The Rock responded to DJ Khaled too, did we need to know this?


As Kaiser reported, DJ Khaled shared his un-evolved thoughts during a radio interview. I don’t care what Khaled or his wife, Nicole Tuck’s, sexual practices are but I do care when he says misogynistic crap like “different rules for men,” and claims that he shows Nicole appreciation by reminding her what he’s bought her. (By the way, she doesn’t need his money). And he’s said this sh-t before – that’s not an act. Fortunately, people took him to task over the comments. Many echoed Smash Mouth’s statement that he was missing out, which he is but by his selfish attitude, I’m guessing Nicole isn’t missing much.

Dwayne Johnson decided to join the discussion and honestly, I’m here for it. Not just because it covers the, “sucks to be you, dude” vibe but because Dwayne puts his signature on it by emphasizing he does it ‘masterfully.’

Some outlets are taking a lead from Dwayne’s own tweet by implying that this is too much information. What? Every person that said, “you’re missing out,” is admitting as much as him. The only difference here is Dwayne is letting us know how good he is at it – because he’s Dwayne The Rock Johnson. He only has two speeds: Humble Brag or Pedal-to-the-Metal Brag. But here is why I truly love this tweet, and no, it’s not just how many thoughts it gives me of Dwayne ‘mastering his performance,’ it’s because he’s using the same machismo as Khaled to put him in his place. If I want to be fair and balanced, I would say that this is a good way to poke fun at a truly asinine comment. If I want to be shallow, I’d say this works because Khaled can crown himself whatever he wants, there’s no way in hell he’ll ever be more man than The Rock.

But I’m still mad at Khaled so let’s watch him get roasted a bit more:

By the way, May 2 was Dwayne’s birthday and we got our annual Birthday Video gift from him:

And my gift to you, curtesy of Lauren Hashian – a Baby Tiana and Jasmine pic!

Heaven = a pile of munchkins 🙏🏼😊❤️

A post shared by Lauren Hashian (@laurenhashianofficial) on




Photo credit: WENN Photos, Twitter and Instagram

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48 Responses to “The Rock responded to DJ Khaled too, did we need to know this?”

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  1. Cherry says:

    I’m here for it. For The Rock or any other dude, for that matter. Bring it, guys.

  2. megs283 says:

    I wonder if DJ Khaled is going to get cut from that awkward Weight Watchers commercial.

    • me says:

      I was wondering that too but the radio interview that’s going viral now was actually done back in 2014…before he signed a contract with Weight Watchers…but yeah it still makes him and them look bad. I’m just wondering why, after 4 years, this interview is getting so much attention. Why not 4 years ago?

  3. BFSun says:

    1. The Rock is amazing
    2. I’d sooner have a live grenade next to my vulva than DJ Khaled.

  4. QueenB says:

    The Rock just rubs me the wrong way.
    And the way he worded this is so much more about him than about women or Khaleds comments.
    Like he wants a tap on the back for doing the minimum.

    • Mia4s says:

      The minimum? He clearly said masterful! 😁

      Having encountered those with varying levels of….job skills…I’m happy to give a pat on the back for a job particularly well done. 😏

      Honestly the twitter response has been great. This DJ guy (who I don’t think I heard of?) just looks 100% lame.

    • JAC says:

      He seems to be a great person, but extremely in love with himself.

      • Lisa says:

        Oddly enough, its a lesson we all could learn. The dude is a lovely guy who is carrying stacks of confidence around with him while also making time for fans. Can’t fault him whatsoever.

    • Purplehazeforever says:

      I’m genuinely asking this…does he rub you the wrong way here or just generally? He made a playful comment but it’s possible he was trying to be respectful of his partner when responding. I took it as a playful comment and benign compared to DJ Khaled. Maybe that’s an issue but The Rock isn’t the problem here: it’s the deeply ingrained misogyny DJ Khaled has.

    • Yeahright says:

      I’ll jump on that bandwagon! I can’t stand his fake persona.

      • Lynnie says:

        ME TOO. For me it started when he took himself seriously to run (or quietly lay the groundwork) for being president. Coupled with the fact he’s a closet republican and other icky instances I’ve witnessed from him and yeah pass for me

    • gabbygirl2 says:

      @ QueenB. I agree with your comment. The Rock sounded self serving his public image instead of his concern for women. His statements about running for President maybe a precursor to another side the public has not seen.

  5. babu says:

    Can we not forget how deeply misogynistic, old-fashioned, patriarchal, sexist and downright discriminatory DJ Khaled’s ‘king’ comment was. It’s not only about the guy’s sex diet (can’t really force somebody to like something) but the ugly context in which he wrapped it.

    THAT is the story, not The Rock’s quip.

    • Betsy says:

      This. I don’t think I commented on the other article because his message was so disgusting,but you’ve hit the nail on the head.

    • Oh_Dear says:

      This is exactly why I am glad for The Rock’s (and others’) comments that celebrate oral sex on their female partners – it destigmatizes it and makes it something this celebrate that is playful. Women’s sexual pleasure is not honoured or discussed enough. And a man taking pride in doing it and doing it well is a definite bonus in the conversation.

      • otaku fairy says:

        All of this! If it had just been a matter of “We’re not into that, we don’t do that”, I wouldn’t have seen an issue with it. The problem is that he thinks he would somehow be degrading himself as a man if he did for a woman what he expects her to do for him, and framed his sexist little hang-up as the way it’s just supposed to be between men and women. Plus, he framed this arrangement as something women owe men, which is extra clueless with everything going on.

