If you need a really good cry today, watch P&G’s new Olympic commercial. This absolutely killed me, no joke. I’m sobbing. [OMG Blog]
Mad Men creator/writer Matthew Weiner has been accused of sexually harassing a female writer on Mad Men. Ugh. [Jezebel]
The new Black Panther posters are lit & I still have a massive crush on Killmonger, aka Michael Bae Jordan. [Pajiba]
Louis CK and all of the predators’ enablers. [LaineyGossip]
Nicki Minaj’s brother was found guilty. [Dlisted]
Entertainment Weekly’s Outlander covers are meh. [Go Fug Yourself]
Taylor Swift apparently hates that Selena Gomez & Justin Bieber are back together. A rare moment where I agree with Swifty! [The Blemish]
Porsha Williams & NeNe Leakes haven’t been cool in years. [Reality Tea]
This story about a Smallville star is absolutely bonkers. [Wonderwall]
That commercial is devastatingly good. *sniffle*
sniff… Can we add the abusive coach being locked up? And the racist xenophobic president being impeached to that commercial?
I do hope this is our reign of terror and as the song says, things are going to get easier.
*tears being wiped away*
+1000 It was so devastatingly good! Which charities did you sign up/donate to after wiping your tears?
Va Va Kaboom, I’m making my first ever comment here to tell you that I see your comments on this thread, & feel the same. Yes, it’s a beautiful commercial, but damn.
This reminds me of the power of hope, the strength in belief, the power of love. All of those things that seem to be dimmed right now. But they still live. Believe. And #resist the destruction of them.
Darn…just found out they sponsor Hannity, pedophile supporter. Told them I’m boycotting until the fire Hannity.
Yes! Just the feel good I needed today.
DAMN…. bring on the tissues.. Whoa.. just WHOA..
Commercials done the right way can just punch you in the heart. BEAUTIFUL
I needed a good cry today…that was beautiful
Get in line for Michael Bae. As a matter of fact, just find someone else named Jordan. His whole family is attractive.
Devastatingly good? A little over the top I thought. Having now watched it, I’m a mess. What a lovely, lovely, ad.
Omg this Black Panther posters, I’m BURNT!
So so wonderful. I find it very hard watching anything to do with mothers (mine died when I was 17 – I’m still trying to learn how to deal with it all) but this brings such joy. A mothers love is the most powerful thing.
Omg I am not crying YOU ARE! That was a really powerful commercial for me.
OMG, HOW LOVELY AND EMOTONALLY HONEST!!! I’ve never been so TOUCHED by a commercial selling products before!! Is there a link which I can go to to further support P&G in their efforts to bring the world together??
Or should I just buy more Tide Pens to help Poverty-stricken, disabled, and the otherwise alienated groups shown in this commercial?
You should buy their product so they can keep giving money to Sean Hannity! A man currently inviting us to stop being soooooo judgemental about a little paedophilia.
I was in tears. Many black women are on the hunt for new moisturizing body wash since Dove’s debacle of an advert. I’m happy with Trader Joe’s Tea Tree Tingle and lots of grape seed oil but I just suggested Ivory and Oil of Olay to my friend with a link to that video.
Trader Joe’s Tea Tree Tingle is SOOOO good.
BTW – I’m cryin’ over here too.
Yaaaas, I’m thrilled to see that P&G’s commercial made people really think about the BRAND of the products they purchase. Yaaaas, that’s exactly what I took away from this commercial!!! Which product should the Black Women who were utterly (and rightly) offended by Dove buy!!
@ Va Va Kaboom
You know, I was just so moved and encouraged by that advert that I might just give Oil of Olay a go since it’s winter and extra moisture won’t hurt.
Also EDEN BodyWorks and Karen’s Body Beautiful (which don’t support P&G but are other non-Dove options)
Mother of God, as I cry, I have such yearning. Please world, start seeing all of humanity as mothers see it…..there would be no more war, no more sexual assault, no more race/religious/sexuality hatred.
Yes! Yes! Yes! Which organizations fighting sexual assaults and/or hatred for race/religious/sexuality did this commercial convince you to support with money or your own personal time? Assuming you did more than just cry and yearn, of course.
I just tweeted at P&G and encourage you all to speak out to them (and others) about airing ads on Sean Hannity. ICYMI his latest garbage behavior includes defending child molester Roy Moore. We have to hold these companies accountable. They don’t get to play warm fuzzy ads and support that kind of trash.
Also, did everyone see Anna Paquin and Ellen Page’s comments? 💔
I did! Between the two of them (especially Page) and Sean Astin yesterday, I’m not going to lie, I cried. Finally. FINALLY.
Right? I wanna download it so badly. I will do so tomorrow. It is worth having and sharing
This ad really did make m cry. Something about the inclusiveness of everybody’s dreams, how our goals and passions unite us all as humans rather than as categories of humans. It is so perfectly conveyed. Also, the theme of the loving and supportive mother moved me immensely, in part b/c I never knew my own, and have for years been weighted by that absence.
Matthew Weiner now, too? Jesus Christ. This year is going to be *the worst* right through the end. Unbelievable.
That ad made me cry, my daughter as well. My husband shrugged, and my 5 yo son said “It didn’t even make any sense!”
1 out of three ain’t bad.
Pure magic.
Folks remember this one?
Neil– That one got to me.
Yeah, I might have cried at that. I blame pregnancy hormones. But honestly (concerns about P&G corporate behaviors aside), it’s kind of true, isn’t it? If we could see everyone the way a mother looks at her kid… Maybe that’s too idealistic or silly sounding. But I think about the fierce love I have for my little boy (even though I know he’s far from perfect and there are plenty of days when I’m pretty sure spelling homework will be the death of both of us), and I just kind of think that if we could figure out how to channel that kind of mother-love into an ability to see the best in others… maybe there’s something there.