Donald Trump still believes there are ‘some pretty bad dudes’ who are anti-Nazis

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As I discussed during the US Open, I was taking a little break from watching the news and focusing so much on politics. There’s no new tennis happening this week though so I found myself backsliding into paying attention to the now-hourly shenanigans from Donald Trump and his people. Personally, I don’t give a sh-t about Trump humiliating AG Jeff Sessions – of all the things Trump has done, calling Sessions an “idiot” to his face doesn’t bother me at all. I’m also enjoying the reporting by ProPublica on Facebook’s collusion with Russian bots and white supremacists – I mean, we’ve known about that sh-t for months, but it’s good that Facebook is still getting called out on it in explicit terms. Good luck to Mark Zuckerberg as he tries to run for elected office.

Really though, how is it that we’re not still talking about Donald Trump’s white supremacy. Charlottesville went down last month, and while many in the media have already stopped covering it, surprisingly Congress still remembers. Congress passed a bipartisan joint resolution condemning white supremacy and neo-Nazism, and they made Trump sign it yesterday. He didn’t hold a fancy signing ceremony for it, because that would have made his neo-Nazis buddies mad and he wants them to think that he’s cool. Trump is still on the record as believing that “many sides” are to blame for the violence in Charlottesville, and that neo-Nazism is somehow equal to overwhelmingly peaceful protests against white supremacy. This week, Trump also met with the Republican caucus’s sole black senator, Tim Scott. Senator Scott did a photo-op with Trump and they talked about race in America, and Scott said he tried to educate Trump on why the “many sides” and “both sides” rhetoric was stupid. This is what Trump said about the Sen. Scott meeting afterwards:

[Senator Tim Scott and I] had a great talk yesterday. I think especially in light of the advent of Antifa, if you look at what’s going on there. You have some pretty bad dudes on the other side also, and essentially that’s what I said. Now because of what’s happened since then with Antifa, when you look at really what’s happened since Charlottesville, a lot of people are saying, and people have actually written, ‘Gee, Trump may have a point.’ I said there’s some very bad people on the other side also. But we had a great conversation. And he has legislation, which I actually like very much, the concept of which I support, to get people into certain areas and building and constructing and putting people to work. I told him yesterday that’s a concept I can support very easily.

[From NY Mag]

Donald Trump has a pea brain, clearly, but let’s be honest: he knows exactly what he’s f–king doing. This is his official position, that neo-Nazis and violent white supremacists screaming “the Jews will not replace us” are the exact same as people who are saying “stop killing us” and “equality.” You can make him sign joint resolutions, you can threaten to take away his TV remote, but this motherf–ker will always believe in his heart that all of those black people were being SO mean to his innocent neo-Nazi buddies.

Also: the #NaziBucketChallenge is trending on Twitter right now and it’s amazing. I’m Kaiser, I’m a blogger and Donald Trump is a white supremacist. This is being done in solidarity with Jemele Hill too, which is amazing.

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96 Responses to “Donald Trump still believes there are ‘some pretty bad dudes’ who are anti-Nazis”

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  1. Nicole says:

    I hate (almost) everything. Seriously I’m tired. Aren’t y’all TIRED. I just want to wake up in 2020. Or 2024. Like I can skip these next few years and hopefully we wouldn’t have gone full scorched earth and maybe I’ll still have some rights left.
    I also love the Nazi bucket challenge. Participated on twitter. ESPN made a mountain out of a mole hill. They are so stupid

    • BearcatLawyer says:

      I am beyond exhausted. Every day is a new shitstorm. Is this what it felt like when the Nazis started to take over Europe? I feel like maybe it is.

      • Noely says:

        As a German, with all this crap happening right now in the world as well as in my own country, I am really fearing our next election right now. This election will mark the first time that a real right-wing party will get seats in our Parliament. It’s pretty much inevitable now.
        One of their leaders said just yesterday that we should stop remembering the Holocaust because that was like soooo long ago. Two minutes later, in the same speech, he suddenly wanted us to be proud of what our soldiers did during the two World Wars instead. Yeah, right, because that’s surely something to be proud of.

