Of course Donald Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting with Russian operatives

President Trump meets with President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker at the White House

Where to even start? This week has been like every week for the past two years: insane, frustrating and stupid. I’m just talking about the political situation. I wish we were ass-deep in fun and crazy celebrity gossip, but we’re not. All the drama is political these days. Maybe I’m just at the lowest point, but doesn’t it feel like… there’s maybe been a slight shift? It happened after the Treason Summit, where Donald Trump showed the entire world that he was Vladimir Putin’s puppet. Even Republicans were briefly appalled. So here are some political stories from the last 24 hours (and from this past week too):

Donald Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting with Russians. That was the meeting with Russian operatives, Jared Kushner, Paul Manafort and Don Trump Jr. Now Michael Cohen is saying that Candidate Trump knew about the meeting. OF COURSE TRUMP KNEW. He was teasing information from that meeting on the f–king campaign trail.

Team Trump will “bury” Michael Cohen. This is the battle of the mobbed-up con men and I hope they all destroy each other. Team Trump is leaking to anyone who will listen that Michael Cohen is “dead” to Trump and that Trump sees Cohen as a “weakling and traitor.” Hector Projector says what.

Putin’s latest power move. Trump was so eager to double-down on treason and prove that Putin is his BFF that he invited Putin to the White House in the fall. People were appalled. And then it got worse: Putin was like “eh, maybe next year, I’ll call you but I’m going to be really busy so I might not call you back right away.” And Trump was like “I have decided to delay the meeting!” Trump is like Putin’s Instagram ho.

Bob Mueller is looking at Trump’s tweets. I should hope so. This story was so funny to me – I mean, you can look through Trump’s tweets and easily make a solid case for obstruction of justice in one single afternoon. Of course Mueller is looking at his f–king tweets.

Allan Weisselberg has been subpoenaed. Weisselberg is the executive Vice President and chief financial officer of the Trump Organization. He hasn’t been subpoenaed by Mueller. He’s going to have to testify in the Michael Cohen situation. Hm.

Meanwhile, Trump’s raging on Twitter this morning…

He’s so sweaty and nervous. Have another cheeseburger, Bigly.

Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin meet in Finland

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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44 Responses to “Of course Donald Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting with Russian operatives”

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  1. Indiana Joanna says:

    Guiliani said Cohen can’t be trusted because he’s lied for drump for decades. Hahahahahaha.

    Listening to Peter Navarro on NPR this morning talk about the tariff sanctions was painful. The guy is an idiot, spreading all kinds of lies on behalf of drump.

    Also Putin opened an investigation into anyone associated with the Magnitsky Act. Bill Browder and US Congress members will need to be vigilant because of Putin’s circle murdering people.

    Also, thank Mueller. And Kaiser. Your recaps are really excellent.

    • Esmom says:

      The endless lies and the endless defense of Trump by his supporters are beyond exhausting. But I agree with Kaiser that something did seem to shift a bit after the Treason Summit. It was nice to see the Rosenstein impeachment attempt get shot down so quickly and thoroughly yesterday. Next order of business is to get the despicable Jim Jordan out of Congress.

      And I agree that Kaiser’s posts are excellent. I always came here first in the morning, even when life was simpler and celeb gossip was the main fare. I still come here first.

  2. Kimma1216 says:

    And still..nothin will happen and we will be stuck with this lying, corrupt loser. This isn’t the America it is supposed to be ;( devastating.

  3. Betsy says:

    Knew about it? He was probably at the meeting.

    • jwoolman says:

      My theory for a long time has been that Trump Sr was there by video conferencing via somebody’s laptop. That would bypass the Secret Service who were protecting him by then.

      Bannon called it. Wasn’t he the one who said that there was no way Jr kept Sr out of the loop on that? Besides, Trump was signaling like crazy in his own words that he knew what was said, and it wasn’t about adoptions.

      • Betsy says:

        For a long time I’ve heard that he was at it on a conference call. It’s just funny that we have to go through these paroxysms of the wider public hearing what we had heard as rumors for a year. It gives an additional deja vu layer of crazy to the whole sordid GOP treason experience.

      • Lightpurple says:

        BTW the FBI would have obtained the phone and internet usage records from the service providers almost immediately upon opening the investigation, without any of them knowing. Video from the building’s security cameras too.

      • holly hobby says:

        Please the nazi is a control freak. Do you think Jr would have had that meeting without his daddy’s approval. Of course he knew!

