Tom Sykes: Duchess Meghan should never speak to her father again

Harry Meghan Sentebale polo

Before I get into the Thomas Markle situation (again), here’s something that I thought was worth noting: the Duchess of Sussex turns 37 years old this coming weekend, on August 4th. Reportedly, Meghan and Harry don’t have much of anything on their schedules for the month of August, which is pretty normal for members of the royal family. They tend to shut down for August, and the Queen, Prince Charles, Prince Philip, the Duchess of Cornwall and others will likely be on holiday in Scotland. But sources claim Meghan and Harry will be attending his friend’s wedding this weekend. That friend? Charlie Von Straubenzee, who is marrying Daisy Jenks in Surrey. At least it’s not a destination wedding? So, that’s where they’ll be on Meghan’s birthday. Then my guess is that they’ll go on holiday somewhere.

As for the Thomas Markle stuff…the guy is a toxic toad. He’s an abusive piece of sh-t. And at least one royal commentator is calling out Thomas Markle. That commentator? Tom Sykes of the Daily Beast, who has been consistently nicer towards Meghan than most other commentators. You can read his full piece here. Sykes writes in part:

Meghan’s father has repaid her support and tolerance with another interview and betrayal. She has no choice but to never speak to him again.

While some commentators hired by the Mail on Sunday attempted to use Mr Markle’s latest outburst to argue that Meghan should renew contact with her father, it’s hard to see that argument holding any weight in either Meghan’s heart or the halls of Kensington Palace right now. It seems very likely that the first thing Mr Markle would do if his daughter did agree to meet him would be to sell the story. Who knows, he might even rig a few cameras to capture the event for posterity.

It’s hard to think of a sh-ttier thing for a father to do than exploit his children for money, attention and fame. But doing so while attempting to shame the child, and making out that the child is the one at fault, probably tops it in the a-hole stakes.

Mr Markle even has the gall to evoke Princess Diana in the new interview, saying that she would have encouraged Meghan to reach out to him.

Er, no. Diana was very familiar with the experience of being sold out by people she thought she could trust (see James Hewitt) and it’s hard to imagine her being anything other than utterly heartbroken for her son and daughter-in-law at Mr Markle’s desperate and continued calculating cruelty.

[From The Daily Beast]

Finally someone in the royal-commentator group says this and writes this down. I understand that this is a relatively new thing for the royal family, the whole idea of a royal relative who is THIS toxic and fame-hungry, but it shouldn’t be this difficult for the rest of us, royal commentators included, to call Thomas Markle what he is, to give it a name and to stop paying him for this bullsh-t.

Brad Pitt at the Okja afterparty at The Boom Boom room at The Standard

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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120 Responses to “Tom Sykes: Duchess Meghan should never speak to her father again”

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  1. Melania says:

    I loved that article and he’s right.

  2. Evie says:

    Unfortunately this guy is not going to shut up until he dies…It might help if the tabloids stopped spending hours with him and then writing click bait stories, but that’s not going to happen either.

    • L84Tea says:

      This, While I’ve never held the press in high regard to begin with, I feel like this entire debacle is so disgustingly low. I sort of “get” why they were running rampant with it leading up to the wedding because that was big news and the wedding was a huge deal. But now, come on. I find it so appallingly gross that people still keep giving this bloodsucker attention.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      People are fast losing sympathy for him and his ‘plight’, they see him for what he is – its only a matter of time before the press start publishing stories that appeal to them.

    • Noodles says:

      Probably not and she probably wont speak to him again, which will also most likely hit her hard when he does die. No matter how much of a terrible parent you have, that decision is painful to come to terms with when it’s all over.

      • jwoolman says:

        She will probably talk with him over the phone, just not tell him anything significant. I keep my conversations with family in the safe range myself (the weather and the cats). It’s not that hard. You just have to cheerfully ignore attempts to change the topic…

        She just got married and is busy learning a new job. She doesn’t have the kind of relationship with him that she would be on the phone with him every day or every week/month anyway. When he’s feeling rational, he knows that. I suspect his weird other daughter is putting ideas in his head. He wasn’t talking like this before.

    • minx says:

      People get tired of whiners. TM is approaching that tipping point, if he’s not there already. Any initial sympathy for him is going to curdle into “Solve it yourself” “Stop complaining” “You’re boring.” We see Meghan just carrying on and TM being a baby, and that will be reflected in his media opportunities.

    • RoyalSparkle says:

      Agree, but we also don’t know the full story and he is her pa…

      As time pass from The Royal Wedding, its questionable what is going on. The Duchess Henry had more celeb friends on her side of the aisle than family. Yes, seems understable but her maternal side has been quite and dignified, etc. Also questionable – the many celebs without reason, in place of other Royal HOUSES for HRH PRINCE Henry (potential King Wedding), who is globally respected for his work.

