Omarosa Manigault shocks the nation by claiming Donald Trump is in ‘mental decline’

'All-Star Celebrity Apprentice'

Omarosa Manigault was fired from the White House reality show last December. It was not a peaceful breakup – she was apparently fired by chief of staff John Kelly and after she was fired, she tried to “storm” the White House residence so she could plead her case personally to Donald Trump. She had to be escorted out of the building by Secret Service. After that, suddenly Omarosa had some tea to spill, but it was some dumbass tea that everybody has known for f–king years. Well, she did end up getting a book deal, and her book is coming out soon. Thus, we’re getting teasers from her tell-all, Unhinged: An Insider’s Account of the Trump White House.

[In] one of the first-released excerpts, Manigault claims that the president is suffering “mental decline.” In Unhinged: An Insider’s Account of the Trump White House, Manigault at one point focuses on Trump’s troubling interview with Lester Holt, where the president went off-script and revealed why he fired former FBI director James Comey, to her dismay. Watching the footage from the press room, Manigault came to a single conclusion, which she reveals in an excerpt — obtained, appropriately, by the Daily Mail.

“While watching the interview I realized that something real and serious was going on in Donald’s brain,” she writes in her book. “His mental decline could not be denied.”

According to Manigault, she’s uniquely qualified to assess Trump’s actions because she, a former Apprentice villain, has known him for 15 years.

“Many didn’t notice it as keenly as I did because I knew him way back when,” she continues in her book. “They thought Trump was being Trump, off the cuff. But I knew something wasn’t right.”

While Manigault may not be the most trustworthy source — notably because she, like basically everyone else who’s worked in the administration, is an opportunist looking to stay relevant — she does go on to write in her book that Trump rambles, speaks “gibberish,” and contradicts himself “from one sentence to the next.” Honestly, it’s kind of hard to argue with that.

[From The Cut]

Omarosa, baby girl, WE BEEN KNEW. You think you’re the only person with enough insight to declare that OMG TRUMP IS SENILE? Yes, he is profoundly stupid, profoundly racist, profoundly unwell and profoundly unhinged. We’ve known that for years. We knew that when he called for armed rebellion when Obama was re-elected. We knew that when he launched a campaign based on appealing to ill-informed racist grievances. This would be like Joseph Goebbels coming forward in 1945 and being like “hey peeps, I think my guy Adolf Hitler is sort of a genocidal maniac, that’s brand-new information, huh?”

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42 Responses to “Omarosa Manigault shocks the nation by claiming Donald Trump is in ‘mental decline’”

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  1. judith reeder says:

    It didn’t surprise or shock me, just listen to him speak, he cant put one paragraph together that makes any sense!

    • Jan90i067 says:

      And water is wet.
      And the sky is blue.
      Is there anything she’s telling us that we DON”T know!

      What still kills me is that WE ACCEPTED his SELF-DICTATED letter from his “Dr. Feelgood” about what great health he was in! HOW IN THE &^%$#!! HELL wasn’t that challenged?????

      We have never had such a clear case for invoking the 25th amendment as we do now (“Your honor, I would like to enter all his Tweets as evidence!” “Case Closed!”)

      • Ela says:

        Honestly, whatever checks and balances, Americans thought they had in place has been badly exposed. And coming from Africa, maybe there will be some sympathy now for other countries that struggle to enforce democracy. Looking from the outside, maybe this is a completely unfair assumption but America seems completely paralyzed by this one man’s onslaught.

      • tealily says:

        @Ela, seems like a fair assumption to me. We were utterly unprepared for this, and it turns out a lot of what we thought were checks and balances are only conventions.

      • Sunnyjyl says:

        I agree with all of this, except that we are not completely paralyzed. Our arms and legs are moving, violently; they are just amputated from the body. We are all hoping that the parts will join together again, before our country and way of life is in terminal free-fall.

      • jwoolman says:

        Jan- I never accepted that crazy letter allegedly from his long-time doctor. I know medical language and there is no way that a doctor would say things that way. Never. I knew from the start that Trump dictated it and the doc just at most got it typed up and scribbled his signature on it. He probably thought it wouldn’t matter, that nobody in their right mind would elect Trump.

        Then Trump gets elected, the doc’s office is raided by Trump’s goons to get the originals of his records (undoubtedly to burn them, must have been something really serious in them), and the doc suddenly realizes he himself is in danger and spills the whole scheme.

        Then the White House doctor pronounced Trump as in tippy top shape physically and mentally, using very similar Trumpian language not likely for a medical doctor to use, forgets how to spell his own name, gets offered the job of head of the VA, and then is outed as very vulnerable to blackmail for various reasons.

        Other people were also equally skeptical if both medical assessments at both times.

  2. KNy says:

    No one likes you, Omarosa. You both suck.