        The other leader is a lesbian who apparently hates herself (because I don’t see another reason why she would lead a party that insists on teaching children that heterosexuality is the only acceptable thing and that gay marriage – which has just been legalized here – should be abolished right away again).
        She is spewing racist crap constantly and believes refugees should pay for their own health care (which they can’t because as long as their status is undecided, they are not allowed to work legally).

        And the thing is, when this party was formed in 2013 (that’s right – just 4 years ago) all they wanted was to get out of the Euro zone and no one really took them seriously. Then they fully jumped on the right-wing train, they now have seats in 13 of 16 state parliaments and have been getting bigger ever since.
        From history books we know that Hitler wasn’t really taken seriously either at first, he even was sent to jail at a point (that’s where he wrote Mein Kampf) and his party started out as a really small one too but well, the rest is history…

        Did I mention the election is in 9 days? Part of me wants it to be over already but then again this is probably only the beginning of some bigger crapfest awaiting all of us.

      • manda says:

        this is to Noely: I am in the US, so all I can say is you have hope! France didn’t elect LePen! I thought for sure they would and was petrified. Hopefully enough people come out and vote!

      • Nilo says:

        @Noely: fellow German here as well. Only 6 days to go until the elections and I just hope that the (right wing) AfD won’t be the minority leaders. Makes me sick to my stomach. And Trump on top of it all. Will they ever learn?

    • Jerusha says:

      I hate, loathe, abhor, despise, deplore that reeking, oozing, putrid pile of shit. Every time he opens his anus mouth I want to barf, vomit, heave, void my guts. I loathe everyone who praises him on tv, twitter, the press. I know what I hope happens to him/them, but I can’t write it here.
      Did I mention I hate him?

    • noway says:

      What did ESPN do? They just said it was inappropriate, and not their opinion, but she’s still has her job. I’m sure they have a clause in their employment contract about social media, and I bet she did violate it. Most networks want to appeal to everyone even the racist stupid bigots. I heard the gossip about ESPN trying to replace her for Wed., but ESPN is refuting that.

      I kind of wish people, and this especially includes our lovely President, would be a bit more careful about their tweets. The whole platform is just too angry. However, if there are no ramifications for Trump’s much worse tweets, especially since his aren’t true not sure how you could even justify punishment for a truthful tweet, whether you have a contract or not.

    • Tulsi 2020 says:

      ‘At the dances I was one of the most untiring and gayest. One evening a cousin of Sasha [Alexander Berkman], a young boy, took me aside. With a grave face, as if he were about to announce the death of a dear comrade, he whispered to me that it did not behoove an agitator to dance. Certainly not with such reckless abandon, anyway. It was undignified for one who was on the way to become a force in the anarchist movement. My frivolity would only hurt the Cause.
      I grew furious at the impudent interference of the boy. I told him to mind his own business, I was tired of having the Cause constantly thrown into my face. I did not believe that a Cause which stood for a beautiful ideal, for anarchism, for release and freedom from conventions and prejudice, should demand the denial of life and joy. I insisted that our Cause could not expect me to become a nun and that the movement should not be turned into a cloister. If it meant that, I did not want it. “I want freedom, the right to self-expression, everyboy’s right to beautiful, radiant things.” Anarchism meant that to me, and I would live it in spite of the whole world–prisons, persecution, everything. Yes, even in spite of the condemnation of my own comrades I would live my beautiful ideal.’ – Emma Goldman.

  2. RBC says:

    How he can have this mindset and still look his Jewish daughter and his grandchildren in the face I will never understand. Also how does Ivanka feel about her father not taking a firm stand against groups that would harm her family?

    • lightpurple says:

      Princess Nagini supports everything he says and does. She believes she is a special princess who everyone loves. Normal rules don’t apply to Princess Nagini.

    • Jerusha says:

      Here ya go. She’s basically checked out of doing anything. She’s only there for the photo ops and the perks.

