Cele|bitchy | Ben Affleck is having Thanksgiving with his family, then visiting Damon’s house

Ben Affleck is having Thanksgiving with his family, then visiting Damon’s house

Premiere Of Warner Bros. Pictures' 'Justice League'
According to The Hollywood Reporter, both Ben Affleck and Gal Gadot avoided talking to the press on the red carpet for the premiere of Justice League. Gal probably did this because she’s reluctant to talk about what a badass she is for refusing to reprise her role as Wonder Woman unless serial harasser Brett Ratner is removed as a producer. Affleck has groped several women and should have stayed away from press entirely, but he’s still been doing interviews. I presume that questions about his harassment of women and his rehab stays are off limits. (I’m assuming this based on what we’ve heard about how he controls junkets.)

Affleck is still doing interviews though, because he thinks he can control the narrative. In a new interview with E!, which was actually conducted at the Justice League premiere (I guess he made an exception) Ben says he’s having Thanksgiving with Jennifer and their kids and that his brother, Casey (also a sexually harassing POS and recently divorced) will be there as well as their mom. As for their plans for the day, he’ll probably walk down the block to Damon’s mansion and hit him up for some food:

Next week, Ben will celebrate Thanksgiving with his brother, Casey Affleck, his best friend, Matt Damon, and his ex-wife, Jennifer Garner. “My mom’s coming out, and I think my brother will come over. We’ll go down the street and see Matt’s family. Thanksgiving’s a nice holiday,” he said. Just don’t expect to see Ben spending all morning preparing a feast. As he (somewhat) jokingly told E! News, “I just assume when we go to Matt’s, he’s already cooked something!”

[From E!]

We’ve heard that Damon’s wife, Lucy, got sick of Ben hanging around their house all the time after he was first separated, but maybe she makes an exception for holidays. Also, you know how Affleck has been very iffy about whether he’s going to continue to play Batman? He got more specific about that in an interview with USA Today and basically said he hopes his character will be written out. I have a weird theory that was likely obvious to many of you ages ago. Do you think Affleck deliberately let himself go and gained weight as a passive aggressive way to get out of that role and all the pressure that comes along with it? It’s way easier to gain weight than it is to lose it though. It may just be coincidental, but how much motivation does he have to exercise and eat right if he doesn’t want to play the role anymore?

Premiere Of Warner Bros. Pictures' 'Justice League'

Ben Affleck at the World Premiere of Warner Bros' Justice League at the Dolby Theater in Hollywood

Premiere Of Warner Bros. Pictures' 'Justice League'

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45 Responses to “Ben Affleck is having Thanksgiving with his family, then visiting Damon’s house”

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  1. D says:

    I liked Christian Bale better as Batman, but I really don’t think he’s interested in returning. So who should get the role?

  2. Natalie S says:

    Ben Affleck should go away for a long time. At least no on-camera work for a long, long time. He just looks stuffed to the gills with entitlement and grossness.

    And the Damon family should turn off the lights and hide when Affleck lumbers over. Doesn’t Matt Damon have enough of an image problem at this point?

    • Belle Epoch says:

      Haha! “Stuffed to the gills with entitlement and grossness”! I wish I’d thought of that!

      Yah I can’t stand looking at the guy. Everything about him is fake fake fake.

      Does anybody remember the J Lo period when she got him all glammed up and everyone was cringing? This is even worse. He’s a complete d-bag trying to look respectable – just like a politician!

  3. HeidiM says:

    He was pretty good in the Accountant. He should think of turning that into a franchise. I think that’s his niche for acting.

  4. Ktgreat says:

    From the nose up he looks like Jimmy Kimmel.

  5. Kaye says:

    Why does he look so squinty? Does he think it makes him look sexy and mysterious? Guess what . . .

  6. JoJo says:

    Yeah, I don’t think Lucy has had much effect on Affleck hanging out at their house. Affleck said months ago that he spends Sundays at Damon’s house watching football. We know he spent the last holiday season with Matt/Lucy in Montana. He watched the recent McGregor fight at their house. The reality is, the Affleck-Affleck-Damon bond was built in Boston, in early childhood and isn’t going away anytime soon – probably never. And I’m confused as to why it’s relevant that Casey is “recently divorced.” How is this related to being accused of sexual assault?

    • Jenfan says:

      Probably Lucy does not care. Of all the 1st wives (and they all got married around the same time), this is the last marriage standing. And of course she was the only one who was not an actress or otherwise a public figure.

      Bigger question is – how does she get on with Jen – do their kids actually continue to have play dates together. Also how much longer will the Damons be living in LA? I read a while ago that Matt bought a penthouse in Brooklyn. And before that, some time ago, there was an article about how he could not get his kids into this Brooklyn prep school at the last minute- when he wanted to move back to NYC

      • JoJo says:

        Yeah, I remember that too. Not sure if you remember, but there was a very brief millisecond after Ben/Jen split in 2015 where they put their Pacific Palisades house up for sale, and then all of a sudden, as fast as it went on the market, they squashed that and it was suddenly no longer for sale. But around that time, I read something that said Matt/Lucy were selling their LA place too since the whole reason they moved there was so Matt could raise his kids near Ben’s. As for Lucy and Jen, who knows. I’m sure you’ve seen the stories that say Lucy doesn’t like Jen. I’m guessing they’re cordial, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they’re not besties – they seem very different. Past media stories paint Lucy as being good friends with Emily Blunt (via John Krasinski/Matt friendship), but you never hear that same warm and fuzzy about Lucy/Jen.

