Duchess Kate & Duchess Meghan stepped out last night at separate events

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It’s bugging me that the Duchess of Sussex’s meeting with Michelle Obama was so low-key. It was so quiet that Kensington Palace seemingly only confirmed that it had taken place to one of two journalists. It was so quiet that no photos were released… so far. The same thing happened last night – the Duke and Duchess of Sussex attended a private charity event to benefit the Henry van Straubenzee Memorial Fund. Henry was one of Prince Harry’s good friends, and his family runs the charity, which funds schools and resources and Uganda. The event was a “carol concert” and Meghan was even tasked with reading a poem. Again, there are no formal photos, just a handful of shadowy paparazzi photos.

While I’ll believe that Meghan’s biggest priority at the moment is just resting and taking it easy, it also feels like… Meghan and Harry are going out of their way to avoid being photographed at the moment. Which makes me wonder if the Cambridges’ two-week-long smear campaign/tantrum actually worked. The Cambridges succeeded in “taking Meghan down” a few pegs and making it so that Meghan is wary of being photographed or taking any spotlight right now. Was that the short-term goal?

Speaking of, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were also out on Tuesday night – they attended the Queen’s annual reception for the diplomatic corps. Kate wore the Cambridge Lover’s Knot tiara and of course all the headlines are back to Kate and how she’s “just like Diana” because she’s wearing “Diana’s favorite tiara,” plus she also wore a pair of Diana’s earrings. Kate seemed especially happy to have all of the attention back on her. Her dress is Jenny Packham.

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Photos courtesy of Getty, Twitter, Press Association.

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235 Responses to “Duchess Kate & Duchess Meghan stepped out last night at separate events”

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  1. Erinn says:

    Sigh. I really love her jewelry. I’m not even someone who’s super into tiaras, but the Royal jewelry is just so beautiful. I really liked the emerald one Eugenie wore as well. Kate has such a tiny frame – even at my tiniest I just had way wider hips and was always on the bustier side..and short. I’d kind of love to have a longer and leaner build, but I think everyone just likes the idea of what we don’t have.

    That baby bump looks super cute – I do hope there’s some nice photos taken at Christmas that get released. I don’t know if it’s because Meghan has gained some weight from the pregnancy, but she’s looked ridiculously pretty lately. She always was pretty – but there’s something amped up about it now.

    • Beth says:

      I’m not crazy about tiaras either, I think they seem a little tacky sometimes, but I love this one, and loved when Diana wore it. Only the Royals beautiful jewelry can be so big, but not look like cheap costume jewelry.
      Meghan has the glow of a pregnant woman, and has been looking extra beautiful. Something about Kate has made her look really good lately. Maybe her new hair cut or still glowing from her last pregnancy

      • jan90067 says:

        Happiness is a good color/look on anyone, and Kate has been glowing since Louis’ birth. Glad it’s not faded. She does look lovely here (just wish she’d stand up *straight* and not jut her head forward 😊).

        Meghan looked lovely in last night’s candids. The pregnancy weight suits her; her face just radiates. I also noticed that belly-pop in the candid coming out of the service! I think she’s either a bit further along than we’ve been told, or maybe, dare I say/hope: twins?? Wouldn’t that be great! A two-fer!

      • emerson says:

        Another bespoke Jenny Packham weddiing gown? Check.
        Typical horrible posture. Check.
        Jutted out jaw. Check.
        Photoshopped to the gods. Check.
        So again another night being mediocre while assisting in bashing your only brother-in-law and pregnant sister-in-law. No points from me for just showing up.

        *Also, that speech yesterday (in my best Charles Barkley voice) was turrible.

      • minx says:

        I think she’s too skinny and my usual complaint is about her posture.

      • Mrs.Krabapple says:

        Her posture used to be better. The bent neck and stooped shoulders have gotten worse over the years, which makes me think it really is a nutrition thing or early osteoporosis. Someone excused it by saying tall women tend to stoop so they won’t stand out as tall, but again she USED to have better posture, and judging from her super high heels she always wears, if anything she wants to look even taller than she is. So at this point, my guess is it’s a medical/nutrition thing.

      • notasugarhere says:

        This looks like a strange real-life version of the Disney Cinderella blue dress with the cap sleeves.

      • The Recluse says:

        I see that Kate is gaunt again. (sigh) She looked so much better with some meat on her bones.

    • Ellaus says:

      @mrskrabbapple Generally that kind of stooping tends to start hunching your shoulders, or sitting for long spans of time in a desk, it can also be a result of imbalances in the dominance of certain muscle groups, shortening or contractures of those groups. It reaches a point in wich this factors are coexisting: you can’t stand straight because your shoulders and neck hurt, because there is a dominante and contraction of the pectoral groups and trapezoidal muscle, so you tend to hunch forward even more because it is the only way it doesn’t hurt. Sitting long hours shortens the psoas, altering the curvatures in your back…. A weak abdominal wall as well…
      Many skeletal causes are behind bad posture, no need to imply a bad nutrition. She clearly needs good physiotherapy, and build muscle to armonically strenghten the back and solve the imbalances.
      Why does she hunch? Maybe she wants to dissappear when she is in this kind of soirees, maybe her heels are like an armor that make her feel better, or she spends many hours browsing internet at her laptop….

      • Some chick says:

        I think that introverted Kate wants to appear keen, so she pushes her face forward, but hunches to protect herself. JMO.

        It’s also a common thought that you photograph better if you put your face a bit forward. (See basically every photo of Kate Moss ever.) It really does work when facing the camera, but not so much from the side.

        Really, she just needs to learn to roll her shoulders down and back, and not peer forward quite so much. It is a natural tendency – it just doesn’t photograph well.

  2. whatever says:

    Now, that’s a stunning gown, much better than the 1980’s McQueen one she wore the Dutch state banquet (even though it did like the top half of that gown).

    Also, I think the Straubenzee Memorial carol concert is considered a more private event. Kate has attended a few times in previous years and we don’t get any official pictures of her either just paparazzi ones of her arriving/leaving.

    • KK2 says:

      It looks very bridal to me (especially with the tiara). Which is not good or bad necessarily but I don’t really like when people wear wedding-y dresses to non-weddings. But it is so much better than that terrible dress from the state banquet. I like the neckline and the overall shape. Just wish it were in something other than white.

      • jan90067 says:

        Wonder if white was required? TQ and Camilla were also in shades of white/oyster.

      • MAR says:

        I think the white signifies senior Royal status or something. Remember, colour and symbols mean a lot in this family. Queen and Camilla have always worn this shade to the reception. This is Kate’s first time.

    • Ellaus says:

      Yes the Straubenzee memorial was a private affair to raise funds for a Charity. It was really kind and thoughtful of Harry and Meghan to enter through a lateral door to not alter the focus of the night after this week of rumores and leaks. The church was sourrounded by paparazzi, and there are pics of the Middletons and the Matthews, so I find that entering like they did the ensured that the spotlight was in the memorial, it is not fear!

