Cele|bitchy | The Cambridges & Sussexes attend a Remembrance Day service at Westminster

The Cambridges & Sussexes attend a Remembrance Day service at Westminster

The Royal Family attends a Service to commemorate the Armistice on the centenary of the end of WWI

Lordy, I always forget that the British royal family does about a million events around Armistice Day/Remembrance Day. A few hours after the royals attended the Remembrance Day parade – in which the royal women stood on balconies and the men laid wreaths at the Cenotaph – they all changed clothes and attended the special Remembrance Day service at Westminster Abbey. The most shocking thing about these photos, to me, is that Queen Elizabeth and the Duchess of Cornwall both chose to wear a strikingly similar shade of purple. Is this some kind of visual clue that Queen Camilla will be happening soon? Ugh.

But really, people want to talk about the younger royals, right? The Duchess of Cambridge chose a rich green coat for this outing, and I thought this looked familiar, and I thought it looked like something she could or would wear to the Irish Guards shamrock ceremony on St. Patrick’s Day. Turns out, I completely blanked on the fact that this was what she wore to the Irish Guards thing THIS YEAR. The coat is Catherine Walker and it’s still very matronly. She added something new: this Jane Taylor “hat” which is just a chunky headband. It’s her new thing, these bloated headbands. I don’t get it, but whatever.

Meanwhile, Meghan chose a navy suit with buttons, a high belt and room to grow. She was able to somewhat camouflage her second-trimester bump rather well in this suit. We don’t have the designer ID on this, but some sites think it might be a bespoke Prada, since it looks a lot like a navy version of a Prada suit she wore previously.

The Royal Family attends a Service to commemorate the Armistice on the centenary of the end of WWI

The Royal Family attends a Service to commemorate the Armistice on the centenary of the end of WWI

The Royal Family attends a Service to commemorate the Armistice on the centenary of the end of WWI

The Royal Family attends a Service to commemorate the Armistice on the centenary of the end of WWI

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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89 Responses to “The Cambridges & Sussexes attend a Remembrance Day service at Westminster”

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  1. Betsy says:

    I do love Kate’s little headband – from the front at least. It looks like a 1940s day hat (again from the front – if it does look like a “bloated headband” from tha side I bet I don’t like that).

    • Franny Days says:

      I like the headband too!

    • Ellaus says:

      I really like the deep green on her and the military feel of the coat. On the verge with the headband, it does suit her, she looks phenomenal, but it reminds me to a russian doll with a kokoshnik.
      Meghan’s dress is flattering, the navy suits her, and I really like the 60’s flair with the buttons and the neckline. The blush dress from the Trooping the colours was striking, and the navy versión is fine as well, it wrinkles a bit, but I imagine it is oversized so she can wear it more times during this pregnancy.

      • emerson says:

        Two thumbs down. I loved it when Princess Madeleine wore it for her baby’s christening earlier this year.
        Honestly. Kate looks like a Christmas tree.

      • Megan says:

        Wow, there is a such a difference between Kate’s two looks. Clean lines without all the fussiness is so much better on her.

    • Jen says:

      Yes! I was trying to figure out what vintage style this reminded me of. I like it too.

  2. Cerys says:

    I am not a fan of Kate’s headband hats but otherwise I thought she and Meghan were both dressed very suitably for the occasion. I was surprised to see the Queen and Camilla in the same shade of purple. I thought there might be some sort of colour coordination at these events but maybe not.

    • Roux says:

      I really don’t like Kates headbands either. They look terrible. Her coat looks a lot better without the giant fur though.

      Does anyone else think Meghan’s posture looks a little strange? She looks like she’s really sticking out her chest or bump. Maybe she’s consciously trying to really hold her shoulders back but whatever it is, it doesn’t look very natural when you compare it to how everyone else is walking.

      • Jeanie says:

        I do find her side posture strange with her shoulders pulled far back as if she’s on the catwalk. She looks really good here though but Queenie outshines them all in her purple coat.

      • Cerys says:

        Yes, I’ve noticed her posture is very strange too. Maybe it’s because of the high heels?

