Cele|bitchy | “Is Naomi Campbell quietly hiding a secret pregnancy or what?” links

“Is Naomi Campbell quietly hiding a secret pregnancy or what?” links

2018 Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity

Is (48-year-old) Naomi Campbell mysteriously pregnant and in hiding? [Dlisted]
Here’s Mike Redmond’s final chapter of what happened to The Superficial, a site I used to love in all its filthy glory. [Medium]
There are a lot of carefully worded denials about Anna Wintour’s alleged departure from Vogue, which might be happening soon? [LaineyGossip]
I agree, this print really works on Amy Adams. [Go Fug Yourself]
Chris Hardwick is officially forgiven, I guess. [Pajiba]
Donald Trump has been sweaty-tweeting all morning. [Buzzfeed]
Did this barber go too far? Yes. [Starcasm]
Below Deck recap. [Reality Tea]
Paul Manafort was a Nic Cage-style consumer. [Jezebel]
David Hasselhoff got married. Congrats? [The Blemish]

Mercedes Benz Paris Men's Fashion Week

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16 Responses to ““Is Naomi Campbell quietly hiding a secret pregnancy or what?” links”

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  1. Moneypenny424 says:

    Could be an old pic she posted, but Naomi certainly doesn’t look pregnant in the bikini shot she posted today.

    If they are having a baby, that will be one gorgeous child!

  2. curachel20 says:

    Maybe she isn’t pregnant and they are using a surrogate. That would explain her not looking pregnant, her boyfriend posting an ultrasound, and frankly-seems more likely given her age. While it happens, it is certainly not the norm at her age.

    • me says:

      I just hope she finally has gotten her temper under control before that baby arrives (if rumors are true).

      Also, was hoping Celebitchy would cover the Kim Kardashian/Tyrese story lol.

      • Babs says:

        You mean Tyson or did I miss something?

      • Nancy says:

        @me: Yes! That was epic. He got her and she tried her little homophobic clapback and Twitter hung her out to dry!! @Babs, yes…Tyson. He commented he didn’t like that black outfit she wore on Kimmel and said her body was fake. Google it….

      • me says:


        LOL oops ! I meant Tyson ! I have no idea why Tyrese was on my mind !

      • minx says:

        Yeah, because he didn’t care for her fake body, he’s gay. I hope she gets a lot of sh8t about that.

      • Nancy says:

        Oh she did minx. But, of course, she always gets her defenders…..saying he was body shaming her. I call BS on that, he simply said the truth. She implied he was gay bc he didn’t like her outfit and her bod was fake. This is one sick mama!

      • Babs says:

        Lol, I thought maybe Tyrese chimed in! Kim stay telling on herself with those clapback of hers.

  3. Littlefishmom says:

    Well I didn’t look pregnant until about five or six months so it is possible. Would need the actual date of the sonogram. I didn’t get the 3D sono until after seven months but I’m in the States. Whoever the mother is, may they all be happy and healthy.

  4. Anna says:

    Naomi’s feet are freaking me out. Model’s feet I guess.

  5. Honey says:

    I love Naomi.

  6. Honey says:

    @Minx – think if the Duchess had worn the outfit that Naomi is wearing in that first picture instead of the dress she wore that has similar pinstripes. She wore the dress with a black blazer and carried some sort of purse with stripes. The outfits have the same pattern and shoulders exposed but one looks way more sophisticated and uptempo than the other.