Hilaria Baldwin: Alec has only cooked for me once in entire relationship

Alec Baldwin and Hilaria Thomas-Baldwin have four children together, plus Alec has a daughter, Ireland, from his first marriage. As soon as Alec and Hilaria got together, they started crunking out babies as fast as they can. They now have four kids under the age of six, and I wouldnā€™t be surprised at all if Hilaria wants another one and/or is already pregnant. Hilaria has spoken before about how Alec is ā€œold-schoolā€ about their marriage and parenting in general. ā€œOld schoolā€ meaning that Hilaria and their team of nannies raise the children and Alec does whatever he wants. So, big surprise, Iā€™ve never wondered if Alec is a good and giving husband. Iā€™ve never wondered if they have a marriage of equals, where they share domestic responsibilities. Of course they donā€™t and of course he isnā€™t.

Alec has only cooked for her one time: ā€œHe has cooked one omelet for me in our entire relationship. It was actually very good. Alec Baldwin can make an omelet and he made one for me. It was before we got married and before we had kids. Heā€™s not a cook. He can do it apparently, but I was amazed that he could make me a vegetable omelet.ā€

They donā€™t do romantic getaways anymore: ā€œWe cannot do that anymore, because I canā€™t bear to either leave my children or take them all on a plane trip when it doesnā€™t have anything to do with work because itā€™s so stressful. So we stay home a lot.ā€

The kids – Carmen, 5, Rafael, 3, Leonardo, 1 and Romeo, 3 months – are picky eaters: ā€œAll four of my children have different dietary needs right now. Rafa is the pickiest eater in the world, but as the pediatrician pointed out to me when I was worrying about it, the eight things that he eats, more or less, are all extremely healthy. Itā€™s not french fries and grilled cheese sandwiches. Heā€™s eating tofu and kale chips and pretzels and stuff like that. He wonā€™t eat anything else. I realize that dinner time, bath time, and bed time is ā€˜roll your sleeves up, we can do this.ā€™ Just get one foot in front of the other, itā€™s gonna be okay.ā€

She eats out of her own garden: ā€œWeā€™ve been eating lots of salads and grilled veggies and stuff like that, which has been so magical. And being New Yorkers, you order in a lot, but I do like to cook and itā€™s different everyday.ā€ But she adds: ā€œIā€™m still waiting for a second omelet.ā€

[From People]

There are some men who are helpless in the kitchen, truly, even though thatā€™s such a dumb gender stereotype. It doesnā€™t sound like Alec is truly helpless in the kitchen – I bet he can do various simple things, like grilled cheese or heating up soup or making a good sauce or whatever. He just doesnā€™t do it because heā€™s 60 years old and he has no interest in making a meal for Hilaria. I would assume he also has no interest in helping Hilaria and the team of nannies with the kids whatsoever. Heā€™s ā€œold school,ā€ which means he probably has no idea what his kidsā€™ dietary needs are. Nor does he care that much. Thatā€™s Hilariaā€™s job, right?

14th annual Hampton's Authors Night

Photos courtesy of WENN, Instagram.

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24 Responses to “Hilaria Baldwin: Alec has only cooked for me once in entire relationship”

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  1. Chaine says:

    Well, I suppose him not cooking is made up for by him having enough money to hire a chef and a nanny so that if she does have to cook in his stead, it’s in a luxurious rich person “puttering around in the kitchen” kind of way. Not crying too many tears for her.

  2. Kim says:

    I’m sure as far as Alec is concerned since his money is paying for the chefs that feed her and the kids, that’s probably better than him trying to cook something.

  3. Juls says:

    OT, but I’d bet he’s lazy and selfish in the bedroom too. This assumption based on personal experience with these types of men, of course.

  4. me says:

    If they have chefs (and it appears they do) why would Hilaria have to cook either? Isn’t that one of the perks of being rich? It is sad though because most people love their mom or dad’s cooking and as an adult it’s one of the things you look back fondly of. These rich kids don’t have that.

  5. Mara says:

    Bit of an odd photo to use to celebrate Carmen’s birthday, she looks like she’s thinking ‘Um…maybe I have too many little brothers right now.”

    • ravynrobyn says:


    • lucy2 says:

      Yeah my first thought was whoa that’s a lot of young kids. No thanks, but then again, I doubt either has to do much.

      What a fun interview. Her husband never cooks for her, she doesn’t get to on vacation anymore, and her kids are picky eaters.

  6. jessamine says:

    Alec doesn’t cook because he doesn’t like it and he doesn’t have to — regardless of marital status he has plenty of resources to go out/order in/hire a chef whenever he’s feeling peckish. And if he only cooked once during their entire courtship it’s not like she didn’t know what she was signing up for.

    • kosmos says:

      Not everyone likes to cook, women included, but eating becomes necessary very quickly, especially with children lol……some men are great cooks, others don’t know what to do in a kitchen, some are in between. As long as the couple works it out or has enough money to order in some, which these two do, then there’s no issue. For me, I do cook, but I’d love to be able to afford a good combination cook & nutritionist any day. I am surprised that they have already had four children–that, to me, is a handful. I’d be happy with one or two max.

  7. Mia4s says:

    Like everyone has said I highly doubt sheā€™s slaving over a hot stove and cleaning toilets. They have staff. So, *shrug*.

    Youā€™re right about it being a tired male stereotype. For heavenā€™s sake my boyfriend is twice the cook I am. And he loves it!

    • Mara says:

      Yes, my Dad always did the cooking in my house growing up and my brothers are quite good cooks as well. Myself and the other women in my family – not so good in the kitchen.

    • Swack says:

      My brothers are some of the best cooks. I think everyone should learn to cook.

    • Agirlandherdog says:

      My husband can cook. The only problem is, he sees no problem with dinner being ready at 9pm… which is why I do 99.9999% of the cooking.

  8. Beth says:

    I’m absolutely helpless in the kitchen without a microwave, and I really lucked out by having a bf who loves cooking and he makes the best food I’ve ever had

  9. MaryContrary says:

    I follow them on IG, and they clearly both adore their kids and spend time with them. I don’t think that’s a big deal if he doesn’t cook for them.

    • Molly says:

      Everyone in the family seems well loved, well cared for, and very happy.

    • Muffy says:

      For how much he works, he does seem like heā€™s home and spending time with the kids. They both seem like involved parents.

  10. Veronica S. says:

    I mean…why would he? They’re rich. They pay people to cook for them. I sure as hell doubt she’s Susie Homemaker unless the mood strikes her. It’s a dumb stereotype these days, anyway. Everyone needs basic life skills to live on their own, and your parents aren’t doing you any favors if they aren’t training you how.

  11. Jaded says:

    Whatever works. Mr. Jaded can’t cook for sh*t – he tried a few times but I made him promise never ever to do it again. I love to cook and I’m pretty darn good at it so the deal is I cook, he cleans up.

  12. K8typat says:

    My husband can cook but doesn’t. He makes money and f$#%s me proper.

  13. nikki says:

    Private chefs are so hard. ;_;

  14. aenflex says:

    My husband is a wonderful man. He doesnā€™t cook. He wouldnā€™t know what to do. I do all of that stuff. We have a very 1950s thing and itā€™s fine with us. I cook, clean, tend the banking, financials, child, and he makes the money. And I shop.

    Iā€™ve been the career woman, breadwinner, ball-buster. That was cool, too. Loved it. But once our child came along, we switched it up and this is actually sweet. It all depends on the partners and the relationship. I donā€™t know anything about either of them, so I canā€™t judge. I mean AB seems like a douche notwithstanding, but maybe they like the traditional gender roles.