Hilaria Baldwin posted a selfie ‘to inspire feeding & exercising your body right’

At some point we stopped covering Hilaria Baldwin’s bikini and lingerie pics. We have to turn the ads off on some of those posts depending on how much skin she’s showing plus how interesting is it really? Oh look a former fitness professional who married an older rich actor is showing her bikini body. Prior to meeting Alec Baldwin in 2011 Hilaria was a yoga instructor and co-founded a franchise called Yoga Vida. Hilaria has four kids with Alec, the youngest of whom, son Romeo, is just two and a half months old. Her oldest child is four! So in that respect her physique is impressive. She’s said that Alec is absolutely no help with parenting but she said it in a nicer way, that he’s “old school.” She surely has plenty of other help with the kids and housework, and she’s obviously spending some time working on her fitness. Hilaria posted this photo from her bathroom in her underwear to show her postpartum figure 10 weeks after having a baby. She looks incredible. She rubbed me the wrong way with the caption on this post though.

I have no problem with anyone posting bikini pics, but own it, you know? Just post a cute caption about your upcoming beach vacation or goals or whatever, don’t act like you’re doing people a favor. It’s implied in the way she phrased this that anyone who isn’t as fit as she is isn’t eating and exercising right. That’s just rude. Not many people are going to be inspired by a famous woman posing in her underwear in her bathroom. This woman is fitness inspiration to me, Hilaria is not.

Anyway people claimed that Hilaria photoshopped that pic so she posted a video of herself in the bathroom in the same underwear along with a long caption about how she’s real and how people should move on if they don’t like it.

For those who are saying I photoshopped…how about this? If my ribs look funny, I apologize for them🙄. I just had a very large baby so maybe they are still expanded. I don’t know…or maybe they will be like this forever. Whatever, I got a beautiful baby out of it, so I’m fine with them. I’m the worst with technology anyway, so the idea of me altering an image is laughable. If you know me, I’m totally against all of that and have been an advocate for appearing natural. It’s a shame that people are so accustomed to fake, that they want to see it everywhere. I teach health because I want you to be happy and healthy. I believe life is both too long and too short to not be. I see the potential in everyone, and believe in my method and I want to help as many as possible. If you would like, take my hand in this quest for feeling good and treating your body well. If not, it is ok too…but don’t cheapen my message by saying silly things. Just move on to somewhere else.

A post shared by Hilaria Thomas Baldwin (@hilariabaldwin) on

Hilaria was on The Today Show last week, where she demonstrated some yoga moves and said she’ll possibly have a fifth baby because her one daughter wants a sister. Alec supposedly wants another one too. I tried to figure out what she’s promoting here, other than her future projects and personal brand. I couldn’t find a youtube channel, website or current book or yoga DVD she’s put out. In 2016 she put out a wellness book and she did a prenatal yoga DVD in 2013.

Chrissy Teigen, who had a baby a day on May 16th, a day before Hilaria, just posted a comically photoshopped picture with the caption “this is after one bag of tea and 5 reps of 2 squats !!!! If I can do it so Can U!!!!” That’s pretty much what Hilaria is saying.

As of press time, this is the last video she posted, about keeping your core strong. She’s trying to inspire us and teach us how to look like her, it’s not about showing off her flat abs two months after having her fourth baby.

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photos credit: Getty, Pacific Coast News and Instagram/Hilaria Baldwin

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92 Responses to “Hilaria Baldwin posted a selfie ‘to inspire feeding & exercising your body right’”

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  1. Char says:

    In one hand, she has every right to show her body if she’s proud of it. On the other, she should realize that her speach isn’t a “role model” one because not all women has the same conditions in life that she has to work out and take care of herself.
    Also, if you wanna post a selfie, just do it, don’t try to hide your need to with some nice uplifting quote.

    • Gigi LaMoore says:

      Exercise is her trade so it is probably easy for her to get back in shape. Like most people, celebrity and non, she is a victim of over sharing. I think it is to a mother’s benefit to eat well and get some movement. We will not all look like this lady but we are not supposed to. It’s not a cookie cutter world.

    • ttu says:

      Yup she’s posting thirst traps and masquerading them as inspiration

    • j says:

      nothing inspires me more than a rich actor’s wife telling me that she’s inspiring me.

    • Helen Smith says:

      Hilaria loves to self promote.

  2. Kitten says:

    Yes, she is thirsty AF but people are insane. I have a wide rib cage and my body looks similar to hers. It happens you know? Some of us are just built that way.