  3. Maria says:

    Meghan should do what she thinks is best.
    She doesn’t need advice from the press.

    • Swackd says:

      I don’t see where the press is giving her any advice. This from the article: She has no choice but to never speak to him again. ” Doesn’t tell her she shouldn’t talk to him but voices an opinion that she has no choice to not speak with him. She could still talk to him but I agree with the article, he’ll sell out anything that he can and a meet or phone call will probably be recorded and used by Markle in interviews.

      • FLORC says:

        Correct me if I’m using this incorrectly, but the press and Markle are insinuating Meghan is at fault for her father’s health issues and speaking to him will heal him. Advice being just that. Talk to your dad or be blamed for his death, I guess. Which is moronic. Hes flying around. Not under medical care (because if he was we would have heard about his doctors wishes) and flaunting enough energy to give very long interviews.

      • Swackd says:

        @FLORC – you are absolutely correct.

      • noway says:

        Conversely this article states Meghan has no choice but to never speak to him. Sorry, this like the other tells her what she must do. Meghan is free to do what she wants in regards to her father. This story is better than the she must speak to him to make sure he doesn’t die story, but I hope the press just lets her be. But you know what these reporters can do. Stop giving him a platform. Don’t pay him; don’t let him speak. Cause he’s just disgusting, and it’s wrong to give him this platform. Plus it’s very repetitive.

      • LahdidahBaby says:

        I agree completely, FLORC. This has become a flying circus of Thomas Markle’s absurdity and abuse.

        And since the tabloid press is making this abuse possible, I hereby pledge the following:


        The fact that we click on those articles is what gives Markle a voice. HE IS PUBLICLY ABUSING HIS DAUGHTER. I will not be complicit.

        WITHOUT THE TABLOIDS HE HAS NO VOICE. Let’s show them that it no longer pays to give Markle a forum for publicly humiliating his daughter at the most vulnerable time in her life—just married into the British Royal Family, probably trying to conceive her first child, and thrown into the international spotlight as never before.

        I hope my pals here at Celebitchy will join me in refusing to read any interview, by anyone, of this abusive bully.

      • CeeCee says:

        @LahdidahBaby, I agree 100! That’s been my conclusion, too. We all need to quit clicking on any of the Markle stories, and Meghan’s family might eventually be forced to go away. As long as we click on the tabloid stories, DM and others will continue to publish.

    • sa says:

      I agree. I think it’s fair to say no one would blame Meghan if she never speaks to him again, but all these people saying that she should never speak to her father again is making me very uncomfortable – and this is coming from someone that hasn’t spoken to my father in over 10 years.

      It’s not something that anyone else, even those with her best interests at heart, can (or should) tell her. But especially strangers looking in (even with good intentions) shouldn’t be telling her what to do. She needs to decide what’s best for herself and for her own emotional health.

      • Sherry says:

        @sa – This is exactly how I feel. I’ve been accused of defending Thomas Markle and excusing his behavior. I’m not. If I were Meghan, I would feel so betrayed and I don’t think I would feel I could ever talk to him again. I could not trust him. Everything I read in yesterday’s article was “me, me, me” and “I, I, I.” Frankly, some of it had abusive language in it.

        I do think his other daughter, Samantha has his ear, but that does not mean I excuse what he’s done. I find it very perplexing that he was completely under the radar and quiet up until a week before the wedding and then, “Boom!” he unleashes all sorts of crazy. It’s like he was holding in all of his narcissistic tendencies until it finally burst forth.

        He’s looking and acting like a textbook narcissist. Maybe Samantha didn’t fall far from the tree.

      • Olive says:

        @Sherry Samantha only “has his ear” because he is still actively LISTENING to her, and the reason he’s looking and acting like a textbook narcissist because he IS a textbook narcissist.

        we need to call his behavior out for the emotional abuse it is and stop tip-toeing around giving vague excuses. he’s a grown man, he knows exactly what he’s doing and what buttons he is pushing, and he is not Samantha’s puppet. he’s perfectly capable of being an abusive narcissist all on his own. I don’t recognize your username but if any of your previous comments were like this it’s not surprising to hear people think you’re defending him.

      • DizzyLizzy says:

        I think Sherry is actually very short-sighted and doesnt understand how two Narcs can also be co-dependent.

        To label TM as a victim is very insulting.

        Both TM and Scammy are in each others ear. They act as flying monkeys for each other.