      Meghan looks amazing, so really beautiful, and finally the bump is here in all its esplendor!

      Kate is much improved since the last state banquet (that McQueen was an abomination) but the dress is so bland to me… And I really dislike the Cambridge Lovers Knot, but that is subjective.. Well, she looks fine to me.

      • Lady D says:

        Not my favourite tiara, either. For the longest time I liked the Tek Tiara best, but the Queen’s Girls of Great Britain and Ireland is gorgeous.

  3. Scal says:

    It’s also interesting that Pippa and her husband went to the same charity carol service and made sure that THEY were photographed walking in. That felt off to me since harry is actually a patron and wasn’t photographed.

  4. Flying fish says:

    Photographers were allowed into last nights reception to capture that hideous dress Kate wore.

  5. Melania says:

    The baby bump is huge. Meghan is super pretty.

  6. Elisabeth says:

    William and Harry swap off attendance at this choral event, but we never get pictures from inside because it’s a private charity, not part of the Court Cirrcular. So it’s not surprising there were only grainy pap pics – that’s all there’s ever been of this event.

    OTOH, it *is* surprising to see inside the Diplomatic Reception. We’ve only seen inside twice in the last fifteen years, I believe – for the 2015 documentary and when they released the pic of the three most senior married royals in 2016, which turned out to be Phillip’s last year attending. I wonder why the Queen changed her mind?

    • Kerfuffle says:

      It makes me think that The Queen knows that she’s winding down and wants to get pics. Or it’s also possible that someone realized that social media is an actual thing and looked at the Danes or the Swedes and realized that this kind of access is actually good press.

    • Mel M says:

      Very surprising. We’ve only really seen a few pics of Kate in a tiara until now and they are usually in the car on the way to the event, or a crappy quality one from the event. I follow Kensington palace on IG and they are going balls to the wall coverage of the Cambridge’s this last week, in both stories and posts. I’ve never seen so many posts. I was starting to really warm to the Cambridge’s because they just seemed more relaxed since Louise and Kate’s speech yesterday was the best she’s ever done, honestly shocked she made one and they covered it so extensively. I mean the bar is pretty low considering she’s been doing this for years and had years more to prepare for public life. But if they are behind all of these leaks just sigh. Why can’t privileged white people just enjoy their privileges life and use some of it to do good instead of being drama.

  7. Lily says:

    Because of the recent stories, I’m finding some members of the royal family very unlikeable…

    • Dee says:

      Agreed. If this article’s take is correct, then Kate is a mega bitch and I love Meghan even more.

      • arsesds73 says:

        Yep. There is obviously no way to know fore sure, but all the evidence seems to suggest they are behind it. I was always neutral towards the Cambs, but these personal attacks were next level and makes me despise them and can you believe they are going to be the next K and Q? Uh

      • Penny says:

        Dee I can’t even look at Kate anymore…I truly believe their camp is behind the leaks (most of the leaks) and she’s now back to back days of dressing like Meghan. She knows she’s protected so she’s full on putting it on display, no need for subtlety

      • hmmm says:

        I can’t believe the C’s are behind it. It’s just too ridiculous. Just feels like the British media just trying to be turds. As an American in London, can definitely attest to the fact that if you stand up for yourself or dare to voice a complaint people think you’ve suddenly grown horns. I think the media just needs something to write and is a bit bitter Meghan is American.

      • Megan says:

        i am hard pressed to believe William and Kate would be stupid enough to behind this assault as it would obviously backfire. The stories about Charles the hero came from Charles, the rest is a disgruntled staffer and lots of fan fiction.

      • MAR says:

        Lol personal attacks in the press are this family’s forte. Charles&Diana anyone? Charles is still going to be King, even if he’s hugely unpopular in the UK and has had shady connections/friends in the past. Shrugs.

    • Vava says:

      Agreed. The Cambridges have done nothing to stop this hideous attack on their SIL. They have not behaved in an honorable fashion.

      • Himmiefan says:

        I want to like all four, but it does look like W&K are to blame. If they’re not, and if they were smart, they would read their people the riot act and make all over Meghan and Doria during the Christmas church walk. If they were smart.

        Not to worry, though, when Meghan feels like it, the Wonder Twins will reemerge and knock those other two to the back pages.

  8. Zapp Brannigan says:

    Are we going to address how out of control the Daily Mail is right now? The headline this morning on the Queen’s reception was “All white on the night” with a big write up on Kate wearing Diana’s tiara. They think they are being cute but they are filth, this follows the big headline with the word “niggling” right next to a picture of Meghan. Please stop linking to stories from the DM website.

    • Franny Days says:

      I blocked the Daily Mail website from my phone so even if I’m tempted I won’t be going on their site.

      • jan90067 says:

        Yup…definitely a rag, not a doubt in that.

        And NOT making excuses, but TQ, Camillia, and Kate were all wearing white (and shades of white) dresses. Perhaps that was the reference? There were certainly diplomats of ALL different racial backgrounds at this reception.

      • Megan says:

        It was a white tie event, which means the most formal of formal wear.

      • Princessk says:

        I understand how you feel but lots of innocent people venture on to DM, and many unfortunately believe the BS. It is up to some of us to counter it.

        There is a small band of us warriors on DM who constantly defend Meghan but we are always dwindling. I also think DM attracts people with mental health problems. The comments at times can be very soul destroying, and many good people l notice have left lbut from time to time please go there because Meghan needs defenders.

        Also unfortunately DM has all the best pictures.

    • sushi says:

      I stopped going to British tabloids long time ago. Hope people stops giving them click.

    • Loopy says:

      Yeah they really are so blatant with it now, they really think we won’t catch their obvious play on words. I have a feeling Harry will explode at the media again, but him and his wife should should not read the crap and seem not phased.

    • Clare says:

      I blocked the DM on all my electronics during the Brexit campaign, and have thankfully never gone back. Genuinely surprised by how many well educated and informed people read that shit. I mean yea celeb gossip is entertaining, but I’ll never give them my clicks/money again.

    • L84Tea says:

      That is absolutely disgusting. So low and so very disgusting.

    • Rulla says:

      I have no words. At least they’re no longer subtle so all those people who whine about this shit not being about race can shut up now.

    • Harrierjet says:

      It irritates me the DM is even referenced here – when it spends the rest of its time when not spewing Royal gossip (which in itself is tedious even here) to spewing out racist, intolerant propaganda and is responsible for the current political tone of the nation.

    • grace 1 says:

      The content and quality of their articles have a lot to be desired. Riddled with inconsistencies, typos and nonsensical gibberish. How do they expect to be taken seriously.

    • MAR says:

      But it wasn’t “all white on the night”. There were plenty of POC dressed up to the nines. Loved the outfits. As someone said, it was a white tie event.

