For many, including me, the Brett Kavanaugh situation was like the final nail in the coffin. We did everything we could do, but it was just a reminder that, in the great Ani DiFranco’s words, “we don’t run this place.” I’ve been trying not to get too negative about the midterms, just as I’ve been trying not to get negative about the Trump-Russia probe. What happens in the next four weeks will determine the future of America, the future of the republic entirely. We will either take the first steps towards cleaning up the colossal clusterf–kery of the Trump administration, or the administration will be given a blank check to go full-throttle fascism. There is no in-between. It really is that black-and-white.
I’ve been slightly suspicious of the fact that Robert Mueller hasn’t made too many big moves ahead of the midterms. I know he’s an “old school” investigator – the anti-James Comey, if you will – in that he likely does not want to drop anything huge ahead of an election. But Mueller is letting us know that he’ll have something for us immediately after the midterms:
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is expected to issue findings on core aspects of his Russia probe soon after the November midterm elections as he faces intensifying pressure to produce more indictments or shut down his investigation, according to two U.S. officials. Specifically, Mueller is close to rendering judgment on two of the most explosive aspects of his inquiry: whether there were clear incidents of collusion between Russia and Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, and whether the president took any actions that constitute obstruction of justice, according to one of the officials, who asked not to be identified speaking about the investigation.
That doesn’t necessarily mean Mueller’s findings would be made public if he doesn’t secure unsealed indictments. The regulations governing Mueller’s probe stipulate that he can present his findings only to his boss, who is currently Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. The regulations give a special counsel’s supervisor some discretion in deciding what is relayed to Congress and what is publicly released. The question of timing is critical. Mueller’s work won’t be concluded ahead of the Nov. 6 midterm elections, when Democrats hope to take control of the House and end Trump’s one-party hold on Washington.
This whole thing is making me so jumpy and nervous, although that’s my constant state these days, so it’s not Mueller-specific. What is the worst case scenario here? That Mueller will turn in his findings on November 7th and the report will be just “lol, Putin spread enough money around so all of this gets buried!” What’s the best case scenario? That Mueller wants to indict some big names but only after he’s sure that the Democrats have some power and that they’ll have his back?
Photos courtesy of Getty.
Dump Jr. is my guess, as well as Kushner. God, I’d LOVE IT if daughter-wife is included!
Kaiser, I know exactly how you feel with that “jumpy” feeling. I’ve been in a constant state of anxiousness, to the point where even using Ativan (as needed) and Ambien (prescribed, of course), I sleep only 3-4 hrs. a night, max. I’ve been up since 3 a.m. today. I’ve been volunteering (writing postcards, phone-banking, etc.), hoping it would make me not feel so hopeless/helpless about this all. But I don’t feel any better. Every day, something new/horrendous comes out, and it just gets ignored because something new/horrendous comes out! WHY isn’t Dump’s 1/2 BILLION tax fraud still on the front pages? Because the MURDER/DISMEMBERMENT OF A US JOURNALIST is being denied BY DUMP who is COMPARING THIS TO KAVANOPE!! JFC WHAT IS IT GOING TO TAKE TO STOP THIS?
Sorry for yelling, but I’m just SO tired, physically and mentally. I just want this to stop! PLEASE, VOTE BLUE!!
No lie: our local Walgreens keeps running out of Valium. I live in a diverse, ultra-liberal neighborhood and the shortage started around the election. A lot of people share your jumpy, scared feelings. I try to take breaks from the news, come back and it’s worse. Pence is terrible, but he’s not a mentally ill narcissist who’s incapable of maintaining relations with our allies. 45 is a terrifying embarrassment and I still can’t believe he’s our “president”. Please let Mueller take down big names. Please America Vote Blue. Please let the 25th Amendment or impeachment end this nightmare.
I have a feeling nothing is going to come of this.
I have that feeling too.