        Scammy says all the things TM wants to say publicly on twitter and in interviews thereby appearing to keep his hands clean. They have been in cahoots from the beginning. The only reason we’re hearing more from him now is because he was caught staging the pap pics so could no longer feign innocence.

        So they both use each other. Scammy is TM’s public announcement system and TM also does some of Scammy’s dirty work.

        TM is not a silly old man who is not in control of his faculties. He is a very cunning and calculated abusive father, whom knows how to use his words to maximum effect.

        Time to apportion responsibility where it belongs.

      • noway says:

        @sa you said it so well. You are 100% correct. This story was bad to begin with and now is bordering on gross, and I wish it would finally go away.

      • Sherry says:

        I don’t see how you think my comment in any way defends him. I have repeatedly stated I think Meghan should steer clear of him.

        At first, I did think he was just a doddering fool who was tricked by Samantha and the media into posing for those photos. I wanted to look for the best scenario because of how all of this impacts Meghan. She is the one suffering from this. She wanted him to be there for her wedding and walk her down the aisle. She has said in interviews she loves him.

        But I can now see that he is indeed a narcissist. It is probably where Samantha gets it from and why her daughter has nothing to do with her.

        I feel very sorry for Meghan, because narcissist or not, he is her father. She has stated how much she loves him and it’s hard to have to separate and go no contact from someone you care about, especially when that person is your parent.

      • Jamie says:

        Spot on, Olive and DizzyLizzy. I couldn’t agree with you more.

    • Milla says:

      She should do whatever makes her feel better. This is good article, but i hate that this person takes away so much space. He’s not worth it.

      On a sader note, the future kids can have personality traits of her father or Harry’s grandfather… That’s not a good thought.

      • formerly known as amy says:

        Why are you taking the responsibility of TM behavior from him? He can change who he is if he is so inclined. MM turned fine because her mother taught her to deal with her issues by empowering others.
        I really appreciate you slighting MM’s unborn children by the sins of their father. Shame

      • Cali says:

        @Milla aka Shamer – Their children will have the personality of Harry, Meghan, Doria and Princess Diana, how about those personality traits?

      • minx says:

        Wait, what?

      • passerby says:

        Cali, Milla is one of the worst. The only person who out-Milla, Milla is Veronica. She tries to come across as neutral but it’s so obvious. At least Veronica is straight up with her distain.

  4. Jane says:

    Pretty sad that Thomas would act this way toward his daughter.

    At this point there is no reason to have toxic people in your life.

  5. Alexandria says:

    So much for being a recluse who doesn’t want the spotlight. It’s not difficult to believe he may be an abuser. Perhaps he did not want to play nice and subtly asked for some privileges or put forth implicit threats before the wedding. So he was nicely asked to stay away and they agreed on the heart condition or op to avoid embarrassing him. Even if true, that didn’t last long. What a jerk.

    • DizzyLizzy says:

      I think he was not happy with the Wedding arrangements and decided not to attend.

      The plan was always for Doria to ride with Meghan to the Church and then she would walk in alone and meet her father half way (i.e. where Chuck met her on the day). I suspect he did not like that and likely wanted all the limelight on him i.e. the whole ride to the church and then to walk her into the church and all the way up the aisle.

      The white father would have been praised and Doria forgotten as just the womb.

      I think Meghan wanted both her parents to play a role in the wedding and Thomas felt that he deserved all the praise bc after all he made her the Duchess he is.

      Men like TM are incapable of understanding that whilst he provided the financial support that Doria had the much harder task of actually raising the human being.

      That does not lessen his contribution which was important, but ultimately she is functional because of the humanity and compassion of her mother which as a Narc her father lacks.

      You only need look to TM Jnr and Scammy to see what is missing there.

      • Digital Unicorn says:

        Yes I tend to agree that he decided he as he wasn’t the centre of the ceremony he wasn’t going to go and was going to do whatever he could to ruin it. He clearly has issues with Meghan’s closeness to her mother – it bothers him.

      • Pft! says:

        I agree with your comment. The part that irritates me the most is Meghan’s father expecting her to kiss his a$$ for doing what was expected of him as her father yet ignoring the fact that Meghan takes merit for putting the hard work to be where she is at. Parents provide a platform, kids put in the effort to use that as a foundation for their future and that is hard work, too. As a mom myself i do the best i can for my kids bcs that is my duty as their mom, yet i don’t expect them to kiss my butt when they grow up. I hope my kiddos take advantage of the work their father and i put into the care we provide but we are aware that it takes their part to make the best of it as well, their success is not one sided. It takes the parents taking care of their responsibility towards the kids and the other part is the kid making the best of that care. Once the kids grow, seeing them being successful is enough for me to feel satfisfied that all the hard work i put into them paid off. But again, i don’t expect them to kiss my butt for doing my part as their mother. Yes, mutual gratefulness is a blessing and it is fair, but this dude doesn’t want to give and receive gratefulness, he wants Meghan to “pay him back” as if him being her father was a loan with an interest rate. Parenting does not work that way.

