“Racist Republican Cindy Hyde-Smith won the special election in Mississippi” links

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Racist Republican Cindy Hyde Smith won the special election for Mississippi’s Senate seat. This is horrible yet expected. [Towleroad]
What are the Oscar chances for Crazy Rich Asians? [LaineyGossip]
Private dorm associated with UT-Austin bans student from inviting her girlfriend [Jezebel]
Chris Brown & Rihanna are still in contact, ugh. [Dlisted]
Rachel Weisz just looks stunning in everything, especially glasses. [Go Fug Yourself]
Here’s an explainer for the Paul Manafort stuff. [Pajiba]
Elf got an Honest Trailer. [OMG Blog]
The Real Housewives skipped Lisa Vanderpump’s fundraiser, huh. [Reality Tea]
Rita Ora is still wearing Marchesa. [RCFA]

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42 Responses to ““Racist Republican Cindy Hyde-Smith won the special election in Mississippi” links”

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  1. Sam the Pink says:

    Well….yeah. It’s Mississippi. Keep in mind, there has been only ONE African American Senator from the South since Reconstruction ended, and that’s Republican Tim Scott. Was anybody really expecting a different result?

    • BlueSky says:

      I wasn’t. I mean, it’s Mississippi. 46th in education, 50th in healthcare and always dead last in progress..🙄

    • Olenna says:

      Nope, not surprised. Timmy is a piece of work. He voted to advance well-known racist Thomas Farr for the SC and he supported Little Jeffy for AG.

  2. Nev says:

    As a black man, you won’t catch me there. Might be hanging from a tree in on of those nooses that popped up this week. Ugh.

    • ChillyWilly says:

      That was beyond horrifying. And this racist POS woman has serious hillbilly face. Hope her tits shrivel up and fall off.

    • Avb says:

      I am definitely not saying we don’t have racism here, but those nooses were actually a protest against Cindy H-S.

  3. Hookem says:

    Frequent lurker… just jumping in to point out that UT Austin itself didn’t have anything to do with that Jezebel story. The student in question lives at an expensive, conservative, privately-run dorm that is located just off campus. It’s a stupid decision made by small-minded people who happen to be entirely separate from the University.

    Just want to make sure any scorn is properly directed. Hook ‘em!

  4. holly hobby says:

    Why do these people all do the Nazi salute? Good luck with the overgrown racist Muppet, Mississippi

  5. Esmom says:

    From what I know of her (admittedly little), she seems not only racist but dumb as a box of rocks. Especially compared to Espy. I know I shouldn’t be surprised but I am enraged.

  6. Christin says:

    She always looks so mugshot ready.

  7. MeghanNotMarkle says:

    It’s Mississippi. Duh.

  8. Fluffy Princess says:

    And of course, Mississippi. Ranks 50th in every single rating component. Once again, they prove why they live at the bottom of the barrel and why they can’t seem to break into the 21st century. Hell, even the late 20th century seems like a distant goal they cannot or refuse to meet.

  9. Veronica S. says:

    I love how Mississippi can’t even do historical right. She’s the first female senator elected, but she got there via white supremacy, so the bar has just got buried another six feet under.

  10. Mrs.Krabapple says:

    I guess this is something like Darwinisn? Mississippi is always near the bottom of health, education, income, life expectancy, etc. So maybe they like it that way? And who am I to tell them differently. My own state is solidly blue, and we are always at or near the top of income, education, life expectancy, etc. Sometimes I think if red states don’t want to help themselves, so be it.

  11. Jerusha says:

    Congratulations to Mr. Espy who pulled 410,693 votes in Mississippi, a state that has only one statewide Democrat in office.


    It’s my understanding that the national Dem party did not come in with much aid(just like my state, Alabama, last year). That needs to change. Start building from the grassroots, way ahead of time. Mike Espy is a hundred times more intelligent and human than that horsefaced harpy.

    • adastraperaspera says:

      I live in Tennessee, and I know what you’re saying. Here, a lot of great people ran in places where no Dems bothered to before. So there is a feeling that change can happen if we keep organizing before the next election. There is hope here, and I wish people could understand that each red state has a significant percentage of people who want an improved society.

      • Jerusha says:

        This last election here in Alabama we had more Dems running than have in a decade or more. And some won!! Unfortunately, our nothing of a governor kept her job instead of being replaced by her much superior opponent. But, we have to keep working at the grass roots level and at all positions. Change will happen! The older generation will die out and the younger needs to be ready.

