Cele|bitchy | Dina Lohan fights back at Jodie Foster

Dina Lohan fights back at Jodie Foster


Dina Lohan saddens me. Sometimes at night when I lay in bed, unable to sleep, I think about her and how crazy and delusional, and my life seems a lot better in comparison. A LOT of people (probably in the low billions) have blamed Lindsay Lohan’s problems on her mom. If nothing else, she blurred the lines between child and parent in a way that seems to have really messed Lindsay up. But based on most of the stories we’ve read and the pictures we’ve seen, it seems that Dina really encouraged Lindsay’s hard partying lifestyle – for her own gain. Whenever Lindsay’s pathetic state of debauchery is brought up with other celebrities, they always bring up Dina Lohan. I’m pretty sure a press release must have gone out to all of Hollywood, instructing all celebrities to comment on her stupidity. Jodie Foster mentioned Dina in an interview – nothing new or surprising in and of itself. But of course Dina can’t keep quiet and has to fire back, in her written-by-Opera-and-or-a-therapist style that makes me want to slap her.

“In response to Jodie Foster’s question in a Gotham magazine interview, ‘Can I just ask, where is [Lindsay Lohan’s] mother? I mean, really, where is her mother?’ Dina answers: I’m right here, waiting to be called out so I can contact a gossip website and fight back. Lohan tells 24Sizzler.com about Foster’s remarks:

“‘It really saddens me that a mom would comment on another mom without ever meeting me! Ironically Lindsay’s talent was compared to Jodie Foster’s as a little girl! I don’t know what Jodie dealt with as a young Hollywood actress but I do know if it weren’t for her mother she would not be a successful actress today! I’m sure her mother made many sacrifices for her to be successful.

“All we want as parents is to cultivate our children’s dreams, whatever field they choose. She has no idea who we are and what we have dealt with! If she has a question to ask me, don’t ridicule me publicly! She should know how the press twists the truth! Don’t judge without facts!”

[From Us Magazine]

When you make your life – and your daughter – so ridiculously public, people will judge without meeting you. Each person who writes about you doesn’t need to have sat don for a heart to heart to realize you’re a moron who’s whored her daughter out in some pathetic attempt to grab a little bit of fame for yourself. Well, now you have it. Dina Lohan seems to really think she has some sort of moral high ground over the rest of the world. You know how annoying it is when people say they don’t have the problem, it’s the rest of the world that has it? That’s pretty much Dina Lohan’s mentality. “Hey, I don’t have the problem for doing coke with my daughter, the rest of the world has the problem for judging me without meeting me!” Dina Lohan, you’re the problem. You’re completely delusional. Feel free to send your retort to all the blogs now.

Picture note by JayBird:

Here’s Dina Lohan’s upper annoying upper lip celebrating her cover appearance on The Boulevard Magazine last year. Why is she on the cover of a magazine? Because she’s a famous hanger-on. Images thanks to PR Photos.


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