“Australians decisively voted for marriage equality this week!” links

World premiere of โ€™Thor: Ragnarok'

Australians overwhelmingly voted for marriage equality this week. Hemsworths for everybody!! Seriously though, congrats, Oz! [Jezebel]
Hereโ€™s a teaser for Deadpool: Electric Shootaloo. I miss Bob Ross. [Pajiba]
I completely blanked out on the fact that Chris Martin & Annabelle Wallis broke up and now heโ€™s with Dakota Johnson. [LaineyGossip]
Jonny Lee Miller turns 45 years old today. I still would. [Dlisted]
I love Tracee Ellis Ross but this dress is bad. [Go Fug Yourself]
Sh-t, did Eminem sleep with a 15-year-old in Sweden? [The Blemish]
Southern Charm star gave birth to a baby girl. [Reality Tea]
The trailer for The Assassination of Gianni Versace. [Looper]
Harvey Weinstein is now being sued by a woman who says he raped her. [Buzzfeed]
Now Sean Hannity is calling on Roy Moore to drop out. Now. [Starcasm]

Montblanc for UNICEF collection launch and gala dinner

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46 Responses to ““Australians decisively voted for marriage equality this week!” links”

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  1. Pam_L says:

    You ladies can say what you will, but to me Chris is the HOT Hemsworth brother. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • HH says:

      I just came here to say exactly that! Lol!

      โ€œHemsworths for everybody!โ€ โ€”ONLY Chris for me.

    • whatWHAT? says:

      I agree with you. I think he’s much hotter than Liam but to each his/her own.

    • Rene Besette says:

      Yes, this is so cool. Good on you guys for voting.

      • SKF says:

        It’s a positive result but this was a non-binding postal vote. It is now in the hands of our politicians and they don’t actually have to follow through. Some conservatives are already trying to bring in truly disgusting “protections” against this. This vote should NEVER have happened. Ours is not the same situation as Ireland’s was – they HAD to have a referendum because legalising SSM marriage required changing their constitution whereas ours simply requires a small change in legislative language. Our politicians can change the relevant legislation without input from us. In fact, they already did, in 2004 they changed it quietly in a day to specifically exclude SSM by re-wording the definition of marriage to be solely between a man and a woman. No vote was required to do that. This vote was the result of a Conservative party doing its best to slow progress. They’ve known for years that about 70% of the population was pro gay marriage. Every poll showed the same thing. People have been campaigning for years. The LGBTQI community did NOT want this vote as it opened them up to the most hideous critique and dialogue. The government was warned over and over that starting a public “debate” like this would be incredibly damaging to an already vulnerable community. That suicide rates within that community would likely increase as a result. They did not care. It had been divisive and awful, a massive waste of money and hugely damaging. It should never have happened and it has actually undermined our democratic process because we elect our representatives to make these decisions. It shouldn’t cost $122 million to do an opinion poll to make them just DO their jobs. I’m so happy the YES vote came through powerfully with 80% of the population voting; but I’m still angry this happened at all.

      • Janetdr says:

        Thanks for the clarification SKF. I’m happy to hear 80% though!

    • Cranberry says:

      I can agree with you on that, and I’m not even a fan of his.

  2. Incredulous says:

    Well done, ‘Streya! *Ireland bumps fists with the land of Oz*

    • Kath says:

      Right back at you Ireland – our country from another… mother… no that doesn’t quite work. You know what I mean ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. FishBeard says:

    I know his rap against Trump was nice, but we can’t forget that Eminem is a misogynist with a history of DV.

    • Otaku Fairy says:

      The way that Jeremy Lambert person wrote about this story was peak Bro2017.
      “Let’s not turn this into a witch-hunt.”
      “Sexual assault is in. Now everything with a penis is being accused of it.”
      “Let’s not lump him in with those 50-year-olds harassing and groping women.”

      • KBB says:

        I read that and immediately scrolled up to see the author. Of course it was written by a dude named Jeremy ๐Ÿ™„

    • detritus says:

      Did that sh*tbag author just say sexual assault allegations are โ€˜inโ€™? And end by cajoling his readers not to turn this into a witch hunt?
      Have any of these twits read what the inquisition was? Do they know what a witch hunt is?

      Because Iโ€™d like to see if he weighs the same as a duck and take appropriate action from there.

      • msd says:

        Men using “witch hunt” drives me nuts. Ditto white people saying “lynch mob.”

        White males appropriating other people’s persecution to make themselves look like victims, again.

        They don’t even understand the language they’re using.

  4. Penfold says:

    I love Jonny Lee Miller in Elementary. He has a very melodic and soothing voice that I enjoy!

    (and he’s very handsome) ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. Lightpurple says:

    CHemboys for everyone! Congratulations, Australia!

    And happy birthday, Johnny Lee Miller.

