Cele|bitchy | Madonna really cares about her children

Madonna really cares about her children

Madonna is such a good mother. She’s making sure her kids will be even more screwed up when they grow up by ensuring that they’re indoctrinated into her sham religion, Kabbalah. Here she is leaving the Kabbalah center with her spawn on 3/3/06.

Meanwhile Lourdes, 9, has a stylist to help her turn into a little slut like her mom:

When your mom’s the original Material Girl, best known for her outr‚ dress sense, could you expect anything less? Little Lourdes was styled to a T – sporting trendy Converse All Stars, green knee-highs, a retro 80s-style denim skirt, and a striped henley.

“I think her stylist was trying to go for ‘The Littlest Pussycat Doll’ look,” says celeb stylist Shane Cisneros. “Lourdes has the ability to wear anything just like her mother – here, she’s channeling mom’s Danceteria days.”

And yes, you read that right – the 9-year-old has a stylist.

Whatever the look, it’s clear from this picture that Lourdes is precocious, says behavioral analyst and body language expert Maxine Lucille Fiel.

“The way she’s standing shows that she may be coming into early womanhood,” Fiel says. “I think she’s now entering a very interesting phase of adolescence and I wish Madonna luck.

Pictures [via]

Four more after the jump.

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