    • S says:

      Because they’re not “really” Jewish as far as he’s concerned. It’s like a dress up thing. She’s still his blonde, surgically altered to his exact specifications daughter-wife. I mean, Donald Trump is a racist, misogynist white supremacist, for sure, with all of his superior genes B.S. and everything else, but he’s also someone who believes that if you have money, that means you’re smart, you’re better. He’s also a simpleton who buys into ridiculous racist stereotypes like, ‘Jews are good with money.’ So, you know, those are the ‘good ones,’ in his eyes, not the dirty, European ones that were ruining Europe in the ’30s and made up the whole holocaust thing.

      It’s gross, it’s disgusting, it’s utterly untrue on 10,000 levels, but parsing the mindset of a 70+ white guy born into money that grew up in Queens but longed to be a Manhattanite is actually incredibly easy. Trump is every outer borough ’60s stereotype, right down to thinking a gold toilet make his craps classy.

      • Lightpurple says:

        And when her marriage ends so will her faith,

      • magnoliarose says:

        The stereotype about money is frustrating because it is seen as a positive stereotype when it isn’t. Underneath that is an explicit accusation of suspicion, plotting, cheating, money-obsessed and cheap. It is tiresome.

        The stereotype came from history when Jews were only allowed to do certain jobs, and over time it became a part of our culture. That is an oversimplification, but there is a reason there are buzz words.
        “globalists” “cosmopolitan” “bankers” “intellectuals”

        He likes those and sees them as good.
        I have had to endure this type of nonsense my whole life as have so many others who get weird responses if you seem to confirm their stereotype all the while excluding all the Jews that don’t.

    • sa says:

      Trump’s father was arrested at a Klan rally. The little I’ve heard Trump talk about his father it’s clear he idolized the man, so he can’t condemn them because that would be condemning his father.

  3. lightpurple says:

    He is on a twitter rampage this morning, attacking ESPN, the Senate filibuster, and Muslims. My sympathies are with London in the wake of this latest terror attack and I apologize for our wanker of a President shooting off his mouth this morning.

    • Rapunzel says:

      The filibuster whining is so whiny. It wouldn’t help him anyway. But he’s too stupid to get that.

      • lightpurple says:

        And it is the exact same tweet he has posted many times before, word for word. He is deliberately clueless.

        I have a sense that something big is about to drop either with the Russia investigation or White House staff. He’s crazed this morning.

      • Rapunzel says:

        LP- it’s time for more Russia,news. Big stuff was breaking before Harvey/Irma hit. I wouldn’t be surprised. The unhinged tweet distraction is his Trump’s forte.

      • swak says:

        LP – he’s been relatively quiet all week. So it had to explode at some point and today is the day.

      • Christin says:

        Oh, it’s Friday. Maybe a big firing or ‘Russher’ (as he pronounced it) news dump.

    • Josie says:

      Lightpurple, the Guardian mentioned his posts this morning on their live feed, also highlighting his criticism of Sadiq Khan a few months ago.

      I hope you’ll be reassured the UK people don’t give a toss about Trump, he’s clueless and couldn’t organise a piss-up in a brewery.

    • Megan says:

      Kelly must be taking a sick day.

    • Tiny Martian says:

      He is using the latest incident in London to justify his plans to completely ban Muslims from the US, and to “cut off” the Internet.

  4. Malificent says:

    We already have a name for it when Americans commit violence against Nazis. It’s called World War II.

  5. Mermaid says:

    I’m a teacher, a SAHM, and my family owns a manufacturing business. #TrumpisaWhiteSupremacist. And I hate hate the example this sets for our children. He is anti-everything you learn in kindergarten.

    • Esmom says:

      Actually before kindergarten. I teach four year olds and even they know better than Trump.

    • CynicalAnn says:

      Right! As a mother, I am sickened by him. There have been other presidents I didn’t agree with on different issues-and that’s what I would tell my kids. So different this time around. Ugh.

      • AMA1977 says:

        I have this conversation with my nine year-old almost weekly. It pains me greatly that I can’t in good conscience teach him to have respect for the President of the United States. He has demeaned an institution that deserves reverence and respect. I have disagreed with other Presidents, too, but this is just another level altogether. Even my four year-old knows that 45* is a rotten liar and a bully. It’s #SAD. Really, though, it makes me sad. :'(

  6. Rapunzel says:

    He’s also using today’s London tube bombing to promote his travel ban. Cause he thinks it will keep “loser” terrorists out, which it won’t.

