In his third public response to the massive media storm surrounding Perez calling a f*g and getting hit in the head by someone else for it, Perez Hilton has finally used the “S” word. He says it a bunch of times in a new statement that includes line breaks for once and seems to be about something other than Perez being a sad sack of self-pity:
People make mistakes. I have made many in my life, but this past week I have made more than I can count on one hand.
I am sorry. And I mean it. No one is forcing me to write this. I am not feeling pressured to say this. I am speaking out because I realize that the last few days have been more hurtful to me – and many others – than the repeated blows I suffered to my head in Toronto this past weekend.
I have been filled with incredible sadness and regret.
I am sorry that any good work I have done for promoting equality may be tainted by me reclaiming a hurtful word – that’s been personally used against me and the gay community – to hurt someone that was verbally attacking me. It was stupid.
Apologizing for me is not easy. Writing this was not easy. Life is not easy. But everything happens for a reason and I will take away a lot of valuable lessons from this experience.
Violence is never the answer. Never.
Victims should not be mocked.
The “F” word will never be uttered from my lips again. Just as others use the “N” word to insult and hurt – or as part of their everyday speech – I challenge them to remove it from their vocabulary as well.
Hindsight is always 20/20, they say. I should have been the bigger man and walked away from an unfortunate situation. Instead, I chose – in a very misguided way – to stand up for myself and only made things worse by how I – under pressure, anger and extreme emotion – handled the situation.
I am sorry.
I am NOT apologizing to GLAAD. I could care less about them, my former employers.
I am apologizing to the gay community, to anyone who was hurt by my choice of words, and to all the people who have ever emailed me to thank me for all that I have done to fight for gay rights over the last few years.
I have reached out to Isaiah Washington, someone I incorrectly labeled a homophobe in the past, despite his own public statements that he was not.
I will be donating any money collected from my lawsuit against Polo Molina, road manager for the Black Eyed Peas, to the Matthew Shepard Foundation.
And I will continue to speak out for equality and support the great work done by LGBT organizations, such as LAMBDA Legal and HRC.
[From Perez]
So is Perez truly, genuinely sorry or is he really responding to the media pressure that he so vehemently denies? I would venture that he didn’t come to some gradual revelation that it’s not all about him and the minor injury he sustained, which found him turning to his Sidekick to immediately tweet and contact his lawyer instead of going to a hospital. (Healthcare is super affordable in Canada for non-residents so he has no excuse.) If he was truly sorry, he would let bygones be bygones and drop that lawsuit. No one should have raised a fist to him but he shouldn’t have called Will a “thug” and the f word.
Get over yourself, Perez. It sucks to get beat up and no one deserves it but you’re not unique and you did some provocative obnoxious things. Be nice and normal for once, write some of your own damn stories and credit the other writers who work for you instead of making it seem like you’re still running your site. It’s pretty easy to add author names automatically to posts.
Perez isn’t going to change, though, even if he finally realized the sort-of right things to write for once. It’s all about him, his rude brand and how he was wronged. I took a small business class a few years ago and the teacher warned us not to name our businesses after ourselves. He said something like “it’s not about you, it’s about what you offer to your customers.” What does Perez offer? At least he said he was sorry, and he said it the right way. Do you think he dragged it out just to get more publicity?
Photos are from 4/18, 4/19 and 4/22/09. Credit:
Call me when he apologizes for existing.
If he is sorry, he should drop the lawsuit.
He’s apologizing for using the same hateful slur (over & over again & in a very public arena) that he went after Isiah Washington for.
Wasn’t Perez responsible for Isiah losing his job? What’s TR Knights view on Perez’s very public use of the F* word?
So he’s SORRY? Well his SORRY doesn’t feel sincere-feels more like he’s trying to keep his advertisers. How about he drops his lawsuit and makes a donation to LGBT Orgs on his own!
What a jerk!
It is only damage control that was delayed by his ego. It’s still all about him, and he will never change. Perez tried a publicity-stunt tantrum, and it backfired beautifully.
Polo Molina and Will.I.Am are now heroes to many, and I hope their record sales are reflecting this. I’m not condoning hitting the idiot, but it is very understandable.
Listen, I’ve read his statements, and honestly? The first thing I would do would be to go to the hospital, have them document what happened, contact the police and my lawyer & I would sue.