      • FLORC says:

        My take.
        He was embarrassed by the photos blowing up in his face And he made demands.
        He maybe gave pity parties for better accommodations or hoped to bring harvey at TMZ as his +1. Got shut down. Saw doria embraced in the family. And he grew even more bitter.

        No part of his actions screams he wants to reconnect with his little girl. They all say he feels entitled to benefits because 1 of his biological children is doing well for herself.
        Not about family.
        All about money.
        All about entitlement.

      • DizzyLizzy says:

        @FLORC I think Scammy likely put pressure on TM Snr to secure a seat for her at the wedding also.

        I think TM Snr then made a calculated decision not to attend at all. He worked out that Meghan would not be so available post marriage so knew he had to also keep Scammy happy.

        The clues are in him defending Scammy’s actions and laying blame at Meghan’s door for the way she has been treated. His few words of kindness were actually meant to signify an invite to the wedding. Not only is he a Narc but he also lacks backbone.

        Why Scammy would want to go to a wedding where she was not wanted and where everyone hated her is beyond me. These two really don’t understand that you cant force people to like or love you.

        I also agree that he likely made demands. There is an interview somewhere (I think it is the one where Scammy admits convincing TM to do the pap pics) where she says something like Harry needs to get a private jet and go and pick her father up. This was around the time where it was being reported that he had heart issues,

        Even back then he was trying to call the shots and be the centre of attention. They were testing boundaries and seeing how far they could push the Royals around.

        I belive at the time of the Wedding, Meg was emotional and likely just wanted her father around. Then after the wedding the RF security /intelligence showed her the dossier they had built on her father and she finally accepted cognitively what was going on.

        The final test came with the fake honeymoon location (Canada) which H&M fed to TM and which he in turn leaked to TMZ.

        Thereafter she changed all her numbers and dropped him.

      • Sherry says:

        You’ve made an excellent point. And may I add, in alignment with what narcissists do (I’m married to one), he still managed to make the wedding day about him. By not going, he was the center of attention. His absence was noted and talked about leading up to and during the wedding.

        Narcissists don’t care how they get attention, as long as they get it.

      • HEAVE HO says:

        Damn all this is such an effed up case. Chrissy Tiegen’s right, this guy sucks. If this is how he treats her in public…………….ugh

      • FLORC says:

        I was unaware he was fed and leaked a honeymoon location. Horrible oozes from this man.

      • jwoolman says:

        Or maybe he was simply too uncomfortable with the very public and formal role it would be. We really don’t know.

        Interviews are more intimate and perhaps less stressful for him. Certain reporters have obviously cultivated a relationship with him, which makes it more like talking with a friend. They aren’t actually his friends, of course.

        In any case, all the public talk about “she should never speak to him again” is making it harder for her. She obviously cares for him, and she knows who he is and what all his flaws are. She gets to decide on what kind of contact to have with him. She would never have invited him to be part of the wedding if she felt about him the way so many people think she should.

  6. Diana says:

    I don’t think this guy is Meghan’s father anymore. He stopped being that when he put himself first and sold her out. Now he’s just a narcissist out to ride her popularity. You see it in the statements he continues to peddle to the press.

    No reason she should talk to him ever again.

  7. BlueSky says:

    This guy just displays classic abuser behavior, “I love you, please call me” then “I made you who you are, you’d be nothing without me” She’s better off not speaking to him and doesn’t owe him anything or anyone else a explanation.

  8. Josie says:

    I know it was Sunday but the silence from the Royal reporting pool on Twitter yesterday was deafening. I don’t think any of them know how to respond to this. It’s just not anything they’ve ever seen before.

    • DizzyLizzy says:

      I think you’re right, they don’t know how to respond until one of them breaks rank and calls it.

      That day is fast approaching and when it does TM is going to be roasted to infinity and back.

      Until now they have defended him too much in their closet racist dulcet tones,laying all the blame at Meghan’s feet.

      I see many slices of humble pie being served in the near future. His toxicity has become so evident that he has lost even his most ardent supporters – except that Ingrid woman from the DM.

    • noway says:

      They know how to respond, say nothing. It’s PR 100. If they respond it will give him and the press more to talk about. I mean look he was using I like seeing how quiet I can make the monarchy. That’s kind of desperate. He wants a response. Yes this looks bad, but it’s better in the long run to not engage. Eventually it will die out and it will just be Meghan has this crazy dad. I wait for that day.

