Cele|bitchy | Don Trump Jr. has some stupid thoughts about Aziz Ansari & Roseanne Barr

Don Trump Jr. has some stupid thoughts about Aziz Ansari & Roseanne Barr

It’s been more than six months since babe.net published their article about one young woman’s awful date with Aziz Ansari. I still don’t even know what words to use to describe the young woman’s accusations towards Aziz – she felt like he was abusive and manipulative. She said no to him repeatedly and he seemed to think her “no” meant he could just persuade her or coerce or something. It was complicated and I actually thought Amy Schumer had one of the best and most nuanced takes on the situation when she said, “I don’t think there’s any sort of criminal charge, but I think that it’s good for everybody to learn that that behavior’s not acceptable. It’s not a crime, but it’s not cool. And it can still really mess with a woman.”

After the babe.net article came out, Aziz took a break. He went away for a while, which was smart. Over the past few months, he’s been seen out in public a few times, and he’s made some appearances at comedy clubs and in Page Six. And now the VP of Netflix confirmed this week that they’re interested in doing another season of Master of None. Cindy Holland, Netflix’s VP of original content, told Variety that “We certainly have given some thought to i. We certainly would be happy to make another season of Master of None with Aziz.” Which is apparently enough for Don Trump Jr. to get on his high horse about… hypocrisy…?

For what it’s worth, Aziz didn’t call anyone an ape. He doesn’t have a history of saying awful, racist sh-t. Aziz tried to coerce a young woman into having sex with him when she was clearly not into it. It’s not even as cut-and-dry as all of the women who have come out to say that Donald Trump assaulted them and harassed them. So… Don’s father still got elected president and Aziz gets to make another season of his Netflix show. And Roseanne gets to go on Fox News, make up dumb lies and act like she’s the biggest victim here. And Don gets to accuse “Hollywood” of being full of hypocrites. Enjoy prison, motherf–ker.

Photos courtesy of Getty.

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15 Responses to “Don Trump Jr. has some stupid thoughts about Aziz Ansari & Roseanne Barr”

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  1. Natalie S says:

    I think he’s going after Aziz because he’s a POC. Notice he didn’t go after Chris Hardwick.

  2. Starryfish29 says:

    Don Jr. has stupid thoughts period.

  3. Beth says:

    Annoying how people can just pick up their phone and tweet every stupid thought they have for the world to see

  4. Ann says:

    Yay to Masters of None coming back!

  5. Mel says:

    Sour because it leaked that his gf « leaving » Fox was not a career move.
    Also, shut up and keep breathing all the chemicals on your head.
    Thought I should add though that it’s not about defending Aziz Ansari to me but more that his father became president AFTER the Access Hollywood tape so his argument needs some more evidence to be backed up…

  6. Jane says:

    “Stupid is as stupid does.” – Forrest Gump

  7. Cacec says:

    Ooh, I’m not on Twitter, but I’d love someone to make their observation Kaiser made of his dad being allowed to become a conservative president despite the horrible things he’s done and said.

  8. Wood Dragon says:

    What’s that German word for ‘a face in need of a lap/punch’?
    At any rate, I am hearing the Frantics Last Will and Temperament playing in my head because it looks like someone could use a boot to the head. Or an ambush from a squad of cream pie laden clowns.

    • Veronica S. says:

      Backpfeifengesicht. German is a great language.

      Russia’s got some pretty good ones, too. There’s one I can recall (vafer?) that essentially translates in vulgar slang to something like, “Every time he opens his mouth, d**** fly into it.”

  9. Veronica S. says:

    Yeah, the problem, dipshit, is that Roseanne did it on a massive platform while promoting a series that was meant to be family oriented. America has evolved to the point that while you may still be able to code your racism in media, you can’t just outright use racial slurs in public.

    Half the ~outrage~ for these people seems to be the culture shock when they leave their Fox News bubble and find out that there really as many of them as they thought. Like it’s some kind of horrified realization that there are actual repercussions for overt racism and prejudice and things didn’t magically go back to Jim Crow 1900 standards because this jackass made it into office.

  10. Lis says:

    I’m sure the majority of his thoughts are stupid, not just some.