I’m with you guys. I’m completely cynical. I just feel like with Trump as POTUS, that we’re in some other, horrible, alternate reality. The Republicans in Congress are completely willing to let him be there if they can get their crappy agenda passed. So they will continue to overlook everything. I can’t imagine any finding that would make Trump lose his base, or make congressional Republicans grow a spine, or anything serious to come of it. I’d love to be proved wrong-but I don’t see it.
It will be Scooter Libby Part 2. Some loyalist will take the bullet.
The guy who helped write the special counsel rules said if Mueller recommends indictments, and the AG does not choose to go forward with them, the process MANDATES that a report stating what Mueller recommended goes to all of congress. I’m hoping the back-up measures work and are followed!
Me too. Even if Mueller has evidence that shows Russian collusion or obstruction of justice, the right has been conditioned for the past two years (and really longer than that) to ignore anything credible that goes against what they want to believe.
This is the problem. If he finds something, then what? The GOP has proven again and again that they won’t do shit.
It isn’t against what they believe. They know all of this did happen and they are perfectly fine with it. And they’re scrambling to find out how much Russian money came to their own campaign funds via NRA donations.
I agree with you. Trump has gotten away with so much already without his followers caring. Republicans bicker, but they ultimately stick together. They only care about winning – they do not care about morals, laws or people.
I was thinking about this yesterday, that Mueller and his team have been relatively quiet lately, and I figured we wouldn’t have anything new until after the midterms. I can understand that – Mueller knows how politically….divisive….this investigation is, and he is not going to give ammunition to EITHER side for the election.
I also think he is hoping that the Dems retake the House, just because then even if he gets fired the investigation will likely continue in some form or another.
There are white-collar C-suite people who served prison time for accepting gifts (game tickets) and “conspiracy” (being part of covering up acceptance and non-reporting of said gifts). Small potatoes to what we’re likely talking about with these grifters.
If no one ends up indicted, I don’t see how others can ever be held accountable for crimes such as tax evasion and money laundering. I’m hoping at least one son and a son-in-law are prosecuted soon.
I have a feeling that they will try and do what they did with the Kav FBI report – let some people see it, claim it exonerates Trump and then bury it – esp if the Dems take control of both houses. The FBI report didn’t exonerate Kav but the public is never going to see it – Justice BeerBaby will make sure of it.
I was reading yesterday that Trumps 2020 campaign fund has raised $100million so far – I wonder if that was before or after Trump funnelled money into her personal bank accounts.
That makes me ill
The Washington Post has an article about Saudi Arabia moving $100 million into the US today. Some are calling it a bribe, implying it’s from the barbaric prince.
This isn’t about giving any side any ammunition for the midterms. Come on. Surely we know at this point that ANY result in the investigation is going to spur the Trumptards to turn out.
All the polls pundits and news stories I keep seeing up here (canada) is that the blue wave wont happen – please tell me this is wrong!! I’m so discouraged for my neighbors to the South and I really hope something comes of this Mueller probe. not just for the US, but for the world as well. In Canada we are dealing with steadily increasing alt-righters and it’s frightening
We have a decent shot of taking the House. Not a sure thing by any means (to all US citizens here – VOTE!!!!) but a decent shot. There is a slim chance we can take the Senate too, but very slim, and not as likely. Having both would be incredible, but even “just” the House would be significant.
In Canada here too – Ontario – and have seen some folks get just that little bit less smug about our neighbours to the South since the majority win of Premier Doug “Druggie” Ford, who pals around with Canadian white nationalists and overturned the cap-and-trade program.
In Canada we have a chance to fight back early, not to dismiss the far-right as “loons and buffoons,” and to call them out for what they are.
It’s too difficult to predict, honestly, because as we all know, the GOP won’t play fair. Just look at how we have to fight against Kemp (GA), who is overseeing his own effin re-election and is determined to block 53,000 black voters from voting for his opponent. Battling all the GOP’s dirty tricks to supress the vote as well as Russian interference and low turnout in midterm elections among people under thirty is a very difficult obstacle to overcome.