      • minx says:

        Meghan is slouching and sticking her head forward from the neck. Usually she has better posture.
        I’m just meh on both Meghan’s and Kate’s outfits. They’re okay, nothing outstanding.

    • Nic919 says:

      I hate those headbands. They look like bumpits to me. The green coat is nice though.

  3. wha1ever says:

    Kind of funny how Kate is called “very matronly” when Meghan’s outfit has a bunch of useless, old fashioned fabric covered buttons!.

    The fabric covered buttons ruined Meghan’s outfit, without them it would have been fine.

    Regarding Kate coat – the fit is great, its in the subdued colour and at least she is re-wearing something that that she already owns. Her headband looks better on this occasion that the other occasions she has previously worn them.

    • SM says:

      I know, right. Wearing bottons with baby bumb is next level commitment to bottons. Not a good look

    • Roux says:

      I think Meghan’s outfit isn’t really matronly but more 80’s. It looks like something Aunt Viv from the Fresh Prince Of Bel Air would have worn. Then again I don’t think Kates coat is really matronly either.

    • Natalie S says:

      Both women are beautiful but I don’t like either outfit.

      With Meghan, I do like the neckline and sleeve length, but no to the fabric covered buttons and the trench coat style belt.

      I think Kate looks like a doll you see being sold on QVC. It’s entirely costumey. The coat is a doll’s coat. Charlotte probably loves it though. Imagine your mother looking like a six foot doll or like she stepped out of Miracle on 34th Street and is debating whether to go to Macy’s or Gimbels.

    • Gigi La Moore says:

      It’s more than clothes that makes Kate look matronly in my opinion.

  4. JanetDR says:

    I adore the more sideways picture of Meghan! Just too cute. Actually I like all of the coatdresses. I am getting very fond of Camilla’s hats. If I were Meghan, I would ask her to go hat shopping with me.

    • Harla says:

      Camilla has the best hat game out of all the royal women, imho.

      • Flying fish says:

        Yes, Camilla is the Queen of Hats. Meghan should take a cue from Camilla.

      • Knitter says:

        Camilla looks so good! I love her style.

      • Nancy says:

        I wasn’t around at the time but….I can’t stand the sight of Camilla. Oh I know, Charlie wanted to come back as her underwear, but the creep was a married man like it or not. For him to marry her, the women Diana so despised is pathetic to me. It’s all accepted like Diana didn’t exist. I remember reading in her book that there were three of them on her honeymoon. I hope he never becomes King. He married a girl and destroyed her as a woman. How William and Harry accepted her is beyond me. I suppose to make their weak father have his dream girl. Ok, it’s out of my system now.

      • L84Tea says:

        @Nancy, I don’t think it’s as if Diana never existed. I just think it’s been over 20 years since Charles and Di split up and most people have moved on and accepted it. I took my cues from Will and Harry. They seemed happy to see their dad happy when Charles and Camilla went public. If they of all people were okay with it, I don’t understand why the public wouldn’t be willing to try to accept it either.

        While Diana was a unique and amazing woman in her own right, the reality is that she and Charles were terrible together and a wrong fit from the start, and he and Camilla are truly a better match for one another. It was a clunky way to get where they are, but here they are, married and happy for quite a while now and Diana has been gone 2 decades. Life goes on.

  5. Tanguerita says:

    the skirt is ok, don’t like the combination of the buttons and the belt though. She is giving Kate a run for her money. And how difficult is it to find tights that suit her skin color?
    Kate’s hat is an abomination.

    • AG-UK says:

      You’d be surprised. Not that many years ago you couldn’t find make up to match most brown to dark skin colour unless you went to a big department store. I hate sheer tights glad I don’t have to wear them as seems either too dark or too light..

    • Vanessa says:

      it’s like easier for white woman to find anything they need because the world at large catering to them. You know how hard it is for a black woman to find a pair of shocking that actually match our legs I went to Catholic school I had to use green stocking because it was hard for me To find a pair of stocking to match my skin tone. Lay off her with the stocking business its not actually easy for us to find stuff

      • Tanguerita says:

        if she can buy bespoke dresses, she can certainly order bespoke sheer tights. I am not saying it’s easy for everyone, but it’s certainly easy for her.