    And I don’t need to see a pic of Hilaria (or anyone for that matter) in a bikini but FFS is it really necessary to body-shame her or accuse her of ‘shopping her pic? As she said, if it annoys you just keep scrolling.

    • BengalCat😻 says:

      +1 Agree with everything you wrote. I have a wide rib cage as well, along with broad shoulders. No amount of exercise can change that.

      • Kitten says:

        Yup same here.

      • Morrissey says:

        Same, BengalCat! Wide set rib cage and broader shoulders than some large men, all on my otherwise fine-boned, tiny waisted frame. My body looks comically photoshopped all the time. By it isn’t.

    • OriginalLala says:

      body shame sucks – There is a part of me that feels like these kinds of Insta posts, at their core, are shaming bodies that are different than the one represented in the photo, which is why they annoy me. I scroll past and ignore them, but it does drive me a bit crazy to see them all the time on my Insta feed

      • Kitten says:

        I completely get it. Women are bombarded on a daily basis with images of bodies that are unattainable for the vast majority of us. Women put their bodies through some fresh hell carrying babies and then we have to watch celebs show off how they “bounced right back” when all of them have resources that the average woman does not. It is infuriating AF. But body shaming isn’t the answer either.

        People should do like I do and just follow pets/animals on IG and just avoid this BS entirely 😉

      • OriginalLala says:

        I basically only follow animals and farm sanctuaries on IG and yet this kind of “body-inspo” crap finds its way into my feed more than I’d like 🙁

      • BengalCat😻 says:

        I’m tall and have been referred to as ‘linebackerish’ more than once. I f*cking hate people. And YES! to Instagram animals and close friends!!

      • Kitten says:

        Yup. I have the narrow hips and broad shoulders, too. Whatever, you know? Blame my genes. *shrugs*

    • Veronica S. says:

      I get more irritated at the implication that treating a body “right” will make it look like that. I mean, great for you, and the fifteen personal trainers, domestic staff, and open schedule that allowed you to attain that in ten weeks. But I used to walk to work 1.5 hours a day, eating healthy, going to the gym 5 days a week, and work on my feet full time and STILL didn’t have a flat stomach. I was on the thinner side, sure, but I was no model. I don’t believe in shaming women for their bodies, and hey, if it takes a lot of work to maintain it, great for you. I’m not going to shit on you for being proud of attaining a goal.

      But I need women like her to stop feeding into this dumbass internalized misogyny that says your human value is increased by a small waistline, and implicitly suggesting through her humble-bragging that everybody who doesn’t get the same results as her was doing something wrong. Being thin is not a f*cking lifetime accomplishment. Especially if a lot of it has to do with having a smaller frame in the first place. Because at the end of the day, your small waistline? Is not as important as you think. It’s not changing the world. It’s not attaining you anything more than temporary social validation – until you age out of where your appearance matters to men.

      • Kitten says:

        I agree with everything you said, Veronica. I HATE this idea that thin = strong/fit. It’s total bullsh*t.

        My BF is 6 feet and he’s gained about 10 or 15 lbs since we started dating so he’s pushing 200 lbs right now. He has a (cute) belly and doesn’t fall into our society’s idea of what “fit” looks like. He recently ran a 5k and got second place–under 21 minutes. He works out regularly and I’ve taken classes with him before: he kills it. He is, frankly, the fittest guy I know. He just loves his craft beer and everyone in his family tends to carry weight in their bellies. *shrugs*

        I see women in my classes who are curvier and fit as f*ck. And my classes are not easy–they are very challenging–and these women nail every exercise.

        We absolutely NEED to get away from the false notion that low body fat and a thin frame automatically equals strong and fit. It is simply NOT true. People who work out regularly and challenge themselves are fit, regardless of body type..

      • OriginalLala says:

        “Because at the end of the day, your small waistline? Is not as important as you think. It’s not changing the world. It’s not attaining you anything more than temporary social validation”

        YES YES YES!!!

        Imagine what our society would look like if instead of praising and idealizing people for the size of their waist, we actually looked up to people who are making the world a better place… *sigh*

      • A says:

        @Veronica S, I am so with you on all that you said. I know so many people who are healthy and happy, who exercise FAR more regularly than I do, but are still not as thin as I am. It irks me that people think my bad habits are somehow non existent because of my size, but that my friend who does 3 different physical activities at any given time is not looking after herself because she is curvier and heavier than I am.

