Julia Stiles had a shotgun wedding (her words) over Labor Day

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I both find it mildly frustrating and admire it when celebrities are able to keep major life events under cover, especially when it’s a celebrity I like. That’s definitely the case with Julia Stiles, 36, who married Preston J. Cook, a camera assistant she met on the set of 2015’s Blackway, and with whom she’s expecting her first child. The two got married over Labor Day weekend in Seattle, meaning that it took them over three weeks to make the announcement. (Many of you will be like “why did you explain that,” but I’m not great with dates and had to look it up.) Julia is due with her first baby next month and as you can see she poked fun of herself in the announcement, posting a close up photo of her bump with the caption “Who doesn’t love a shotgun wedding?

Who doesn't love a shotgun wedding? πŸ˜‰βœ¨

A post shared by Stiley Jay (@missjuliastiles) on

I really like the detailing on that gown and now I want to see the whole thing. Did it have a scoop neck? That’s what I’m picturing. I see that the sleeves go to the elbows, that’s pretty and I like that better than a cap sleeve with this scalloped lace pattern. Her wedding dress looks lovely.

Now I’m checking out Julia’s Instagram and look at this cute side photo she posted earlier this summer (after she made the announcement she was pregnant). I do a similar face on the rare occasions when I post selfies, I’m kind of self conscious about it but I can’t resist.

Alright, I couldn't resist.

A post shared by Stiley Jay (@missjuliastiles) on

As for her career, Julia starred in a five episode British TV thriller/soap called Riviera this summer, which aired on Sky Atlantic and was well reviewed. It also starred Ivan Rheon (Ramsay on GoT) and now I want to see how I can watch it. She’s an underrated actress.

Getting back to this announcement, congratulations to Julia and Preston! How long do you think it will take them to share the news of their baby’s birth and name? I’m thinking a month and they’ll release the name but will do one of those photos of just the baby’s hands and feet, not the face.

Look at how cute they are together! These photos are from the BAFTAs in mid February so if she’s eight months along now she was probably about a month pregnant here.
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That time I went camping, nearly eight months pregnant, just to see @nathanielrateliff and the @nightsweatsnc

A post shared by Stiley Jay (@missjuliastiles) on

I had one of those full body pillows when I was pregnant too. It was so hard to get comfortable to sleep. I bet her baby was moving around a lot when the music was loud.

2017 BAFTA Awards - Arrivals

Photos credit: WENN, Getty, Instagram

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35 Responses to “Julia Stiles had a shotgun wedding (her words) over Labor Day”

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  1. Astrid says:

    I liked her in the Bourn series. She’s so pretty. Congrats to them

  2. lightpurple says:

    Love her. Best wishes!

  3. Lindy says:

    I really do think she’s underrated–I’ve loved her in everything I’ve seen her do. I like that she flies under the radar, too. And I had to laugh–I’m about her age and am having a shotgun wedding next month. I’m three months pregnant, and given my age, we decided to start trying sooner rather than later. It happened the first month, yikes! We’d planned to get married regardless. So we just decided to do a quickie Justice of the Peace wedding and then go to dinner with friends and family to celebrate. πŸ™‚ So I’m kind of happy and amused to see Julia Stiles talking about her shotgun wedding. And now I have to check out that series, which sounds like fun to watch.

    • minx says:

      I liked her a lot in Silver Linings Playbook, as JLaw’s sister. It was a thankless part and she made the character more than a one dimensional shrew, which is how it seemed to be written.

    • Maria T. says:

      Ha! Me too! I was 36 when I got married and we decided to “pull the goalie” a few months prior to the wedding, because I assumed it would take me a long time to conceive. Took like a week. My poor Catholic mother still tells people that baby was premature. πŸ™‚

      • Lindy says:

        Haha, I can relate. My fiance and I are pretty lefty-progressive so we don’t really care about the timing, but we both come from pretty traditional families. So… fuzzy math, I guess πŸ™‚

    • Celebitchy says:

      Congratulations Lindy! I also want to see her show! My mom has Acorn that British TV subscription service and they don’t have it so I don’t know what I’ll do.

    • TQB says:

      Aww, your wedding plans sound awesome. Congratulations and best wishes to you guys. Consider a honeymoon of some sort!

    • OTHER RENEE says:

      Lindy, congratulations to you on both your blessed events!!!

    • CynicalAnn says:

      Congrats on the baby and the wedding! That’s such a special time.

    • Lindy says:

      Awww, thanks, everyone! I’m happy and feel pretty lucky.

      And CB–I have been scouring the interwebs all day to figure out how to get the show but so far no luck. πŸ™

    • ash says:

      she did this one movie where she committed suicide….when i tell you her performance has haunted to this day…. she’s brilliant

  4. GiBee says:

    I’ll admit I tend to forget about her, and then whenever I see her I think “Ahh she’s an amazing actress!”

  5. Naddie says:

    A bit sad because I always thought she would marry me.

    • detritus says:

      I was always hoping she’d marry Sean Patrick Thomas, so i’m a touch sad too.
      Also, I just googled him and he’s 46 and my mind is blown.

  6. Ariel says:

    I heard Riviera is on Sundance Now.. and frankly I’m not sure what that is.
    It is not airing on my tv Sundance channel but I think through my amazon prime plus &, I could find it.
    B/c I saw a trailer for it- months ago- and it looks GREAT.

  7. Jess says:

    Awe I love her, I checked out her Instagram before I scrolled down and was going to mention that camping picture! It’s too freaking cute. I love her, she’s a great actress who we don’t see often, congrats to them!

  8. kimbers says:

    she’s not 36 but ok

  9. minx says:

    Is she a $cieno? Or am I getting her confused with Erika Christensen?

  10. Karen says:

    He’s giving me Tom Hardy vibes. That’s never a bad thing.

  11. Maria F. says:

    I have always liked her, starting from 10 Things i hate and especially Save the last dance.

    Happy for her and she is so tiny at 8 months!

    • TQB says:

      I love her and wish she was in more things, and yet I also am madly jealous of how small she is at 8 months. I’m 7 and like 3x bigger. I know, I know, it’s different for everyone but I can still be jealous!

  12. Bridget says:

    Lol, just because I know the Gorge and her “camping” is most likely at the luxury winery (they have yurts). Because she’s DEFINITELY not taking the other option, which would involve the concert venue campgrounds which are filled with drunk people.

    • TQB says:

      Hey now, any equation that involves 8 mo pregnant + sleeping on a thermorest in a yurt is not to be trifled with. I’m only 7 months and you couldn’t pay me enough to spend a night away from my tempurpedic and copious support pillows!!

    • Jess says:

      Maybe, but looking at the picture she seems to be set up right next to other tents.

      • Bridget says:

        It’s possible she’s on grounds somewhere (and I’m still betting it’s Cave B). There are only a few places that you can stay near the Gorge, and either either party central campground at the venue, or this incredible luxury winery/hotel. Either way, I just think it’s funny.

    • Nene's Wig says:

      I was JUST thinking this – I can barely tolerate camping there as a normal non-pregnant person!! Too crowded, too hot and too windy. The Gorge is beautiful but I’ve camped there 2x for music festivals and never want to again.

  13. Lotusgoat says:

    I’ve loved her since Hamlet. Congrats!!