    Notice: No waiting for all the facts before getting outraged. And no words of sympathy, condolence, or support. Just using tragedy for his agenda.

    I will die laughing if this bomber turns out to be a white native Londoner. Just cause it ruins his racist message.

    ETA: I love London and my sympathy and prayers are with them. My heart bleeds at this tragedy. That should go without saying but in Trump’s America, I best make it clear.

    • Josie says:

      Oh yes, and restricting the internet.

      The IRA managed to have an organised bombing campaign before the internet existed – but he’s a moron who knows zip so I shouldn’t be surprised.

      • LittlestRoman says:

        Thank you for mentioning the IRA. All of this ‘bombings are a new development brought to us by scary brown people’ business drives me crazy. Like, crack open a book or, you know, speak to a human being who was alive before 1990. But grossly oversimplifying things to ‘brown people = scary’ is easier to sell.

      • hogtowngooner says:

        Yup, and don’t forget the chaos caused by the anarchists of the early 20th century. That group assassinated President McKinley!

    • Kitten says:

      And all his insane supporters are cheering on his ban, saying that it’s keeping us safe LOL.

      Meanwhile, he’s still silent about the school shooting Wed AM. I wonder what his sheeple will say when we have our next Islamic terrorist attack and likely by a homegrown terrorist?

  7. HelloSunshine says:

    Charlottesville was a month ago but feels like it was 6 months ago. This administration is screwing everything up so badly, even time is moving slower 🙁

    How do you all deal with Dump supporters? We’re taking our son to meet hubby’s fam for the first time and, while my husband is used to them and not agreeing with them, I am not. They talk politics ALL the time. I’d really like to not engage, because I’m not in the business of trying to change their minds (it won’t work, they’re all very set in their ways). If they say anything really out of line, I’ll say something (his grandma is racist, wish my mixed self luck y’all), but help me please. I need tips to keep my sanity intact lol

    • Nicole says:

      At this point I don’t engage. It’s a waste of my emotional labor as a black woman. It’s up to white liberals to check their racist family and friends.
      If it were me I would stay out of the political talk with people that are racist. It’s not worth my energy.

      • Humbug says:

        Yes and yes Nicole. I also would like to add that the woman in the white house was living in America illegally and should be deported.

    • RBC says:

      Don’t engage and whenever someone tries to talk politics, change the topic back to your son
      Example: ” Did you know junior just hit a home run at baseball ? , He just got straight A’s on a English assignment, etc
      You might have to change the reply depending on the age of your son, but go full on proud mama bear mode. Just stick to talking about your child and eventually they will get the hint or think you are just boring and leave you alone. Either way it may help to avoid any arguments
      My mother did that with my grandmother(her mother in law)

    • Christin says:

      Ignore it with a smile. Try not to be baited into commenting on political topics, even if they directly ask you something.

      As you and others point out, it’s a waste of precious time to try and change others’ deeply rooted opinions. I think you have a good plan, to tune out unless they directly insult you. Even then, it’s hard to shame the shameless.

    • HelloSunshine says:

      Thanks everyone! Gonna ignore it as best as I can and hold my head high. I’m sure I’ll be complaining on here at some point about it. Y’all rock and help keep me sane!

  8. Aiobhan Targaryen says:

    What was the point of him signing that piece of paper? It is a worthless piece of paper that does not really solve the problem. He signed it and then immediately went and then rambled of that nonsensical word salad that I interpreted as him still think that “both sides” are equally violent.
    A friendship pact between ten year olds holds more value than that joint resolution. What happens if he says or does something else racist? Will he be censored? Will he be fined? No. Then it is pointless. They didn’t do anything and they know it. Anyone trying to spin it any other way is delusional. I wonder what Chuck Todd is going to say about this.