        And the fact is that you could treat your body right, you can fill it with good food and exercise as much as you are able, and still not attain a size zero. The fact that people have conflated the notion that that size is how you know you’re treating your body “right” is honestly so messed up. It’s a rehash of the diet culture rhetoric from 20 years ago but in disguise, and it’s so so bad.

  3. My3cents says:

    Chrissy killed it.
    This one just annoys the hell out of me and I’m not even postpartum.

  4. DesertReal says:

    She’s really fit after her 4th kid. Sure.
    But in that video of her wearing underwear- she’s clearly sucking in and then relaxing once she faces forward.
    No biggie or anything, but she isn’t being 100% honest about “being real” either.

  5. TassieGirl says:

    Nope amd nope. Most women 10 weeks postpartum are still spotting, leaking and perhaps they have stretch marks and flabby skin chucked in for good measure.

    This woman is shamefully smug AF. She should own up and tell it like it is: nannies, trainers, nutritionists and quite possibly a cleaner, housekeeper and shopper. Whatever Hilario.

    • Tym4moreCoffee says:

      “Inspiring women to marry wealth while self obsessing over selfies and cosmetic procedures”. Let’s have just ONE liarLiar social media day, JUST ONE.

    • Gigi LaMoore says:

      I think she probably stays within the guidelines for weight gain, eats healthy and exercises throughout the pregnancy. In addition, it’s clear that her body composition skews towards being thin. It definitely helps to have the time and money to devote to herself, but for some women, it’s doable. I had my son at 25, only gained 23 pounds and stomach was flat as soon as he popped out with no stretch marks. I had no stitches down below either so it was back to business for me. Not sure what I would look like if I had had more than 1 kid or had been older. I’m willing to give her her due, just think that she should get her attention from Alec instead of us.

      • tealily says:

        Well, I mean, that’s fine but I think what people are responding to is the implication that “if I can do it, anyone can do it.” There are a million different reasons women might not be able to stay within those guidelines. Or might now naturally skew think. Or whatever. She acts like she’s giving women some kind of blueprint for pregnancy, but it just doesn’t work like that.

      • Veronica S. says:

        I mean, sure, it happens, but people aren’t saying it doesn’t. They’re criticizing her for using faux empowerment dialogue as a cover for what is essentially humble-bragging.

      • TandemBikeEscapee says:

        I thank GOD I didn’t give one IOTA about a post pregger “body back” selfie. It didn’t occur to me to give a rat’s. I DID in fact lose over 200 lbs of unnecessary flesh- —- i divorced the man who wanted his “skinny yoga gf” back and demanded I get a full time nanny so I could “work out and wear hot jeans again”. Ugh. We are what we are when we want to be whatever- and I give NO ONE permission to objectify. Ugh.

    • Millenial says:

      Yup. 10 weeks post-partum, I’ll have been back at work for two weeks because my boss is ignoring FMLA rules and I also have no nannies to let me sleep or take naps. Two things Hiliaria probably knows very little about. Good for her that she married rich and has lots of privilege, but I’m hoping to be able to focus on my body a bit more when we aren’t both desperate (literally desperate) for sleep. These posts do nothing to help or inspire.

      • Moneypenny424 says:

        Amen! I’m so sorry about your boss and that you have to go back to work so soon. I also hope you get some sleep soon–I have a 13 month old, so I was very recently in your shoes (and hell, she kept waking up last night, so I’m exhausted today).

      • Katchy says:

        You poor thing – back at work at 8 weeks? And no sleep.
        We have a year where I live.
        Women actually working and taking care of babies – that’s amazing. Not a woman having nannies, cook etc.

  6. Lisa says:

    I actually took that approach before I saw her caption. I would’ve scrolled past, maybe gone back just to see who it was, then moved on.

  7. B flat says:

    The thirst, it buuuuuuurrrrrrns

  8. Lindy says:

    Ugh. I had my second baby in late April and he was enormous and I’m old (41) and I’m nowhere near back to fit again and still have a lot of weight to lose. But I’m back to work and have another child and no family in town, and this baby has been pretty intense with nursing and (not) sleeping. I tried cutting back on carbs, but my milk supply immediately tanked. I don’t think there’s a way for me to keep breastfeeding and really go hardcore on my diet (eating super low carb is the only thing that helps me slim down).

    When someone like her posts something like this, with this implicitly judgy caption, it makes me feel pretty bad. I know it’s not rational, but it’s still hard to look at my body and be ok with where I am right now, and know that I can slowly get it back over the next few months. Her post makes me feel lousy.

