, no longer reads comments online

I love a good high pony đŸ’đŸ»

A post shared by Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) on

I know Demi Lovato always talks about the same stuff but since the pResident revealed he’s totally supporting Nazis not a lot else is happening. Demi is promoting her second collaboration with Kate Hudson’s Fabletics line, which is a workout clothing subscription service that is poorly reviewed overall. Most of the reviews I’ve read say that the clothing is ok but that canceling service is difficult and that it’s not a good deal overall. (That’s just an aside to say we’re not endorsing that service and just providing that info as background.) So of course Demi is talking about her favorite related topics, body image, exercise and mental health. That’s cool and I’m glad she’s championing those causes, which she has done for years, but I doubt she has any fans who don’t know those are her causes. Anyway Demi talked to several different outlets and I’m including her quotes from ET and Self below as those are the most interesting.

On people trolling her online
“I don’t really deal with body shamers anymore because I don’t look at it. I think everybody deals with haters. I feel like I don’t really deal with haters anymore because I don’t pay attention to it. And I think the more attention you give it, the more power it has over you. So, I focus on just what I see in the mirror and that’s a beautiful person. And regardless of what I think of my body that day, I know that nobody can take who I am away from me.”

“I don’t read the comments. And if I see a comment that says that ‘she’s fat’ or whatever, I let it roll off my back because I just know that I’m healthy and I’m doing everything that I can to be healthy. So whatever my body is right now is, is what it is. So, love it or hate it, I’m still gonna love it.”

How she stays mentally and physically healthy
“I see a therapist two days a week. I reach out to people. Whenever I’m struggling with something, you know, I work out. I eat clean. I have a healthy support system around me, so I do everything that it takes to maintain a happy, healthy lifestyle.”

“Fitness is very important to me. It helps with my physical strength, but more importantly, my mental strength. And so being able to work out is very important to my health, and it keeps me healthy enough to maintain a long-lasting career too.” – From ET

On her fitness struggles
Sometimes I get really bored when I do just an hour of cardio, so sometimes I struggle with boredom (laughs). But that’s why I like to train MMA, because it keeps it exciting.

I used to work out too much, and then I stopped working out because I got burnt out on it. A few years ago I picked it up again with a trainer. I liked cycling, then I went from cycling to just strength training mixed with cardio, and then I found MMA.

She was asked what advice she would give to young women
I would say that if you struggle with depression, anxiety, or any other type of stressors in your life, a really great way to get rid of those is through physical exercise and fitness. – From Self

[From ET and Self]

Demi may not read the comments now, but that came with a steep learning curve – she’s quit Twitter before and has been back very soon afterwards. I get that it can be hard to read mean things and that there’s a learning curve to dealing with trolls and negativity though. As for her frequent therapy sessions, I would love to be able to afford that. I live in a small town where things are relatively cheap and it costs $100 an hour to go to therapy here. I’m sure it’s much more expensive in LA so Demi is paying what I would consider a fortune. It would be great to have someone have to sit and listen to my crap for two hours a week and just know they won’t tell anyone. I talk to my closest friends about stuff but I have to mete out what I tell people. You don’t want to tell them everything or impose, unless it’s your best friend.

Oh and I have to say this too. Demi’s trainer has said that she spends four hours in the gym six days a week. (She goes to a mixed martial arts gym so surely there are a lot of fit guys there as she mentioned to Self.) Anyway I can imagine that for someone with addiction issues exercise can be become addictive too. I’m definitely addicted to it and I have to watch myself or I’ll obsess over getting a certain amount of time in every day and will get anxious if I miss it. It’s all about moderation of course but that can be difficult for me and I imagine Demi too.

Oh tell me you love me… I need someone… on days like this I do, on days like this…

A post shared by Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) on

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24 Responses to “Demi Lovato goes to therapy twice a week, no longer reads comments online”

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  1. Naddie says:

    Sometimes more than once in a week is necessary. Her insecurity is so painfully visible, I hope she gets better.

  2. marc kile says:

    she’s way do dependent on other people’s opinions. its a shame because she seems like a
    good person. hope she finds happiness and peace,

  3. Originaltessa says:

    I’m not shaming her or trying to silence her. She’s entitled to say what she wants about all of her many issues. Jut me, personally, got sick of listening to it like ten years ago.

  4. Miss S says:

    Instead of the usual conversation about “awareness” on issues of mental health, I would like to see more focus on solutions on how to get the help you need when you know you have a problem. What’s the point of knowing you need help if every avenue that would allow improving is closed off to you? That just makes matters worse.

    • WTW says:

      @Miss S Exercise, journaling, meditation, yoga, diet, self-help books, caring for a pet, and joining online support groups are all things a person in need can do without seeing a therapist. Free or low-cost counseling sessions may also be offered at places of worship but expect them to be infused with religious speak, so it may be awkward to go if you don’t belong to that particular faith. Some community organizations offer free counseling as well, and it may be possible to see a counseling intern for much cheaper than it would to see a PsyD.

      • Miss S says:

        I was talking about professional help and the examples you gave aren’t still accessible for most people who need help.