    • Esmom says:

      Oh yes, he absolutely doubled down on his “both sides” garbage and then doubled down again. And I loathe Ivanka just as much for trying to distance herself yet stay in his good graces.

    • Megan says:

      The white supremacists are marching in DC tomorrow and Congress is trying to send a message, however meaningless it may be. The counter protest seems to be better organized than the nazi’s, so hopefully they will be overwhelmed and get the eff out of town.

    • noway says:

      It does show one thing. Trump will sign anything that gets him publicity even if he doesn’t believe it. We all expected this to be the case, but we now know for sure.

  9. Beth says:

    I haven’t been able to keep up on Trump news this week since Irma absolutely destroyed my house, can’t be fixed and I lost all power and WiFi, but I never forget what a shameful monster he is. When a president is so bad, that as you try to get your personal belongings you might be able to save, you’re still thinking about and worry what he can cause with his careless stupidity

    I hope everyone in Irmas path stayed safe and strong

    • Aiobhan Targaryen says:

      I am sorry about the loss of your home. At least you are somewhat safe for now. Extending deep and heartfelt sympathy to you and loved ones you may have.

    • Kitten says:

      Oh no, Beth, I’m so sorry to hear this.

      Just glad that you are safe.

    • lightpurple says:

      So sorry, Beth.

    • Megan says:

      So sorry, Beth.

    • swak says:

      Beth, so sorry for you and yours. Prayers and good Karma being sent your way.

    • Beth says:

      Thank you. Even after seeing what happened recently in Texas, the Caribbean, and southern Florida, I never thought it could happen to my family. I still can’t believe it happened while we’re there and sleeping but we got out safely .Thankfully, we have nice neighbors helping us.

    • B n A fn says:

      Hi Beth, so sorry to hear what you have been going through. I’m hoping you are getting some assistance from the gov, Red Cross ect to help you get back on your feet. Please stay safe and let us know how you are making out in the weeks to come. Don’t know what I can do except donate to a Florida’s fund, which I have done.

  10. darkladi says:

    Complete piece of sh*t garbage person.

  11. QueenElisabeth says:

    He speaks and writes like a 12 year old…this is our president for chrissake…good lord what an idiot

  12. jwoolman says:

    I admire Scott for trying to explain it all to President Twitter, futile though the attempt was. Trump just gets in a groove and stays there no matter what new facts appear – until he spontaneously gets an urge to jump to another groove in pursuit of some shiny bauble.

    The Democrats had better be careful about DACA – what Trump agrees to now may not be what he does tomorrow. He is completely unreliable and logic doesn’t enter into his decisions. His own Party is finally beginning to realize this.

  13. ArchieGoodwin says:

    “We have to cut off the internet!” tweets trump

    “We have to keep our voices strong, on #DemocracyDay” tweets Justin Trudeau.

  14. Neelyo says:

    That nazi challenge is great. I may join Twitter just to participate.

  15. Eric says:

    Hurricane Mueller is going to blow that white supremacist Emperor Zero away.

  16. B n A fn says:

    45 is a lying nut job. I hope Nancy and Chuck are not believing believing a word he’s says. He’s using them to get some “wins” and then he will throw them under the bus as he has done to everyone who comes in contact with him.

    • lightpurple says:

      I think Chuck and Nancy have been to the rodeo before. They’re not naive.

      • third ginger says:

        Nancy and Chuck [I love how we are calling them that] can run rings around Donnie. I firmly believe they are many steps ahead of him.

  17. lightpurple says:

    And now he is tweeting about eliminating chain migration, which is how Melania brought her family here.

  18. Tiffany says:

    And Scott was called Tom but the WH press agency and you know that will come across this harden tumors desk and it will put a smile on his face. I have no sympathy for Scott, at all.

    And can we stopped with the dementia theories. I hated it with Reagan and I with this clown. They are both white supremacist and excuses need to stop being made for them.

    • Radley says:

      Well the dementia theories aren’t coming because of his odious ideas. We all know he sucks as a human. They’re because of his increasingly inarticulate speech/writing patterns. I forget what tv program compared Trump now to Trump in the 80’s and 90’s. There’s a pretty clear decline. Not to mention, he seems to get confused and distracted easily.

