Cele|bitchy | “There’s a very strange rumor about Brad Pitt & Charlotte Casiraghi” links

“There’s a very strange rumor about Brad Pitt & Charlotte Casiraghi” links

There’s a rumor about Brad Pitt & Charlotte Casiraghi. This rumor is total crap, but hey, I’m enjoying the idea of it. [LaineyGossip]
Watermelon lawsuits are the new too-hot-coffee lawsuits. [Dlisted]
This cat is gorgeous and I want her. [OMG Blog]
Johnny Depp’s selling everything this year. [Wonderwall]
What’s going on with Louis CK’s ex-manager? [Pajiba]
Celebrities read Mean Tweets for Jimmy Kimmel’s 50th birthday. [JustJared]
Sarah Hyland had a good response to a hater. [Seriously OMG WTF]
Did LeBron James slide into an IG model’s DMs? [The Superficial]

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62 Responses to ““There’s a very strange rumor about Brad Pitt & Charlotte Casiraghi” links”

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  1. HoustonGrl says:

    I’m into it.

  2. HH says:

    Charlotte was at that event? I wish that was covered here. “That” meaning her attendance at the event. She is stunning to me. I don’t think she date Pitt. Even though her last bf was famous in France, that’s nothing compared to Pitt’s level of fame. I can’t see her wanting that level of intrusion.

    • Nancy says:

      Princess Stephanie, the wild child dated Rob Lowe. Her grandmother Grace Kelly married a prince. She is beautiful, but she’s twenty years plus younger than Pitt. That is the norm amongst the rich and famous (as long as the woman is younger), but like the article says, it’s fun to talk about, but it’s not happening.

      • Citney anise says:

        ITA, the woman is very pretty, but Brad Pitt, while still being a very handsome man, looks every one of his almost 54 years.

        My hope is Brad does not go down the path of Johnny Depp. Depp went off the rails after Vanessa Paradis, dating women far too young and in the process ended up becoming the butt of many jokes.
        Hopefully, Brad will always be aware he has 6 children and will refrain from embarrassing those children with antics unbecoming a father in his mid-fifties.

        I would not want to be the woman who has to follow Angelina Jolie, a feat that will be near impossible as far as physical beauty and intelligence and decency.

        Hopefully Brad and Angelina both will conduct themselves with dignity and grace as they go their separate ways. I also hope they stay close to each other as they co-parent their 6 children.

  3. Nancy says:

    That family hit the lottery gene pool. She looks just like her mother, who looked just like her mother, Grace Kelly. Brad, he looks like her father.

    • Nancy says:

      I keep getting second thoughts on my own posts. I meant no disrespect to her father, Stefano Casiraghi, who died long ago in a boating accident. Looking at photos, he was as handsome as Princess Caroline is beautiful.

    • Citney anise says:

      I agree with Cally, I don’t know them personally, my husband has met them at a few social events before we married. Not the most normal family he’s ever met for sure.

  4. Monica says:

    It would be perfect

  5. Monica says:

    A beautiful couple.I love them both

  6. minx says:

    Wow! That would be a great pairing.

  7. Sofia says:

    It would be interesting

  8. lallyvee says:

    How old is she?

    • B n A fn says:

      I’m guessing the rumor started because of her lips, like Angie’s. I’m just enjoying the gossip. What I’m wondering is, when are they going to show Brad with his kids, it’s been over a year. I’m not saying he’s not in regular contact with them but why no photos. Btw, Angelina has been looking quiet relaxed recently. I bet she’s an excellent mother and I believe the kids are happy, they look happy over at daily mail.

      • Pam_L says:

        Why no photos with the kids? Maybe because that’s the way he wants it?

      • B n A fn says:

        Pam, I’m a big fan of both Brad and Angelina. You nor I know if what you are saying is true. I was just wondering why I have not seen him with his kids, I would love to see them as a fan.

      • Nancy says:

        She brings the kids out a lot, and maybe he wants more private time. I doubt the rumor was started b/c of her lips!! Brad’s a lip man…lol Charlotte does have full lips, but she looks like a princess as well. After a famous couple splits, rumors always start, Kate Hudson, really? Won’t be long before they start pairing up Angie as well. Rumors are lies started with no intent other than to hurt people. @khalisssa: I just looked up Dimitri, very good looking and four years older. I guess I’m in the minority against May/December romances…..with some exceptions, of course.

      • B n A fn says:

        @Nancy, I was joking about the lips. However, she has nice 👄. Btw, I don’t believe Brad will flaunt a new love because of his children, they may not want to see him with another woman, who knows.

      • Carmen says:

        I’m getting a feeling that Brad doesn’t miss parenthood nearly as much as people want to believe he does.

  9. Talie says:

    It’s a good rumor, but Charlotte was there with her boyfriend. She may know Brad and talked to him, but unfortunately, I don’t see it. Although, she would totally be his type.

    • tracking says:

      I could see her being his type, not not him being hers. Too old!

    • Casey. _. says:

      @Talie really? “Totally be his type?”