    • milla says:

      Ill second that. Congrats Aussies๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰ and hbd to wonderful Miller๐Ÿ’–

  6. emma33 says:

    ๐Ÿจ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿจ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿจ๐Ÿ’— proud Aussie!

    • rapomi says:

      Me too but it was a very expensive exercise to confirm what we already knew. I also hate that there were some very hateful incidents and language used towards the LGBTIQ+ community.

      • msd says:

        I’m mainly relieved. Australians strongly support ssm but after Brexit and Trump there were no guarantees. It was a dumb, divisive, expensive process. A postal vote, ffs. Equality shouldn’t be put to a referendum.

        Also, FYI the electorates that voted No were mainly poorer, less educated areas with high rates of recent immigration. I’m waiting for the trash tabloids to say “See, Muslims and Asians can’t assimilate, they hate gay people.” Oh brother.

      • Kath says:

        msd – we always did support it, only our dickhead conservative politicians convinced themselves that there was some secret anti-SSM majority lurking behind the wings that the eleventy-billion surveys on the subject magically failed to pick up.

        The difference with Brexit and Trump is that Australians are used to compulsory voting, so – even though the survey wasn’t compulsory – there was still around 80% participation, so it was truly representative.

        This is why I’m always ranting about the non-Trump and non-Brexit supporters who couldn’t be bothered to vote – especially young people. They are as much to blame as anyone.

      • Kath says:

        Sorry msd, just realised you’re an Aussie too and didn’t need the explanation!

    • Lozface says:

      Very proud Aussie here!!! I was watching the live stream announcement at work and had tears streaming down my face! What a day!

      Also nearly 80% of eligible voters voted in a voluntary plebiscite. More than the US election and Brexit! Iโ€™m impressed by that too.

    • Caroline says:

      Another proud Aussie here. I would have preferred a higher percentage, but the result and the change of marriage law is what matters. It’s ridiculous it took so long, and that Howard was able to set things back as late as 2004 when there was already significant support. At least it’s nearly over now.

  7. word says:

    How does chris martin get all these women?

    • Electric Tuba says:

      He is famous, has a penis, and it would give them a chance to anger the Goop lol.
      Maybe they want him to cry a song about them in a stadium in front of thousands of middle age fans?

    • Milla says:

      He’s famous and he seems to be a decent guy, which is rare these days. I don’t care about Coldplay but I don’t have a problem with him. Just his music…

  8. JEM says:

    That Eminem story makes me want to vomit.

  9. happyoften says:

    Chris Hemsworth AND Hugh Jackman in one post…. be still my heart.

    Good on ya, Australia! And a hearty thank you! for these two lovely lads. No, really. Thank you.

    Speaking of thank yous…. Dead Pool in a Bob Ross wig is going to be my new screen saver. So, ty to whatever genius dreamt that up. That trailer is high-larious

  10. adastraperaspera says:

    My wife and I are thrilled about the marriage decision in Australia! We hope to visit there someday.

  11. trillian says:

    Age of consent in Sweden is 15. So even if he knew, it was legal.

  12. Agent Fang says:

    Great result. 61% yes v 39% no. That’s a landslide. I’m very proud of my home state of Victoria which had the second highest yes response in the country behind Canberra. But great effort all round with the yes vote prevailing in every state and territory.

  13. third ginger says:

    Justice prevails, slowly but surely. Also, If you have ever seen a picture of the Hemsworth’s parents,you will know the meaning of “genetically gifted.”

    • SKF says:

      Particularly their mum who looks like their big sister – it is actuallynridiculous how naturally young she looks!

  14. Electric Tuba says:

    I walked past a wall of wet paint drying the other day and for a split second I thought it was Dakota Johnson.

  15. TrixC says:

    Itโ€™s great that the vote went the way it did but it seems pretty twisted to me to allow the majority to vote on whether a minority should be allowed to enjoy a basic right.

    • msd says:

      Oh brother, don’t get me started.

      The vote came about because our PM is a spineless blow hard in an expensive suit who barely scraped into power and can’t control the small, loud, loony right wing of his own party. Most people were pissed about spending $100 million on something we wanted that parliament could just vote on for free. On the plus side, the loonies own electorates hilariously voted against them.

      The results were interesting. Teenagers voted in high numbers. 25-29 year olds were a bit lazy. Old people voted more than anyone. Women supported equality more than men. Country folk supported it, not just city folk. The big population chunk of Oz that didn’t was largely the poorer, outlying areas of big cities like Sydney and Melbourne with high numbers of non English speaking background voters. There was a pretty significant split along ethnic lines which is … not great.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      Yes, I agree. I don’t think civil rights should be left up to a vote, but I am so glad it went the way it did.

  16. Ksenia says:

    Congratulations to Australia! It seems that, however painfully slowly, the world is beginning—*just* beginning—to understand such concepts as love and equality, and how to apply them to real life.

  17. Sal says:

    Proud Aussie here who voted Yes. Am so happy!

  18. el barto says:
