Cele|bitchy | Gawker Stalker report: Uma Thurman

Gawker Stalker report: Uma Thurman

Gawker Stalker map of Uma Thurman sighting
In our first trial of the new Gawker Stalker, which combines Google maps with celebrity sightings sent to Gawker, we found this juicy bit of gossip about Uma’s latest location, poor choice of headwear, and possible reconciliation with her ex, hotelier Andrew Balazs:

Uma Thurman
Mar 14th, 2006 @ 8am
At 71 Irving, saw Uma Thurman with the stupidest pigtails and headband combo. Brand-new ex-flame Andre Balazs was petting her leg like a boyscout trying to start a fire. “Close friends” indeed. Looked like they’d just rolled outta bed.

Gawker Stalker is clever, but not easy to use. A celebrity’s name and their listed location are both links which launch a new window with a google image search. The sighting report is available by closing the new window to return to Stalker or by clicking the sighting date and time, which are not obvious links. Maybe Gawker hopes to protect celebrities’ privacy with distracting features and bad usability.

Update: Either Gawker has fixed some of the usability issues with Stalker maps or I’m used to it, because it’s easier to use now. The dates no longer link to a google image search and the sighting report is listed beside each celebrity prior to using the map.

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