  9. Sayrah says:


  10. Digital Unicorn says:

    She shouldn’t and probably won’t for a long time. He’s losing his sh!t as his attempts to illicit a response from her and the RF are failing, he’s nasty excuse for a human being. He wants to control Meghan and the RF via her.

    One nugget from that interview that is being ignored for now was his comment about not using drugs in 20 years – moron is too stupid to see that he’s just given the tabloids something else to use against him when they inevitably turn on him.

    • Dietcokehead says:

      I picked up on that as well. He hasn’t used drugs for 20 years, he says. Well, that would almost certainly mean he was using during the years he claims to have raised Meghan, from aged 11 through college.

    • Christin says:

      And he takes beer to the gate guards (but claims he doesn’t drink himself). Doesn’t everyone want a guard to drink on the job?

    • DizzyLizzy says:

      It hasn’t been ignored. It’s on the front page of the Sun.

      Notice however how the DailyFail has buried it at the bottom of their front page, whereas an article about her crossing her legs is headline news.

      The DailyFail are still protecting their investment and hoping they can cash in should the unicorn phone call come through (not going to happen btw).

      Cannot wait until TMZ unload all the intel they have collected on TM. The Fail will turn on TM and Scammy like a pack of Hyenas on heat.

      • Digital Unicorn says:

        Ah i didn’t see that. Now that the Sun has run a story about it, its only a matter to time before its picked up and run with by some of the other tabs.

        Scammy is quoted as saying it was weed and that he didn’t do recreational drugs and it was to help him work longer – don’t think weed would have that effect. Me thinks he was into the prescription drugs which can be very addictive. Come on, someone spill the tea. These warning shots will never work with this moron.

      • FLORC says:

        Digital unicorn
        I would not be shocked. Scripts are commonly abused. His behaviour suggests control and instant gratification issues. I’m leaning hard towards pill abuse and I’m sure it’s easy to find

      • Leigh-Klein says:

        @ Digital Unicorn, anything that “makes you work longer” was undoubtedly cocaine. I’ll bet my last dollar on that. I’m sure the reason Doria left with her little girl was the drugs and alcohol. Either way, smart move. This man is becoming frightening. Meghan really can’t contact him anymore, against protocol in the BRF as he’s proven time and again he’d sell anything. They had their proof when he divulged the fake honeymoon location and details of conversations with Prince Harry. He’s below even the gutter, vile and repulsive. He’s brought every single ounce of this onto himself. I hope he chokes on it.

      • guest says:

        “The DailyFail are still protecting their investment and hoping they can cash in should the unicorn phone call come through (not going to happen btw).”

        Why do you keep repeating this?? Its as if you don’t realise what the DM has done in the past. don’t you know they are professionals when it comes to this? They aren’t waiting for a phone call…. never were.

      • FLORC says:

        They are waiting. Believe it’s highly unlikely, but as you’ve stated. They are professionals. It would be counter to your wording there if they weren’t prepared for that possibility.

    • ClaraBelle says:

      I wonder if that accounts for a curious home video I saw that was taken by a friend of Meghan during their teen years. It was kind of a “day in the life” video and very cute and bubbly. At one point they were in Meghan’s room (family home or first apt?) and the friend was asking about a photo. Meghan picked it up and laughingly said it was her father but that currently she wasn’t on good terms with him and I think she put the photo back face-down. The video was on DM sometime before the wedding.

      • Masamf says:

        @Clarabelle, to me that vid disputed TM Sr. claims that Meghan lived with him from age 11 blah blah blah. In that clip, she is in her bedroom at her mother’s house. She apologizes for the mess and mentioned that her room is messy because she’s packing and getting ready to go to college. That right there tells me that Meg was living with her mother her last high school years. In same video, she is in her car and points out to her friend Nikki saying “that’s where my dad lives but we won’t go there as me and my dad are not on the best of terms”. So this guy is a liar in every sense of the word.

    • Max says:

      The press has already picked up on this and are now leading with it.

  11. Becks1 says:

    Tom Sykes is right.

    Man Thomas markle is just….awful.

  12. Christin says:

    Her father wavers between petulant child and angst-filled teenager. Giving him what he wants (attention and/or money) will only fuel future episodes.

  13. L84Tea says:

    I read something once about cutting out toxic family members and the possibility of speaking to them again. Only speak to them again when the thought of them doesn’t make you feel rage on the inside. That resonated with me as someone who hasn’t spoken to her toxic stepmother in 7 years. While I care less about her now, the thought of having to be around her and speak to her makes me ill. I see that as a sign that I am not ready to forgive her.

