“Pete Wentz and Ashlee Simpson fight hate” afternoon links


Pete Wentz and Ashlee Simpson try to help the anti-Proposition 8 movement with some crazy costumes [Websters is my Bitch]
J.J. Abrams is going to produce Mission Impossible 4 with Tom Cruise [Dlisted]
– We’re not exactly fans of Kristen Stewart’s Joan Jett hair [Lainey Gossip]
Joy Behar to Bump Dobbs With New Show [PopEater]
Tony Romo’s Dream Date With Jessica Simpson: Football! How creative and romantic [MSN Wonderwall]
– Is Jay-Z’s Biological Clock Ticking? [Bossip]
– Judges To Rule On Friday Regarding Madonna’s Adoption [Fafarazzi]
Scorsese’s Back. With DiCaprio, Of Course [Pajiba]
Katy Perry’s Tour Bus Broken Into By Thief [I’m Not Obsessed]
– More death threats for Chris Brown? [Celebslam]
– Pics from Mad Men Season 3! [In Case You Didn’t Know]
Lane Garrison & Kristin Chenoweth Together Again [Crazy Days and Nights]
– Contact Lenses Gives You Anime Eyes [The Frisky]
George Clooney Can Even Charm the Cops [PopSugar]
Alicia Witt and Elizabeth Banks’ Lesbian Kiss [Egotastic]
Paris Hilton rebounds with Cristiano Ronaldo [The Superficial]
Carrie Underwood plays softball [Hollywood Tuna]

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19 Responses to ““Pete Wentz and Ashlee Simpson fight hate” afternoon links”

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  1. Monica says:

    Isn’t Prop 8 dead now? I mean, there is no way to overturn it without another amendment to the CA state constitution right? so…why is this campaign still going on?

  2. bob lawblaw (nony) says:

    If only they could attack everyday dressed just so, complete with the duct tape.

  3. Iris says:

    the world would be a better place if those two left the duct tape on

  4. Sauronsarmy says:

    OMG I can’t wait fro Season 3!

  5. Annie says:

    Change can occur. H8 is not irreversible.

  6. Kristin says:

    Ohhh I had to use duct tape for an anti prop 8 assignment too. Someone asked me to use duct tape, and place it on my mouth but this was was back in November.

  7. Trillion says:

    Bob: Yes!

  8. gee says:

    bob loblaw’s law blog?!!!

  9. the original kate says:

    they better be careful, they are venturing into the spencer & heidi territory of douchiness.

  10. BiggieShortie says:

    Is there ANY way that the tape can be PERMANENT?

  11. Tia says:

    They are AWESOME. Good for them, seems like they having really good hearts and really good human beings… love them

  12. BlueSkies says:

    He’s better at hiding his hair loss than Phil Specter. There’s a blog on blogger called, going, going gone that shows photographs of Pete’s receeding hairline. It is really bad for such a young guy. Notice the hat here.

  13. Nebraska says:

    Pete looks better without the eyeliner!

  14. boomchakaboom says:

    Gag. Doesn’t their “cause” have enough problems without these two losers publicly supporting it?

  15. loldongs says:

    What a pair of douchebags.

    How are these people in any way qualified to make a statement like that.

    They’re barely hinged to reality as it is.

  16. paranel says:

    They didn’t have to look so tacky and cheesy while doing that. Looks more like they are promoting themselves than a cause.

  17. viper says:

    And they wonder why the court ruled against it.

  18. TaylorB says:

    I have to wonder what ‘Papa Joe’ (I think that is what he is called) thinks about this ad. I didn’t think that he allowed either of his cash cows, oops I mean daughters, to do anything without his involvement due to his ‘stellar’ management skills, like when he suggested and produced ‘Blonde Ambition’ and that Private Benjamin ripoff for Jessica.

  19. Moore says:

    Tia, really? That’s funny. I seem to remember reading about a recent drunken argument involving Ashlee. Just showed me how much these two really deserve each other’s company. They are nothing but trashy, imo.