If there’s any celebrity on my dream interview list, it’s Cher. The lady is honest and pulls no punches, and that’s one of the many reasons I love her. The fact that she’s been such an inspiration for some of my favorite drag queens is another.
Cher, 72, promoting her upcoming album of ABBA covers, spoke candidly to the Mail Online about her love life. She discussed her relationship with Tom Cruise, whom she met at Sean Penn and Madonna’s wedding. Cher, Tom Cruise, Madonna and Sean Penn…throw in a pair of jelly shoes and a VHS copy of a John Hughes movie and you have the 1980s in a nutshell.
The two later met up in Washington DC when “a bunch of people who were dyslexic were invited to the White House, and Tom and I are both dyslexic.” She said they “didn’t go out till way later, but there definitely was a connection there.” (Cher had already called Tom one of her top five lovers during a game of “Fill Your Guts or Spill Your Guts” on The Late Late Show with James Corden back in June.)
When asked if they were still friends, she said they were, but as for his fanatical devotion to Xenu, she admitted, “I don’t get what he does, that whole Scientology thing. I can’t understand it so I just…don’t.” I don’t either.
Cher, who has had many high profile relationships with considerably younger men, (and there’s nothing wrong with that) also dated a Top Secret-era Val Kilmer, from 1982 to 1984. Apparently Iceman is just a role he played in a movie, as Cher pointed out, “When we kissed, I thought my head would shoot right off my body.” Of all of her relationships, she credits Rob Camilletti, whom you might remember as the unfortunately nicknamed “bagel boy” as “possibly the one true love of my life.” Rob did get a raw deal. He was adorable in Loverboy.
As for her current romantic situation, when asked if she had a beau, she saidL
“Not…not this week. I’m still on the lookout. The problem I have with all the boyfriends lately is that I don’t want to go any place with them because you can’t keep a relationship going in this kind of goldfish bowl, where everything you do and every picture you have taken will be on Instagram. There’s no way to keep something…special.”
It’s probably just as well that Cher is a solo act right now, as she is embarking on her Here We Go Again world tour and also performing her Classic Cher show in Las Vegas in October and November. I only have until January to scrape together some dough to see her here in Atlanta. Until then I’ll have to just listen (incessantly) to Dancing Queen, which drops on September 28.
Photos: Getty
I know everyone thinks Toms gay but I don’t get that vibe at all. I just get a ego maniac with control issuers vibes.
I agree. There’s so many stories of Tom’s infidelity (His involvement in scientology happened because his first wife wanted to “cure” his rampant cheating, and Nicole Kidman started out as his mistress, in fact) that everyone always ignores. He just seems like a control freak with an unhealthy obsession addiction (he goes all in, whether it’s religion or relationships).
Well, David Geffen is definitely gay and he was head over heels in love with Cher. She has said that he took really good care of her. Gay or straight, everyone loves Cher!
LOL … I am not a fan. Surely there are more of us?
OMG Val’s mullet! Now *that* is some 80’s realness. Still hot, though, and I totally believe he was a fantastic lover. Cher is definitely on my list of celebrities I’d love to hang out with and just listen to all of her stories. She’s amazing.
On the side views Val and Cher appear to have shared a hairdresser. In the group shot I love that Nancy Reagan was actually taller than Cher, but Cher’s hair towers over the First Lady.
Mmmm, Val Kilmer, mullet or not.
Oooh she is basically dishing on all my early adolescent crushes. Throw Keanu in there and I will get my tea ready!
Did you see Destination Wedding? Not a great movie, but he looked unbelievably good.
I just watched it and yes he looked amazing. They both (Winona) did actually. Pretty bad movie but worth it to see the 2 of them together.
Oh my gosh I always forget how naturally beautiful Cher actually is. What a hottie!
Her and Val Kilmer look hot together.
Yeah they do!!
I would love to have some drinks with Cher and just listen to her tell stories. You know she has some amazing stories to tell.
Right? That would be the best evening. And you know she’d be super snarky and hilarious too
Look how amazing Val looked back then, even with the mullet. Wow he was so hot and just gorgeous.
Everyone was going nuts for Tom in Top Gun but myself and my sister were all about Iceman.
That and when he played Madmartigan in Willow, whooooo.
AAAAAAAHHHHH! Willow is one of my all-time faves. I remember going to see it about 10 times the summer it came out. It was (and still is) classic.
Willow ftw! Lol. Loved that movie.
Just rewatched Willow last summer LOL! Not a great movie but the story of Madmartigan and Sorsha is awesome. I love the onscreen chemistry Kilmer had with that actress, who I’m pretty sure he (briefly) married afterwards.
Wow, what an amazing walk down memory lane. Vintage gossip at its finest. Cher is fascinating, and seems like such a good person.
I wonder what Kilmer thinks when he sees those mullet photos, lol.
Interesting to think about how social media has affected celebs who were in the spotlight long before it existed, I hadn’t really considered it.
Is that then-Bruce now-Caitlyn in the pic w/ Nancy Reagan?
Wow! It sure is!
That was my thoughts. Wow really throw back pics!
I wanna…take this opportunity, to THANK Cher…for confirming something I thought ever since I was like…14 years old…
That kissing Val Kilmer…would feel like my HEAD shooting off my body!!!
And Tom Cruise, would bring the same work ethic and intense dedication to sex…that he brings to ALL of his physical activity…
And…I too always thought Rob was the love of her life…and would stay around…and YES…he WAS adorable in “Loverboy”…one of my FAVES!
Just here to say: Lala, your comments give me life.
Who was he in the movie? I remember Patrick Dempsey in the movie, but not much else, it’s been so long!
Side note about Val: I worry for him so much. I follow him on facebook and instagram and he does not look well. He hasn’t for a long time. He’s supposed to be in the Top Gun reboot movie but how is that going to go for him? He’s so frail and weak now. I think it’s due to his religion (Christian Science, I believe) that hindered his treatment for throat cancer.
I loved Loverboy and Rob was really cute and funny in it.
1) I had never heard of Rob Camilletti – enjoying this vintage gossip.
2) Cher is now, has always been and will always be A QUEEN.
Is it Cher of Paul Stanley of Kiss, hm? Are they the same person, have they ever been in the same room together?
I’m pretty sure that they dated!
No, Cher dated Gene Simmons, while her sister Cheryl dated Paul Stanley.
The “Bagel Boy” tabloid fodder sure does bring back 1980s memories.
Cher doesn’t get Tom Cruise’s devotion to Scientology? She was married to Sonny Bono who tried to get out of Scientology for years. She knows first hand how terrible it can make people’s lives.
I think Cher has had some pretty good taste in her choice of guys.
Kilmer, Cruise, Greg Alman all at their peak hotness. Hell yes!
And if she also had Keanu at his peak hotness..she deserves a friggin’ medal for bagging the hottest dudes of the 80-90’s. Respect girl!
I do agree that Cruise is not gay but he is an egomaniac and control freak. OTOH, I bet he is pretty damn good in bed, he does have a hell of a work ethic and with his ego I’m sure he really gives 100% effort. Well, back in the day for sure, he’s mid 50’s now and pretty much batshit crazy so…good luck with all that now.
Rob Camilletti is a gorgeous guy who doesn’t photograph well. I met him and Cher in a club and as much as I was fan-girling Cher, I couldn’t keep my eyes off Rob. He looked like a different person, but when I got the photos back I knew he was really him. LOL It was seriously like night and day. He was very nice, very charming and knock-out gorgeous.
He looks like a prettier Stallone, they do look so good together as a couple. It’s so sad she feels she missed out on her true love. I was a kid but I remember that weird time in the 80s when her and Elizabeth Taylor both dated blue collar guys and were harassed mercilessly for it by the press.
Watched Witches of East wick again and Cher is still the best part of that movie and she stands out even when she is surrounded by other gorgeous women. Cher is that rare very smart beauty that stands out in anything she does, from walking down the red carpet to movies. No wonder the younger men were attracted to her. Honestly wish she would do more movies.
I watched that movie when it used to come on late at night and became a Cher fan, overnight because of that movie. I was like, “so this is Cher?!”. Lol, loved her in that movie.
What?! Totally forgot about this.
I will always love Cher for her role in Moonstruck and for picking Nicolas Cage for the role.