      • someone says:

        Come on, now. It’s only because white women are the majority. I’m brown and I have no problems finding tights that match my colour, even in small town USA. What I did have problems finding, but thank God, not so mcuh anymore, is clothes that fit curvy women with small waists.

      • Tanguerita says:

        @someone same here. I always have to take in dresses and skirts. No high-waisted mom jeans for me.

      • SK says:

        Meghan is biracial, she isn’t black, she has never identified as being black. I know this is a UK vs USA thing but over here she’s a light-skinned biracial which makes the racist commentary even more hideous tbh. Because i can imagine they would be so much more disgusting if Harry had married a black woman.

    • leyla says:

      “And how difficult is it to find tights that suit her skin color?”

      It’s tricky, tbh. In my experience Nubian Skin tights have the best range. They’re the first tights I’ve bought that match my skin-tone. I think they’re UK based, too.

      • Tanguerita says:

        I have no doubt about that. Tricky, but manageable. Buy all of them, take pictures with flash, find the right pair.

      • leyla says:

        True true. She does now have resources for the odd little things like this, so it should probably be manageable.

  6. Alexandria says:

    I think all the ladies look nice and properly dressed. Loved both purple outfits! Kate is not pulling off those headbands. Meghan….er another navy. I think Meghan’s and Harry’s favourite colour is navy. Or it’s always the safest option, to be fair.

    • Harla says:

      The Cambridges have quite a thing for blue shades too when dressing as a family. And it seems that all W&H own are blue suits. I wonder why?

      • Alexandria says:

        Really, as a family? I don’t follow their family pictures much. It is an easy go to colour especially for the royal men I guess. Suits sombre, formal and casual.

  7. Digital Unicorn says:

    Meghan’s outfit/styling here was better than the one she wore earlier in the day. Katie Keen was fine but that headband was tragic, looks like she was cosplaying Anne Boleyn.

    I wonder what military organisations etc.. Meghan will get involved with. Each royal tends to get a regiment.

  8. Becks1 says:

    It’s not the same coat Kate wore to the Irish guards this year. The buttons on that one were completely different.

    I think all the royals looked nice. For these kinds of events as long as they dress relatively appropriately I try to mute any criticism about their fashion.

  9. Harla says:

    All the ladies looked lovely this evening! I noticed that Meghan looks like she’s getting big everywhere, it so reminds me of my first pregnancy and I love it.

  10. Nancy says:

    Got to give it up to Harry. Someone finally burned that ill fitting, light blue suit. In the beginning of their marriage, he annoyed me because it didn’t seem like he was putting any effort in his wardrobe, while Meghan was trying so hard. This suit looks good on him, color and fit. Hope this is a trend and he continues to dress like a Prince. He tends to look down a lot, not preparing to walk down stairs, in general. Look up and straight ahead!! The Queen looked elegant. Nothing in purple is ever wrong with me💜

    • Alexandria says:

      I’ve always thought Meghan made him look somewhat more appealing. Happy they found each other.

  11. StallinOnMyWork says:

    Meghan’s outfit doesn’t fit her. It looks like it will burst at any second.

  12. Carol says:

    All I see are buttons now, on all four of them, TQs being the brightest of the bunch.
    Perhaps we must come to terms that this button thing is how coats stay on.

  13. Annie. says:

    I love the headbands lol. I think they suit Kate!
    I liked Kate’s coat/black hose/ headband combination. I thought she looked great for the occasion.
    I also like Meghan’s hat, and I thought her outfit was appropriate for the event even though I don’t like it. I like the idea of it though.
    The buttons are too big, but they would look better without the belt. Maybe. And the skirt looks shapeless?

  14. Citresse says:

    I like the the lighter nylons on MM with the navy, navy blue and white go together so nicely of course….and I like the forest green on Kate.

  15. Flying fish says:

    The belt and the buttons made for a confusing look on Meghan…sorry.

