Cele|bitchy | “Britney Cleared Of Child Endangerment Charges” Links

“Britney Cleared Of Child Endangerment Charges” Links

Britney Cleared Of Child Endangerment Charges [Crazy Days and Nights]
Brad Pitt got a new tattoo: Angelina Jolie’s birthday in Khmer [DListed]
Spike Lee & Brad Pitt catch a baseball game with their boys [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
– Is Gwyneth Paltrow’s marriage in trouble? I bet it is. [IDLYITW]
Shaquille O’Neal filed for divorce [Bossip]
Danny DeVito cashes in on drunken View appearance, launches own line of limoncello [Celebslam]
Gwen Stefani Still Dresses Like an Ass [yeeeah]
Gwen Stefani in a polo shirt with targets on it. [PopSugar]
Cameron Diaz Will Throw Oranges At You [I’m Not Obsessed]
Asia ArgentoGQ Magazine Pictures [Bastardly]
Faith Hill Talks About Crotch-Grabbing Incident [ICYDK]
Jessica Simpson at LAX [Drunken Stepfather]
Jon Bon Jovi puts down the Brits [Hollywood Rag]
Michelle Williams stuck with a kid that looks just like the guy who dumped her [Seriously? OMG! WTF?]
Pete Doherty didn’t make a court appearance ’cause he’s in yet another rehab. [Agent Bedhead]
– What the Hell is Keira Knightley Wearing? [Egotastic]
Tommy Lee had sex on a table in a club [The Blemish]
Paul McCartney and Renee Zellweger had a romantic date [CityRag]
Pam Anderson is dating Rick Solomon, the guy who made the sex tape with Paris Hilton [Gabsmash]
– [CelebWarship]
Amy Winehouse made an appearance at the Mercury Awards [Glitterati]
Madonna and Elton John made up [Socialite’s Life]
Kanye West vs. 50 Cent on the cover of Rolling Stone [Just Jared]
Pavoratti is ill with cancer and in in “very serious condition” [Lifeline Live]
Drew Barrymore making out with the guy from the Mac vs. PC commercials [Best Week Ever]

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