If we do take the House (as Becks said, better chance than the senate) I think it will be because mostly angry women like ourselves turned out to vote. The House would be significant for sure, but still not enough to stop the Trump Train from careening off the tracks.
A major problem is interference with the election. Disinformation campaigns continue, but my worry is that votes will not be counted correctly. We still have machines with no paper backup and recounts are not mandatory unless the margin is tiny. It makes much more sense for every election to be double-checked today by hand recounts of paper ballots. This also prevents the Republicans from going to court to stop recounts (as they did again in 2016). And we have seen signs of selective vote shifting from Democrats to Republicans since those machines became so universal at least in 2004. Stakes are really high in 2018 and Russian expert hackers are involved now. Plus our government has been blocking attempts by Congress to step up cyber security. I think we might be toasted extra crispy unless votes for Democrats are so high that they can outrun the hackers.
Plus Republican efforts to block voters have accelerated. Here in Indiana, they used to promise us that our names would never be purged from the voter rolls for anything short of death…. But now they’ve purged huge gobs of people, and as usual they purge those more likely to vote Democratic. We are already gerrymandered to the hilt by the Republicans to create weirdly shaped districts to maximize chances of a Republican to win.
Plus recent rules for mandatory photo ID to vote are so arcane and convoluted that I have trouble figuring them out with a Ph.D. in physics. So far I’m safe because I vote absentee by mail.
Getting a certified copy of a birth certificate (just one of the requirements,mthere’s a whole list but I can’t even relocate it online because the links form an endless loop) can easily cost close to $100 now from some states, and many people don’t have one and were born in another state far away from where they live now. My brother scurried off with mine and lost it in the depths of his storage facility after our mother died, for instance. I have an old expired driver’s license and an ancient passport from when I was a child, but expired is not accepted even though they should be able to check databases easily. But they have no trouble accepting my check for taxes for some reason…
It’s pretty obvious that the Republicans don’t want people to vote unless they are registered as Republican. This has been a problem for many years – they want to discourage lower-income and younger and non-white voters from registering to vote because the common assumption is that such people are more likely to vote Democratic. For a long time they made it difficult to become a deputy registrar (someone who can collect applications for voter registration and pass them on to the registrar). I remember back last century when a woman who was a deputy registrar ended up being strip-searched…
Usually if you see problems at the polls like voter intimidation, you report it to the Justice Department. Fat chance that will help today with Sessions in charge.
And the Russians were definitely messing around in voter registration databases on 2016. They must have had a reason to target those. Things are really dangerous these days. Other countries are likewise targeted by Putin, who wants more Trumps.
Honestly, because of which senate seats are contested this year (the majority are in deeply red states with firmly entrenched incumbents) it was always a long-shot that Democrats would pick up seats. Worst case, they may actually lose a couple. The House is where Democrats should do well, and (fingers crossed) will win the majority. Something to keep in mind as the results come in – some of these red states are so deeply red the Republicans could run a corpse or a convict against the Democratic candidate and still win the election. In some of these states, even having a strong Democrat run a competitive race can be considered a type of victory, even if they ultimately lose on election day.
I’m prepared for bad news, but hoping for the best. Polls – and especially pundits – can get it wrong. Don’t forget, most had Hillary winning the election right up until election night.
The blue wave won’t happen, because it’s going to be a PINK WAVE!!!!!!!
It’s hard to keep calm when you see the whole country (and the world) setting itself on flames around you, but I always try to keep an empirical approach about everything. I just try to remind myself that we can get through this, that countries less developed than ours have gotten over dictatorships just as bad if not worse than Trump’s. That this disgusting bipartisan system let the GOP have the power, but it will also take it away eventually. Power is cyclical and works in the form of backlashes – if the backlash doesn’t come now, it will later.
I mostly comfort myself knowing history will look down very harshly on this administration and all the people who supported it. 10-20 years from now, I’m confident the whole world will talk about them like they do the nazis or fascists. An opinion won’t stand the test of time unless it’s a very well-ellaborated theory, but facts are remembered as such. And the facts all point to this administration being a huge mistake.
I’m not going to let despair bring me down. I keep going back to the day after Clinton lost. I had a choice to stay home and cry but I put on my stomping boots and my army jacket and went to work. I wanted to be a role model for my shocked and confused daughters. We’re not giving up. We’re not going to stop fighting. Listen to Rebecca Traister’s interview on the CYG podcast. Listen to Marianne Williamson’s interview on the Goop podcast. Get motivated. Feel your rage. Shout, “NOT ON MY WATCH.”
Cynicism and despair are privileges that we don’t have. It’s time for all the women in this country to fight as hard as Black women have been fighting for centuries. Even in the face of a wishy washy Mueller report. Even in the face of low voter turnout.
The patriarchy LOVES when women give up.
Don’t do it.
I’ve been -politely- incensed and people don’t respond. They don’t say “I’m sorry” or “I’m angry too.” Men and “nice” women. Can’t wait to read Rebecca Traister’s book. The issue of women and anger has been there all along and it is still not “allowed.” But we can still use our feelings to activate.
Traister was also on Ezra Klein’s podcast and she was EXCELLENT. Can’t wait to read her book!
I was briefly heartened last night to see the latest on the attempted voter suppression in North Dakota. The state will not recognize IDs that have a Post Office Box instead of a street address — even though PO Boxes were valid during the primary. The overwhelmingly Republican state house and senate in North Dakota know that many rural residents use PO Boxes — especially Native American residents who live on reservations and vote majority Democrat.
Several attempts to derail this suppression in court failed, so now various reservations are issuing new tribal IDs with street names. One of the tribal reps said that their ID machine over-heated because so many voters were coming in to get their IDs changed. It may not save Heidi Heitkamp’s Senate seat, but props to The Little Laminator That Could and all of the citizens who have had to jump through ridiculous hoops to exercise their constitutional rights.
Traister is amazing!
Thank you for your post, sassafras! It’s very motivating and inspiring!
That they did, but not without a lot of innocent deaths first
I like your attitude. Good perspective. I just got back from early voting in Tennessee–voted for all the Democrats I could! It was the first day of early voting here, and my polling place (library) was packed–45 minute wait to get in. Felt great to VOTE!
I’ve started to lose a bit of hope for the U.S., it’s so unfortunate to see what is currently going on in there. Orange dump can do no wrong for a lot of people it seems.
For self preservation only, I am taking a cynical approach. I think the mid-terms will be a huge disappointment and also the investigation will be as well. We are ruled by a demagogue. Now hopefully I am wrong about all this and if so it will be a pleasant surprise, the first since the election in 2016.
It’s going to take cuts to M-care, SocSec and disability to finally get the average voter’s attention. The tax reform will also hit home when taxes are actually filed, after the midterms.
I doubt even the Roe-Wade diehards will enjoy having their incomes slashed.
Perhaps. Older voters turn out, and are also the primary beneficiaries of Social Security and Medicare. Social Security has always been like the ‘third rail’ of American politics but the Republicans already raided the trust fund and didn’t pay any real price. The middle class needs to also remember that Medicaid is the largest payer of nursing home bills. If Medicaid continues to be cut, more and more people will have to pay out of pocket for housing/nursing for their aging parents with Alzheimer’s etc.
The Trump demographic IS the SS and Medicare generation. They will chop off their own noses to spite everyone else.
I’m nervous but am spending the day going over each measure and candidate in my Voters’ Pamphlet. We vote via mail in my state, which takes away from the comraderie and pride I’ve felt in the past voting in person in other states. We expect ballots to be mailed out starting today. Absentee voting also leaves it to the voter to return the ballot; I always drive mine in to the official ballot box and this year I’m gonna do it early. Not on the last day.