  9. Loretta says:

    “Which makes me wonder if the Cambridges’ two-week-long smear campaign/tantrum actually worked”
    Karma is a real thing, if indeed the Cambridges have done this awful, racist smear campaign they will eventually have what they deserve.

    • Nikki says:

      But that’s still conjecture, right?

      • LW says:

        Yes, it’s just being stated as fact here that the Cambridge’s are behind it all. My money is still on the snooty courtiers.

      • Lexa says:

        I mean, it’s a gossip site so most of the theories here are conjecture and possibly confirmation bias, including my own. I don’t think they led the campaign at all, and post-tour, I think the Sussexes are doing what Harry was careful to do after the wedding: avoid over-exposure.

        If you look at it from a less pro-Meghan way, you could draw the same kind of unproven conclusions that whatever the Cambridge friends did leak, it was because Meghan and Harry truly weren’t especially nice to their friends. Or it’s a “close friend of Will and Harry” at Clarence House working to sow the seeds of discord. In any case, I still think that the bulk of this originated with the Jobson book cast-offs (sourced from CH staff and aides) which then opened the floodgates for staff at KP and BP to complain. The “threat” from the other day warning Meghan not to retaliate reaffirmed my feeling that this was courtiers flexing and trying to control Meghan in some way (maybe related to her upcoming announcement of patronages—is there something there they don’t like?). That, to me, was them showing they will protect the heirs and have even more they could launch at her.

      • Kerfuffle says:

        I as well agree that it could very well be the courtiers. The part that really stands out to me is the criticism of her work habits – especially the part about all her ideas. Modernization to the BRF and their courtiers is posting a few things on social media. They absolutely do not want to truly modernize Meghan’s role. She came out with bare legs ONCE and that was it.

        The other part is that for it to be the Cambridges, not only would their visible relief and looser nature over the last year have to be an act, but that Will would be intentionally publicly humiliating his brother and SIL. Yes, they are famously competitive, but this is a whole other level.

      • Betsy says:

        @LW – I cannot imagine even the snootiest of courtiers launching a full court press against Meghan. It doesn’t pass the sniff test. They get to leak little tidbits, but this kind or organized hostility? No way. They need plausible deniability.

      • Ellaus says:

        But I am one of the people that doesn’t think Camp Cambridge is behind this sh*tshow. I think Clarence House started it with the excluded parts of the Jobson bio , Andrew and the courtiers added their grains of salt. And the press saw the blood and smiled. They have beeing doing the heir vs spare and it always sells newspapers.

        But really, everyone ends up looking so bad and childish, no decent Rp would do this messed up campaign. It is shambolic.

        All these leaks just make everybody look bad, but they might have some truth behind them:
        *William might have not been welcoming to Meghan.
        *Meghan might not abide the rules, might want to change many things very fast, and is possible that she feels constrained.
        *Harry may be hurt that they didn’t treat her as warmingly as he has treated Kate.
        *The Cambridges have to be convinced to host H and Meghan.
        *Prince Charles may like Meghan tremendously, but not like her ways or changes he doesn’t set himself. So this is all a way to ‘chastise’ and admonish his children to make them come back to his path.
        *The BrF doesn’t do modern and dinamic, and recoils when forced to change.

        But it is clear that even with nuggets of truth behind all this leaking, the rubbish press just needs a whiff of blood to proceed with the carnage. And a great deal of what we have read may just be a drama made to sell newspapers.
        I truly like Meghan, she is admirable, warm, outspoken and smart. But I think that Cambridges are not such evil masters of PR.

      • Princessk says:

        I have said it at the beginning and I will say it again, the Palace will not allow Meghan to outwork Kate. This is the beginning of them reining in Meghan but I will be interested to see which U.K. charities she will support.

  10. Sassy says:

    Yes it’s a private event but if you think back to last year we got plenty of pictures of Harry going to this event and some from inside too. I remember it because people made a big deal out of his ex being there and not Meghan.
    They have succeeded in ”putting her in her place” she probably realized this is what she signed up for by marry him and if she doesn’t fall in line now things will get worse like them taking out their hatefulness on her child.

  11. VanessaB says:

    I just want to say that I read online what Meghan read at the memorial service, which is brilliant and I love it, and also might be throwing some major shade at the british tabloids, so here it is:
    “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” – marianne williamson

    That said, is it a bit weird that she spoke at the memorial of someone she never met?

    Also, I’m in London on business at the moment, and I got to go to KP and am staying nearby. As I love royals, I feel like I’m in (working) heaven. 😀

    • Peg says:

      It was a Marianne Williams’ poem, she was asked by the family to do a reading.
      Why is it weird to speak at a Memorial of someone you never met? He was Harry’s friend.

      • Erinn says:

        I think it is kind of weird. Normally the people speaking are the ones that had a personal connection to the deceased. I’m not shading her for doing it – but it does seem out of the ordinary to me.

      • historybuff says:

        He died something like 15 years ago. The family honored his life by creating a charity. The annual concert raises money to build schools in Africa (I think). It’s likely that someone opens with a few words about HVS and then everything else is dignified entertainment. Meghan is a professional entertainer, so she’s a good fit.

    • Eliza says:

      Harry quoted his wife, spoke positively about her charity work with another charity and the great impacts it has for girls while trying to weave in the charity made in memorial to his friend. I prefer Meghans reading, which is very beautiful.

      Harrys speech came off very proud-hubby (which is very awe) but it wasn’t written tightly enough to complete either tasks well.

      • MrsBump says:

        should he really be pushing his wife’s PR at such an event ? i get that he’s proud and he should be, but there is a time and place for everything

      • Yami says:

        Can’t a man be proud of his wife? Geesh

      • Nic919 says:

        The Uganda charity in Van Staubanzee’s name works with young girls and deals with menstrual issues so it was perfectly on topic for Harry to make the link.

      • MAR says:

        Stories have come out which state Harry’s friends weren’t invited to their evening reception which I thought was really odd. Harry’s friends extended an invite to Meghan at their wedding in Jamaica and they weren’t invited lol. There’s also the stories of his friends not really getting on with Meghan because of different views
        so It does seem a little weird for Meghan to do a reading. Feels a bit pushy.

      • Himmiefan says:

        Stories have come out, just like the recent stories? I doubt all “stories” right now.

    • Chaine says:

      I thought it was a little bit odd, too, but presumably if the deceased and his brother were such good friends with Harry, the family has already met Meghan and known her for a while and felt comfortable asking her to take on a role at the event.

    • TeamAwesome says:

      It is a lesson and Carol service, with lots of different readings to go with the music. I think it is lovely that she was asked, and whomever assigned her that reading is clearly a Sussex fan!

    • MrsBump says:

      Re the reading at the service. I was struck by this too.

