With all the other chaos going on in their lives, only a relative few articles have mentioned Octomom Nadya Suleman’s oldest six children and how their lives have changed. Most predicted it wouldn’t be for the better, and that’s clearly the case. One of the kids viciously attacked his grandmother Angela with a knife, while Nadya sat there and did nothing. The National Enquirer doesn’t name which child it is, other than to say that the youngest boy, Caleb, 2, was also attacked by him. That leaves three other boys as possibilities.
The Enquirer says Nadya refuses to discipline the child for fear of angering him more. And she won’t let anyone else do it either. So instead of addressing the problem, she’s choosing to ignore what is clearly an extremely dangerous situation.
One of Nadya Suleman’s older children attacked his grandmother with a steak knife, The ENQUIRER has learned exclusively. Her son has also kicked his younger brother Caleb, 2, in the head – but the beleaguered Octo-Mom refuses to discipline him, nor does she allow others to do so, sources say.
“I’ve begged my daughter to get help for this child before he hurts someone, but she won’t listen to me,” Nadya’s anguished mom Angela Suleman revealed to The ENQUIRER in an exclusive interview. “He goes into wild rages and becomes uncontrollable. He went after me with a knife, and he’s thrown hard objects at me. But Nadya will not discipline him because she’s afraid of provoking him into even more of a rage.”
The boy exploded at his grandmother when she tried to discipline him shortly after the octuplets’ birth in January, said a source. “He screamed at Angela, ‘I’ll kill you!’ and grabbed a steak knife,” a family friend of the Sulemans told The ENQUIRER. “First, he began stabbing at her and then, when he didn’t connect, he began slashing at her wildly. Nadya, who rarely disciplines the children, just sat and watched.
“Angela finally managed to wrestle the knife away from the troubled child. But then he ran at her, kicking and punching.” Terrified, Angela – a 69-year-old retired schoolteacher – tried to escape her rampaging grandson by fleeing down a hallway. “But the out-of-control boy followed her, throwing punches at her,” said the family friend. “Angela ran into her bedroom, locked the door and stayed there for 10 minutes.”
Angela – who thankfully no longer lives with Nadya, 34, and her 14 children – believes her grandson is acting out because he’s depressed. “This boy was used to getting his mother’s attention. But now Nadya’s new house is full of new babies, and Nadya doesn’t have time for him,” she told The ENQUIRER.
[From the National Enquirer]
This poor little boy isn’t the problem. It’s the same as any other case where you see a child acting out: you don’t blame the kid, you blame the parents. Especially when the parents aren’t doing anything. It doesn’t take a psychologist to figure out the six older kids are not getting the attention they need. I’m sure the octuplets won’t either. They have one parent and fourteen kids. What are the rest of them going to resort to in order to get Nadya’s attention? And what will it take for her to actually react – if eve this can be ignored?
Of course this little boy is depressed – imagine how sad his life is. He’s got 13 siblings, 8 of which are newborns. It’s safe to assume that in the four bedroom home, he’s obviously sharing a room with several other kids, and that will probably only get worse in the future. He’s never going to get the positive attention he needs, unless someone outside the home does it. You want to hope for the best, but it’s hard to imagine how his situation could realistically improve. It’s probably safe to bet he’s acting out at school too – if so, hopefully his teachers can address the problem and get him some help. My heart just aches for this poor little boy.
Nadya Suleman is shown with some of her kids at the park on 5/5/09. Credit: Fame Pictures
Seriously what are the social services doing ? This disgusting woman is unable to take care of 14 children.
just when you thought it was safe to turn on the computer again… :-p
This is why these children need to be taken away from her. This woman is clearly mentally ill, and to leave so many children in the care of one unemployed woman who admits to using student loans to pay bills and for food (eventually she’ll have to pay those loans back!) is unspeakably cruel to all fourteen kids.
This woman is a disgrace in every possible way. Sickening.
The thing to do is remove him or the other kids from the home, he is a danger to all and his mother is nuts for not disciplining him a lot earlier.
What I don’t understand is if this woman was running a school or a daycare there would be regulations in place regarding how many children of a certain age she could safely handle on her own. Obviously she would exceed those safety standards – so why is she being allowed to “care” for her fourteen children when she’s NOT doing a good job?
What the h*ll!
I realize there are multiple levels of ‘naughty’ and sometimes ignoring a child when they are ‘acting out’ to get attention is the best plan, but when a child is actually brandishing a knife it is probably best to address that behaviour post-haste and nip that sh*t in the bud before someone gets hurt.
I am not trying to be facetious, but is this woman on quaaludes?
Mental illness can run in the family. I see some very bad things happening down the road while Nadya is busy trying to be a star. Those kids don’t stand a chance.
EVEN in schools there has to be @ adults watching atleast 8 kids…she has 14!!! poor babies..
When that kid gets mad and takes a knife to the newborns–then will she do something? And I can’t BELIEVE CPS hasn’t stepped in already. They had better do it sooner rather than later.
Aren’t some of her children developmentally disabled? I can’t think of a worse environment for children who already have special needs
Man someone should just drop kick that kid in teh head and then the mother
That one kid is truly violent. She’ll care when he starts killing off her little moneybag babies.
God only knows how many of her kids are challenged and how severely so.
She reaps what she sows.
OK, I’ve had a few glasses of wine, so I’ll b nice but when is it ok for a knife to be within a small child’s reach??
that is a damn madhouse!!
I wish I would run from a child
and before I left I would have snatched his crazy ass mama in the collar, “she doesn’t want to dsicipline him or upset him”..RIGHHHT!
Octomom probably did the same thing at his age..
Those poor babies.
Unfortunately, the wine made me chuckle at first…
“But Nadya will not discipline him because she’s afraid of provoking him into even more of a rage”
That is the essence of good parenting, right? Letting the kids go wild because she’s afraid of them?
Can you imagine what those kids will be like when they’re teenagers? They will surely terrorize whatever neighborhood they live in.
Where is CPS?!?!?!?!?!
These babies must be like accessories to her. I truly feel for the grandmother.
wha ha ha ha ha! I was wondering what this attention whore was going to make up to get herself back on the gossip rag! I was LOVING LOVING Loving the fact that MJ’s death (very sad) had knocked the likes of her and Kate Gosslin off the page!
I can’t help but wonder if those poor 8 babies will make it through their first year of life. California child welfare services is a joke. Children die all the time under their watch. This situation is a tragedy waiting to happen. A mentally ill mother having babies for attention who already had special needs children is just wrong.
This is sick!!! They should have removed ALL the kids from that home IMMEDIATELY!!!
The babies could possibly be suffering from extreme heat and lack of air under those heavy blankets.
Thank God President Obama’s new health science appointee believes in forced snipping of people such as her and also is going to force teen Moms to give up their babies. Finally, we have a president who will stop all this teen pregnancy and mulitiple births with those depending on the gov. No wonder CA is broke!
Isn’t this the child with that behaviour illness or ADD or something like that? Or wait, maybe its the child who’s autistic? I’m not excusing it, but I’m thinking ther has got to be more to this than a child just out of the blue chasing his Grandma with a knife.
She difinitely doesn’t need more kids, and yes, there should be someone from CPS there to regulate. Kids chasing grown ups with knives is just not acceptable.
And why is the grandmother always over there. It seems she is always complaining about something with Nadya or the kids, so why doesn’t she just stay away. I would have washed my hands of her a loong time ago, esp. if my house was foreclosed on and she didn’t want to help when she could have.
can we stop giving this beast attention?
@ the original kate:
My dog is named Beast. You insult him by calling this woman a beast…
OMG I just cannot stand this Octowoman!