        And the suggestions you made are pretty impossible to put in practice when for example someone is at the lower end of depression. And if taking any kind of medicine is seen as an important path to recovery, it is important to do some therapy at the same time.
        Ths is really complex and challenging when a person feels lonely and hopeless.

      • ArchieGoodwin says:

        Miss S, sometimes just saying “thank you” will suffice.

        Thank you, WTW, for your list. It never occurred to me that pet care can be therapeutic. Just the act of caring for something refocuses your mind and if it can stop the heavy thoughts even for a moment, every moment helps.

      • WTW says:

        @Miss S, really journaling and exercising are impossible? Online support groups are impossible? Accessing counseling through a nonprofit is impossible? These are all things that can be done for free, and I have done them when I was broke. Clearly someone who is suicidal will need more intervention but as someone who has suffered anxiety and depression, sometimes serious, as a result of childhood trauma and health issues in adulthood, I’ve found them to be helpful. Plus, research shows they actually help! I’m not sure why you assume that I must not have experienced loneliness and hopelessness myself. I am a survivor of sexual, physical and emotional abuse and have often felt such emotions and thought about death and suicide. There was a reason I responded to your post.

      • Miss S says:

        I’m sorry if my comment sounded harsh because it wasn’t my intention. I also wasn’t asking for suggestions, that was not in my comment. My point was how often the focus on mental health is limited to the “awareness”, when clearly, as several comments shared, having professional help is a challenging task when the person isn’t swimming in money.

        @WTW, I didn’t assume anything about you in my answer and I don’t deny how the free solutions can be helpful, but as I stated before my focus was on professional support, and yes, it’s almost impossible to find nonprofits who offer this service, it depends greatly on where someone lives and I also know this from experience even though I benefit from an affordable service that took me years to find. And yes, I also find it almost impossible to do the free stuff when the person feels hopeless and just getting out of bed or taking a shower is a struggle and the person doesn’t need to be suicidal to feel like this. I don’t know how my words on this were misunderstood.

      • tty says:


        Fostering homeless animals got me out of a pretty bad place in life. Yes, I did therapy too. But mostly it was dogs, seeing how they got to my house in such a terrible state and then flourished with love and care… Making friends through the rescue helped a lot as well.

      • lucretias says:

        @WTW thank you for your suggestions. All great. I would add if you are in immediate crisis 1800 273 8255(TALK) is a free 24/7 crisis hotline. You can also call if you just need to talk and they may be able to direct you to resources as well.

      • Anna says:

        @MissS I understand what you are saying about the “free” things being near-impossible when one is in the throes of deep depression.

      • seriously says:

        Ohlawd missm! More like missn – miss negative! Can u zoom out and just see how narrow minded you are rigth now.. pray to the lawds everyone that this one wakes up one day with positive mindset 🙏

  5. detritus says:

    I WISH I could go twice a week.
    my favorite costs an arm and a leg, and my second favorite is less but still not affordable for twice a week.

  6. JA says:

    4 hour workout sessions 6 times a week is TOTALLY normal and therapy 2x a week is also just fine, fine, fine! She’s so good these days guys!!!!Does she not have ppl who can tell her how insecure and not okay she sounds? And yea she will never quit social media. Its how she validates herself sadly.

    • Pumpkin (formally soup, pie) says:

      4 hour workout sessions 6 times a week is probably normal for athletes, not for regular people. IMO, training that long is not healthy, there is too much strain on the body. And it sounds obsessive, which is obviously not OK. And that’s not doable for anyone working a regular job, and even if someone would spend 2hrs for a morning workout 2 hrs evening workout, how much time is left to spend with family or socially? To each their own.
      I do 45min to an hour 5 times a week, choose my workouts wisely, and I am a pumpkin happy in her own skin.

  7. LT says:

    I don’t understand how 4 hours a workout, 6 days per week is even possible. Don’t these people have to, I don’t know, work?

    • Originaltessa says:

      Part of her job as a pop star and actress is to be “hot”. So, technically, she is working.

  8. MoochieMom says:

    Her “therapy” may not be what is traditional. I spend 3-5 hours a week with my sponsor. I definitely classify that as therapy.

  9. A says:

    Well her reasons behind it may not be healthy, but our bodies are made to move. I think I’d quite like if I were able to work out for 2-3 hours a day.

  10. nicegirl says:

    I need to get addicted to fitness. I mean, in a healthy way. Not trying to offend anyone, just sure that my un-fit self could use a dose of too much exercise.

  11. Laur says:

    Having suffered with depression and anxiety I have found exercise beneficial for sure, among other things. However she sounds completely obsessed with being fit and healthy and if she just keeps on repeating how fit and healthy she is then she must be okay!

  12. OOOH says:

    Her and Selena Gomez somehow rub me the wrong way. They complain about the very things they delight themselves in. Always ever the victim, always innocent in social media wars, always the same ol’ same ol’. Good she is seeking help, her insecurities seem to perpetuate some of her mental distresses that feed her trolls. Can she see the pattern?