      A close university friend of mine passed away when we were 27, our group still meets from time to time to honour her memory, she was incredibly active in charity work, but it would simply never occur to us ask our partners to do a reading at her service.
      I’m sure Meghan did a great job, but really if you don’t even know the person, this is just odd and impersonal. if they wanted a high profile reader, Harry should have done it.
      i cant imagine why the family would have asked her to do it ? As a patron of the charity in question , i wonder if Harry didnt suggest it, or perhaps Meghan herself.

      i was also surprised by the appearance Middleton clan. This is starting to look like PR on both the Sussex and the Middleton front 😉

      • Rosie says:

        I think people in that social circle are so closely linked that they come as one big mass. Cressida and Chelsy were at Harry & Meghan’s wedding. So many of them went to schools and university together and then have dated each other’s exes. I always think it sounds really incestuous.

      • jan90067 says:

        Check out past years. The Mids have gone for years.

      • notasugarhere says:

        Meghan did this reading because the family would have asked her to. She didn’t just march up to the stage and grab the mic. SMDH

      • Princessk says:

        It is a charitable event just as much as it is memorial. Heaven knows how much people pay to attend but Meghan’s presence must have been a boost for it. Some people said that this particular memorial this year was one of the best ever.

        Ma Middleton has been known to attend it in the past.

    • OCE says:

      @Vanessa, thank you for posting this. Hadn’t been sure it was true Meghan was truly asked to do a reading. These words are beautiful.

      • Princessk says:

        The reading of that poem was a sure fire message and part of the Sussex fight back. Although l wonder when the programmes were printed.

    • Diplomanatee says:

      We don’t know if this was given to her to read, or if she chose it herself, but my impression is that this was 100% intentional.

      Meghan had written before about struggling with others because her presence could be …intense… to others, and it had been Serena W. who comforted her saying something along the lines of she shouldn’t censor herself and to let her sparkle show.

      This poem, at this moment in her life, in the midst of the smear campaign, is either someone comforting her reassuring her it’s not her fault, if it was chosen for her, the vonS family has been tight with royals for years and knows them well, they’ve probably seen shy Kate transform into keen Kate. If she chose it herself it’s her saying she’s not backing down from being an intense presence that makes others uncomfortable but instead she’s inviting them to be all they can be.

      Truly sending a message, very between the lines and subtly in true royal/diplomatic fashion. This language/semiotics is what attracted me to diplomacy in the first place.

      And don’t get me started on hat Kate is really saying with those trousers.

    • Bella Bella says:

      The our light/darkness bit is a quote from Nelson Mandela.

      “It is not our darkness that we fear, but our light.”

  12. Digital Unicorn says:

    *sigh* They’ve really stepped up the Kate and Saint Diana comparisons of late – they often use her memory when they needs some good PR. Also that tiara was NOT Diana’s favourite, she hated it as it was too heavy and gave her headaches – she preferred to wear the Spencer tiara as it was lighter.

    Also it not normal to have photo’s from INSIDE the diplomatic reception, normally its only pap shots of the royals arriving as no media is allowed inside. This is obvious Cambridge PR being well, obvious.

    As for H&M they are clearly taking the route of not engaging with the drama esp now as there has been a backlash at the Cambridges over it. It makes them look like bullies, esp as Megs is pregnant – the media should call this out but we all know why they won’t. Supposedly the Sussex’s will be spending some time over Christmas with the Cambridges at Amner – wonder if thats true. To me the fact that the there has been no public appearances of both couples together since this all started is telling – they are actively avoiding each other.

    • Kitty says:

      Yeah I’m so sick of this fake PR of Kate being regal and magical and blah blah blah. All fake. Also the dress is boring to me.

      • margie says:

        I at first glanced at and read your comment as “Kate being a regal and magical bitch” and I think that works better. Ha. I have never been here or there, but Kate to me is coming out of this looking like such a bully and mean-girl. And also like she resents being forced to look appropriate and do actual work so she doesn’t look so bad compared to Meg.

    • Kerfuffle says:

      So you are stating that the Cambridge’s informed THE QUEEN that pics would be inside the event this year? That’s what you’re going with?

    • Megan says:

      It seems more likely the photos are HM’s soft diplomacy on Brexit. She is showcasing the UK’s many friendships and allies.

    • Anitas says:

      How could the Cambridge PR be able to allow media inside the BP, at an event attended by the Queen? Clearly this had to be approved by the Queen.

  13. Mark says:

    Today I saw some articles with “Kate Wrickedon” as headline

  14. Eleonor says:

    Me think that the only purpose of this supposed feud is to distract English people from the Brexit mess, which is coming to an end.

    • Snazzy says:

      Yes I think you might be right!

    • L84Tea says:

      I’m starting to think so too simply because of the lack of shutting all of this nonsense down from the BRF. They seriously need to step in and do something–anything–at this point.

    • ChillyWilly says:

      That would not surprise me. I feel like there is some big world domination plan happening with the leaders of a bunch of nations led by Putin. I think distractions are one of the main tactics used by them. But I also believe in The Illuminati, so make of that what you will. 😉

    • Anitas says:

      Yup! The tabloid trash always have an agenda.

  15. Brunswickstoval says:

    Wouldn’t it be hilarious if this was all completely manufactured by the press and had nothing to do with any of the royal family.

    Are people really so invested in whether or not these people get along?

    • Lolly says:

      Just read the comments. People truly believe Will and Kate are super diabolical enough to be spreading stories about their SIL, so they can be viewed more favorably by the public (even though they already are). Any other celebrity, commenters take the article with a grain of salt, but for some reason want to believe that this a daily episode of Days of Our Lives.

      • Chaine says:

        I don’t think this is at all a crazy belief. Look at the known history of Charles and Diana manipulating the press against each other, there is precedent. I personally still believe most of the initial anti-Meghan dump came from the personal assistant, though.

      • aaa says:

        Charles and Diana are Charles and Diana, not William and Kate. While both Charles and Diana’s manipulations of the press had successes there were very negative consequences as well.

        I totally question the premise that William and Kate are so rattled by Harry and Meghan’s popularity that they’ve resorted to scheming against the Sussexes. Yes they are an attractive couple and Meghan has hit the ground running, but there is no indication that Meg-mania has resulted in the Cambridges losing the affection and the goodwill of the British people.

    • Kat Loug says:

      You have hit the nail on the head. The tabloids here have found a new audience in Americans and unfortunately Americans are eating it up.

      • Rosie says:

        The Mail online content is strongly aimed at the US market, which is HUGE compared to little GB. I think they are aiming a lot of their stuff at the Samantha Markle/Trump fans.

        They used to be the paper that the wives would read while their husbands would read The Times or The Telegraph. That’s why they have always had so much Royal content especially since they had Diana slipping info to their journalists. I think it’s made them feel like they have ownership over William & Harry.

    • Beth says:

      That’s exactly what I think it is. British tabloids know some people are so obsessed with the BRF, so they need to keep coming up with dramatic, bs stories to keep readers coming back to check up on the “news” every single day

    • Sassy says:

      People love coming to a gossip site pretending to be above it all while on a gossip site. The irony is thick.