      • third ginger says:

        I have no idea what to think about the dementia theories, but some of this talk also comes from people who knew Trump before he was elected and compare his behavior now to his behavior in the past.

      • jetlagged says:

        I think I saw that program, or at least saw an old interview he did several decades ago (maybe with Phil Donahue?). There was quite a difference, his vocabulary actually consisted of more than 10 words.

    • Amelie says:

      In Reagan’s case though the dementia theories turned out to be true as he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s only a few years out of office (his last year in office 1989, he revealed his diagnosis in 1994). He may not have showed super obvious signs of it but Alzheimer’s doesn’t show up overnight. It had to have started while he was still president. I wasn’t alive during his presidency but my mom always said she thought it was pretty obvious he had Alzheimer’s/dementia and just seemed off only to be told by your peers no, you’re wrong, he’s fine. When he made the announcement, she wasn’t surprised at all. It’s a terrible disease.

      I also suspect Trump has dementia, maybe early signs. It’s not an excuse that he is a horrible human being and he definitely was long before he became president.

      • Tiffany says:

        It does not negate the fact that Reagan was racist to the point of supremacy. People just love to throw dementia out there as a reason for their racism.

      • magnoliarose says:


        Reagan was a bigot and they love to brush that under the rug but he was. This worship of him is undeserved and they have changed history to make him seem much more than he ever was. He was also an actor who helped blacklist actors during McCarthyism. What is great about a man who should be classified as pre Trump? It is obvious why he is considered great by Republicans.

    • H says:

      I’ve seen my father’s decline due to dementia in the last couple of years. It reminds me of Trump’s. I used to watch Howard Stern and Trump’s been going on his radio show for decades. I never liked the guy, he was a sexist pig even then but he could string a sentence together.

      My father gets worse at night. Only a couple of weeks ago I had an argument with my dad about an email he claimed he “never read” last year. But we have proof because he responded to said email and when I tried to pull it up on my phone he ignored the evidence. Keep arguing he’d never seen it. He got belligerent about it and so I gave up and changed the subject. My dad has always been a complete and utter narcissist, but his mind was as sharp as a tact. The decline is sad…and scary.

  19. robyn says:

    Mueller please, please hurry up. Trump is in defense of every single mistake he ever makes to the point imo of utter insanity. He apparently, seems like purposely, fails to understand the difference between Nazi lovers and Nazi haters. It is just not safe or rational keeping him president. I just pray he resigns sooner rather than later.

    • jwoolman says:

      He also still has trouble with numbers. He can’t see the difference between all the people in the group deliberately marching along with Nazi flags and Nazi chants vs a tiny number of masked fools (who might include deliberate provocateurs) acting up among a huge number of peaceful protesters.

  20. Louisa says:

    I have no doubt he said this again to appease his base who are angry about him siding with Pelosi and Schumer. Oh and the fact that this is exactly how he feels.

  21. why? says:

    The worst part of this is that the people(the press reporters, ESPN, GOP, and now Pelosi and Schumer) who have the power to stop The King of Lies and Fake News are just standing by being complicit, letting him cause all of this chaos. No one should be surprised that The King of Lies and Fake News is still doing horrible things. The press has been praising him and calling him presidential for simply setting up staged photo-ops in Texas and Florida with the hurricane survivors(which he made all about himself, using it as product placement, trashing Obama, brag about his crowd size and the size of his hands) and for “working” with the Democrats(which he walked back after Pelosi and Schumer went public). The most disturbing part about the staged photo-ops with the hurricane victims were the headlines: there were headlines bragging about how the hurricane victims like the King of Lies and Fake News now that they have met him in person and will vote for him in 2020, had the children running up to the King of Lies and Fake News, had him kissing and picking up kids, had him taking selfie’s with the hurricane victims to prove that he isn’t a WS, and then spreading the false narrative that Obama didn’t do anything to help Katrina while he was the President(Bush was president during Katrina).

