Cele|bitchy | “Was the Queen making a political statement with her brooches? Eh” links

“Was the Queen making a political statement with her brooches? Eh” links

Was there some political significance to the brooches the Queen wore last week? Just FYI: I think there would have been significance if she wore the Obama-gifted brooch to the Trump meeting, but she did not. [LaineyGossip]
Here’s the second trailer for Bohemian Rhapsody. [Tom & Lorenzo]
I have a new favorite potato chip and the best part about it is that it’s not name-brand, just thought I’d mention it! [OMG Blog]
Tim Tebow is dating Miss Universe, sigh… [Dlisted]
Farrah Abraham might go to jail. [Starcasm]
Finally!! The She-Ra reboot is happening. [Looper]
Kirsten Dunst & Jesse Plemons stepped out this week! [JustJared]
Eli Roth is getting a divorce. [Seriously OMG WTF]
Am I the only one who thinks “Maria Butina” is a terrible fake-spy name? [Buzzfeed]

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37 Responses to ““Was the Queen making a political statement with her brooches? Eh” links”

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  1. Incredulous says:

    New She-Ra? New She-Ra! Ah crap, looking anime.

    • Mia4s says:

      Yeah I’m not digging the style but I hope kids like it. Apparently the fanboys don’t like the design. Not sexy enough I assume. 🙄 Because the first thing I worry about when creating a cartoon aimed at little girls is if grown men will find it appealing 🙄🙄🙄

      • INeedANap says:

        It wasn’t on my radar till the fanboys complained. Now the more I look into it the more pumped I get! Streisand Effect, boys. The show just added another future viewer with me.

      • Aoife says:

        It does look pretty naff though.

    • Pinetree13 says:

      She looks super cute love the lion boy thing

      Haters gonna hate

    • Ange says:

      I agree. The styling on the original was great, this just looks like every other cartoon out there.

  2. HK9 says:

    Can I just say that I love the Queen’s resting bitch face expressions? She just has this “they’re making me do this” expression in the top pic that I find hilarious. 🙂

    • Jan90067 says:

      Not only that, but the next day, when she met with the Belgian Royals, she had a HUGE smile on her face in the pic, NO dog bowl in the hallway, and the body language…lol!! WHAT a difference!! All three turned into each other with big smiles, as opposed to Dump and Melanoma, standing staring straight ahead, like wooden sticks. FEH!

      TQ is cagy, you KNOW she’s putting the shade out there lol.

  3. KatieBo says:

    She did wear a brooch that the Obama’s gave her. On arrival day!

  4. Ophelia says:

    She wore the Obama brooch on the day Trump arrives on British soil. Not only that, she wore it to an audience with none other than The Grand Imam of Al-Azhar (highest authority in Sunni Islamic thought and Islamic jurisprudence worldwide, as per wiki).

    On the same day and time of Trump’s arrival.

    “I’m sorry, I can’t come greet you Leader of the Free World today, when you arrive, cuz I’m busy receiving a Muslim leader while wearing Obama’s brooch. But come tomorrow anyway, I’ll show you my dogs like to eat. I’ll wear that brooch I wore to a ship’s funeral last time.”

    Okay it was a ship’s decommissioning, but whatevs rite? We want Trump decommissioned asap.

  5. savu says:

    I love me a good conspiracy theory. I’ll take this one! It’s fun. The queen can’t be political, so… statements through jewelry. I want to make statements through jewelry!

    If she wore the Obamas’ brooch while meeting Trump, that would’ve been TOO obvious. I think somebody brought that up, they laughed about it, and then they decided eh maybe just not the day of.

    • Jen says:

      Former US Secretary of State Albright wrote a whole book about how she used jewelry as political statement, so why wouldn’t HM take some inspiration from an American diplomat when meeting with an American president.

      • notasugarhere says:

        Her jewelry collection has also been made into a touring museum exhibit, complete with descriptions of why she wore which brooch when.

      • PodyPo says:

        Yes, the book and exhibit were fascinating with the explanations of the brooches and meanings. She even wore the peace dove upside down on one occasion, sorry forget which. I love the many layers of meaning in a woman with power in government using jewelry to make statements.

    • Lilly says:

      Yes, I’m in and I where certain jewellery to certain events, once a friend called it, but, in general, most people don’t understand the statement.

    • Giddy says:

      If you wonder if TQ wore the Obama’s brooch purposely, just remember the great friendship the Obamas have with Harry. Harry even got TQ to do that great video with him where the Obamas were responding to the Invictus Games invitation.

    • Seraphina says:

      I want that too – making statements by jewelry. Now THAT’s awesome if true. I want to believe that at her age she’s like, eff it. I’ll start using my jewels to speak and if anyone is astute enough to pick it up, great. And at her age she should be able to do so.

  6. minx says:

    I’m going to go ahead and think she did wear the Obama brooch as a statement, because that is comforting to me.

  7. Jaded says:

    Well given that the Snowflake brooch was gifted to her by Canada, I’d say it’s a big FU because Trump’s been sh*tting all over my wonderful country. Sure Justin T. is a bit of a jerk but in comparison I’d take him any day over the Orange Cocksplat.

    Go Queen!!!!

    • magnoliarose says:

      I will add this to my “I believe TQ was throwing shade” party too.

    • Lisa says:

      Trudeau is an eejit, but I’m so glad we have him and not Trump. He at least has a sense of decency and decorum.

    • notasugarhere says:

      She isn’t wearing the Snowflake brooch in the picture with the Drumpfs. She wore the Snowflake brooch with Philippe and Mathilde.

    • notasugarhere says:


    • Masamf says:

      Count me in. Go Lizzie.
      @Nota, what is the significance of the “3 queens mourning” brooch, and especially in this case?

  8. elvie says:

    OMG. The Snowflake brooch. I had a great sense of patriotism when I read the Queen used a gift from Canada to shade Trump.

    • DizzyLizzy says:

      How appropriate she wore that brooch given that Trump is the biggest snowflake of them all.

  9. Digital Unicorn says:

    I CANNOT wait for Bohemian Rhapsody – Malik looks soo much like Freddy, in fact many of the cast look like the band members.

    ‘Mamma, I just killed a man………….’

    • Giddy says:

      ‘Put a gun against his head’

    • Neelyo says:

      I can’t wait for the PR tour when everyone tries to dance around the Bryan Singer question.

      • Sigh... says:


        Although I wouldn’t be surprised if they avoid the subject altogether (controlled interviews & such), they’ve had PLENTY of time and examples (to varying degrees success/failure) to circle their wagons and come up w/ a cohesive, thought-out statement for EVERYBODY to “practice” if pressed (pun!), so we’ll see…

        Malek is “fine” as Mercury (great on Mr Robot), but I admit, I think I would be more…intrigued(?) if Cohen stayed on…but here we are.

  10. Jane says:

    Have you heard elle mcpearson is dating anti Vaxer Andrew Wakefield the world had officially gone to pot

  11. DizzyLizzy says:

    The very fact that she felt she needed to seek balanced spiritual guidance from across the spectrum before meeting Trump speaks volumes I am surprised that we are not more focused on that.

    She did the very same thing when she set up a meeting with her uncle to put him in his place.

    Of course she can never have an opinion, but I think it is safe to say that the Queen does not like the destabilising effect this man has had on her government at various points.

    Now that Trump has been outed as a traitor I expect she will feel more vindicated in seeking that guidance so she could be calm when she met him.

  12. JanetDR says:

    I just loved reading that brooch thread! Thank you so much for pointing it out. Today is one day closer to impeachment! It can’t happen soon enough.