    • Mrs,Krabapple says:

      His full comment about the house he pays for and the shopping, is him admitting that he needs to pay for sex. I mean, looking at him, I’m not surprised — he’s no prize pig: he’s obese, seems like an idiot, doesn’t know how to please a woman, is selfish, and all-around disgusting. So, yeah, we know he needs to pay for sex, because no woman would willingly have sex with him otherwise. That means his partners are just employees, so his “king” comment isn’t really out of line.

  6. Seraphina says:

    The person who posted he won’t even go down in history won it. Now THAT was gold.

  7. ChrissyMS says:

    NO, I find this whole conversation to be really gross. I am not Pearl Clutching but…..everyone just…SHHHHHhhhhhhh

    • Josephine says:

      Nothing gross about it. I would hope all women (and men) would expect their needs to have equal importance in the relationship, and to the extent that some people haven’t gotten that message, happy that lots of people are willing to speak up about it.

  8. KeWest says:

    Big thank you to the Rock!

    Yes it always good for men to have positive role models!

  9. Adrien says:

    DJ Khaled just answered the mystery of what Meatloaf wouldn’t do for love.

  10. Jess says:

    I just love Dwayne, he can do no wrong in my opinion, his response was great, lol. I didn’t know they were having another baby, how sweet!

  11. Snowflake says:

    Yes baby, Yes! Hes the total package. And he makes beautiful kids. How is what he said too much? After what we see and read every day? That’s nothing.

  12. Reef says:

    I’m truly amazed how many random male celebrities let women around the world know “what he won’t do, I will”. Twitter is really top 10 inventions of 21st century.

    • KB says:

      Lol I love it. Khaled thought his comments proved how masculine he was and he has just been getting dunked on nonstop from all directions. That’s what he gets for trying to make women feel gross about our bodies.

  13. frankly says:

    I love her “new mom” manicure – “I DON’T HAVE TIME FOR THAT NONSENSE!”
    (Or maybe that is the coolest thing going now. I’m not so down with the kids.)

    • RuddyZooKeeper says:

      I was thinking exactly the same thing! I am taking extreme pleasure in the fact she doesn’t have to be a perfect trophy wife and can rock some chipped nails. Beautiful family with their heads on straight!

  14. lautie says:

    that tweet from Meryl Sheep about DJ Khalid screaming his own name…… me laughing out loud!!! hahaahahaha

  15. Suki says:

    I think it shocks me how people think these convos are fit for public consumption. I’m no prude but again these peoples conversations are in print and immortalised on the internet for everyone from their parents to their children and their grandchildren to read. It’s such a weird thing.

    • Oh_Dear says:

      public conversations frame and reflect culture, so I am glad there is a discussion about women’s sexual pleasure that brings it to the forefront. Our girls are listening, and they need to know that their needs should be taken care of by their partner, and not just begrudgingly. The more subtle and overt messages that are present in media (not just conversation, but those too – prude, slut, sleazy, good girl, bad girl) and have rendered females as objects and the ones servicing the sexual power of men for long enough.

  16. S says:

    I don’t really want to know this about anyone, but I agree the best part about this is how the Rock personifies being a man’s man, to many people all across the idealogical spectrum, and yet he allows himself to be vulnerable as a husband, as a father and as a human by talking about things like depression, changing diapers and, yes, pleasuring his partner in bed. I think people like him, who are admired by those obsessed with machismo and their identity as male, is how we change the toxic masculinity dynamic. So, yeah, thank you Duwayne for being MAN ENOUGH to break the barrier of “embarrassing speech” and show all these posers how a real man thinks, feels and acts.

  17. Patty says:

    The more I think about it, the more I’m like eh. People have their own sexual preferences and to each their own. DJ Khaled’s wife or whatever must be okay with it since she’s still with him after all these years and they have a young a child together. I guess at the end of the day, the sexual preferences of people I’m not sleeping with are a nothingburger.

  18. Naomi11 says:

    I don’t care for the Rock. He’s too full of himself. That being said, I do think dj Khaled gave TMI. Was it really necessary for us to know about the oral sex? Not!!!

  19. Malificent says:

    I had a boyfriend who was in the army years ago. Apparently one of the other guys was going on about how he would never eat out. My boyfriend then suggested that his wife was less than satiisfied, and a fist fight ensued over the topic. It still makea me chuckle to imagine a barracks brawl split into pro- and anti-cunnilingus factions.

  20. Pinetree13 says:

    “Now we know why Dj Khaled screams his own name, he obviously not makin no woman do it”

    Legit laughed out loud at that.

    Also, I needed to know that about he rock for um, reasons….for science really, ahem.

  21. RspbryChelly says:

    Uh, yeah. He’s always been known as the pOOntang pie eating champ

  22. trh says:

    I found this Bootsy Collins interview from a few years ago — it’s on topic, I won’t spoil it

  23. Pandy says:

    Not really into Dwayne Johnson, but I’m definitely not into the other DJ – Khaled. I thought his tweet was perfect. And perhaps something for all men to try to live up to? That would be a wonderful thing!!

  24. Ankhel says:


    Because, how will I deal with this info, knowing that this great, hot guy is off the market, and way out of my league anyway? Unfair!