        The one the watch is the Weisselberg testimony. He is the same one from the exhibit, in the NY filing, where the Nazi told him to pay out something from the foundation fund. That man knows where ALL the bodies are. Someone on Twitter also pointed out that there is no such thing as an “acct/client privilege” either. He also can’t lie because the books are proof.

        Nazi is cooked.

    • AnnaKist says:

      Betsy: I wouldn’t be a bit surprised. Besides, it’s doubtful Qusay and Uday would do anything without papa’s prior approval. Add to that, they lie. Every single one of them is a habitual liar.

      • Betsy says:

        My husband read a tweet (thridhand tweet! Sorry!) yesterday in which the person said that Jr hashtags his father twelves times on his insta posts. Does anyone really think he’d set a meeting to get dirt about Hillary and not rush it to papa?

      • Raina says:

        Trump isn’t just a member of the treasonous party, he’s also the president.

    • Lee Kuhl says:

      Don Jr. doesn’t scratch his ass without his dads permission. I can assure you that with the way that Drumpf controls his businesses, wives and children, he was fully aware and helped orchestrate the meeting.

  4. Rapunzel says:

    We are gonna find out DT was in the room or on the phone with Manafort. Treasonhead Trump knows he’s sunk. And LOL at the people turning on Cohen after supporting him for so long. Cult 45 is so brainwashed.

    • Lightpurple says:

      Either in the room or conferenced in by video or phone. Nagini greeted them in the lobby and escorted them in the elevator. They were all part of this. Lordy, I hope there are tapes!

    • Who ARE These People? says:

      And Jared was there too, so drive another nail into his coffin.

  5. Lightpurple says:

    Loved how he had to stop mid-rant to brag about how many read his tweets. It’s because thousands have to read them because of their jobs, Dotard. Most people working in a federal or state agency have to follow the President for policy purposes, you treasonous dolt.

    But sure, you had no idea about the meeting, Orange Voldy, despite it being held in YOUR building, organized by Crabbe and Tom Riddle and you even sent Princess Nagini down to the lobby to escort them in the elevator. At this point, I’m pretty sure you attended via conference call. But nice job throwing Crabbe under the bus.

  6. Beth says:

    Of course Trump knew about Juniors meeting with the Russians. That is not a nothing-burger and not something that slips from the mind. Funny that Trump pretends he ‘cancels’ or ‘delays ‘ parties and meetings that nobody wants to go to. Putin just invited Trump to Moscow….oh lordy

    • jwoolman says:

      Trump will probably show up on Putin’s doorstep just ahead of indictment…. although I always thought Trump would like exile in Dubai.

      • BCity says:

        I don’t think Dubai would be that eager to host him, considering a random billionaire had to intercede on Orange’s behalf with some of the Arab princes because (shocking!) they didn’t care for his gross anti-Muslim rhetoric. I saw this on Instagram recently (it’s from Sheikh Mohammed’s son) and I read it as a glorious dig at Little Hands McFascist!

  7. Eric says:

    Emperor Zero was on speakerphone with Jr, et al. He heard the entire conversation. Jr called a “blocked” number before and after the meeting (I believe for 4 and 9 minutes, respectively).
    By late June, team TRE45ON had been briefed that RU was trying to interfere in the 2016 election. So EZ and Co did NOT (did/didn’t/could/couldn’t) reveal to the FBI/IC that they had contacts with agents of Russia.

    What’s the penalty for treason in the US?

    • jwoolman says:

      Well, technically we’re not at war with Russia so alas, treason charges won’t stick. But conspiracy against the USA is likely. Also lots and lots of money laundering, going back decades for Trump Sr. Federal and state jeopardy for him. Pence can only pardon the federal sins.

      • Lightpurple says:

        “Crimes against the US” and espionage are the peace time equivalents

      • holly hobby says:

        Pence will do no such thing. He is going down with the rest of the crooks because he was on the transition team. He knew too.

  8. boredblond says:

    Of course he knew! Jr hasn’t done anything on his own in his life..probably gets dictator daddy’s permission to pee..

  9. dota says:

    Not considering anything else, how can you trust what a lawyer who is in serious legal troubles and who sells his clients recordings to CNN has to say about anything?

    • Lady D says:

      Don’t have to believe him, it’s all on tape:)

    • Tiny Martian says:

      Well, you can’t.

      So if Cohen is lying now, it means that for all the time that Cohen was representing Trump, he was likely lying then as well.

      Which makes Trump look extremely guilty of many, many things.

      • holly hobby says:

        In other news, Avenatti now claims he’s representing three additional women that the lizard paid off re affairs. One was purportedly pregnant with the Lizard spawn too.