    I believe Meghan would have to do the same thing. And sadly, I agree that her relationship with her father is likely over. I think the way she’s handled it is perfect though–no reaction, period. Nothing. They’ve all proven that if a bone gets thrown their way, they will chew it to shreds for as long as possible, so if she gives them absolutely nothing, then they have absolutely nothing.

  14. kate says:

    Thomas reminds me so much of Jon Voight. And I do not mean that as a compliment.

    • Peg says:

      I did not even know there was an expression called ‘Voighting’ named after Jon, yes they’re both bullies, can’t stand that their daughters are successful.
      Although Thomas was more involved in Meghan’s life, while Jon was an absentee father, not paying child support, on a regular basis.

  15. Melania says:

    If he’s so awful with his daughter I dare not imagine how he was with Doria.

  16. lobbit says:

    I keep thinking back to that friend that sold Meghan out earlier this year–the one that sold all that video footage, including a clip where Meghan admits to not being on speaking terms with her dad. The ex friend said that Meghan moved into Thomas’ home when she was 13/14, and that he used to let them “get away with things” but that at a certain point, Meghan “had to parent Tom a little more and she couldn’t do that.”

    I’ve always wondered what she meant by that – why would a teenage girl need to parent her own father?

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      Drugs, given that he admitted to not using drugs in over 20 years in his most recent interview it’s not a stretch to say that he was probably still using when she lived with him. I’m thinking he was abusing/addicted to prescription drugs.

      • lobbit says:

        I absolutely hate to speculate on this but since he’s put his drug use out there, then…yeah, it would make sense.

    • Jayna says:

      I never realized she moved in with her father from age 13, according to her friend (he says age 11) until age 18. I wonder why. That did pique my interest. I never realized that.

      Anyway, he’s a creep, and this must be heartbreaking for Meghan. He is a loose cannon. His threats of not gong away are concerning, and Harry must be furious about that. The Royal Family must be in a fit about this. I feel for her, because this is utterly humiliating for Meghan. Paying him off with him signing off on not talking about her or the royal family as a condition will never work. He will just go all loose cannon on Meghan and the royal family again when he feels slighted. And I don’t see her ever agreeing to be in contact with him again. He has betrayed her in the worst possible way. He has lashed out at and tried to intentionally hurt her.

      I have always worried about him being kidnapped in Mexico, with a big ransom on his head. It’s interesting that he thew that out there. It’s another ploy for sympathy from the world, but it’s like he’s inviting that to happen.

      I don’t believe he ever went into a hospital and had a heart procedure done. He bailed on his daughter’s wedding and was humiliated being caught setting up pap shots. He is the one who said he was going in for a heart procedure. He would never have asked that his name not to be listed. He wanted and needed sympathy to counteract that he was found out on his collusion with tabloids. I wish someone would out him for that with proof.

      Poor, Meghan. Hang in there.

      • lobbit says:

        I don’t really believe the heart surgery thing either. I can believe that he had a stent procedure, but I don’t think it was an emergency situation. And I wish someone would out him for his lies and inconsistencies as well. He’s working exclusively with British rags that have an interest in keeping this drama alive – they’re not going to ask him heavy-hitting questions or even simple ones like:

        “What sort of relationship do you expect to have with your daughter after berating her in public this way?
        “Why weren’t you at your youngest daughter’s first wedding?”
        “You’ve said that you are worried that you won’t get to be a grandfather to Meghan’s children. What sort of relationship do you have with the grandchildren you have now?
        “You are estranged from your oldest son – are you as upset about that broken relationship as you are about your rift with Meghan?”
        “You said you staged those paparazzi photos because you wanted to defend yourself and improve your image – where you ever concerned about your oldest daughter’s repeated attempts to tarnish Meghan’s image?”
        “Why are you giving interviews to the same British tabloids that have been demonstrably racist and misogynistic toward your daughter?
        “You’ve said that you’re sorry about staging those paparazzi photos but you’ve also said that the Royal Family needs to “get over it” and that you don’t care if Meghan is pissed at you. Which is it?
        You’ve said that staging those photos wasn’t about money–so why did you accept payment for them?

      • DizzyLizzy says:

        He won’t get kidnapped. In between the paps and special forces in Mexico he is the safest 74 year old in Rosarito.

      • ClaraBelle says:

        I hadn’t thought about kidnapping, and normally that would be a real concern. In his case, I don’t think anyone would care!

      • Lanne says:

        Hear hear Lobbit! Those are great questions.

      • lobbit says:

        @Lanne – Thank you!