      How do you figure? It’s odd you’d say that because anyone who’s followed Brad, knows that pre-Angelina, stunning and beautiful wasn’t really his thing. He went for average.

      I remember thinking when Brad was rumored to be head over heels for Angelina, that SHE, being as beautiful as she was, was NOT Brad’s type at all. Before Angelina, most of Brad’s long term girlfriends were average to average pretty (aniston, Juliette lewis, paltrow) leading me to think he might be deliberately avoiding truly stunning beautiful types.

      Maybe Angelina has spoiled him. Like maybe he can’t ever go for thin lips and small eyes again.

      It’s funny I actually thought that pic of Charlotte was Angelina before I took a good look. She seems to be in love with her boyfriend, glad she’s finally happy – they’ve had some tragedy that family.

  10. Truthful says:

    I am a bit disturbed by all the comments fawning over a relationship of a young 31 years old woman and a 54 years old man that can be her dad.

    No it’s not a great pairing ! Far from it!

    You know what good pairing would be ? Her… with , young, handsome and successful Dimitri… her actual boyfriend!


    • Nancy says:

      @Truthful: Thank you! You’re preaching to the choir with me though. In some of my hundreds of comments on this thread…..lol…..I mention the unreality of the romance. Daddy dearest. If he were a politician or any businessman, the whole town would be calling him a cradle robber and saying she had daddy issues, like the president who is married to a woman decades younger. Obviously, like once again I said above, May/December relationships can work, but are not the norm. I think Princess Charlotte looks amazing with her gorgeous bf, who is four years older, perfection! *These Monaco princesses make poor Kate Middleton seem so ordinary. That Grace Kelly had some beauty inducing genes!*

    • Mogambo says:

      If articles in the ‘Golden Age’ had comment sections I wonder what people would’ve written when such relationships were the norm among Hollywood. Her grandmother for example dated Clark Gable when she was 23 and he was 51 and not a breath of scandal. On the other hand if the woman was even six years older they went to great lengths to hide it. Lucille Ball’s publicist put out fake birth years for she and Desi Arnaz so they’d seem closer in age.

      • Truthful says:

        @Mogambo: sadly for centuries women were considered disposable goods, the man’s age didn’t matter as the “weren’t aging”…

        Thank go we live in an era and countries were women can earn a living and be full human… and therefore form relationships outside of necessity (social, financial, societal, etc..) and may / december relationships are relegated to the spot where there belong: exceptions.

        But it’s still annoying to realize as a woman you are fair game to your dad or grand dad’s gentlemen’s age.

      • Citney anise says:

        @Mogambo: Her grandmother did a lot of things that would shock most people. Gracy Kelly was gorgeous, but she was infamous for sleeping with any and every man she worked with, even Bing Crosby. (yuck)

      • Liberty says:

        Some women choose older men, and are not merely hunted like “fair game” with no agency. Also, not everything in life is related to having been a similar age in school. Intellect and interests matter too. I know several highly successful 20+ year marriages of intelligent people — artists, doctors, professors, writers, business owners — having a 15 to 22 year age gap.

        In fact, I thought this site celebrates the 17 year love gap between Clooney and wife Amal, a full human earning a living?

    • Casey. _. says:

      Truthful, you know how it goes…a lot of what’s driving the ‘fawning,’ are the usual suspects who dislike Angelina and are in their 13th year of bitter hoping she’ll get her comeuppance and be the woman scorned (in their minds if not in reality, lol)we all saw it with the Marion Cotilliard bogus rumor that sent the meangirls over the moon.

      The closer some new tabloid girlfriend for Brad gets to Angelina’s league of beauty and elegance., the more the Angelina haters will be down for it, even if they have no idea who the woman is.

      That’s why the Kate Hudson rumors didn’t really excite them. Not elegant and not considered beautiful and not accomplished. Though I like her yoga pants. Lol

    • Helen Smith says:

      I agree with you Truthful. Brad is an aging drug addict and alcoholic with a cantankerous not yet ex wife and six kids in tow. Plus, he is showing his years of hard living in the looks department. Then, add the generational divide and the fact the Casiraghi doesn’t appear to have daddy issues that she plays out in her romantic relationships and I say no to this pairing. He is too old and she can get a younger model with a lot less baggage, which it appears she has done.

    • Truthful says:

      @Liberty: “Some women choose older men”
      minor, almost marginal exceptions, in this day women choose their pick… have stopped being anyone else pick.

      big age gaps underlines a lot of dysfunctional things… it’s disturbing that people fawn over fan fictions revolving toward it.

  11. Valiantly Varnished says:

    I’m giving any woman who dates Brad major side eye just as I am to any woman who dates Johnny Depp.

  12. Nikki says:

    It would be great to have any gossip about “beautiful people” that didn’t involve assault! Prince Harry and Meghan are not coming through for us as needed meanwhile, so yes, I’ll take this!