    • Lama Bean says:

      Exactly. This won’t rehabilitate her image and she’s telling us something we already know.

      • jwoolman says:

        It does help that she is saying it. She has known him personally for 15 years. This is different from me just saying “Compare videos of him ten years ago and now. He used to be articulate and understood questions and could put together complex sentences.” This is different from psychiatrists and neurologists pointing out such things based on videos. She has seen serious changes with real personal contact. The fact that she waited to profit from such observations to promote her book is actually not relevant. So she isn’t a hero. She still can be an accurate witness.

        Yes, he has always been a malignantly narcissistic megalomaniac with sociopathic tendencies. He was awful even as a small child and just got worse as he grew. But his use of language and his ability to keep coherent thoughts in his head have dramatically deteriorated over the past few years. His ghost writer on The Art of the Deal thinks the deterioration is rapidly accelerating and Trump is living in non-reality almost 100% of the time now, but that would be since Omarosa left.

        We can hope that now that one inner circle person has pointed out that the Emperor has no clothes, it will encourage others to say the same.

      • Masamf says:

        @jwoolman, no it doesn’t help as Omarosa adds nothing to the story. Ask yrselves, why was she dragged out of there screaming and kicking? Answer: she didn’t wanna leave Trump. Next question: if Omarosa was Trump’s WH now, would she be writing this sh!t? Answer is no. So no, Omarosa got f-edd up the ass and she now singing like a canary because she hated being on the outside looking in. Omarosa thought she could find PoC because she considered herself invincible because she had he lips glues to Trupms azz, then Kelly disliked her and she got got. She can go kick rocks.

      • KNy says:

        @jwoolman, but her credibility isn’t really that great because the world knows her as a pretty awful person. She has basically been a TV villain for as long as she’s been famous. trump is genuinely terrible, makes no sense, and is crazy – all things I can glean from listening to him speak for 60 seconds. Whose mind is she going to change? The people who still worship trump are racist, xenophobic, and mysogynistic. They are not going to suddenly believe a black woman who has spent that last decade and a half being unlikeable. They may have tolerated Omarosa before because they knew that having a POC next to trump gave them license to say, “See!?! He’s not racist! He’s got a black friend!” But now that’s she’s out of his orbit, she is an enemy.

  3. Neelyo says:

    I would never buy a book written by anyone associated with this rotten administration.

    Unless they pledge the profits for the years of therapy all of the separated children will need, none of them should make a dime for helping to destroy the country and the world.

    • notpretentious says:

      I second that Neelyo!

    • Christin says:

      I feel the same. Why pay money to read what we can observe?

      If she was stunned by the Holt interview, that says a lot. That was probably the most truthful he has been, and she was concerned because of it?

  4. minx says:

    Trump will have an extra nasty tweet for her—she’s a woman, AA, and a former bootlicking employee who is now dishing.

    • melior says:

      I can already see Trump’s tweet: “Who’s senile? I’m not senile! Your momma’s senile!”

  5. Jezza says:

    Thanks, Captain Obvious!

  6. Snap Happy says:

    You know what would have been worth the price of a book? If she watched the interview, immediately quit her job and went on TV to tell the nation. This is too little, too late. And, yes, anyone who isn’t deluded knows there is something very wrong with him.

    • Christin says:

      Exactly! Too little, too late.

      As I posted above, that interview was likely his most truthful. Yet she had a problem with it? Very telling about one’s character.

  7. mint says:

    How is that shocking? I would be more shocked if she said, that he reads books

  8. RBC says:

    With all the chaos surrounding 45, I honestly would not be surprised if he tweets” Omarosa, has her opinions but I like her attitude and honesty. She deserves a second chance” Then next thing you know Sarah Sanders is out and Omarosa is replacing her.

  9. Becks1 says:

    So, on the one hand, I am in the camp of “tell me something I don’t know Omarosa.”

    But on the other hand – not for the book itself, but in general – a lot of people DONT know that. They don’t see it. A lot of people do think that Trump is just Trump, he’s just telling it like it is, Twitter isn’t meant to be taken seriously, etc. And I guess if you never knew him before 2016, maybe you would just think he was garden variety crazy and stupid and inept. But the people who have known him for 15, 20, 25 years – they should be able to see the decline. They’re not talking about it, but they know about it. And they SHOULD talk about it. Not just because its Trump and people hate him, but because this person has the nuclear codes. And I don’t mean that in a glib way. Its not asking too much to be sure that our president is NOT in a state of mental decline.

    I know I’m preaching to the choir here, but lordy.