I *just* finished marking my mail-in ballot, and will drop it off in person at our public library this morning. I don’t want to take ANY chances with the mail (God knows what these deplorables are capable of!). I researched all the judges up for seats, and I voted Blue (and Blue Female especially, if I could).

Oh that sucks. I LOVE going to my polling place and filling out my ballot. That’s part of the whole experience!
It’s great that you aren’t taking any chances this year, though. I hope everyone in your state follows your lead!
I’m in a mail-in state too, and while I do miss the ceremonial aspect of entering a polling place and voting surrounded by fellow citizens doing the same, I’m consoled by the fact that my state’s turnout rates (especially for big elections) are through the roof. Nationwide, only about 58% of eligible votes actually cast ballots in the 2016 election. In my state, damn near 80% did. It improves turnout, and there is research proving it is more cost effective than in-person voting. The only reason Republicans in red states are so vehemently opposed to it is because it removes a lot of the barriers they’ve put up trying to rig the system in their favor.
But I’m still hoping on Bob M. Not as hopeful as earlier this year but I’m pretty sure that’s the way the Repugs want it so we’ve got to try to keep our spirits up and VOTE!! It’s like when Luna tells Harry that Voldemort wants to alienate him from friends and family bc it’s easier to take down a solo foe than an army. duh, but still. Let’s get our army of CB voters out there and kick some fascist asses out of office yo!!!
I feel like since Kavanaugh, this awful reality show has jumped the shark. I’ve been hoping for two years now that decent adults — in the electoral college, the house, senate, supreme court, etc. — would save the day. I’m trying to still be hopeful that Meuller and/or the upcoming elections will work now, but I am worried… Crazy how fast it’s all happening…
I’m convinced we are already dead and just don’t know it. I think the bomb has already dropped and I’m in purgatory
You’re in The Bad Place, huh?
Mueller’s camp hasn’t leaked anything this entire time so I take any story like this with a grain of salt. Kushner and jr have committed crimes before our eyes so they have to be indicted before any of this is over. And this Saudi Arabia murder coverup is another aspect of this. It actually opens things up more because orange buffoon is so obvious about covering up for a murderous state. This reporter has been critical of Dump as well as MBS and Saudi Arabia. It’s a trial balloon as to what he can get away with.
All I can say watching this from the outside is that Americans you need to vote the Dems in large numbers. Your freedom depends on it and you may not vote again. What’s has happened in 2 years has declined very quickly and he will only get worse if he wins. To date it still looks good for the Dems to get the house, but people must vote.
The Saudis own Trump. They bailed him out of a failing business (a hotel, I believe) so he owes them.
Trump will never pay for what he’s done. He’s the type to either start a civil war or commit suicide before he pays for any of it.
He’s too much of a coward for suicide – he’ll destroy the nation (and world) before paying for his crimes.
Agreed… he’s incapable of remorse or turning hatred inward… as that would require self-reflection. Such a monster.
I will be inconsolable if the Rs do well in November. I already feel like I don’t belong here but if voters give that orange turd a vote if confidence I’m seriously going to look into retiring in Costa Rica
I predict his findings are going to be a giant nothing burger and he’s releasing them after the midterms lest he be accused of helping the Republicans. However the Republicans are going to accuse him of trying to help the Democrats by holding back on the findings until after the midterms. Democrats better buckle up because when the findings of the investigation are released Trump is going be rubbing their faces in it big time. What was the Democrats greatest hope is going to be yet another disapointment and Trump will be parading the corpse of the investigation all the way to the next general election.
Today I voted. I voted, and then told my kids about it. I told them who I voted for and why.
It was the first day of early voting in my state, and I’ve been memorizing the names I wanted for the last week. It made me feel the best I’ve felt since Kavanaugh. So now I’m just going to ignore the news and make sure everyone I know votes. On the actual Election Day, I’m going to chaperone my son’s field trip and I’m not going to look at my phone once.