      • NotThatMeghan says:


      • Erinn says:

        I mean, that’s not at all what irony is. But even still, I don’t think that’s really a fair comment. The poster isn’t saying that it’s dumb to be interested in gossip – they’re just pointing out that some people seem WAY more personally invested in it rather than just enjoying it for what it is – gossip.

      • Beth says:

        There’s a big difference between coming to a gossip site to read and discuss, and going to a gossip site and gobbling up and believing everything that you read is a fact

      • Arnk says:

        Agree with Beth. There’s a world of difference between reading gossip blogs for fun and being actually emotionally invested in it as a lot of people here seem to be.

      • Kerfuffle says:

        Because it’s a gossip site people aren’t allowed to question a narrative? What exactly are people allowed to say then?

      • Betsy says:

        This. I also love that people who write and comment here are alleged to be “obsessed.” Nope. I love reading and commenting when I get a chance, but otherwise I don’t spare the BRF a thought.

      • MAR says:

        “Because it’s a gossip site people aren’t allowed to question a narrative? What exactly are people allowed to say then?”

        Well, people on here have been told off for gossiping and discussing Meghan and Harry. soo… It seems like you aren’t allowed to gossip about certain peeps on here.

    • ItReallyIsYou,NotMe says:

      You’ve hit the nail on the head. They’re not addressing it directly because once they respond to this gossip, they’ll have to respond to all future gossip.

    • Mego says:

      I truly hope that this is the truth. It’s making my head spin.

  16. DavidBowie says:

    Truth! This whole article is bonkers.

  17. Feebee says:

    Kate is such a try hard. So she has on Diana’s tiara and earrings in addition to already having the ring… and BP let a photog in there. What timing! I don’t know what it is about her posture but it drives me crazy.

    Maybe after reading all the tabloid drama this week I’m just mad at her because as Kaiser points out maybe the campaign worked. It does seem a little too neat and just a little too packaged. Though mad or not, I still want to stick a book on that lollipop.

    • Deedee says:

      If she would learn to stand up straight, she might look more regal.

    • Karen says:

      Her posture is terrible. She is going to have major neck problems in the future-she curves forward instead of straight.

      • Brunswickstoval says:

        Interestingly the current theory on backs and posture is that standing up straight does nothing.

      • DM2 says:

        Her posture is atrocious. She can wear a beautiful gown and all the trappings that go with it, but looking like a bent willow stick will do nothing to make the outfit look right. In addition, it makes one come across as insecure; even if you are, you can always fake it by standing taller. *shakes cane. 🙂

    • Erinn says:

      I mean – I don’t know why she wouldn’t wear them, though. I would assume whoever the sons married would be the ones to use them – that only makes sense.

    • aaa says:

      Kate has bee wearing the Lover’s Knot Tiara since 2015, she would have gotten more attention if she wore another tiara. She’s also been wearing Diana’s jewelry and borrowed jewelry from the Queen to these types of events, which is expected of her. There’s a time and a place for Kikis but this is not one of them.

  18. Peg says:

    England needs the US more than ever going forward.
    Trump hates the Obamas, Meghan made her views about Trump known.
    So that could be one of the reasons the meeting was called private, no rocking of the boat.

    • Tina says:

      If May is ousted, I hope the Tories choose Sajid Javid. Just because it would make Trump’s head explode.

      • MAR says:

        The racists and xenophobes already go after Khan, their heads would explode if Javid was the replacement lol. The DM comment section would be interesting to read.

  19. xo says:

    That tiara invokes the memory of Diana, which totally overshadows Kate (at least for me). Personally, I think she is unwise to wear it. Same with that damn ring.

  20. canadiangirl says:

    Has Kate worn another tiara since being married? It seems likely that she has been loaned that one for official occasions, maybe for the Diana comparison, but maybe also because it’s the “Cambridge” tiara and she’s the Duchess of Cambridge, so the connection fits. It also suits her. I am so-so on the dress, it’s not my favorite that she’s worn and it highlights how thin she is now.

    • dietcokehead says:

      She wore the Cartier Halo tiara on her wedding and the Lotus tiara a couple of times after, but the Cambridge tiara has been her go-to since. It will probably stay her main loaner until William is Prince of Wales, and she gets access to the bigger pieces.

      • Nic919 says:

        I am surprised she hasn’t been given other tiaras to wear, her being future queen consort and all. Beyond the LCK and lotus.

    • Digital Unicorn says:

      Diana often wore her family tiara as she found this one too heavy and it gave her headaches – while she did where the Cambridge Knot it was not as often as the Spencer tiara.

      She wears the Cambridge tiara as it matches her title.

      • MyLittlePony says:

        Yes, and it is her “big gun” tiara as well which matches the importance of this event. I am glad she wears the tiara slightly more up and closed now which suits her much better than when she wore it far too low and more open which did not suit her at all, and made the tiara look almost clumsy. The Lover’s Knot is by no means my favourite tiara, but it does look very delicate and beautiful when worn like this.

      • Kerfuffle says:

        People talk about the Diana comparison as though Diana owned this piece. It’s an appropriately sized and important tiara for Kate – it’s indeed her “big gun” – but also knowing that she will have access to a lot more pieces when she becomes Princess of Wales. This isn’t like the Dutch where most of the pieces are in the family foundation and (aside from a few exceptions) everyone can access them. Kate is at the mercy of what the Queen thinks is appropriate and wants to loan.

  21. Loopy says:

    If this smear campaign is truly coming from the Cambrigdes that how sad and insecure do you really need to be to aim so low. I truly try to avoid the Daily Fails comments section but i just had to take a peak, I really dont know what dumpster those commentators come from, they are beyond appalling.

    • Thirsty Hirsty says:

      Could the comments not be from real people, but instead be from trolls, or from a foreign country, maybe? Possibly Russia, maybe? Or another country hard-smacked by Brexit?

  22. Piper says:

    Yes agreed on all fronts, Meghan did pop and looks adorable. I do think the Book Event is smart to be low key and not protographed there, she went for herself not a work event. As for the event with Harry – playing low key seems smart since bullying thru the press for the past month.
    Also, of all the advice Meghan has been recently given – Michelle and Tina Browns are the only ones I respect – and Tina says, Meghan play more low key to not intinidate Kate on her big nights so maybe it was strategic this week.

  23. Kittycat says:

    I loved Camilla’s outfit.

    • Jenns says:

      I don’t think Camilla gets enough respect when it comes to her clothes. I really like her fashion choices.

      • Princessk says:

        Yes, l love most of Camilla’s outfits, even though they are usually a variation on a particular pleated style.

    • Anastasia says:

      I would wear Camilla’s entire wardrobe every day, but then I’m pushing 50 and have a few extra pounds on me and I love the fabrics she wears and her hats are FAB.