      • Jenfan says:

        Yes I do remember the potential sale. It’s almost like they wanted to get a value on the house. I do wonder where they are up to on the division of assets. At the time of the divorce filing, affleck was worth $105M and Jen $60M. In 2015 they supposedly put the house on the market for $45M. I would think jen would be entitled to at least 85M of their combined assets. Plus there would be child and possibly spousal support. It’s been 7 months since they filled and the almost 2 year official separation before that. I do wonder how long it takes to unwind this. Casey and his ex filed and finalized within days.

      • kibbles says:

        Even if Lucy cares, she is not going to be the one to get in the way of Damon and Affleck’s longstanding friendship. These two go way back, they became rich and famous together, and they will be there for each other for life. Lucy cannot compete with that, nor do I think she wants to jeopardize her Cinderella rags to riches lifestyle by doing so. I don’t know what rumors I’ve heard about Damon to be true, but whatever he is doing behind the scenes, I doubt Lucy will ever rock the boat or question his actions.

  7. minx says:

    Sounds like a pretty unremarkable Thanksgiving, for anyone.

  8. Nicole says:

    Pretty sure it had more to do with his lack of sobriety

  9. Jenfan says:

    It is funny – when you look at the actual interview. 1. He is more than happy to “disclose” his holiday plans. 2. The way he talks – “yeh me, jen, the kids…..”. He talks like their still married (and he doesn’t have a public girlfriend) – most natural thing – spending the holidays with his family and best friend’s family. Will Casey’s ex be there too and his current girlfriend? I think I would like to be a fly on the wall at that tThanksgiving dinner. 🙂

    • mary says:

      I’d be livid if I was his girlfriend, Shookus. I’m sure Jen loves that he is spending thanksgiving with her and not SHookus

      • Jenfan says:

        Maybe Lindsay spending thanksgiving with her child and extended family. Either way I’m sure he will be on a flight to see her on Friday

    • Carmike says:

      Yes, he specifically mentioned Jen & the kids in that interview. It is amazing how from each gossip site, it gets translated differently!!

  10. LearningtheSystem says:

    He’s gonna play the wonderful family man with a great bro relationship until it’s ripped from his gripping fingers… It’s who he perceives the public wants him to be and who he thinks gets him the kind of respect he longs for. I think there’s a war going on inside him – who he is and who he wants to be.

  11. mary says:

    still hanging around Jennifer Garner it seems.

  12. Mannori says:

    you should post about the joke he tried to make about the sexual harassment situation and nobody form the cast laughed about. Literally side eyes from everyone except Gal, who nervously laugh (as women are used react to by now to every day douchey jokes like this) He laughed alone and literally nobody picked him up and just ignored him. What a fking *sshole. This is the ultimate confirmation that he actually doesn’t give a flying f*ck about the groping thingy and his apology was just a PR lame damage control. I hope he’ll be fired publicly and humiliated soon.

  13. ScotiaGirl says:

    IMO I bet he meant that the hanging with Jen and the kids was separate from the Damon event. I think he will be with Jen and the kids for a portion of the time and then probably he will move on to Matt’s as I imagine it will be quite uncomfortable for him at Jen’s IF her family are all there too. So probably just doing the bit at Jen’s for the kids and then off to Matt’s. Cause you know Thanksgiving is Jen’s favorite holiday and she has spoken in the past about how she loves how her Mother and sisters and her hang out in the kitchen that day cooking up a feast. She is not not going to be cooking that day and ruin her tradition. IMO. If that is the case Shookums will probably join him late in the day at Damon’s but who knows she might spend the day with her LITTLE girl where she belongs!

  14. kibbles says:

    I don’t believe that he deliberately let himself go. He’s lost control on a lot of things in his life these last several years, and he’s still in free fall. He’s aging very badly due to years of substance abuse, and that will definitely show up as weight gain in one’s 40s. It won’t get better, so I expect him to look horrid by the time he’s in his early 50s. On top of that, it’s been revealed that he’s a sexual predator no better than his younger brother, he’s going through a divorce with the one woman who had any hope of keeping his dirty laundry hidden, and he’s dating his mistress who is also an enabler of his addictions. This will not end well for him. He simply is not up for playing the role of Batman, and he knows it. It takes a huge amount of discipline to carry this type of role. I have never been addicted to any substances and live a fairly healthy lifestyle, but I don’t think I would even be up for all of the physical training and dieting it would take to be in tip-top shape for years of filming as a super hero. We all know that Affleck has absolutely no discipline. He would love to look the same way he did as 30 – who wouldn’t – but he doesn’t have the discipline to maintain his looks. He’d rather be drunk and gambling in Las Vegas.