  16. Magdalin says:

    Everyone looked appropriate. This must be a very awkward stage of dressing for a pregnant woman. There’s a bump that’s too large for regular clothes, but too small for full-on maternity wear. So, Meghan gets a pass from me as she figures that out on a global stage, at that.

    Kate’s headband is straight-up Anne Boleyn! Totally from the Tudor fashion book, just add a bunch of jewels to it. Kind of cool.

  17. hieronymus says:

    I love Kate’s devotion to big headbands/kokoshniks. She really pulls them off.

  18. Missy says:

    Dear Harry and Meghan,

    Take your baby and run far away from this royalty crap. You can still do a lot of good in the world without the added stress and drama of being a royal.

    • Bohemian Angel says:

      Totally agree. All this scutiny and hate (not on this site but others) can’t be good for a pregnant woman. I know it’s a sombre occasion but can’t help but think she looked ever so sad.
      Kate has had the same sad look on a few occasions too. They seem to lose a certain shine they had before marrying into this family.

      • Royalwatcher says:

        The worst thing to me, is that the KP IG and twitter pages don’t screen comments so the raci$t trolls have been having a field day there. Hopefully what Meghan said about not listening to the noise or reading things about herself or them as a couple is true.

        IMO, this is the real reason why (if even true) Harry and Meghan will end up separating from KP. There is no reason the official royal pages should be allowing raci$t comments toward Meghan or anyone else. And I’ll bet Harry is fuming, just like he was when they were dating and the tabloid rags were writing all their horrible headlines and dog-whistle articles. KP and William – with his anti-cyber-bullying campaigning – look terrible for allowing people to post such vile comments. They need a staffer to remove raci$t comments. Critical ones, sure, fine, but there has to be a limit as to what’s allowed. Or just turn the comments off altogether.

      • Missy says:

        It’s really sad. I just don’t see the point of putting yourself through the hate and intense scrutiny. They could all start their own foundations and not have to deal with an institution that seems very depressing and archaic.

      • Bohemian Angel says:

        @ Royalwatcher, So very true, KP should be screening comments, I really can’t believe they allow racist comments to get through. I feel as though Meghan is not being protected by the very family/ office that should be protecting her. The royals have also allowed the tabloids to rip her apart over and over again.
        I feel that both ladies would have been better off not marrying into this institution. I do wonder if Kate looks at Pippa with a kind of envy as I think that would have been a better life for her, she could have been a sahm, had as many kids as she wanted and it would be nobody else’s business but she lives off the public purse so….
        And Meghan (as much as I love her and Harry) would have been better suited with someone else, if she really wanted a Brit she wouldn’t have done too badly with someone like Tom Hiddleston who seems nice and from a aristocratic family. Oh well…..

      • Nic919 says:

        I don’t check the IG site for KP very much, but when comments include death threats for the baby, they need to ban the people making those comments or else turn off the comments. I can’t believe KP still permits comments because they almost always end up being a bigot fest whenever Meghan is included. It’s grotesque. Even Daily Mail comments get screened better and they are still pretty bad.

      • BB says:

        They should just disable comments on all photos

      • Bren says:

        @BB disabling comments is exactly what Meghan’s haters want. They want to drown out any and all praise of Meghan in comparison to Kate.

      • BB says:

        The alternative is an official Kensington Palace social media page flooded with racist comments about a duchess. No comments at all seems like the better option to me. The trolls certainly get more pleasure from being able to post that stuff there.

  19. Allison says:

    I love Kates coat. I don’t think it looks “matronly “ at all. Tbh, if this is what matronly looks like I wouldn’t mind being matronly, lol.

  20. Cal says:

    I should have googled this but here goes anyway……I read somewhere yesterday that HMQ and Camilla (both fierce animal lovers) wore purple specifically in remembrance of all the horses (and other animals) that died in service in WW1. I’d never heard of this tradition before.

    • ChillyWilly says:

      Aw! That’s very sweet. I think they all look fab except for that thing on Kate’s head. Yeesh! I think Cam will have to wait a bit longer to be Queen. QEII still looks really healthy and spry.