      • Dixiebells says:

        Camilla is legit my senior woman style icon. She consistently looks fab. Her hair colorist is a genius.

  24. Reese says:

    Or it was Harry and Meghan’s choice?
    Two smart capable people making a decision in their best interest to avoid the media that has been atrocious to Meghan.
    Harry has been very protective of Meghan in the past in regards to the media. Why is this so unbelievable now?

    • L84Tea says:

      I hope that is the case. If I were Harry and Meg, and I would be giving the press ZERO opportunity to photograph me right now. The less you give them, the less they have to spin.

  25. Other Renee says:

    Sorry but I just cannot believe that the Cambridges are behind the smear campaign. I do not believe that William and Kate would deliberately set out to harm Harry’s wife and in effect Harry. Nor do I believe that Charles would do anything to harm his son.

    If I had to point a finger at anyone, it would be at Andrew who was probably furious over the way the pregnancy announcement knocked Eugenie’s wedding off the front page. I wouldn’t put it past him to have exchanged money for inside dirt.

    • canadiangirl says:

      Especially since Andrew also has his own scandals to cover up and right now we are talking abotu the young royals hating each other instead of Andrew’s sketchy connectins.

    • Originaltessa says:

      I agree Renee. William is protective of his brother and after what happened to their mother I can’t imagine he’d orchestrate any of this. The little bits of nonsense that have gotten out sound like a disgruntled employee that finds Meghan difficult.

    • Sam Louise says:

      I’m thinking Andrew has a large role in it as well. I am also wondering if daddy Markle and crazy gal Samantha are involved? I wonder if Andrew and the Markles have met somehow and discovered their mutual distaste for all things Meghan? The media stories are just so nasty, much more than I ever thought would happen. Has anyone read Piers Morgan’s latest rant? My god he’s vile. Could the Markle’s and/or Andrew be feeding Piers intel? I’m almost afraid to read the anti-Meghan stories now. They’re just so vicious and far meaner than anything Will or Kate would do. How do others feel? Am I just being a conspiracy theorist?

  26. OSTONE says:

    She looks pretty. How “funny” is it that now they released pictures of this gala when they are having a PR nightmare?

    Also, stop the presses. Just saw a picture of Kate and William arriving in Cyprus and gasp! She is in trousers!

    • Solidgolddancer says:

      Kate in trousers!!!

      I gasped!! They are so obvious my eyes can’t roll hard enough.


      • NotThatMeghan says:

        Do you really think Kate is in trousers because of MEghan?
        /eye roll

      • dietcokehead says:

        Kate doesn’t wear trousers. Hasn’t in all her time with the royal family. She’s worn jeggings, skinny jeans, and a pair of cropped plaid pants (iirc) but never, ever trousers. I’m not a Kate conspiracist and even I went “hmmmm” at the pics of her in Cyprus.

      • Solidgolddancer says:



        When have you ever seen Kate in trousers (and I don’t mean skinnies)?

        I’ll wait….

      • Wha1ever says:

        Kate wore tailored trousers on her 2016 tour of Canada then she repeated the same outfit domestically In either 2016 or 2017.

        I guess you didn’t have to wait for as long as you hoped to get an answer to your question 😅

      • Elisa says:

        IMO she is clearly copying Meghan, but as she looks modern and professional this is a win.

    • Chrissyms says:

      She looks great in Trousers! Has she worn something like this before?

      • Iknow says:

        I’ve seen her in skinny jeans and pants. I’ve Never seen Kate in trousers before. I could be wrong. It’s just too obvious at this point. Why now?

      • Elisa says:

        I love the olive blazer and the matching clutch and pumps but I was hoping for some pencil trousers. I really dislike wide-legged trousers (on any woman).

      • L84Tea says:

        I just saw the photos. Holy smokes, she looks amazing in trousers. She should have been wearing these all along!

      • Chrissyms says:

        Iknow…I think they are just in style. Skinny pants were for a long time. Kate held on to that look for too long. Even at my local mall, it has been a lot of trousers. She looks great in them. I am glad she is wearing them.

    • aaa says:

      The Cambridges are not having a PR nightmare, and if they were they are not in a position to use the Diplomatic Reception for image improvement.

  27. Chrissyms says:

    I am still not convinced about the smear campaign. What did we even really learn about Meghen? Air Freshener and 5am texts? Sounds like a disgruntled employee to me and the Daily Mail extended the same story for days and days.
    Kate looks beautiful.
    The difference between The Cambridge’s and The Sussex’s is that the Cambridges are obligated to attend stuffy events like this. They by nature of their position have more responsibility. In my opinion Harry and Meghan have it made. All the money and access and less official responsibility and time to concentrate on events they really care about. These Diplomatic events must get old . FAST.

  28. Elisa says:

    +1, the tiara is amazing.
    Meghan’s bump seriously popped, I’m starting to believe the twins rumors…

    • Chaine says:

      Do not read the comment sections of anything about the bump, there are already people speculating that it’s fake, the same as they did with Beyoncé when she had Blue Ivy.

      • Princessk says:

        The same thing the trolls said about Amal Clooney, and for that reason l hope that Meghan doesn’t have twins.

    • a reader says:

      I wonder if it’s twins too… but she’s also a little teeny tiny woman. Her bump may look bigger simply because of her original size. 🙂

      Also…. I am PRAYING for them to have a fiery little Aries baby. If Polo Baby is due in March/April…..

  29. Ohio Girl says:

    No longer a fan. After all of this truly awful press on Megan the least The Cambridge’s could have done was release a statement of support. Instead…crickets. Even if they are not responsible (Which I find unlikely) words of support would be nice.

    • Kat Loug says:

      Because nobody takes any notice of UK tabloids…except this blog.

      • sage says:

        That’s not true. Lol. Dlisted, Lainey even some fashion mags uses quotes from the DM and the The Sun.

      • MAR says:

        Yeah, but they are gossip blogs not real reputable papers lol. Most people really don’t care or know about any of this so releasing a statement would be so off and people would be like “huh?”

      • Princessk says:

        The nasty stories about Meghan have been repeated in all newspapers, including ‘respectable’ ones.

      • Tina says:

        @Princessk, no they haven’t. The tiara story and the story about Kate telling Meghan off for being rude to staff have been repeated in the Times and the Telegraph. The others are tabloid only.

    • Chaine says:

      I don’t think any royal should release any statement about tabloid stories. It only fuels the flames.

      • Jaded says:

        Exactly. Rule of thumb is to not engage with the gutter press EVER. It would mean lowering themselves to their bottom-of-the-ditch level.

  30. Linda says:

    Kate looks absolutely gorgeous. I also loved Camilla’s dress, the details on the dress were exquisite. I refuse to contribute to the alleged bonkers feud.