  22. Unless he has explicitly said, “Anybody who opposes Nazis is bad”, I take it to mean he’s referring to SOME of the people calling themselves Antifa. Are you aware that Nancy Pelosi has condemned Antifa after their actions at a recent Berkeley protest?

    • Lightpurple says:

      Lots of democrats and liberals have condemned acts by Antifa. This isn’t an either or situation

      • The title of this thread is “Donald Trump Still Believes There Are ‘Some Pretty Bad Dudes’ Who Are Anti-Nazis”. I would agree that it (protests such as the Charlottesville one) isn’t EITHER you’re a Nazi/White Supremacist OR you’re BLM/Anti-Nazi protesters. There also apparently were some people – perhaps paid – who just showed up to instigate fights and violence. There also may have been some people who are neither Nazi or White Supremacist who object to left-wing policies/actions. However, mainstream media doesn’t make this clear.

  23. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    Laying aside the black hole that is this administration, (should I say white hole?), his toddler vocabulary sends me into orbit. No, not orbit as that still has gravitational pull… empty space with nothing but dark matter for neighbors.

  24. why? says:

    We have Pelosi and Schumer to blame for this. They were so eager to get a deal from The King of Lies and Fake News that they overlooked his bad behavior and started lavishing him with praises just like The King of Lies and Fake News does to Putin. It was disgusting how Pelosi stood at the podium trying to spin that The King of Lies and Fake News was a smart and a nice person.

    “Another attack in London by a loser terrorist.These are sick and demented people who were in the sights of Scotland Yard. Must be proactive!”-Trump

    This makes you wonder if The King of Lies and Fake News and Putin are orchestrating these attacks. The press haven’t released any information about the suspects, so how does the King of Lies and Fake News know that the suspects were people that SY had in their sight?

    “Loser terrorists must be dealt with in a much tougher manner.The internet is their main recruitment tool which we must cut off & use better!”-Trump

    This coming from the man who uses internet to bully anyone who opposes him.

    “The travel ban into the United States should be far larger, tougher and more specific-but stupidly, that would not be politically correct!”-Trump

    And ESPN was offended because Jemele said that The King of Lies and Fake News was a WS.

    “We have made more progress in the last nine months against ISIS than the Obama Administration has made in 8 years.Must be proactive & nasty!”-Trump

    What exactly did they do to make it better? Nothing. The King of Lies and Fake News is so jealous of Obama.

    “ESPN is paying a really big price for its politics (and bad programming). People are dumping it in RECORD numbers. Apologize for untruth!”-Trump

    This coming from the man who’s approval ratings have be in the lower 30s since he was elected. There is nothing to apologize for. The King of Lies and Fake News is a WS and that’s the truth.

  25. B n A fn says:

    Just saw on tv the #45 fans are burning their MAGA hats and TShirts because he’s going back on his word to to kick the dreamers outDACA and building the wall. Now he, will be, maybe having fences built, at least three different ones, so he can pick the best one, LOL. His fans are madder than red hens. I guess sooner or later they will find out they have hitched their wagon 🚙 to a con artist, a liar and a cheater.

    • jwoolman says:

      One poll showed that at least 2/3 of Trump supporters don’t want the Dreamers kicked out either. The percentage was just a few points below the rest of the population. So he’s pandering to 1/3 of his already small core base on this one.

  26. why? says:

    The “supporters”(instead of calling them WS, they are now calling them “pro-Trump” groups) of the King of Lies and Fake News held a rally today and they called it the Mother of all ralllies. It wasn’t. Many people are commenting on the low turnout and pointing out that the rally just highlights the fact that the majority of the King of Lies and Fake News’ supporters are Russian bots.

  27. jwoolman says:

    The latest is that President Tweeter is retweeting a GIF showing him taking a swing at a golf ball and hitting Hillary Clinton in the back, knocking her down. He continues to be obsessed with the woman who got three million more votes than he did despite Russian help for his campaign and murky vote counts. 80,000 votes (within machine error) squeeked him into the White House only due to the creaky electoral college system.

    Then he started referring to North Korea’s Kim as Rocket Man while talking to the leader of South Korea.

    Emotionally, he’s four years old.