I would sue. I say what I want in real life, I’ve been threatened, everyone has to some point (I’m from Chicago) & there are people out there who have thrown drinks on me etc. Getting punched in the back of the head? Thats a b**ch move, thats a weak pathetic retaliation
Its not surprising that the moron who did it was already on PROBATION for a DUI (people with dui’s are people who got caught before they killed a happy family of 5 driving home)
He’s a small pathetic lame, and the real issue here, is not the celebrity status of Perez Hilton, but the fact that violence should NOT have escalated to this point.
Did you not see the footage where they are FOLLOWING HIM? He says whatever he says, and I would implore that before people leave comments to UNDERSTAND and look at both sides of the story.
Ridiculous. His whole “reclaiming” of the F word shows that he is still not take responsibility for his actions.
Everyone would have backed off had he just said “I’m sorry; I was drunk, overreacted and said something horrible.” The. End. Instead he went into massive freak out land. was at our club on Saturday and was a total gentlemen, super nice to the staff and to his fans. On Sunday the party was at our sister club, and Perez was rude and demanding to his server, acting like a huge diva in front of Lady Gaga. I was inside when the fight happened, but Perez had more than a few drinks. This was a drunk-girl at a party kind of response.
fat, drunk mean old man. I do not condone violence but am willing to make an exception if it involves punching this gooey mess in the face.
LOL I still say his video reminds me of the Leave Britney Alone video.
I don’t think he said it the right way. And it’s not because i can’t stand him, honestly đ
Had he put up a video on his site apologizing it would be more genuine, but he’s probably still angry so unable and unwilling to do that.
I think this is more a response to the backlash he’s received and maybe he’s trying to save face, he’s still pushing the fact that he’s a victim etc.
I’d love to know what Isaiah Washington has to say about this, i’m sure when PH says “he reached out” to him it wasn’t face to face.
oops, I guess I should have hit the refresh page to see that you’ve already posted this.
Sorry CB…
I feel Perez should drop the lawsuit. Even if he wins in court, he will not (and is not winning) win over public opinion. If anyone deserves to be punched it is him, I no longer look at his site. It is appropriate his site is named after Paris Hilton, they are both trashy individuals that I wish would go away.
Well, I TOTALLY believe him now.
He stated he’d made more mistakes than he can count on 1 hand – wow, what an awesome show of humility!
I still check his website for now because I want to make sure I get the name of EVERY pop-up advertiser listed on there. I’m sure a lot of people have contacted the advertisers and this is why he is now so forth coming with this “apology”.
“I have reached out to Isaiah Washington, someone I incorrectly labeled a homophobe in the past, despite his own public statements that he was not.”
Now he admits that?
He railroaded Isaiah and was a big reason the dude got fired. Granted he never should of said it, and the second time he did the same thing many publications did in reporting Perez’s story — reused the same slur in restating what happened.
I really wish Grey’s Anatomy would rehire Isaiah! Can you say love triangle? And now that TR Knight is gone, there should be minimal strife behind the scenes.
Hilton’s a nut case.
“Reclaiming?” Like how Randall was “taking back” “porch monkey” in Clerks 2? Still sounds insincere to me. & “all he’s done for gay rights?” Outing unwilling celebs is going to get gay marriage legalized? Who knew?
Wow, can you list those advertisers please?
Unfortunately we can’t all hit him in the head, but we can hit him in the pocketbook.
I love how the guy disses GLAAD while apologizing to all in the gay community. He is such a scummy, self-serving, drama queen. He says he’s apologizing yet at the same time he tries to slight the very organization that pushed for the public apology. Interesting that Isiah Washington is now more invested in work for GLAAD than Perez is.
My guess is that Mario is a confused individual who is actually anti-gay deep down inside. When someone’s inner most anger comes out the words they say are usually the words they believe in the most. He chose those words in his time of anger. That says a whole lot.
Hopefully this is all the beginning of a great, big fall for Mr. Paris Hilton.
Name-calling is never acceptable, no matter what sexual gender you are. Maybe now he knows how some of the people portrayed on his very own website feel.
I’m a gay man and this guy gives us all a bad name. He obviously is a self hater which is why he verbally ABUSES so many people. I think he’s a bully and a very negative person.
Say no to hate, Send emails to his advertisers telling them you are boycotting their products and services…
Gossip can be fun, but when you hurt people, is that right? does that make this a better world?
An overly litigious society is good for no one.
Verbally assaulting a person can be just as emotionally damaging as physically assaulting them. Both of these guys are in the wrong and now both are suffering the consequences of their actions.
Like the above reader, I agree that it is fitting that Paris Hilton and Mario GO AWAY!