    • Mannori says:

      I agree. He’s just a lazy and mediocre dude who got lucky in Hollywood but by any means should have been given the responsibility of such an iconic role and a whole franchise which is supposed to make billions. WBros. made a he mistake by hiring this train wreck. He’s not Hugh Jackman. He doesn’t have the strength to turn out his life the way RDJr. did. He’s not even at the level of Chris Hemsworth’ commitment and engagement with his franchise. Affleck sure doesn’t give a flying f*ck anymore since WBros dumped him. Now he’s already hinting that he’s done. like IF they pointed a gun to his head to make him take the role for starters. He sure wanted the huge ego boost of being Batman like any dude dream even if they wont admit it. And the millions. But his commitment and engagement with the franchise was always tepid and mediocre. I’ve always thought that the decision of fire him has been made long ago, even before Live By Night bombed. He was already failing at just being Batman as an actor, struggling to lose weight and live the life of a franchise leading man, which basically is like being a professional athlete. And he certainly wasn’t able to keep up with the high pressure and discipline it takes not only to stay physically in shape as an actor but also to write and direct The Batman. Obviously Matt Reeves’s conditio to take that hot potato is that he doesn’t want him in his trilogy. That’s been clear from the beginning despite his denials for obvious reasons.

  15. Caroline says:

    Note to Lindsay:
    For the holidays, kids birthdays, etc. , Ben’s family will ALWAYS come before you and they should (particularly when they are little)
    I , myself would not want to have a boyfriend that cannot spend Thanksgiving & Christmas with me….but maybe that is just me!
    I find it interesting that her name still cannot come up when mentioning the holidays even though they have been seen house hunting together!

    • Stacey says:

      Plenty of divorced parents figure it out and have new partners they spend the holidays with but Ben is still clinging to Jen. Shookus should dump him, he is divorced yet still spending holidays with Jen for the “kids”. If i was Shookus id be asking why Ben and Jen arent doing holidays at seperate houses like a normal divorced couple…

      • kibbles says:

        Ben is selfish and does what is in his best interest. I feel as if in the last several months he’s realized that Shookus is not good for his PR in the wake of his promotion of Justice League and accusations of sexual harassment. Therefore, he latches onto Garner whenever he needs good press or paparazzi photos to promote a much needed family man image. Shookus will always be the fun girl that he hangs out with after hours. Garner is the woman he will always need at the forefront to help his public persona. If I were Shookus, I’d be upset about this too, but she clearly does not have good judgment in men or doing the right thing. If she did she would never have gotten with him in the first place, and she would have felt remorse for her actions that hurt both her ex-husband and Garner. Whatever Shookus likes about Affleck, it must be addicting for both, and is not based on any reasoning or common sense.

  16. Carmike says:

    I bet when Lindsay’s parents asked Lindsay if Ben would be joining them for Thanksgiving & Lindsay said he was spending it with Jen & his children, her parents really loved that!

    • Jenfan says:

      Maybe she spends thanksgiving with her ex too?

    • mary says:

      exactly! dump him! how embarrassing for shookus

      they keep reporting they are “house hunting” i suspect SHE is looking for a house in LA to be closer to Ben, it’s not going to be “THEIR” house.

    • Y says:

      It’s co-parenting and you still just…don’t…get… it. lol You have no idea what her custody/holiday arrangement is with her ex-husband. I agree with Jenfan, they probably do something similar. Splitting up the holidays is parallel parenting, with co-parenting people still do a lot of stuff together. When/if Ben and LS get married, I predict it will morph into parallel parenting since I doubt Jen will want to spend that much time with her. But we’ll see.

    • Sky says:

      I don’t see why people are making a big deal about Ben and Lindsay not spending Thanksgiving together. Lindsay daughter and family are in N.Y. and Ben kids are in LA, so why would she have a problem with him being it in LA with his kids when she will be in New York with her and she might be with her ex for Thanksgiving too.

  17. LearningtheSystem says:

    Given the track record of the source, I question whether those are indeed the plans in place.

  18. Tina says:

    I predict Ben will eat dinner with his kids and then hop a plane to be with his girlfriend for the weekend. He has said in the past what a great cook Jennifer Garner is. I think he is included in Lindsay’s family gatherings. Maybe he will spend the weekend with them. They will probably marry as soon as their divorces are final. This may be the last year of shared holidays. I wonder how they will celebrate Christmas….

    • Carolnr says:

      Ben is in NYC with Lindsay. DM has the pics.
      Tomorrow he is going to be on Kelly&Ryan & I bet Fallon tomorrow night. How convenient for him! I bet now as we look back when he was on both of those shows, he was seeing Lindsay for MANY MANY YEARS before Jen & Lindsay’s husband ever realized!!!

    • Y says:

      If I had to guess, Christmas will be in Montana per usual. Maybe they will get separate homes there, like they did with the Bahamas, or they already do. But Christmas in Montana is part of their keeping it normal blah blah so I can’t imagine it will change much in the years to come. But living arrangements while they’re there will.

  19. Y says:

    I’m amazed that this angle still gets press. This is what coparenting looks like: spending holidays in the same room, etc. It doesn’t mean anything. Judging on the low number of responses, I think people have stopped caring.