Barack Obama made some pointed comments during his Mandela speech. [Pajiba]
Sasha & Malia Obama were in Paris for the Beyonce concert. [LaineyGossip]
Ha, Sasha & Malia were with their mom at the Beyonce concert! [The Blemish]
Timothee Chalamet in the Dune remake? Sure. [Dlisted]
Olivia Colman will make a great QEII. [Go Fug Yourself]
What is the definitive cutest baby animal? [Buzzfeed]
Kelly Dodd says friendships can turn on a dime. [Reality Tea]
Elle Macpherson is dating a famous anti-Vaxxer. [Jezebel]
Samantha Markle is a nasty hag. [Wonderwall]
(sob) ðŸ˜
I know, me too…
How far we have fallen.
Obama’s were/are so elegant and presidential.
Me too, everyday…. everyone I know is so despondent. Except a few maga fools.
Oh man those Samantha Markle comments are BONKERS. Those people are just awful.
This family. Wow..
These are the kind of people who you wish the ground would just open up and swallow them whole.
Words cannot describe how much I miss this man. And I’m Canadian.
This was great
How can someone ever date this ex doctor who tried to link vaccines to autism, ugh
I guess she’s not that smart
The 80’s Dune movie was legit terrible. I loved the (first) Dune book, but I’m not sure it will adapt well to film. Villenueve has the right aesthetic though.
Ender’s Game is a great novel, too, and that film was also terrible. I think movie studios need to realize not every book is meant to be adapted.
I have some optimism given the director’s history and the fact that he has a green light to consider it the start of a series, rather than jamming it all in one film.
Chalamet is a strong choice for Paul, particularly if they start at the very beginning. It’s a space fantasy though, so I hope it’s a strongly diverse cast.
Dune would be good material for a Netflix limited series or somesuch. There is too much material in the book for a 2-hour standalone film.
I don’t hate the idea of Chalamet as Paul. The 80’s Dune was so horribly miscast I’d like to forget it ever existed.
Barack. Barack Sir, please carry on giving your well educated, well spoken, level-headed, intelligent comments as often and as publicly as possible. Every chance you get!
Remind the world that the USoA has many, many citizens who disagree with Trump and his incompetent, racist, backward thinking, illegal politics.
Miss you Barack and Joe B.! Just seeing B, seems like an eternity ago when the US was a good citizen of the world, doesn’t it? Just me?
It’s head spinning. I felt so safe and secure and like a good citizen of the world. Now I’m highly embarrassed and down right pissed all the time.
I dunno, you gotta do something or you’ll go mad: Vote. Help People Vote. Register people to vote. Write and Call your congressmen/women. Protest in the streets. Give what you can to organizations fighting the good fight. Be a good ally and stand up to bullies. And every once in a while spend a few hours in the rabbit hole of Obama videos just to remind yourself what we can be.
@Laura, don’t worry. People abroad know that most Americans aren’t like that. Your system with district voting is made to benefit the trash. You can overcome it when all your many sane compatriots vote.
Not, not just you 😣
I miss Obama so, so much. Classy, honest, & had empathy.
Listened on YouTube (NBC News channel) to his whole speech. It was absolutely amazing: on point, complete, articulate, visionary. If you can listen to it please do. It’s definitely not a campaign-type speech. It’s powerful in a different and even better way.
Do Americans even say “skivvies”? I hate to sound like a conspiracy nut, but Samantha’s tweets, especially the last one sound like a British person wrote them. I think we’re only seeing the tip of the iceberg that is the collaboration betwwen the Markle clan and the UK rags. Poor Meghan.
Did anyone else watch the Obama video and find themselves crying halfway through? How in the world did we go from him to what we have in office now!?