      • jwoolman says:

        Jayne- Sometimes kids just want to get to know the other parent. Or it’s closer for school. It sounds as though she didn’t stay that long, though.

  17. harla says:

    I’ve always liked Tom’s articles in the past, he’s not afraid to call out the D&D of Cambridge for their laziness but when they do something good he’ll talk about that too. But now I’m super enamored with him and the fact that he’s willing to go against the current media grain and speak out about Mr. Markle’s abhorrent behavior. I do wish that he had named names (Ingrid Seward) though of the reporters who want Meghan to roll over and continue to accept this emotional blackmail from her father.

    • Mia says:

      Ingrid Seward was called out on twitter. They probably want Meghan to speak to her father, so they’ll have something to write about. Everyone knows the man has diarrhea of the mouth.

  18. Missy says:

    Thomas and Samantha messed up because they did too many crazy interviews in a short frame of time. Their behavior is sick and abusive, and now the whole world sees who they really are. The Markles are too spiteful and shortsighted to understand that they are hanging themselves everytime they do another interview. The media is your “friend” until they are done using you. About 95-98% of the comments I read over the weekend have been very supportive of Meghan. Her dad and sister are now public nuisances.

    • minx says:

      That’s good to hear, and not surprising. Most people have a difficult relative or two in the family tree.

  19. Sparkly says:

    I’m so glad at least some of the press is treating him like the abuser that he is and speaking out about his behavior. If you MUST devote any space to him, that’s the way to do it. Meg really needs more press on her side. I see far too many (presumably real) people speaking poorly about her and STILL trying to push her towards reconciliation. It boggles.

  20. Reloaded says:

    This marriage won’t last. What was Harry thinking, didn’t he check her future wife’s family background. He’s been living in the spotlight all his life, he should have known better.

    • minx says:

      What does her “family background” have to do with their marriage lasting? The BRF has had plenty of embarrassing moments themselves.

    • lobbit says:

      Oh, Please. Harry knows what all too well what it’s like to have a loved one air private grievances to the press. His mom did it in SPECTACULAR fashion – she just didn’t get paid for it.

    • Bella DuPont says:

      If it hadn’t been Meghan, they would have abused whoever he married, just in a different way. And Harry knows this. Look at the treatment of Chelsea Devy from the wedding, and she’s his ex!

      If Harry knows what’s good for him, he’d better hold on to Meghan for dear life because he will NOT do better than her. Never again. Especially not after the whole world has witnessed the public mauling any woman who ever dares fall in love with him is destined for.

      • DizzyLizzy says:

        Agreed and even Harry knows that, The way he is with any man who touches or kisses Meghan makes you understand that he knows he struck gold.

        Meghan is beautiful, classy, educated and strong minded. That is a tough combination to come by on an normal day but most importantly she has been tested on the world stage and passed effortlessly.

        I think they’ll have their ups and downs like any other couple but pull through once her family start to understand that the gravy train is not stopping in town.

        Praying they both get to fulfil their dream of a child of their own soon.

      • Bella DuPont says:

        I hope so. I’m really rooting for them to make it through.

      • Mia says:

        Vonnie is that you?

    • Mel says:

      So she’s responsible for the awful behavior of her family? Maybe she shouldn’t have married him because infidelity runs on both sides of HIS family. See how that works?

  21. IlsaLund says:

    Lainey made an interesting point about TM’s hypocrisy. Given all the hate that the Daily Mail has directed at Meghan and Doria, why on earth would he consent to a 3 day, nine hour interview with them? As others have said, this is about controlling and abusing Meghan and Doria.

    • Bumble says:

      This is absolutely abuse, to the wildest degree. Reading about this vile imbecile should come with a trigger warning for some of us. Damn.
      Can anyone start a petition, a sort of GoFundMe to ask him to stop stop STAHP.

    • minx says:

      I said yesterday that I a NINE hour interview with TM had to be repetitive beyond belief.

    • lobbit says:

      Such a great point. He had that deal with the UK Sun as well – that’s the same publication that tried to link Meghan to pornhub!

      • guest says:

        ^ It’s also the same rag that Harry fed exclusives to when they were still dating. The Royals have no problem talking to these trash tabs/giving them info but only if it’s done in a controlled manner.

  22. Spittair says:

    The press is going to turn on these snakes in the most spectacular fashion- there’s already an article about Papa Markle doing drugs while raising Meghan 20 years ago as he himself let that little pearl slip in his interview. Keeping feeding them Tom, keeping digging your grave for them.

    • minx says:

      Good! That’s why Meghan should just keep doing what she is doing and ignore him. The truth is coming out.