  10. Louisa says:

    I don’t care. Because nothing is going to happen. He’s a traitor who colluded with a foreign country to win the election. He’s a lying, cheating POS who has paid off countless women (and most likey for abortions) and we all know it. Even his base know it. But they don’t care.

    What I really do care about is the fact that it’s 9 hours after the deadline to return all the children taken from their parents at the border and there are close to 1,000 children still being detained. I really f*cking care that a large number of these children’s parents have already been deported and will never see them again. That children are being told their parents deliberately abandoned them and don’t want them back. That a mother who spoke to her 6 year old son on the phone said he kept saying he was sorry for being bad and begging her to come and get him. I’m losing my sh*t over that!

  11. Darla says:

    Yes, I have been feeling the shift since Helsinki too. Things seem to be happening very fast now.

  12. adastraperaspera says:

    Undoubtedly. These tweets from him are even more rash. I tend to think it may be a play fight between he and Cohen to show how tough he is before he issues Cohen a pardon to shut down that part of the investigation. But most legal experts say that any delay he causes is merely more opportunity for obstruction charges. He’s juggling like crazy, but I don’t see how he can keep so many balls in the air much longer.

    • Chrissy says:

      Someone on MSNBC said yesterday that even if Cohen gets pardoned he still has to testify for both federal and state crime situations and he’s in as deep as the Trumps for unpardonable state crimes.

  13. Nicegirl says:

    Saw a TRE4SON sign spray painted on plywood in a front yard in Hood River last weekend. Yep, feels like the tide may be turning after the treason summit. Here’s hoping 🤞

  14. RBC says:

    Coming up next on “As the Stomach Turns”: hear how Cohen is doing this out of revenge because 45 has denied being his father and rightfull place as heir to the family fortune.
    What a mess

  15. Elizabeth says:

    I enjoy seeing the Cheeto squirm but the reality is it won’t change anything. His base is hardcore and they just don’t care. It doesn’t matter to them how he got there they only care that he’s in and he stays in. He’s awful & I desperately want him gone but does anyone really think we’re better off with Pence? That dude is worse than the Cheeto and top of that he’s terrifying because he’s not a bumbling fool who gets off on power, he’s INTO the power. Pence wants America to be like The Handmaid’s Tale and he will do anything to make that happen. He makes me shudder and believe in evil. If the Dems don’t get back some power in the House and the Senate we’re all screwed.


  16. why? says:

    The press just keeps getting so much wrong. They give the Dotard’s base way too much credit. The Dotard didn’t win because his base was mobilized, the Dotard won because Russia literally hacked the election systems, I am not buying that they didn’t change votes or remove votes. And now this. As the deadline to return the children approached, the WH leaked information about Cohen and Mueller to get the press to stop talking about the kids that weren’t going to be reunited with their families. Last night some reporters were speculating that the Dotard and his staff released the information about Cohen talking to Mueller about the Trump Tower meeting to discredit Cohen. No, they released it because they know that the press can’t focus on 2 things at once. The press spent 3 hours talking about Cohen, Trump, and Mueller last night instead of focusing on the kids that still hadn’t been reunited with their families. That’s 3 hours that could have spent talking to mother, father, aunts, uncles, and grandparents who still hadn’t been reunited with their kids. It amazes me how easily this WH can manipulate the press.

    Why hasn’t twitter banned the Dotard yet?

    This isn’t going to change until Mueller actually starts indicting people, like the Dotards, his kids, Jared, Sarah Lieabee, and republicans(Nunes, Gowdy, Jim Jordan, Meadows, Chuck G, Lindsay G, Matt G, Paul Ryan).

    • Christin says:

      The evening “news” shows are basically entertainment recap shows at this point. And it’s not just Faux News channel, it’s ALL of them to some degree.

  17. holly hobby says:

    I think Mueller assigned someone to track the tweets since he took on the case. It’s like he’s combing through them now. Some secretary or paralegal have been downloading those Nazi tweets for awhile.

    That’s one of the reasons why I wasn’t terribly upset that Twitter didn’t close that account. It’s literally a running record of lies that can be used against him and his family and his thieves.

  18. Q T Hush says:

    My hope is that the picture of BLOTUS that Kaiser selected for today’s update will be used for his official presidential portrait. I really think it captures his whole being. Good job Kaiser!

  19. Layla says:

    I’m 43 and an American and I’ve never been as scared as I am now. Even on the harrowing days following 9/11, I was frightened but I knew our president was trying to protect us (even though I hated Bush). But now it feels like we are adrift and prime for Putin. Dark, dark days.