Us Weekly released another part of their cover story this week, about the smear campaign against the Duchess of Sussex, and how it’s affecting the Sussex marriage. Yesterday, we talked about how Prince Harry “feels powerless” and he’s “frustrated” by how little he can do to protect Meghan. Us Weekly now says that Meghan is feeling pretty frustrated too, especially as she’s truly understanding that the “royal way” doesn’t include dealing with this kind of sh-t directly and openly:
Fed up. Duchess Meghan has had enough of the rumors surrounding her and her family members.
“It’s just been frustrating and stressful to have no voice,” a royal insider explains in the new issue of Us Weekly. “She’s always relied on her own voice to stand up for others, and for herself. So not being able to say anything is a debilitating feeling. She’s always been so independent, her entire life, and that’s all been taken away from her. She’s always been able to clap back on social media and now she can’t.”
Did Actress Meg EVER “clap back” on social media? No. She didn’t. She wasn’t out there, getting in Twitter beefs with Kanye or Susan Sarandon. But she used her Instagram and her blog, The Tig, to portray herself a certain way, and to create a certain brand for herself as an actress and celebrity. That’s what she misses – being in charge of her own brand, being the captain of her destiny, being proactive in how she dealt with the press or haters or whatever. That being said, as we saw with Meghan’s handling of the White Markles, she’s perfectly capable of taking the longer view. She’s not going to freak out because the Daily Mail is racist, or because her dad is a douchebag, or whatever else is thrown at her. She’s calmly assessing this bulls–t and planning her future moves.
Photos courtesy of Backgrid, WENN.
This woman’s life is FULL.
I have my doubts she spends much time worrying about the haters out in cyberville.
That’s what I said in yesterday’s post. The girl is fine.
All these articles are great for gossip though, it wont stop
Agreed. I left a group on facebook today and blocked a person from the group. I immediately felt great and no remaining anger about internet stuff. So she’s likely avoiding it from the start and not bothered.
Twirl on dem haters Duchess.
Given MM’s access–not as a Duchess, but as a close friend of Serena Williams–IMAGINE IF QUEEN B HERSELF made her feelings known about this.
I’m sure she’d prefer not to see it day in and day out. But she’s no shirking violet. She’ll be fine. Her bigger issue would be calming him down because I’m sure he’s flipping out. She’ll keep working and doing her thing and that will be that. The Daily Mail crowd will never like her-I’m sure she’s already accepted that and is focusing on living her life.
While I’m sure they’re not crazy about bad press, what worries me is the nutters that have popped up, all over the world, with their Neo-Nazi crap of “White Power” and “Race Haters/Traitors” targeting others with violence. Weren’t three just arrested in Britain for making these threats against Harry? THESE creeps worry me! And these papers are just stoking the embers into fires. These papers need to start to be fined for making/encouraging hate speech.
Jan, yes it’s got scary. Hate crimes are illegal in the UK. The press are supposed to be self governing but clearly they’re not. If people reported the Mail for stirring up race hate, how many people would it take to trigger a police investigation?
I absolutely love me some trash mags, but I had never heard of the DM until 2012, and I found out about The Daily Mail only after I specifically searched for British gossip sites. Absolutely zero people in the US know what the Daily Mail is, and no intelligent British person reads the DM for anything other than entertainment. Meghan Markle doesn’t care what the DM is printing. She is probably only aware that “The media has been unkind of late, madam.” None of this crap is true. The longer the royals go without messing up (easy to do now that Prince “Nazi costumes are funny, but see, guys, I married a non-Aryan, so I am not a racist like my Nazi relatives” Harry is behaving, and The Duke of “I am hella racist and cannot open my mouth without microaggressing against anyone who didn’t graduate from Eton” Edinburgh is too old to go to public events now ), the more the media has to completely fabricate garbage based on spiteful ex-employees, ex-partners, and ex-family. Meghan Markle is moving house and about to give birth to a prince or princess, has a smoking hot dummy of a rich husband, a very, very full philanthropy schedule, and the same jerks who believe the crap the DM prints are paying for other people to worry about these rumors for her. She doesn’t need to clap back. Her entire life is a clap back, people.
I would say liberating.
You cant answer them anyway, even if you “do”, just IGNORE all of it, dont read it, live your life– yknow, like before internet trolling was a thing.
It happens, but that doesnt mean you have to respond.
Shes a princess (duchess) and everyone else is not. Shes happily married and happily pregnant. Nuff said.
This so much!Even though it can be sooo hard ,not answering people gets them so much angrier.My philosophy is to not answer as often as possible -then they don’t even know if they have been heard and it drives haters nuts.Like you said she’s a dutchess and they aren’t.Living well is truly the best revenge!
While I take all Megan “stories” with a boulder of salt, she needs to take the Beyonce approach (which I think she’s already done)-do your thing and don’t explain anything to anyone.
I think it depends on how much hate they get.
Angelina didn’t say anything for years and she got horrendous coverage from the media. Angelina had to release statements because they dragged her children into it.
Meghan is getting almost the same level of media attack. She is pregnant and I get why Harry is upset. There will be a time where they have to release a statement for the child’s side.
if you read the comments which are hateful – first they accuse her of lying of being pregnant/ that she is a horrible person and a gold digger etc and all at once. one can ignore it but it still seeps through and it hurts
It’s actually Beyonce following the Queen: never complain, never explain.
I thought of Beyoncé too. Not all of us have the level of self-restraint it would take to take that approach as a public figure. Some of that self-restraint may come from being used to the ups and downs of a high level of fame, and some of it might just be about individual personalities.
It’s got to be frustrating for Meghan, especially if before all of this she was someone used to using her voice to stand up for others and herself.
Wait I’m sorry I haven’t caught up to the whole story yet – but how is the daily mail racist?
DM is known to be racist and sexist.
Are you unaware that water is wet?
Not explicitly racist but more implied. Like Meghan could literally cure cancer and the D. M. would say she her lapcoat was offensive. Mostly it’s just a lot of picking apart on her on a personal level without a real cause.
Hi Ivy,
The toxic atmosphere has gotten progressive worse since the marriage( I didn’t follow Meghan/Henry prior to the weekend). The writers use specific language or adjectives to describe Meghan that is either suggestive of or blatantly racist. The comments are horrible. People say the most vile things. Frankly, I still can’t get a read on the overall feelings the public has toward Meghan. I wouldn’t go so far as to consider myself either a fan of Kate or Meghan but I generally have positive feelings toward both duchesses. I do like the diversity that Meghan brings to the BRF and look forward to seeing what she does with her causes. I don’t know if Meghan is actually as polarizing offline in Britain as she is on gossip sites. I certainly hope that the rampant racism as see in the Daily Mail represents a fringe element.
Let’s see … they did a fairly even article/rehash today about DoS at the British Fashion Awards. They included one of their “you too can own this outfit or one very much like it” inserts in the article; the focus on that GORGEOUS black velvet gown she wore for the event. The headline? “Back to Black.”
I’m sorry but a) I like the song (she is missed) and “back to black” can be seen offensive or not. It’s like.. we’re overly sensitive sometimes!
This is the same paper who published the Straight out of Compton title to an article about Meghan. Their racism is not hidden.
DM also hires commenters and bots to leave bad messages about Meghan and to down arrow any good comments.
Hi Ivy,
Here’s a good example of DM’s racist double standard, as noted by football star Raheem Sterling.
Does that answer your question?
@Ivy -is that a serious question? IF yes, may I direct you to the DM’s coverage of
a) Brexit
b) Immigrants
c) Black footballers
d) Anyone not white
e) Anyone not British
f) Germans
g) Non-white Brits
h) Windrush
i) Grenfell
Want me to continue?
Also, add their hate for women (especially succesful ones), any kind of immigrants, liberals, mee too movement.. list is very long. Daily mail is full of hate. They are a bit like posh version of The Sun. Which is is another hate spewing paper.
Hi Ivy,
I can understand your question if you haven’t read the Daily Mail or weren’t aware that many of the stories posted here come from the DM. I’m not in the U.K. and never gave it more than a cursory glance for red carpet fashion during awards season. I only started reading it in relation to the royals after seeing the references made here by other commenters. Sexism and ageism is also rampant.
they spent days bashing her for wearing nail polish for the fashion awards and accused her of breaking royal protocol when every other british royal has done the same and worn off shoulder dresses
I can imagine dealing with all this and not being able to speak back is frustrating. The way ahead is probably to do what she does best and that is get out and about meeting people. The critics will soon get the message that she is here to stay.
What do royal advisors and press secretaries get up to all day? They need a good kick in the behind, incompetent fools. Bloody hell
Trying to constantly engage with “stirrers” is a never ending rabbit hole.
This. What could she possibly say that would change anyone’s mind?
Must be frustrating. It’s a learned habit that’ll take time for her to adopt. Not sure I trust USW but in theory I’m sure this is how she could feel.
She needs to stop worrying about responding to “the haters” on the crap. Ignore and keep it moving, she ends up winning in the end regardless. Their prejudice and spitefulness is not her concern.
I feel like there’s a bit of revisionist history going on about Meghan’s level of fame pre Harry. No one besides Suits fans knew who she was. She wasn’t famous. Susan Surandon wouldn’t know her from Adam. It’s a big get to be on a tv show, but that’s not fame, that’s decent success in a tough business.
Yeah, I like Meghan a lot, but I don’t know what these scandals were that she was refuting or what stories she was able to respond to, herself? She was a middling actress (no small feat) with a steady gig on a cable tv show, not exactly A-list.