    • TassieGirl says:

      Whoa you’re back at work already? Omg you poor woman. I mean, your Bub is only like 3 or 4 months right? Lady you need to cut yourself some slack! You are doing so much already!

      And yes this Hilario chick makes regular mums feel bad. I guarantee you she has waaaaay more help so she can go and do her ‘exercise and feeding right’.

      You’re a star in my eyes 🌟

      • Lindy says:

        Thanks, Tassiegirl! I just started back this week part time and will ramp back up to full time over the coming month. Sadly, my almost 4 months of paid maternity leave are better than probably 90% of what most American women get. And I’m lucky to have a supportive, hands on husband who is amazing. But yeah, at 41 my body is not bouncing back (and I had a 3rd degree tear and a couple other complications which doesn’t help).

        I have been steering clear of social media so I can focus on getting myself back to where I want to be without as much pressure.

    • whatWHAT? says:

      yeah, what Tassie said. you are doing what’s best for YOU AND YOUR BABY, and that’s the only thing you should be doing.

      keep you and your little one healthy, that’s what matters.

    • tealily says:

      Please don’t let this woman make you feel bad. You are right on track with everyone I know who recently had a baby. Don’t worry so much about losing the weight just yet. Focus on healing and resting and feeding your kid! You’re doing great!

    • Kate says:

      My nanny sent me one of Hilaria’s IG posts a couple weeks ago when she was doing some crunches in her underwear, with a similar faux-motivational message attached to the effect that she takes every 15 minutes she can get and makes the most of it and she is still disgusting looking but she’s so honest she’ll show you her gross gross cellulite and flab to show you how a real post-pardum body looks like and how you can f-cking beat yourself up until you’re thin and good again. (and of course she looked great anyway) It really really bothered me and not b/c I have body issues anymore but I used to and I hate seeing people perpetuating this get-your-body-back-asap directive. Getting “fit” again is not only possible but so rewarding look at how good I look! I look good right?

      And I put “fit” in quotations because, just a reminder to Lindy and anyone else reading this with a baby, your body just MADE A HUMAN CHILD, delivered it from your body, and is feeding it and taking care of it. You are giving all of your strength and stamina to your baby and child (including going to work to earn money to support them). Your body has changed, your brain has changed. You are more than fit, just for a different purpose right now. There is no shame in looking different than you did before you were pregnant. And there is no shame in wanting to look like you did before you were pregnant. Just know that you are beautiful now, you are strong now. Eventually, you’ll find time for yourself again and hopefully you’ll do something that feels good for your body because you deserve to feel good.

  9. Lexilla says:

    If this is the way we are “inspiring” and helping people now, we are so f*#%ed.

  10. philomena says:

    I don’t give a f about her post-baby body. What I am quite curious about though, is the decision to have four children with an, ah-hem, ‘old-school’ father. So let’s get this straight – that’s a sensible decision, is it? To have kids with someone that is too busy, egotistial and old to want to do any active parenting? Can we imagine for a moment that this ‘man’ wasn’t rich, or famous, or white and decided they were just ‘old-school’?

    • A says:

      Given the instagram caption does she honestly strike you as the type who would find this sort of thing not sensible? She seems fairly old school to me herself. I wouldn’t be surprised if she thinks her getting her body back is as much an obligation to her husband to keep him happy as it is to stay healthy.

  11. lucy2 says:

    I don’t doubt that she works hard to get back in shape, but it’d be nice if she acknowledged her privileges – married a rich guy, doesn’t have to work, has fitness training, has lots of help with the kids, the house, probably a chef. She’s able to put more focus on her body than most.

    • Gigi LaMoore says:

      She is indeed privilged but it costs no money to put less food in our mouth than what is needed. Heck, chips, cake and stuff can even fit in a healthy diet if eaten sparingly. We are all online so do a free video or walk. Even with all her privileges, she still has to have the discipline to do it. I can’t hate on this lady’s body. Fat shaming, thin shaming, it’s all bad. Just make the most of your situation. She has more than us and we have more than some others as well.

      • tealily says:

        It’s a hell of a lot easier not to shove garbage in your mouth if someone else is cooking for you.

      • Veronica S. says:

        For somebody discussing the problems with body-shaming, you sure seem intent on making it clear which body type you think people should have.