His 15 minutes are up. I don’t visit his site anymore because he steals words and stories from MK’s Dlisted. Mario let his ego get the best of him in the quest for fame.
Will someone post a list of all his advertisers so that we can email? Get him off the internet!!
it is “I COULDN’T care less” i hate when people say “i could care less” they realize this means they COULD care less right? meaning they care?
sorry, it makes no sense…and i don’t like him
How did Will.I.AM attack him verbally? I dont get it. Maybe I missed something?
Does this sorry sack of fermented butt sweat still think he had every right to be a little B*t@h?
Sorry honey, save the DIVA title for someone who actually deserves it
Anyone else using a hateful anti-gay smear like that would find their career over. It should be the same for Perez. BOYCOTT this clown from now on.
Waaaaaaay too little, waaaaaaaaay too late.
I would LOVE to see him go down in flames for this. I stopped going to his site many months ago because he’s too self-promoting. Plus, the tone of his site was getting out of line and distasteful for me.
I also would LOVE that list of advertisers!
i am way way younger than this person yet i seem to understand how the world and nature operate fully well. i am not saying age has got to do with it but he lived longer than i have and the least he can do is comprehend such basic things.
how can he claim (over and over and over) “violence is not an answer” (which btw have become one of those annoyingly trite cliches, thanks perez uggh) while he leeches on by smacking people with his harsh and brutal prejudices, constantly?! does he not realize violence stems from the constant emotional/verbal beating like how he dishes his own irrational/senseless vendetta against these actor who are actually living off of their talents? worse thing is he gets paid and lauded for this act of bullying! people who support this leech are enablers and should be ashamed of themselves. there’s a fine, huge line between freedom of speech and verbal abuse.
he has been lucky for years with acting superior than anyone else, getting the last laugh. it’s about time he comes back down to the ground. he’s forgetting what it’s like down here. boycotting this low-life is the very least we can do for the code of ethics. we owe humanity that much.
umm….hypocrit!! He’s gay himself!!!
Another point: Thanks for confirming that he doesn’t write most of the stories himself – I guess it’s kind of insider-knowledge, so thanks for sharing.
I started thinking he doesn’t write himself since the white handwriting on photos has changed a little. Not that I care or am an often visitor of his side, though – just when I’m really bored.
I posted on another story about this…This apology is not genuine. He praises himself (the “good work” he has done) and points out his own victimization (how that hateful word has been used against him) in the same breath as I’m sorry. It doesn’t fly. It’s more about being a martyr to help his case.
What’s really sad is that we as a society have gotten so litigious that it’s impossible for either party to simply say “I’m sorry. I lost my temper and I hurt you. I’m sorry.”
How sad is it that Perez and people commenting are calling for blood and saying they should be allowed to say whatever they want with no repercussions. That’s ridiculous. Words cause damage too and to say otherwise is self-serving.
Um, the Matthew Sheppard Foundation? Not so subtle. He was beaten and left to die because he was gay.
Perez, however, was not hit because he is gay. He was hit because he is a major a**hole.
I don’t buy a word of it. And who in the hell does he think he is “I challenge those who use the N word to remove it from their vocabulary”–This is about what you said—don’t deflect this……….
What a contamination of human genes. This piece of shit is why homosexuals have so little acceptance by the public. People will say to your face that they feel Gays are ust like everybody else. Then ask that person if they are gay. The speedie and denial and look on their face is hilarious.
too little, too late.
The best thing to come out of this is that maybe that piece of shit now has some idea of how despised he is.
So he is going to sue.
I am very very very angry at Perez Hilton for the way he has reported about Michael Jackson. When it was reported Michael Jackson went into cardiac arrest, he posted the following:
âWe knew something like this would happen!!
Michael Jackson was taken by ambulance from his Holmby Hills home to a nearby Los Angeles hospital on Thursday afternoon!!
Supposedly, the singer went into cardiac arrest and the paramedics had to administer CPR!!!
His mother is even on the way to visit him!!!
We are dubious!!
Jacko pulled a similar stunt when he was getting ready for his big HBO special in â95 when he âcollapsedâ at rehearsal!
He was dragging his heels on that just like his upcoming 50 date London residency at the 02 Arena, of which he already postponed the first few dates!!!
Either heâs lying or making himself sick, but weâre curious to see if heâs able to go on!!!
Get your money back, ticket holders!!!!â
When it was reported that Michael Jackson had DIED, Perez EDITED his post to say the following:
âMichael Jackson was taken by ambulance from his Holmby Hills home to a nearby Los Angeles hospital on Thursday afternoon!!