I mean, I like her, and I want her to do well in her role (mostly because its a huge waste of tax payer money, so may as well have some positive impact) – and most of all I want her to be treated with kindness by her new family and the fing press. But, at the end of the day, she is a former C-list actress to married 6th in line to the throne. In 15 years Harry and Megs will be Andrew and Fergie. Shrug.
She got a LOT of hate in instagram (she had over a million followers before she even met Harry) when people realized that she and her character were biracial. And she responded to some of the comments too.
Well, she did address the UN. That’s not nothing.
I buy that Harry wishes he could hit back, he known for reading his press. Meghan on the other hand, I imagine is too busy gestating a human and getting foot rubs from Harry to deal with haters.
Somebody commented on a article yesterday that the press must be trying to bait Harry into making a scene so they can have an excuse to crucify him again like they did the last time he spoke up 2 years ago and I think it’s sooo spot on.
oooh, that’s a really good observation. I can easily imagine that is exactly what they are trying to do.
Hahahaha. “White Markles” made me think of White Markers. Equally useless and no good.
Ha ha, good one

Why even bother with the haters? It’s not like harry is going to divorce her over a bad Daily mail headline.
As much as we like gossiping over who is more popular than who, in the grand scheme of things, it is not particularly relevant. Her position as duchess of sussex is secure for as long as :
a) she’s married to harry
b) the royalty remains in place.
The only thing to do is to not even try to explain herself.
The average British tax payer has more important things to worry about than royal family shenanigans. As long as she does her job of hugging people without spending too much tax money on her clothes, nobody is going to care about the negative press.
Very true @Mrs bump, here in the UK we have that wretched thing called Brexit that people are talking about, not Meghan or the rest of the royals and their ups and downs. We are driving fast to the edge of a cliff and hoping not to fall off, the country is in turmoil right now the royals would do good to keep their heads down and do the work they are supposed to because if we go over that cliff, and it looks like we just might, when money is tight and people are starving, we may just look at the royal family and think we can do without them!
the british public need to tear someone down cos their own lives are going nowhere esp with the brexit disaster so what better person to blame than meghan.
kate must be thrilled though seeing as how she is being described as an angel and a shining example of the royal family etc
@Norah of course Kate is thrilled, she’s their ‘real duchess’ now that someone ‘unsavoury’ (not my view) has come into the family!
That’s why she’s walking around with a smile as big as the Atlantic! I wish we could do away with the lot of them and their silly nasty games!
The British public and the Daily Mail are not the same thing.
These tabloids want the public believe they got Meghan on the ropes. The appearance at the BFA proves they don’t and they can’t take it. Meghan claps back she becomes a C list reality star and that is not her brand. Keep it moving Tungsten.
“Living well is the best revenge.”
Honestly, I wonder if these articles are getting so outrageous as to try and get a response from the BRF.
I think it probably bothers Harry more than Meghan. She’s just gonna keep doing her thing, hold her head high, love her hubby and baby(ies) and indulge in all the charitable projects she wants. Haters gonna hate, and it will grind their last nerve if all that sh** rolls off her.
At the end of the day, Meghan married her Prince and lives in a manor house with her dogs, soon to be baby and enough money to never worry about anything again. If that were me, I wouldn’t give two figs what anyone said.
I can’t seem to find an archive of The Tig anywhere. I’m really interested in the lifestyle posts bexause I love her taste and I fail so miserably with decor myself. Anyone know of anything?*/
from a 2014 tig post: “Little girls dream of being princesses. I, for one, was all about She-Ra, Princess of Power. And grown women seem to retain this childhood fantasy. Just look at the pomp and circumstance surrounding the royal wedding and endless conversation about Princess Kate. So when my dear friend, Misan Harriman, introduced me to Princess Alia Al Senussi, I had a bit of a “pinch-myself-I’m-emailing-with-a-princess” moment.”
Unrelated and off topic, but I hope she gets the chance to kick back and watch the latest She-Ra cartoon that’s on right now! It’s supposed to be good.
I love her, and I cannot wait to see what she does next.
I feel awful, though, that she has this kind of stress, especially while she’s pregnant. NOBODY needs or deserves that.
She had been using her connection at ABC for PR. If you pay close attention you will see that good morning america always have a segment about her even when the Cambridge had an event. During the tour, then send a journalist to cover it. When he come back, he was on good morning America saying how wonderful tour was and spend most part of the same segment criticizing the British press that were on the tour. I’m my personal view i think the British did ok for this tour, well at least the one that i followed. He again wrote an article about the tour and aging spend majority of the time criticizing the British press. And also Jessica got a job at ABC so we know she has the connection there. remember the ABC executive at the wedding. What i think they are doing or at least trying to do is to give no access to the British press or at least the bare minimum. Use the media in the US for their PR. That could be a good thing or a bad thing i don’t know . But they should be careful because and have there people in the British press too. Because if they start feeling like they can’t get what they want they will find a way to get it.