      • Gigi LaMoore says:

        I have had healthy food cooked for me and have had a house full of nothing but healthy food yet still made the choice to eat junk, so I don’t agree. As far as bodies are concerned, I know what type of body I prefer for myself and that’s what I focus on. If you are taking what I’ve said another way, ok.

      • Millenial says:

        I understand your point, but I remember breastfeeding my first during maternity leave and I ate a lot of prepared foods and granola bars. I didn’t sleep more than 3 hours for 4 months and I are what was easy and available because I was too exhausted to cook. So, for her it’s probably a lot easier because she can pay to have healthy food cooked for her or delivered to her. Also,
        not everyone has the same priorities. My priorities were keeping my baby alive and finding time to sleep, what went in my mouth was a lot further down the list.

      • Veronica S. says:

        I mean, cool, but you also stated that people who are heavier must be consistently overeating. And implied that they must not exercise regularly. As if having access to healthy food, time to exercise regularly, and being physically capable of doing either isn’t a level of privilege on its own – and it absolutely is. As if people don’t gain weight from disability, disease, medication, poverty, etc, And sure, that’s not all of them, people do have legitimately bad diets in America, but it’s impossible to know one from the other just from looking, isn’t it?

        You can focus on whatever body type you want, but don’t get tetchy because I’m repeating your own words back at you.

      • Gigi LaMoore says:

        Veronica, exactly which of my words are you repeating back? I have said nothing like that in my responses. At any rate, why do you care what I have to say? No one is right or wrong. We are just spouting off opinions.

      • Veronica S. says:

        I’m sorry, I guess we all just hallucinated the part in your post about it costs nothing for people to eat less or the part about using the Internet to do a ~free video~ or ~take a walk.~

        I care because your opinion doesn’t exist in a vacuum. It’s on a public forum where it’s displayed for its implicit judgement for everybody to read. I worked in healthcare in a socioeconomically depressed region for more than a decade. I am beyond tired of hearing people talk about how easy weight loss and how attainable thinness can be with a few small changes, while ignoring the gigantic load of data and studies out there that suggest tackling obesity is a far more complicated issue than we think it is. If you’re thin and capable of maintaining it, congratulations, but it doesn’t actually mean you have anything enlightening to add to the conversation surrounding weight loss.

      • tealily says:

        Deleting because I don’t feel like ranting on the internet today.

  12. A says:

    It took me a moment but someone pointed out elsewhere that she is clearly sucking her stomach in. That’s why her torso looks disproportionate. Normally if your gut is sticking out, it makes your boobs look normal sized. But her boobs plus her ribs look really weird here, and that’s because her torso is a straight line haha.

    I agree that I don’t care for her sanctimonious crap. It also feels a lot like she’s not being given much attention by way of her husband, and this is one way to try and get validation. Alec Baldwin strikes me as the type of man who would pitch a fit if his wife didn’t slim down immediately after having a child, but is also too much of a cad to notice her if she does. Sad.

  13. Snazzy says:

    Is it just me or does the first photo look strangely photoshopped? (note the bathroom one, not the pregnant one).

  14. paranormalgirl says:

    I think I’m just about back to my pre-baby body… of course, my spawn are 16 now. Still.

  15. Stef says:

    Every time I see this woman’s post I think:

    Who cares?

  16. Electric Tuba says:

    Totally feeling what you’re saying Celebitchy.
    The part that bugged me the most about the picture is that underwear all the way up her back. She literally has crazy pants on hahahahaha

    I once was wearing underwear so uncomfortable that while I was trapped on a phone call I could not end I reached in my desk drawer and grabbed some scissors and cut that thong right off my body with two quick snips at the hips and threw that thing in the garbage. (I work alone, did not disrespect my coworkers btw)

  17. Natalie S says:

    Why doesn’t she inspire Alec to lose some weight or is it only important for women to be thin? #inspirationstartsathome

  18. Little Darling says:

    I work with postpartum moms and babies and I have to say this; if you’ve already always exercised then your body will have incredible muscle memory and snap back into place pretty quickly. Especially if you have help, and can get back to working out right at six weeks barring no complications or a C-section.

    If working out or being fit is your livelihood obviously it’s going to be a lot easier for your body to regain its pre-pregnancy form and a lot more important that it happens in a timely manner.

    I just find her to be preachy and pretty judgmental.