  31. Busyann says:

    Sigh. The nastiness of the past two weeks depleted whatever remaining respect and benefit of the doubt I had for Will and Kate. Not that I had much, since I think their behavior since the engagement last year has been transparently disgusting, I at least wanted to see them as being above the racist hit job they took out on Meghan.

    It wasnt just Meghan and Harry that they silenced. You notice we havent gotten pieces about Charles, Camilla, or Queenie fan girling Meghan and loving the breath of fresh air she brings. This campaign was all Cambridge and probably, most likely, Middleton. Disgusting.

    • Sassy says:

      I thought that since William and Harry were close well closer than Charles and Andrew. That the petty jealousy wouldn’t be a thing but sadly I was wrong then you add in the the coded language and racist crap in these hit pieces it’s very disgusting that they would do such a thing.

    • Person3514 says:

      I’m sorry, but there’s no way Kate and Wills pr would be able to silence Charles and they definitely could not silence the queens . His pr is silent because he wants it that way. I still think this is mostly his doing (along with tabloids running wild) and that he is throwing his sons under the bus (again), so that he can swoop in and be the savior. Charles pr is ruthless and he plays the long game. Look at what he did to his sons when they were younger. He’s been working on his and Camillas image since Diana died. He knows what he’s doing.

    • pleaseicu says:

      KP is largely incompetent at PR on a good day. I’m not sure I buy they could execute a concerted hit job like this on someone. And I really don’t believe that William or Kate, or the Middletons, could silence Charles, the Queen, any of their staff and/or the courtiers about anything, let alone weeks of bad PR for the royal family. Especially if they really disagreed with what was going on. If the PR hit job on Meghan is coming from anywhere within the royal family it’s with the blessing of the Queen and Charles because it hasn’t been shut down after weeks. I’m starting to think it started with that leak from Charles’ biographer about the tiara/pre-wedding issues and then a leak or two from a disgruntled employee. And everything after has been the royal press going to town and serving some revenge for the dress down letter Harry sent them in 2016. The royal press has long memories.

      • Beach Dreams says:

        But what exactly is “competent” about this hit job? It’s so ham-fisted and excessive that it’s laughable. Yes, Jobson started the smear campaign (and he’s been steadily backtracking and distancing himself ever since). But he pushed a couple of stories at best, compared to the absolute onslaught of articles seeking to frame the Cambridges as hapless victims of Mean Meghan and Huffy Harry.

        A much smarter approach would’ve been to release fewer stories over a longer period of time; less contradictions and headscratchers in the actual claims would’ve been more believable too..

      • MAR says:

        But they are only headscratchers and contradictions because you don’t believe Meghan would ever be rude and demanding to the Royal Household staff, or throw childish tantrums about tiaras etc. We don’t know any of these people or what they’re really like behind closed doors. All we see is their carefully crafted public image. I can believe Harry is spoilt and bratty – I can also believe the position might have gone to Meghan’s head a bit. JMO

      • Beach Dreams says:

        @MAR, don’t presume to know what I do or don’t believe. These latest stories are headscratchers because many of them contradict the articles that were written around the time of the wedding. Not just about Meghan, but about her interactions with Kate. There were very specific and consistent narratives about Kate’s supposed role as being the mother of all guiding lights, even up to October. These narratives shifted once the tour concluded.

        Even some of these new storylines are strange. The tiara story alone was quietly changed from the Queen telling Meghan “oops, sorry you can’t have that one,” to Meghan outright demanding an emerald tiara before looking at her options.

  32. Cynthia Perry says:

    Kate has the absolute worst posture. I don’t understand why she can stand up straight. Do they not teach that in “Duchess School”? She’s not that tall. She looks like a kid playing dress up

    • Rosie says:

      I think it’s the shoes. They are so high and she doesn’t just wear them for evening she clomps round in them all the time. Meghan’s the same, it’s probably why she clings to Harry so much.

  33. Louise says:

    So how is it that Meghan’s job is to rest. Is she not suppose to be working?? Just saying On this site Kate was called lazy if she didnt keep up her apoerances when pregnant. Just keeping it real here.

    • historybuff says:

      Meghan did the charity thing. The Dip has never really been for spares. I don’t remember Fergie going when she was part of the firm. Also, ever since the Hubb kitchen book we’ve known that M does do unpublicised visits and does work from home/office pretty regularly.

      None of them work a traditional workweek/year, but MM compares favorably with KM.

      • arsesds73 says:

        I am pretty sure that they’ve forced HM to step back from the limelight so that the other two can have the spotlight. Just my speculation.

    • Nic919 says:

      Meghan was at the charity carol service last night and another engagement today. She’s still working.

      • notasugarhere says:

        Yes, she had a meeting with the Association Of Commonwealth Universities .

      • notasugarhere says:

        Tim O’Donovans engagement totals will come out at the end of December or early January. Kate’s first year total was 34, plus 5 before the wedding that didn’t count. Meghan did 28 during their engagement period. Waiting to see just how much bigger Meghan’s first year official total will be.

  34. Natalie S says:

    The pictures emphasize continuity. Was it last year or the year before the Queen was actually quite ill around Christmas? There are have been a few changes over the past year. The theme dressing during Trooping the Colour was a bit unusual. There was also the grouping of Liz, Camilla and Kate on one balcony during the Remembrance ceremony.

    • Nic919 says:

      There were no pictures last year because that is when Kate is supposed to have worn the order for the first time. Not sure why there are photos this year.

    • MAR says:

      They’re setting up the 3 Queen’s image. The balcony appearance, the colours they’re wearing etc seems strategic.

      • Princessk says:

        Meghan was given an important role on the balcony with the German President’s wife, otherwise she would have been with Kate.

  35. sage says:

    They’re all desperate for media attention. When one is out and about all the others must lay low. They do not want to share the spotlight.

  36. dallas says:

    Kate is looking rough…

  37. Becks1 says:

    I feel like Kate has that same dress in several different colors. I hated the prom dress from McQueen from last month but at least it was something different.

    Anyway – yeah I agree that it seems the smear campaign has worked, REGARDLESS of who has been behind it (I think Cambridges, but even if its not, it has still worked to their benefit.) Kate shows up last night and the internet is full of comments about how regal she looks, future queen, etc.

  38. Josie says:

    Based on the Royal Family twitter feed, I detect the hand of the Foreign Office in the release of these photos. The captions were basically “the world’s diplomats love our royal family [and we don’t need the EU to maintain a strong profile internarionally].” I originally wondered about courtiers playing up the story about heirs, but now I think the timing of the photos is all down to Brexit, and not a palace decision at all.

    That having been said, no way KP ever has anything to do with photos at this event. It’s a BP event if ever there was one.

    • Yami says:

      I think the firm is trying to prop up Kate by releasing pictures and having them available. It’s no accident. Kate’s strength is looking good in a dress, they are playing up what she’s had going for her at the very least.

  39. Greta says:

    The clutch must be grabbed tightly at ALL times.

  40. Vava says:

    This gown looks like so many others she has in her collection, I’m dying of boredom.