  23. Shaleah says:

    It’s a testament of her character she turned our IN SPITE of her dad, not because of him. She invited him to her royal wedding, she was corresponding with him, he sabotaged her and turned his back on her, not the other way around! He’s a vile man!

    • Carrie1 says:

      And a testament to her Mom, as she’s said.
      I hope she continues to ignore and this is the last of it. Ignore is the only way to go. Her father and his other kids are actively trying to harm her. That’s not safe nor is it love.

      • Peg says:

        No a few more interviews coming from the Sun.
        Baby pictures, and high school graduation picture.
        Vonnie said the last time she post to Meghan, it was about Doria and Thomas, she took her dad’s side and Meghan took her mother’s side and said something to the effect that they were took many cooks in the kitchen, bye.

  24. Nicole says:

    Meghan should handle Thomas however she sees fit. Just don’t pay that toady trouser snake any money. Stay the course and stay silent is what I would do. But I admit I couldn’t do that forever. (Against my better judgement I would have to write a letter to him that would be published by the press telling him That his betrayal has been painful and forced me to make the heart aching decision to not communicate with him.) But Meghan has the right to do whatever she wishes in that regard. Her fame seeking father and half siblings believe she is cold and cuts people out of her life with ease. In this instance, for Meghan’s sake, I hope that it’s true.
    If Thomas were an ice cream he’d be pralines and d*ck.

  25. D says:

    At this point interviewers if this man are paying for Meghan to be emotionally abused long distance

  26. D says:

    At this point interviewers if this man are paying for Meghan to be emotionally abused long distance

    • guest says:

      Apparently, Thomas isn’t being paid for his interviews. This isn’t about money for him, its something else entirely

      • Lobbit says:

        lol Meghan’s father has been paid for every single interview he’s done except the last one, allegedly.

  27. RspbryChelly says:

    I can’t imagine what this does to Meghan, her father is a real piece of work. But it’s hard for me to root for anyone cutting their parents off entirely. I know he’s gross, & exhausting, but he’s her father. There has to be more

  28. Anare says:

    I think Megan is taking a page from the Queen’s playbook. The best response is no response. Daddy dearest will flame out, rest assured.

  29. guest says:

    Tom Sykes isn’t a Royal commentator/reporter. Btw, isn’t he American? One of his last pieces talking about classism and elitism in the UK against Meghan was hilarious. He doesn’t have a clue. The British Royal Family are the very foundation and definition of classism, duh. She willingly married into it. I don’t take him seriously.

    • Tina says:

      It’s more nuanced than that. Criticism of the papers (i.e., the Daily Express) of Meghan is somewhat rooted in classism, but it is decidedly not the upper classes who are perpetuating it. Aristos don’t care.

      The papers are attempting to speak for the middle classes, some of whom resent a person who is outside the class structure (a mixed race American) usurping “their” Prince. It would have been in keeping with the “natural order of things” for Harry to marry someone like Cressida Bonas, but this means that he is stepping outside the norm.

      The readership of a deeply conservative (not necessarily politically conservative) paper like the Daily Express would dislike this, but not be willing to admit to themselves that they disliked Meghan for reasons of race or nationality (even though those things likely play a significant role). It’s much easier for the paper to couch its criticism of her in coded class terms.

  30. Jessica says:

    H&M remind me of Letizia and Felipe but with surprisingly less drama. People forget about all the shenanigans with Letizia’s family and the drama in the SRF; they are doing just fine 14 years later.

  31. ex-Mel says:

    Very easy to say when it’s not YOUR one and only father.
    And why shouldn’t she talk to him? So this “royal” family won’t feel incommodated?

    Meh, they deserve each other, all of them. Happy not to have low-rent dross like that in my own life. And again, I mean ALL of them.

    • Peg says:

      When he starts acting like a father maybe she will treat him like one.
      The Royal family is not stopping her from talking to this abusive man, honestly I don’t think the Royal family gives a toss about this unhinged man.
      Are you calling Meghan low-rent dross? Sanctimonious one.

      • jwoolman says:

        He is who he is and I’m sure nothing is a surprise to Meghan

        If she still wants to keep in contact, she just has to avoid saying anything she doesn’t want to see in the tabloids. That isn’t as hard as some folks think. She can always turn it around and ask him questions about his own life.

        She’s probably used to having relatively superficial conversations with him anyway. Every relationship doesn’t have to be deep.

  32. Newmoon says:

    Set ground rules for the relationship going forward. If he can agree to them, fine. But be clear: one violation and they’re done.

    • Peg says:

      She set the ground rules, and asked him not to talk to the press, he talked to the press once, twice, ……………… then he said no one is going silence him.
      Keep moving the goal post, maybe he needs to put down the pipe.