    • Nikki says:

      The bar is extremely low at this point, I agree he looks like her dad….OK, I’m grasping at straws.. 🙁

  13. truth hurts says:

    I wouldn’t doubt that he goes for the younger one. He has a rep to keep up. The hunky good looking hasn’t aged a bit famous producer/actor. Yeah right. I don’t think he is in any rush. I think this divorce took a lot out of him really. Plus I feel he and Angie will be careful about their next partner because of the kids. I know the gossips will have a field day when they both come out with their next friend. But I don’t believe this is the one. You know his friends/PR people are trying to hook him up with someone who is gonna have to equal or come close Jolie. And that ain’t gonna be easy. He should find the right person to make him happy, which I feel should be someone that has something in common with him. In his article in GQ he has a lot of self issues to work on. It was kinda disturbing and shocking at the same time to hear him say he was distant with his kids and wife. And drinking and smoking everyday. That can be detrimental to children let alone your wife. Idk what he thought would happen but when your drinking becomes a problem to the extent that your son seeks to defend his mom from you there is a problem and that is what shocks you about him.
    Im not here to put him on trial but to point out that even in his pic above he seems bothered. Maybe it is the withdrawal from the booze and drugs that had him looking a bit haggard for months. Either way maybe he is better and in a better place which was the ultimate goal in the beginning. Hopefully he has mended that trust with Maddox and they are back on the right road, I do feel that therapy is a must for people in that lifestyle which he rejected in the beginning. I do hope that they both continue it with the children because their relationship started with a mess, then suddenly a huge family, then top it with criticism and no privacy from the media and trying to work. Pressure and a whole lot of other mess. People talking about Angie has to effect those kids who do see what people say and write about their mom. I can only imagine how that is processed with them.

    • Citney anise says:

      @Mogambo: Her grandmother did a lot of things that would shock most people. Gracy Kelly was gorgeous, but she was infamous for sleeping with any and every man she worked with, even Bing Crosby. (yuck)

  14. Tiffany :) says:

    Let’s not throw shade at the “hot coffee” lawsuit. That poor woman had 3rd degree burns and needed to have skin grafts to replace the skin on her thighs and groin because the coffee was way above a safe drinking temperature. I know it has become short hand for “frivolous lawsuit”, but it really shouldn’t be. She was legitimately a victim.

    • Neva_D says:

      Yes! Thank you!!! Research the case; She was an elderly woman and her medical bills totaled hundreds of thousands of dollars. And there was evidence that the coffee was much hotter than it should have been, which is what caused such severe burns on her entire body.nif I remember correctly, she was only seeking for compensation for the medical bills. People joking about the lawsuit was an attempt to try and discredit her.

    • Antonym says:

      I scrolled through the comments hoping that someone had pointed this out.

    • isabelle says:

      Thank you for mentioning this!! A burn so it almost burned to her bone because she was a thin older lady, in her 80s I believe? 3rd degree burns. The restaurant also had been warned several times previously for their coffee being too hot and basically ignored it.

  15. Pina says:

    I still would like to know, what the reason was, why angie choose to divorce him all so sudden. If it was only the booze, they could work on it – thats what martiage is for. To be there 4 each other in bad times tho. But what if it has something to do with sexual harrasment – keepin in mind brad never spoke out or made a comment about the incidents in hollywood lately???! I liked him much but i feel there is something evil deep there and angie wont ever speak about it bcs no matter what, he’s the kids dad

    • Truth hurts says:

      I think she made it clear his substance and alcohol abuse was unhealthily corrupting her family. He for once admitted it. I don’t think the rehab lasted with him. He is not going to give up the smoking. Bad influence on his teenage sons.

  16. .. says:

    Another pedo. He was 26. Juliette 15 or 16.

  17. SJ says:

    The daughters of Princess Grace of Monaco, Grace Kelly, we’re both absolutely gorgeous in their youth. Princess Caroline’s children have also inherited the good looks. I have no idea what Princess Stephanie’s children look like, but I’d assume also beautiful. I’m old enough to recall that Grace, Caroline and Stephanie all “had a wild past.” These women were not shy wallflowers, ever. More power to them, too. 🙂

    • babykitten says:

      I really have to disagree, especially with Stephanie. All the Grimaldi children took after their father. I don’t really see Grace in any of them, but I do think Charlotte is beautiful with delicate features like her grandmother.

  18. Bug says:

    I am not into it and I think it’s an inconsistent rumor, but I am here to express my admiration for Charlotte’s dress at that event: it’s so beautiful!

  19. Sway says:

    Huh. She looks a lot like Angelina, actually.

  20. Nicole Savannah, GA says:

    All that smoking and sun were not good for Casiraghi. I don’t why, but have been enchanted by them for years. Pierre looks just like their deceased father, scarily. And HBO has a great doc on the McDonald’s coffee.

  21. Truth hurts says:

    I don’t think Angie would be mean to a step mom just very authoritative and guarded. Brad has serious issues that people overlook because of fame and looks that are fading. I find him to be arrogant, selfish, and over rated. His drug use that he finds not to be a problem is concerning for me. His alcoholism is fixable. His love affair with marijuana is beyond any rehab program.