    Yeah, that posture looks awful.

  41. DML says:

    Please stop pitting two thirty something women against one another. It is so off base in this day and age and you are playing into the propaganda that is being force fed to you by sloppy “journalism” that is not fact checked or based on anything other than mystery sources. New flash.. two women (and they are women) can coexist, not have the same interests or even the same cares and still get along just fine.

  42. silver says:

    After reading the filth directed at Meghan and Harry I honestly could never forgive William and Kate. How can you live being constantly put down like that?

  43. Amelie says:

    I really like Kate’s dress, she looks so regal and more confident for once. I dunno what happened but it’s like giving birth to Louis gave her an extra energy boost or something. Some people have compared this dress to her “Frozen Elsa” dress she wore a few years ago I think to the Royal Variety show or something… I think I was one of the few who did not like that dress since it was went overboard with the shiny bling which I found distracting. I really like this one for its more simple and clean design and the more low key embellishments. She, Camilla, and the Queen all wore various shades of cream/white so they were “twinning” for lack of a better word (tripling??).

    I haven’t commented on the media campaign against Meghan because I’m just not interested in the conspiracy theories of who said what from which camp and I just find most of it to be just that… conspiracy theories. I just wish they’d leave her alone. But I don’t find it weird there are no formal pictures of Meghan and Harry from the charity event since that’s a private event to honor a friend of Harry’s who died some time ago. I hope we see Meghan at an event soon but it could be her pregnancy and the negative onslaught of media have made her more reclusive which I totally get.

    • notasugarhere says:

      It is a very juvenile dress on Kate. Shorten it and I could see her putting it on their daughter for Easter or Christmas.

  44. Erica says:

    Meghan looked so cute and it was lovely that she did a reading.The middletons have attended every year and they didn’t know harry and will’s late friend.

  45. emi says:

    She looks lovely. Very royal.

  46. violet says:

    The choral service was not an official event. I was surprised that as Meghan didn’t know the young man who was killed, she gave the reading rather than Harry, who was the boy’s friend. In the photos of H&M leaving out a side door, I was shocked at how bad they both looked. Harry shirt was wrinkled, he looked like he’d just gotten out of bed and almost paunchy, and you can see how bald he’s getting on top. Meghan’s hair was a mess and the navy blue outfit she had on looked slovenly yet had a very low cut neckline that seemed inappropriate for the occasion. They both looked awful, in my opinion.

    Pippa and her husband and James didn’t “arrange” to have themselves papped. They were among many people entering the front door and the paps were, as they always are, there. Harry and Meghan didn’t get papped because they chose to slip in a side door.

    It’s almost as if they just don’t want to be seen right now.

    • Beach Dreams says:

      Wow, I’m surprised you could tell so much about how “terrible” H&M looked by those dark and blurry photos. You must have eagle vision.

      • violet says:

        @Beach Dreams – I saw what I saw. The photos weren’t quite that dark or blurry. They both looked unkempt. It really does seem on this site that one cannot hold any opinion on Harry and Meghan that doesn’t align with the always good, always beautiful, and always blameless narrative, and the moment one deviates from that, one gets sarcasm and accusations.

      • Beach Dreams says:

        Your opinions are your own. That doesn’t stop me or anyone else from responding to them and vice versa. I just find it funny how you could call Meghan’s outfit slovenly when you haven’t even seen half of it.

    • Jaded says:

      Whaaaaa? They looked fine – Harry’s shirt looked wrinkly because he was twisting sideways at the waist. Meghan looked lovely and the neckline was fine – are you one of those pearl-clutchers? Harry’s baldness isn’t something he’s doing on purpose, he does NOT have a paunch, he’s become much more fit-looking since Meghan came into his life. This was a private, low-key event, not a dress-up to the nines public outing. Furthermore, it was a rainy and windy night so no wonder their hair looked a little blown around.

      • MAR says:

        He does actually have a bit of a paunch going on in the recent pic lol. He has become leaner since Meghan so that bit of belly stuck out to me. He was away for a week and I bet he wasn’t working the whole time.

    • notasugarhere says:

      I saw photos as well and they both looked good. The outfit she’s wearing is fine and includes mostly old pieces (one of her coats from Canada). She also looks nice today at her meeting with the Association Of Commonwealth Universities.

  47. violet says:

    I thought Kate looked terrific at the Diplomatic Reception, but I do wish she would get over Tall Girl Stooping Syndrome. I’d give anything to be tall and slender, instead of a boring medium everything.

  48. Betsy says:

    I could go a whole lifetime without hearing “popped” in relation to a pregnant abdomen and that would be alright by me. The word is nauseating.

  49. stella m says:

    Even though it was a “private” event I’m surprised that there was only one photog there with their phone to snap away at Meghan. Photos are not the greatest….

  50. aquarius64 says:

    Lost respect for the Cambridges. They earned every nickname they have. I think the extra appearances are for damage control. A Cambridge courtier must monitor social media and they saw swathes of the public are blaming Will and Kate on that hit job on Meghan.

  51. Maxie says:

    Again, why would Kate and William care about Meghan? They’ll always be ranked higher than her or will live private lives with fabulous wealth if the monarchy ever ends. There’s plenty of people that will always hate her because she’s a social climbing African American ; they don’t even have to plot a smear campaign in the press.

    As for the Middletons, I’ve never met any family that cared about the wife of their daughter/sister’s brother-in-law.

    I’me convinced it was the courtiers. They aren’t accustomed to work with someone like Meghan and the whole scandal would force the Cambridges to abandon the idea of spending Christmas with Kate’s parents in order to show some unity.

    • MAR says:

      “As for the Middletons, I’ve never met any family that cared about the wife of their daughter/sister’s brother-in-law.”

      Nah, many cultures are close with the in-laws.

    • Yami says:

      Except they clearly do care. All the sudden work and the speeches and the trousers. They care, they don’t want to lose the spotlight or the throne. Honestly tho, I don’t know if it will last beyond Charles and then all this will be moot.

      • Skipper says:

        I agree it’s personal for them they don’t like being outshon . It’s not to with who will or won’t be queen/king

  52. hieronymus says:

    This is easily my favourite Kate look ever. She looks ethereal. I’m surprised she wears the Cambridge lover’s tiara so frequently. Diana complained so much about the lover’s knot, she said it was too heavy and gave her headaches, but it seems to be a favourite of Kate’s.

  53. Tai says:

    I think their calendar events are set quite a while in advance. So the news reports that have come out about in-fighting in the past few weeks has no affect on what they were already scheduled to do. The church reception Harry & Meghen went to was probably always going to be private. I don’t think she is hiding or someone is forcing her to retreat to the background.

  54. Princessk says:

    Did Michelle and the Sussexes have dinner with the Clooney’s? Some say yes, some say no.

  55. Blonde555 says:

    She looks like a bobblehead.