– Heidi Montag showering herself off in a bikini = surprisingly un-sexy [The Superficial]
– Stephen Baldwin Is Losing His House [Dlisted]
– This, ladies and gentlemen, is the Lindsay Lohan face of sobriety [Lainey Gossip]
– Carnie Wilson Gives Birth to Baby Girl [PopEater]
– Pr0n Stars Don’t Care About AIDS? [Bossip]
– Brit Brit And The Kids In London [Fafarazzi]
– Mario Lopez’s girlfriend has great balance [Celebslam]
– Lou Ferrigno, the actor from ‘The Incredible Hulk’ Is Training Michael Jackson [I’m Not Obsessed]
– Eddie Murphy’s “Imagine That” review [Pajiba]
– Drew and Justin: Definitely Not Back Together [Websters is my Bitch]
– Jessica Alba and her husband Cash Warren attend a friend’s wedding with their daughter Honor [In Case You Didn’t Know]
– Tallulah Belle Willis Is A Guest Of Harper’s Bazaar [Crazy Days and Nights]
– Marriage License For Two Men In NYC Is Revoked [The Frisky]
– Leonardo DiCaprio Sells His House While His Lakers Win the Championships [PopSugar]
– Olivia Wilde on the cover of Maxim [I Don’t Like You In That Way]
– Fergie Topless In Allure Magazine. Now sure how we feel about that [Hollywood Tuna]
if you cut her head it’s not so bad
hate that stupid and dumb smile argh
hate when people try so hard to look dumb and fake like this tst tst
How in the world did Bruce and Demi, two extremely good looking people, have such Butter Faced daughters?
Olivia Wilde has such a wierd shaped head. I wonder if her and Chris Pine mated what their kid would look like?
and I love love LOVE the Olivia Wilde maxim cover!
Actually the HIV problem in pron is bad: according to the NYT 22 actors have tested positive since 2004
One day, I want the paparrazzi to take a look at Lindsay Lohan and then say “eh, she’s not even famous anymore.”
Well, I know she si still famous, but she shouldn’t be because she officially has no talent anymore.
Not a fan of Heidi. Don’t really give a sh** about her posing in Playboy, either. Could’ve seen that one coming.
What exactly are they famous for? If she sat right next to me, I would not recognize her. She can show her ass if that makes her think it will extend her 15 minutes of fame. Nudity no longer has a shock value!!
Playboy…wtbloodygoshdamnf were you thinking!? Dx
I think Heidi Montag is as much of a famewhore moron as the next person does, but in all due fairness, most people look like crap in the shower.
The fact that people expect her hair to remain perfectly in place and her makeup to not run off is kind of lame. Welcome to reality, men.
Fake tits are usually so attractive.
Someone please run Speidi over.
Silly to think that if you have big boobs you are automatically sexy it’s something from inside something you’re born with
She looks like a homely 40 year old woman who probably needs to eat a sandwich.
People are so idealistic.
Fake tits are “gross” but I’m sure the same people snarking on a girl who got a boob job are the first ones to single out another girl for having “sagging” breasts. Reality check: most large breasts that aren’t surgically enhanced usually aren’t always perfectly round and perky.
And no, as much as I want to believe that confidence equates to sexiness, it doesn’t. I’ve known tons of people who are confident with themselves but are the laughingstock with the opposite sex, and have even on occasion been criticized for their high self-esteem. Sex appeal is a social construct.
As good as these things sound, they aren’t true. The world sucks.