      • Mrs. Smith says:

        I’m in TN, too, and agree with you. I live in a red district and helped a local dem campaign. She worked so hard, but lost handily to the Repub who didn’t even bother to do ANY campaigning at ALL. BUT! To your point, the good news is that Dems want to run, the tide feels like its turning and the R’s didn’t get nearly as many votes as they have EVER. Slow but promising!

  12. Avb says:

    As a progressive Mississippi resident who canvassed for Espy, I am saddened but not surprised by the outcome.

    What I am more enraged about is how Democrats routinely give up on the Deep South. My poor rural county was 103 votes shy of going for Espy and went for espy in the first election. I saw very few espy ads and plenty of Hyde-Smith ones. Go look at the county by county breakdowns of the deep South. Then explain to me why we are written off as a unshakably red demographic. Why don’t white progressives just say what they actually mean?

    That poor black people don’t count, except on paper. Because you’re not going to go to school with them or live in their neighborhoods. I talked to a lot of African Americans who had lived here their whole lives, and their candidates never win elections. Their candidates never get media attention or big money. But they vote anyway. To me they are the true heroes.

    • Dara says:

      It does feel like a self-fulfilling prophecy sometimes. Dems don’t win elections in deep red states because they think they can’t and therefore don’t even try. Either they can’t find solid candidates crazy enough to give it a go, or if there is a decent candidate, the national party won’t open the purse strings. This time around there was plenty of money coming in, but the party was still stuck in the past and missed opportunities that could have turned into victories.

      I thought Espy had a real chance, and it kills me that in a state of almost three million people he lost more or less by the number of people that fill the Ole Miss football stadium on game day.

    • Flan says:

      Thank you, Avb, for doing the right thing.

    • Kim says:

      Progessive Mississippian here too, very disappointed in the election as well as by national Dems ignoring the state. Trump held two rallies the day prior to the election. As for people not voting that should have — it’s a rural state and access to polling places is a crucial issue.
      The stereotyping that I read in the comments is juvenile and harmful. To boycott Mississippi will help nothing, except to embolden the divisiveness. Check the stats: it was not a landslide victory — 46% of us voted blue.

      • Anna says:

        Thank you. Voting Rights Act gutted, clear voting illegalities that are now being challenged in Georgia via lawsuit, etc. Really wish folks would stop blaming poor Black folk who are being systematically disenfranchised every time since the dawn of Mississippi as a state. The loss is on Democratic committee’s head and on determined white supremacist system that will stop at nothing to continue disenfranchising BIPOC and excluding votes. I believe the numbers are close in a lot of states just as I believe the majority of white people are deeply committed to maintaining white supremacy (see the 70+% of white women who voted for Kemp and numbers similar for other white men who now stand to take away their rights and literally voting to kill women in Ohio who have abortions). Voter suppression is real on every level, in every way.

    • tw says:

      Thank you for your effort. And I agree, they are true heroes.

  13. Electric Tuba says:

    That woman’s face is Jerry Blank level horrifying.

    Sometimes I really doubt this country’s commitment to Sparkle Motion.

    • tw says:

      Thank you. Days like today, I can’t be polite. She’s straight up hillbilly, meth-y trash. Before anyone reminds me to be respectful and go high, let me remind you that she made jokes about lynching and voter suppression IN PUBLIC. Imagine what she says in private when she’s not running for office. She’s hideous, inside and out.

    • holly hobby says:

      She got the face she deserved and gravity will take care of it from here on out.

  14. Q T Hush says:

    Cindy’s inbred history is showing, yikes knock off the moonshine. Perhaps she’ll be able to get a pair of dentures that are comfortable with her new job, since she looks like she forgot the bottom set. Double yikes. I know I shouldn’t pick on people’s looks but she can definitely change the teef… now her IQ is a whole different discussion.

  15. Darla says:

    It’s really hurting me to see this fugly mug, I cannot wait for this post to go to page 2.

  16. radioactive says:

    Mississippi ratified the amendment to ban Slavery about five years ago, after realizing their “error” 20 years before that.

    Not surprised by this election at all.

  17. Dirk says:

    For a second I thought it was that woman from Donnie darko who says ‘sometimes I doubt your commitment to sparkle motion!’

  18. CheckThatPrivilege says:

    Thanks, Mississippi Trumpians, for electing this racist white trash woman to represent you and for helping to usher in the Trump Crime Family era in 2016.

  19. JRenee says:

    Trump rallied here to claim the victory that was already predicted.
    Oh and Black Republicans that voted for her have me dumbfounded..

  20. Karen says:

    that dialog is sooo old
    the real Mississippi is True Blood territory