    • Molly says:

      I agree that she deserves some credit for coming out and saying this publicly. There are A LOT of people in the White House talking to the press on background about all the crappy things Trump does and how hard they work to keep in on the rails. They get fired, they’re free to actually make a difference, and what? Crickets. If it was sooooo bad, and he’s soooooo dangerous, say something! You don’t work for him anymore, so start talking. If not, than you’re still complicit and completely useless.

    • Christin says:

      His ghostwriter and his female former VP have been commenting on his habits and demeanor, for two years (before the election).

      No reading/books in sight (in the 1980s/early 90s). Zero attention span. Cannot let go of any perceived slight.

      Our TV talking heads can’t let go of the latest tweet as “breaking news” to ever replay their spot-on analyses for more people to hear.

  10. Laura says:

    Wow. And yet she enabled him and covered for him. They’re both scumbags.

  11. Ryme says:

    I’m not shocked but then again I’ve seen his tweets and heard his speeches. Those are not how a sane man tweets or speaks.

  12. KBeth says:

    This isn’t remotely “shocking”.
    I’ve always felt that in addition to being a vile human, he also has some type of legitimate mental illness.

  13. Indiana Joanna says:

    She worked for him hoping to cash in on her WH position. She used the WH as a backdrop to telegraph her fabulousness, just like Grifter Ivanka and everyone else associated with him. So she’s just as horrible as the entire drump lot.

  14. Darla says:

    I’m not buying your book Omarosa so forget it

  15. Heather says:

    I agree with most of this statement: ” Yes, he is profoundly stupid, profoundly racist, profoundly unwell and profoundly unhinged” except the profoundly stupid part. That’s what makes him scarier. He is media savvy and not a complete dummy. Mix that together with racist, unwell and unhinged and it’s the making of a disaster we are “privileged” to watch unravel.

    • Yup, Me says:

      Savvy and smart aren’t the same things. He might know how to capitalize on attention (he is a narcissist, after all), but he isn’t very intelligent at all. He is a crap businessman, a crap husband, a crap father and an all around turd of a human. He’s a less than mediocre white man with money and undeserved privilege which insulates him and has done so for years.

  16. SequinedHeart says:

    I find her horrid. She is so rude and disrespectful of others when I have seen her being interviewed. She speaks down to people and patronizes them and then turns to the other side of the audience and smiles for a reaction. She’s an absolutely vile POS.

    • Belle Epoch says:

      According to the Daily Mail, this wretched woman got a 7 figure advance! The publisher is listed as Gallery Books (part of S&S). Oddly their website doesn’t even mention the book. Also they kept it a “big surprise” for some reason. It all seems as strange as Omarosa herself. Can anyone explain the back story behind this book? Does anybody know who her ghostwriter was? Can the publisher really earn back a million dollars?

  17. Mai says:

    What??! ! “Mental decline”?? Really?? The stable genius?? Sad old He-Man cosplayer in a cheap suit??? Demon beach volleyball with cigarette-stained teeth coloured hair?? Sippy-cup Caligula?? Him??? My goodness the world has gone mad!

    Honestly America, how do you keep coming up with these people?

  18. Escaped Convent says:

    She is certifiable. She is a mean-spirited, arrogant sociopath and I hope no one buys that book. I doubt very seriously that there is anything new in it.

    Like trump, she finds not being the center of attention unbearable. Maybe she needs money and hopes her book will sell. I can’t imagine how she would ever get another job.

  19. isabelle says:

    When she was on celebrity big brother, she said she had known Donald for sometime even before the Apprentice. She on the show said she had seen him drastically changed in personality & she hinted at mental, since he went into office and was “isolated” and didn’t trust anyone. She also hinted at racism in the WH in total, not just Trump, underneath it all. She is a hack & has big issues but believe her on Trump declining and being surrounded by racists.

  20. paddingtonjr says:

    She fit right in with the Trump Admin: just another grifter out to make a buck. Who does she think is her target audience? Those who still support Trump will support him to their dying breath, even as he marches us to war and ruin. Those who oppose Trump will just roll their eyes and shrug their shoulders. Just another SNAFU: Systems Normal, All F*cked Up!

  21. MerrymerrymonthofMay says:

    Remember Covfefe?

  22. CharlieBouquet says:

    As Robin said on GMA, by Felicia

  23. JANAK says:

    Trump’s in mental decline?? No shit, Sherlock. Between the incoherent, misspelled, middle of the night tweets, public rantings and orally admitting to criminal activity didn’t give Americans anything to worry about before you declared it in a book.

  24. Pineapple says:

    As far as books go … the one that amazes me most is the one James Comey wrote. This man should be in jail for swaying the election in the favour of the Republicans. Days before the election, notifying the public of Hilary’s continued FBI investigation?????? Not telling the public Donald was ALSO being investigated. Unreal. These people are crazy …. are REALLY pointing out how far down the path away from real, true, ethical reporting of events we have come.