Cele|bitchy | Jenna Dewan on Channing Tatum: ‘We’re really great friends, that will never change’

Jenna Dewan on Channing Tatum: ‘We’re really great friends, that will never change’

The Billboard Music Awards 2018

Jenna Dewan and Channing Tatum split after nearly nine years of marriage last month. From what I can gather, the two didn’t have the chance to spend much time with each other, which can happen. A recent article in PEOPLE noted that the split has “been hard” on Channing. Jenna has talked to the media for the first time since the breakup with a new interview in Vegas magazine

Jenna, who just wrapped up her hosting duties on World of Dance, talked about her passion for dancing, which she credits as a “foundation of support” while she was growing up with a single mom. She also discussed her latest project, the musical/drama series Mixtape, which comes from former Smash show runner Josh Safran. She also shares her feelings about her parents’ breakup as well as her own from Channing. Here are some of the highlights:

On her parents’ split:
“My parents split up when I was a year old, and due to life circumstances, [my mother] had to pick herself up, get a job and become a single working mom. [Moving so frequently] completely informed my life [and] personality in very positive ways. I learned social skills I don’t think I would have [with] a different upbringing. In a lot of ways I am really grateful for it. I’m also very conscious and aware of it, so it’s something that [explains] how I am, who I am, and probably greatly prepared me for life in Hollywood.”

On her continuing love for dance:
“It fulfills my soul on a level that most work and jobs do not because dance is my true passion. It’s always been something at the root of who I am; it’s in my blood. I did not see this job coming, and I didn’t know what to expect because I never really had the intention of hosting, ever. [But] I’m in a place in my life where I’m ready to say yes.”

Mixtape sounds promising:
“It’s a mixture between the drama of This Is Us and the musical, fantastical element of La La Land. Those are two of my favorite projects you could have ever thought to combine together. It’s emotional and deep, and also adds in this really fun element of music and lip-syncing.”

On finding a work/life balance:
“Being a dancer, you’re ingrained with this mentality to make it work, and you can do it all, but as I matured… and had a child, I’ve realized that you do the things you’re meant to do. You have to protect that and trust that even though you’re saying no to things, there are a ton of other, better yeses that will be coming.”

On the end of her marriage:
“We started out as friends, and I would say it was an instant recognition. When we met [on the set of Step Up in 2005] it felt like we had known each other for many years. Ultimately, no matter what Chan and I are doing, we’re really great friends. I think that will never change, no matter what.”

[From Vegas Magazine]

I didn’t really know much about Jenna before, but she seems pretty down to earth and I can totally see her and Channing remaining friends. It can be done, I should know. One thing is for sure, I’m kind of excited for Mixtape. I was a huge Smash fan, and am glad to see some of the talent from that show moving on. Now, bring back Christian Borle and Megan Hilty and I’ll be really excited.

Jenna Dewan Vegas Magazine

Jenna Dewan Vegas Magazine

Photos: Getty Images, WENN.com

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10 Responses to “Jenna Dewan on Channing Tatum: ‘We’re really great friends, that will never change’”

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  1. Caitlin Bruce says:

    That header photo…yikes but she looks gorgeous in the first picture. I’ve always been kinda indifferent to her. Not sure how revelant she’ll be in a few years.

  2. ZigZags says:

    She may really believe that but I suspect that if he starts dating someone younger and with significant insecurities, their friendship will be tested. I don’t know why, but I’ve met a lot of younger women that aren’t comfortable with their new beaus being friends with the ex-wife. I think it’s a function of age and maturity. I hope I’m wrong.

    The same could apply if she starts seeing someone more “alpha” than him. I think he would not be pleased with that person spending a lot of time with his ex-wife and young daughter.

  3. DP says:

    I’ve always gotten the feeling that Jenna was the one who wanted to split up. I’m not sure that I’ve seen any evidence though.
    She seems ready to embrace her independence and do new things. I hope Channing is ok too.

    • Lucy2 says:

      I think she initiated it, didn’t someone post evidence of him hitting on other women online?

      • lobstah says:


      • OChar says:

        Someone did, but it turned out to be a fraud, completely made up. Someone had taken a video he posted talking to fans & made several screenshots of it & said he’d sent them as private pictures to another woman.

        I do think Jenna was the one that wanted this. If you look at either of their instagrams from 2016 they are both posting pictures of each other & she even called him her “lifer” in one of them. Then 2017 she posted maybe 2 pictures of him (he posted more of her). Something happened in 2017, if they can be cordial then I would assume it wasn’t infidelity, but who knows.

  4. L says:

    Sounds like my relationship. Wonder how it will turn out years from now.

  5. Lizzie says:

    channing tatum seems like fun but he also seems immature and admits to drinking too much. no one is hot enough to put up with having an 200lb baby you’re have to drag to home, put to bed and take care of in the morning. she seems gorgeous, hard working and down to earth. he might find someone younger and hotter but she is just as likely to find someone calmer and richer.

  6. winosaurusrex says:

    I love her. I’ve always loved her. And then I found out her production company just picked up the rights to one of my favorite authors newer books and I screamed with excitement. Two of my favorite things are coming together!

    In this day and age it’s the little things that make me happy!

  7. SunnyT34 says:

    I just read a study that said the people who have more initial physical attraction stay together longer. My husband and I were instantly attracted to each other and 30 years later are best friends and still have massive physical attraction for each other. I always wonder about those relationships that start as friendships, without any sparks. Good sex can be so important for a loving and happy relationship.