    • Royalwatcher says:

      I didn’t know that’s why they wore purple, but yes, there are purple poppies as well and that’s what they signify – the war animals. Nice gesture by QEII and Cams.

  21. Va Va Kaboom says:

    Honestly, Meghan looked like she was about to ralph in a lot of photos and the navy suit was a bad choice. The belt is bunched up under the buttons to accommodate her growing bump and it’s… not good. One disadvantage of her streamlined and tailored style is how difficult it is to wear those items during early pregnancy.

    I don’t really like the headband as a hat trend, but it’s been around for a couple years now. I’ve seen the ladies of the Swedish Royal Family wear them the most. From the front I actually think it’s very flattering on Kate, so I hope she keeps it up.

  22. tw says:

    Both outfits are pretty matronly.

    • someone says:

      I think they are both appropriately dressed. To me, it’s less matronly(nothing wrong with it, is there?), as much as they are dressed for a somber occasion. All of them look appropriately dressed, but Meghan just looks uncomfortable. If I were her I’d ditch the heels. Half the time it seems like Harry is holding her hands to make sure she doesn’t fall because of the heels. Plus, if I were growing larger like her with the pregnancy, Id be more worried about lower back strain and falling.. It looks like she’s trying to compensate by trying to look thinner and taller?

  23. Vava says:

    I don’t mind this coat on Kate, typical Walker creation, and I guess this is sort of a uniform for her. But that headband, NO.

  24. Darla says:

    You know what, neither Meghan or Kate wear their makeup to my taste. But they are both beautiful women and I don’t think it matters. Makeup habits change over a lifetime. I think I was probably about the same age as Meghan when I went through my bronzed look, until I got a good look at myself in some pics taken at a family event. Kate does the too heavy eye makeup, but maybe she likes it. Who cares? I love how I do my makeup these days, but if pictures of me showed up online at least half of the women here would drag me. Whatever.

    • Harla says:

      LOL Darla, I feel the same way! In high school I wore my makeup like the women I saw in soap operas wear theirs so needless to say it was pretty heavy! Now I wear a bit of eye makeup, I’m so fair that if I didn’t wear something I’d look like a ghost and sunscreen with a small amount of tinted moisturizer blended in.

    • Anna says:

      omg i just realized i was her age during my heavy bronzer phase, too! lolz

  25. Mego says:

    Her Majesty won this event in the fashion department. She looks wonderful in that ensemble. The Sussex’s looked very smart as well.

  26. Tommy says:

    Wow…in that second pic of them you can REALLY see how bad Harry’s hair is thinning. I knew it was going, I just didn’t realize how far it had already gone. Oh, well. He and William can’t help it —they get it on both sides. I have hope for Louis and George that they have Michael Middleton’s hair.

  27. Helen says:

    elizabeth looks stunning!

  28. Jen says:

    Wow, Meghan is really starting to show! She really has been glowing since their trip. I hate to say it because I think she’s so lovely, but it seems like her makeup artist is having some trouble blending, right? In certain lighting, it looks kind of dramatic to me.

  29. someone says:

    I don’t understand the need or where the racism comes from., even today. Dont like someone, criticise them.. but to bring in racism? arghh.. and then, My God, there are millions of mentally unbalanced people around the world, that are obesssed with celebrities..

    • BB says:

      It’s self-hatred and insecurity. They are desperately trying to find a way to convince themselves that they are not inferior to another person, so they cling to the idea that their race makes them better.

      Everyone compares themselves to other people, but choosing something that you and others have no control of to make yourself feel superior is the most pathetic thing in the world.

  30. Stefanie says:

    Her bump is still so small, if this would be a regular woman on the street nobody would think that she is pregnant. She will have a real baby bump eventually but right now she looks like every regular woman after a meal and this is fine.

  31. Chatty Cath says:

    Why all the hatred of Camilla? My friend has met her and says she is really lovely. It’s the ‘Diana is a Saint. Diana was wronged’ narrative that gets on my nerves. She wasn’t suitable for Prince Charles. End of. All she liked was being in town and shopping and reading romantic novels. My parents got married when they really shouldn’t have too so I know what I’m talking about