The singer went into cardiac arrest and the paramedics had to administer CPR!!!
His mother is even on the way to visit him!!!â
The comments are going nuts on the post and there are some people who have screen shots of what he wrote (unfortunately not me, because when I first saw the post I was on my iPhone). I have tried in vain to see if it was cached but I canât find it, I have found to links where the original can be found, though:âRushed-To-The-Hospital-
What Perez posted about Michael Jackson was probably the most accurate painting you can get of this disgusting human being. I ask that everyone please boycott his site and write to ALL his advertisers, so that he can never ever have the chance to write this vitriol about a human being again.
I’m on his side. He chose to use a word that most certainly has been used against him, in the most hurtful ways, throughout his life. He was trying to deflect a verbal assault by hurling what he knows to be the most insulting label that you can use in our homophobic culture. If anyone has the right to use words of that nature, it is those of us who have had them used against us. What if?? What if this word did not carry the stigma?
The asshole trying to intimidate him into NOT WRITING about his band deserved anything that Hilton said.
What is he, the Fonz?
Legal question but can you sue someone for an incident that happened in another country? Regardless, he’s implicated himself as the instigator, he won’t get a dime.
As to the poster above me, wtf??? If that word didn’t carry a stigma, he would’ve called him something else.
I am happy with his apology. I mean, what more could you ask for? Its not as if he can turn back time. He could have chosen not to release the apology and said “f- you” to everybody, but he didn’t. So that’s a good thing. At least he is showing remorse.
I think celebitchy is just jealous that his site makes more money. It was obvious when you left the topic and started rambling about how you did a business course. Just saying…
I’m not saying Perez isn’t a sack of sh_t,btw. Just that i’m happy he apologized.
Peg, don’t you know?
Two wrongs don’t make a right.
Treat others the way you would like to be treated.
If you have had those words used against you, and you use them against somebody else, you are just spreading negativity and hate. You of all people should break the chain and not use those words against others. If you do, you are just as low-life as the person who first used them against you.
This guy is an imbecile. His “apology” is not a real apology. He still keeps pushing his flawed logic as to why he said what he said and why all of this happened to him. He is NOT an intelligent man. This is obvious from his blog (which I visited a few times only because i didnt want to waste time on a site where the writing/use of “paint” is not funny, the grammar is poor, and the creator an example “idiocracy”). When he starts talking about himself “attempting to reclaim” a hurtful word, it is clear he has NO CLUE what that means. An example of reclaiming a hurtful slur/word would be “we’re here, we’re queer”. That is an example of a community taking a word that was used against them and incorporating it into a political slogan as part of a visibility movement. “Perez” just needs to go away. He is a waste of space and as talentless and vacuous a fame whore as Parisite Hilton.
jessie, wow. that’s disgusting and heartless of perez, but what else can you expect from somebody who mocks little kids. i hope the screenshot of his original post goes viral on the internet. what an a-wipe. i was going to give him the benefit of the doubt with his apology, but now, i believe that apology was not genuine. he just backpedals when the heat is on him. he has not learned his lesson. being hateful/negative is ingrained in him.
The Matthew Shepard Foundation issued as statement about a donation from PH:
” … because the lawsuit presumably involves the physical attack prompted by Mr. Hilton’s admitted use of an anti-gay slur, the Foundation will be unable to accept any funds obtained in such a manner.”
The full statement is here:
Perez should be immediately replaced by a nice, wholesome person. Someone who is of better stock. Like Howard Stern, Jerry Springer, or Ricky Lake.
Not giving a hoot about him or his website is the worst sentencing.
Again, he is an alien and needs to go to his own planet.
He’s kinda hypocritical isn’t he? Or are only gay people allowed to call other gay people slurs?
anyone got a screenshot of what he originally wrote re michael’s cardiac arrest?
PLEASE POST IT. maybe then, site sponsor will pull out and we could finally get rid of this fungus.
i’m afraid Perez’s apology is as fake as he is…if he’s sincerely apologizing for his mistake then he should not sue because the action was only done when he said the F word…he of all people should know that…i mean, i remember how he condemned Isaac W. for it…
@ Annabelle, who said: “I think celebitchy is just jealous that his site makes more money. It was obvious when you left the topic and started rambling about how you did a business course. Just saying⌠”
I know you couldn’t possibly have meant that like it sounds. You’re kidding, right ?????? Nobody is jealous of this pariah. Nobody.
@ MiuMiu here it is:
its also reported on perez hiltons wiki page too.