Cele|bitchy | Angelina Jolie calls out leaders ‘adopting harsh unilateral measures targeting refugees’

Angelina Jolie calls out leaders ‘adopting harsh unilateral measures targeting refugees’

Angelina Jolie visits Mosul as part of a UNHCR Special Envoy

Wednesday, June 20th was World Refugee Day. It happened to fall in the middle of Donald Trump’s man-made refugee and human-rights crisis, where migrant refugee families were being forcibly separated and put into cages here in America. There are refugee crises around the world, and every year, it feels like conditions get worse and worse for refugees. Angelina Jolie is currently the special envoy for the United Nations High Commission on Refugees. She’s held a position – first goodwill ambassador, now special envoy – with the UNHCR since 2001. She always marks World Refugee Day in some public way, whether it’s through an op-ed or a visit to a refugee camp or some UNHCR-organized event. This year, she traveled to Iraq ahead of World Refugee Day and she wrote a column for The Economist. You can read the piece here.

Angelina Jolie has spoken out against the the negative treatment of refugees on World Refugee Day. The activist and actress, 43, who serves as a Special Envoy to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, wrote a powerful op-ed for The Economist where she condemns any nation fighting back against helping the millions of refugees around the world. In it, she appears to be taking aim at President Donald Trump’s administration and their new “zero-tolerance policy” that is separating children from their parents at the U.S. border to Mexico.

“It is not surprising that there is deep public concern: not because people are heartless, but because this is not a sustainable situation,” she writes. “But the answer is not countries adopting harsh unilateral measures that target refugees, and run counter to our values and our responsibilities. That will only inflame the problem.”

“A refugee is a man, woman or child at their most vulnerable: forced from their home, living without the protection of their state, and in many cases without the bare means of survival. It is the human condition that tests our belief that all human beings have equal rights and deserve protection.”

After outlining all the ways nations across the world can help the severely underfunded efforts, Jolie addressed how the public can help by fighting back against apathy and getting involved in the cause.

“We live in divisive times. But history also shows our ability to unite, overcome a global crisis, and renew our sense of purpose and community with other nations,” she writes. “That is the greatest strength of an open society. We should not leave the debate to those who would exploit public anxiety for political advantage. We are being tested today and our response will be the measure of our humanity.”

[From People]

This is Angelina’s version of subtweeting. She never calls out any politician by name, because she doesn’t see that as her job. She sees her job as raising awareness and reminding people what’s happening, reminding them of what they can do, and reminding them that refugees are people too. But yes, of course she was talking about Trump. She was also talking about Trump – without saying his name – last year when she spoke about demagogues who spread fear and hate and racial animosity. She’s known what Donald Trump is this whole time.

Angelina Jolie visits Mosul as part of a UNHCR Special Envoy

Photos courtesy of WENN, Backgrid.

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17 Responses to “Angelina Jolie calls out leaders ‘adopting harsh unilateral measures targeting refugees’”

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  1. Ophelia says:

    Is she on the outs with NYT? She usually does these pieces with NYT, doesn’t she? Failing that, the Grauniad.

    Or is The Economist going downmarket now? Going down the path of Newsweek/Times. They usually look down upon such practices. They don’t usually take opeds from or grant bylines to celeb-politicians, do they? Or maybe this is just for the online edition?

  2. come with me says:

    Great job Angie, maybe this is why she gave them the op-ed because they need the publicity.

  3. Well says:

    For those about to ask what she’s doing for the current situation in the US

    She co-founded this organization ten years ago.


    its kind. Kids in need of defense. They are currently trying to help the kidnapped kids.

  4. gingersnaps says:

    What is happening is just horrible to comprehend and the fact that a lot of people take joy in families being separated and put into concentration camps is beyond me. Maybe America has reached its peak and this now the start of the decline.
    I sometimes wish that America would just shut their borders, no going in or out, no imports or exports and see how they get on in that kind of bubble. To think that tramp is coming here to the UK next month is just horrible.

    • whatWHAT? says:

      “and the fact that a lot of people take joy in families being separated and put into concentration camps is beyond me.”

      it’s beyond anyone with a heart and even the SLIGHTEST sense of decency. even Sad Turtle McConnell and other GOPers were like “nah, man”. the people who cheer it on are A) heartless evil sociopaths or 2) they watch ONLY Fox “News” and believe the lies they’re told as they are willfully ignorant or intellectually incurious.

      Good for Jolie for doing what she does. oh, and F*CK DRUMPF.

  5. Sophie says:

    She is the polar opposite of her father. He is friends with Trump & a staunch supporter who helped get him elected. How can he look at his grandchildren & support what Trump is doing?

  6. EM says:

    Honestly I think we are beyond subtweeting and feel that anyone opposed to his policies and attacks on our democracy should be vocal and naming names. As usual she has a way with words and is incredibly active but Trump needs to be called out… otherwise it just comes off as neutral. Millions of Americans should be taking to the streets in protest of this administration & I think he’s gotten away with a lot because we’re not.

    • Ophelia says:

      I don’t think she can, in her capacity as Special Envoy of UNHCR.

      Even QEII can’t skip out from receiving Drumpf next month, nor could King Felipe skip out from visiting the White House this week, despite how his own personal feelings regarding Trump, or how the optics must look like to the Latinx population. (Perhaps this was why they left the visit to WH last in a passive aggressive “oh if I must” way).

  7. Mona says:

    “Money talks, BS walks” This is the stance of most of the political leaders today. Refugee crisis, Mexican border horrors, Brexit,… .
    It’s always the same:
    Leader of the country: ” We don’t have enough for our own, so how can we share?”
    A lot of nationals: “That is so true! Out with the unwanted. We need to protect ourselves first!”

    Leader of the country and their families and friends: ” Hihi stupid people out there, gobble up my s…t and say “yummy yummy in my tummy”. Hands up who wants a bigger villa, more yachts, cars and gold and Jewels. … I see, no problems, I will scare the pleb a bit more, raise taxes, decrease the spending even further and Father Christmas can make all our dreams come true.

    As long as there will be enough uneducated people in the world, who due to lack of education cannot see beyond their own limited life, nothing will change. We must change education from kindergarten onwards in order to get change. Oh but wait, who will then pay for the world leaders wishes and dreams and big egos?

  8. Julia Renno says:
