Sarah Michelle Gellar’s 1999 Emmys dress still fits


Earlier this week, as many of us debated whether we should sacrifice three hours of our life to the Emmy broadcast, Sarah Michelle Gellar found a way to have fun with it. Foregoing the traditional bathrobe over yoga pants look ideal for award show watching, Sarah recreated her 1999 red carpet look and posted it to Instagram:

In the video of Sarah in the dress, that’s the 1995 Daytime Emmy she won for All My Children, which, letā€™s face it, is the perfect accessory for an Emmy party. If anyone wants to see the dress she wore in to the 1995 Emmys when she won, Sarah posted this throwback photo replete with AIDS ribbon (brava) and curler burn on her forehead (you can see a full shot of the dress here).

I can see why the blue dress is her favorite, itā€™s a great dress, minus the oversized slit in the front. The color is gorgeous on her. Honestly, if I owned it, Iā€™d break it out a couple times a year. Parent Teacher conferences? Let me get the blue Wang! Kids Soccer Awards? Yup, Iā€™ve got something to wear. However, if youā€™re like me, you notice the dress first and the fact that she can still zip it up a quick second. I know I should be more evolved than that but Iā€™m not. 19 years on and the dress still looks that good – more power to her. Iā€™m a little surprised only in that she wore this gown pre-kids. I lost the weight plus some after I had my kids but my rib cage was permanently altered so there are items in my closet I will never get back into, even corseted (I canā€™t bear to give them away, though). Given how dismal the actual Emmys show turned out to be, I hope she grabbed Freddie and the kids and went out for pizza in the dress instead.

Sarahā€™s organic baking company, Foodstirs, is doing really well. She promotes it a lot on her Instagram. I love Sarahā€™s Insta because her brand of humor appeals to me, like this pic she posted in honor of her 16th wedding anniversary to Freddie Prinze, Jr. Iā€™m terrible with romantic sentiments so Iā€™d probably post something similar. And her versions of ā€œinspirational quotesā€ are right up my alley:

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Photo credit: Instagram and WENN Photos

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19 Responses to “Sarah Michelle Gellar’s 1999 Emmys dress still fits”

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  1. Emby says:

    Does everyone in Hollywood have those cheesy foyer grand staircases?

    • Annabee says:

      I think their pretty common across california at least…most homes I’ve been to that have been build in the last decade have them.

  2. Chocolate Princess says:

    Sarah Michelle Gellar has not aged a bit since Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She looks great.

  3. CharliePenn says:

    She is the cutest woman! Cute and also very strong, what a great combination. As a person born in 1983, Buffy will always be my hero!

  4. Astrid says:

    Wow, being Level 55 is SO much better!

  5. Rianic says:

    Iā€™m the same with my rib cage!!! My tummy is flat. My jeans fit. But my chest area!!!!! I had a diastasis with my first pregnancy, so thatā€™s part of my issue.

    • isabelle says:

      Having kids, does a number on boobs. honestly wish more women would talk about these things openly because its happens to most women. Heck, even if you have no kids age also changes your body shape. Its like we have a deep shame about what happens naturally to bodies after giving birth and aging. Instead of magazines having articles about trying to look 25 again maybe have articles, realistic ones about adapting to your changing body. Tired of trying to hide what happens to us with body changes and wish we just openly started talking about it.

      • Betsy says:

        Annoyingly, the women who seem to be loudest about bodily changes are the ones who humblebrag about how they got thinner or their breasts remained full and perky or their rib cage remained tiny or their hips never spread and how dare you discount their experiences.

        Well, yeah. You are a real woman and thatā€™s how your body did pregnancy and the recovery, but thatā€™s really really rare and frankly thatā€™s just nice for you. That doesnā€™t help women with the absolute wreckage most of us have early on (and who sometimes canā€™t get it back).

  6. BaBaDook says:


    • Esmom says:

      Aw, it doesn’t bother me. She’s sweet. A real humblebrag would be actually wearing it to parent teacher conferences, lol.

    • Josephine says:

      I was wondering if she was poking a little fun at herself since the dress obviously doesn’t hang the same way anymore – hips and a wider ribcage and all that. She looks great, of course, and I don’t think she was really bragging.

    • Yep, my first thought too – humble brag. This is not necessary and annoys me…

      • Alyssa Calloway says:

        I like Sarah and this doesn’t really make me feel any kind of way about her or her ego, but Idk, the attitude of rejoicing when you still fit into something from your youth is off-putting to me. Congratulations, you maintained your figure…you’re a better person than I am for that accomplishment.

        And I’m not saying it’s NOT an accomplishment to maintain a nice body through the decades and after giving birth to children. And I know why it’s important in a celeb’s life. It’s just not meaningful to me, but that’s bc I get cranky about people equating good fitness (at least aesthetically) with good character. I know a lot of assholes who are in prime physical condition that look amazing and I know overweight people (who CAN be healthy btw) who are are a joy. And vice versa. Point is, your body should not be considered an indicator of your worth or your personality.

        This is a lot deeper than this post…I tend to go off on tangents when it’s an issue that gets under my skin.

        If it truly makes you feel good, go for it. Some women get pleasure out of working hard physically and being strict with eating habits. For me, it’s emotional and physical torture. But if you love it and aren’t doing it out of a sense of obligation, you’re not doing it for a round of applause from the likes of me either.

        Trying not to be a crab or shame someone for being proud of their maintained body. Sometimes there’s so little to celebrate that we take what we can get. Little victories, amiright?

      • Marianne says:

        I dont think so. Shes not first person to re-wear a dress, Like for example Rita Moreno at the Oscars….

  7. OriginalRose says:

    I had the biggest crush on Freddie Prinze Junior in the 90s…I’m so glad they’re still married

    • kimmy says:

      he was my teenage crush and gosh, she was my girl crush. i was obsessed with buffy. them being together is like my teenage dream!

  8. Christy J says:

    I’ve always liked her and I’ve never even watched Buffy. She and Freddie seem like well rounded people. I watched I Know What You Did Last Summer and it was 90s perfection.

  9. Morrissey says:

    Thatā€™s from 1999, not 1995.