  19. Toc says:

    I’m tired of people who have the perfect conditions to take care of themselves (money, time, the best professionals available – doctors, personal trainers, nannies, housekeeping, people for cooking etc) saying that all you need is work and eat healthy. People there are not in the same condition need tons of motivation and have to deal with the limits of not having a rich husband or money themselves or any help. Those are the ones that I respect. I don’t care about her.

  20. Maum says:

    Wasn’t she furious when Alec made a comment praising the 5 or 6 nannies who help look after their kids?
    I hate self-labelled earth mother types who spend their life giving lessons to others about juggling motherhood etc while deliberately glossing over their staff and unlimited budget.

  21. KB says:

    Lol I want to have the confidence (arrogance?) to look in the mirror and think to myself “I’m such an inspiration, I need to share how wonderful I am with people and give them tips on how to be more like me.”

    • OriginalLala says:


      I have a few friends who do this kind of thing and it’s ridiculous. just live your life, it’s you are actually inspirational people will naturally be inspired by you

  22. Ivankascornicopia says:

    She has gotten a slight taste of “fame” for being married to ALec and her thirst for more has taken over. She is trying to show us she’s relevant for this fame, in her own right(by pretending she’s doing this for our benefit- to show us how to live right) but she’s as transparent as all get up. Shes a slightly less showy version of Emily ratowski. She’s showing off plain and simple. She needs people to be envious….

  23. Tiffany says:

    I follow Hillaria on IG and some of her tips are helpful (this one…..not so much). She does little snippets on stretches and moves you can use in your everyday life and while at the office. I don’t have her body but they are effective and I feel better after doing them.

    I know that she is not everyone’s cup of tea but I don’t find her to be malicious.

  24. stacey says:

    She is embarrassing herself. Posting selfies of herself in lingerie? No respect to husband and kids..

    She should just write LOOK AT ME on her forehead, would probably save her some time.

  25. LA says:

    Genetics are a hell of a thing. My Mom has five children and got tinier after each one. I have two…and did not. And I exercise more than she ever did. Shrug.

  26. Annie says:

    Someone please get this woman a glass of water.

  27. SJhere says:

    I don’t give a rats ass about what this woman has to say about anything.
    She and Alec can both drop off the face of the earth for all I care.
    And btw, stop having children. Planet earth is full up.

    • stinky says:


    • SK says:

      What part of future water shortage and global warming caused by human burden do Hilaria and Alec not get?
      5 children is incredibly selfish in today’s environment. One or two max is appropriate

  28. isabelle says:

    meh…honestly, she doesn’t have the type of body I aspire for, she has zero curves except the ones that have been bought for her. She is a rectangle and boxy, flat in the booty, that body isn’t what a lot of us want to achieve.

    • Patty says:

      Q. My thoughts exactly. That’s not the body I would aspire too, and there’s nothing wrong with her loving her own body. She takes it too far though, by suggesting women who don’t look like her don’t feed and exercise their bodies right.

    • This was my first thought as well, good for her but no thanks.

  29. minx says:

    I know AB can be problematic but I still love him and his work.
    As for his wife, I’m happy he got more children, but she seems so narcissistic and shallow.

  30. JRenee says:

    I thought they had 3 kids, it’s 4? Well good on her. In other news, many others exercise and eat properly and will never be in this shape or her size so she can save it. She likes looking at herself and showing her figure, the end.

    • Leigh-Klein says:

      She’s showing off; it’s not inspiring or empowering. She’s been this way since the beginning.

  31. Jerusha says:

    I recall when they first got together. Alec was rhapodising about what an innocent she was that she didn’t even know who he was, had never seen him on tv or screen. That she was totally removed from the world of celebrity. Yeah, I didn’t believe it then, either.

  32. Az says:

    She has always struck me as being thirsty AF

  33. JANAK says:

    Does she look great for having 4 kids? Definitely. But I think she owes that more to good genes than to yoga. She is probably one of those people who would look just like that even if she sat around eating cupcakes all day…my neice is the same way, eats nothing but crap and weighs 92 lbs soaking wet.

  34. AnotherDirtyMartini says:

    She’s one of those fortunate women who only gain pregnancy weight right in the abdomen. It literally looks like a ball is stuffed in her dress. No weight in her face, neck, arms…I’m not one of those women 😂

  35. Cara says:

    She always rubs me the wrong way. Perhaps I’m just jelly. Whatever the reason she bugs.

  36. Julie says:

    All I will say is that I love Yoga Vida. Quite possibly one of the best studios in the country. A really wonderful place and more affordable than many others, plus they have community yoga. So that makes me automatically like her. 🙂