I do not understand the hate for Meghan at all. I can imagine it must put a lot of stress on their marriage and with her being pregnant too can’t make it any easier. Then she has her own blood family selling her out too. I hope her and Harry get through this.
The hate is all about racism and Brexit.
Such a pity that she entered Britain as her new home at this time. It is all fuelled by the right wing media. Most Brits would like her very much, and I hope she knows that.
I love Megan and everything about her. But I sometimes wonder if she realized/accepts what being married to Harry means – what she signed up for if this is true. NOT the negative constant bashing she gets (which is WRONG for her and Kate), but the parts she is rebelling against like this. Iike taking a “job” (which is it is a job now) – why take it if you don’t like / want to follow the rules in place? Why do you want to break all the barriers/rules that have existed RIGHT away (at least wait to be in the “job” for a bit!). I wonder if being American, she is just used to having her say/way and not growing up British, this will be her constant struggle.
Also, I wonder if some of the commenters realize that Meg and Harry are farther down the Royal line now. Everyone is interested in them and their family NOW, but one day those Royal Middleton kids are the ones that people will be focused on and M&H will be like Andrew, relegated to 3rd (2nd?) tier. As much as many feel that H&M can stand up for themselves etc. one day W&K will the in charge and it’s like any “job” , if they get off on the wrong foot with their “future boss”, that will impact them later. I say all this yet I am HUGE fans of theirs (and W&K). Personaly, I think it’s the tabloids creating conflict.
@sorella I don’t think Meghan is rebelling, she hasn’t broken any protocols as some say and she has gone about her new role with grace and poise against all the rubbish being thrown at her.
Also I don’t think her and Harry will be the next Andrew and Sarah, simply because of Meghan’s race, she will be a historical figure as a mixed race woman marrying a senior member of the BRF, that alone has brought in a new wave of black fans here in the UK and other ethnic people who didnt care much about that family. If Meghan keeps doing Meghan and doing good speeches, doing things like what she did for the Grenfell women etc, those fans will stick around and keep her popular, she came 6th in a poll as a favourite royal which isn’t bad for someone who has just married in 7 months ago. Harry overtook the queen as most favourite royal and has ALWAYS been popular and I really can’t see that changing even when the Cambridge kids come of age. Also Baby Sussex will make history as well as the first mixed grandchild of a British Monach once Charles takes over. The Sussexes will never win over the racists at DM et al but most like them here in the UK, even some republicans!
She AND Harry have broken protocols. Hold the front page, nothing earth shattering but the constant hand holding isn’t professional. On some engagements it’s absolutely fine, You’re not going to offend children at a school or kids at a radio station. However when they are representing TQ it’s just not business like, don’t forget they are at work. If you worked with your husband you wouldn’t walk to a sales meeting holding hands. Leg crossing is only inappropriate with a skirt that might reveal too much or in an official group photo where It throws the composition out (much like the front row of the fashion runway). I suppose if you get into the habit of not crossing you don’t run the risk of doing it at the wrong time. The protocols grew up over time to ensure they maintain the appearance of professionalism.
@Rosie the protocols they supposedly broke are not earth shattering, yes the holding hands can be a bit much and admittedly I do cringe at times when I see them do that but Charles and Camilla hold hands so….
I suppose it’s just Harry and Meghan’s way, nobody’s going to die because of it, also Kate and William are starting to do it albeit subtley.
As I say, she’s not doing bad at all.
The future King is notorious for trusting no one, and lest we forget, he’s also lazy. Two very good reasons for him to keep Harry around.
I wonder if once the dust settles & the honeymoon is over if Meghan will truly be happy & stick around. She has given up so much in terms of freedom and autonomy- definitely more than Kate.
On another note I’ve noticed that her friend Jessica often posts cryptic statements on her Instagram – no photo or explanation just a quote from somewhere – . Just seems odd since her account is otherwise focussed on her and her life as a stylist. Thinking the random nature of these posts are her way of addressing some of the sh&t Meghan is dealing with…
Agreed. I don’t see them together in 10 years. Not because I wish them ill, but I do think social media pressure should not be underestimated, plus the life of being an independent woman well into your mid-30’s and all of a sudden being moved into this role with so many restrictions…
I disagree because Meghan didn’t enter this as a stary-eyed girl, and because she won’t get equal custody of their child(ren) if she leaves. These two will work it out. (But who knows? Maybe they’ll run off together and abandon the RF.)
Funny, it was at W&K’s wedding that the clergyman publicly stated he gave them less than 10 years. I’m not worried about Harry and Meghan breaking up. If William ever finds a woman he falls in love with, instead of just finally settling on, Kate’s out the door.