Donald Trump canceled the White House Christmas party for the press and WH correspondents. That wasn’t a huge surprise, considering he hates the fourth estate and he’s a wannabe fascist. I thought the cancellation was mostly about how Trump is petty and thin-skinned and he can’t stand it when the press criticize him. But what if there’s an added layer to Bah Humbug Bigly? What if he just HATES Christmas?
By the 26th, Donald Trump will have attended 21 Christmas parties, clocking in at more than 52 hours of festivities in total, or about ten percent of his waking hours this month. This is the life of a modern president of the United States in the month of December — and Donald Trump hates every minute of it. While he is known to enjoy hosting large social events and rallies, current and former White House staffers say he regards presidential Christmas parties with a special loathing and goes out of his way to escape early. Making Christmas great again may have been a pillar of his presidential campaign — “We’re going to start saying ‘Merry Christmas’ again,” he often promised — but the war on Christmas is now raging inside of him.
One person close to the White House told me, “it makes perfect sense” that Trump hates the entire production surrounding Christmas, “because it’s not about him!” This person added, “If it were about him, he’d love it. Christmas is not about him.”
“It’s just a lot,” a senior White House official told me. “They’re hosting all these people, half of whom they don’t know,” the official said. “He just gets impatient. He likes to go go go. Sitting through things, he gets restless.”
While shaking hands with guests and standing for photos at another party last year, Trump spotted Mike Pence in the crowd. According to a second White House official, he forced the vice-president to take his place. “He and Melania left and subbed in the vice-president for the photo line,” the second official said. To keep Trump’s Christmas spirit intact this year, few parties besides those held for the Secret Service and law enforcement feature a formal photo line. “He definitely gets impatient with the photo taking because that is literally, at times, two hours of standing there and taking pictures,” the senior White House official told me. “And because he is the ultimate host, he talks between clicks.”
“I wouldn’t characterize it like he’s a grumpy Grinch. I would characterize it that they are given a lot to do,” the senior White House official said, adding that the president has never complained about hosting or taking photos with members of law enforcement or Secret Service agents. The second White House official said that the parties are better without the line for pictures, anyway, and surely nobody could blame a person for preferring not to spend several hours greeting a procession of mostly strangers: “He’s kind of a germaphobe, so I heard that was a concern, too.”
I started out thinking “of course he behaves like an a–hole” and then when they kept going on and on about how many handshakes and photos any given president has to do, I’ll admit it – I can see how that would irritate even the most gracious of hosts. That being said, clearly Trump hates Christmas. Donald Scrooge, Ebenezer Baby Fists, The Ghost of Christmas Fascism, take your pick. Trump would rather be at Mar-a-Lago, eating a cheeseburger and ignoring his family.
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red and Backgrid.
He’d rather be tweeting. Guess the parties don’t serve enough KFC.
He was tweeting during the Hanukkah party. That’s when he tweeted his attack on the media and a bomb scare was called into Don Lemon’s show at CNN within minutes.
Oy. Didn’t know that. May I ask what sources you use to keep so informed, LP? You’ve always got the scoop.
I was actually watching that whole thing unfold on Twitter. People were tweeting pictures of the party while it was going on, the pro-gun Parkland kids atended, but he was tweeting about the Wall, China trade, the dossier, fake news, witch hunts, and concluded that the press is the enemy of the people. Then Don Lemon tweeted that they had to evacuate the building as his show was starting because of the bomb threat. It was crazy. People started tweeting at the kids posting their pictures that he was too busy tweeting attacks on the media to mingle with them.
Times like these make me wish Krampus was real…
Comment of the Day!!!
Krampus would defo have beef with emperor baby fists.
Thanks for the LOL! I needed it.
Maybe if you dislike diplomacy, don’t run for the most powerful executive position in the United States – if not the world.
That would entail knowing what the president does. Which of course Trump didn’t. He assumed that he could make all the rules as president, and he never once considered that there might be protocols in place. Or demands on his time.
He thought it was like being chairman of the board and he could still live in NYC, go about his normal routine, run his businesses and only attend monthly board meetings as President.
I think you’ve nailed it, lightpurple. Phone it in – from the limo in NYC!
He does nothing else all day long. If you look at he daily agenda the most he does is have lunch with certain people – usually the same ones over and over. If he’s worried about germs then let people know that he will not be shaking hands, especially during flu season – that would be reasonable. Get over it as this is part of his job (of which he does very little).
He has sex without condoms! I’m highly doubtful of his self proclaimed germaphobe title. Like everything else he says, it’s a lie.
If he got a flu shot, he’d have some protection. Somehow all the other presidents have managed these annual duties without public complaint.
Imagine the uproar if Obama skipped pictures. As usual, fat donna gets away w doing whatever he wants.
Glad you are/arent enjoying all your parties, you dolt. I get to miss mine today because I have to work a second job to pay the bills.
Wow, Melania looks like an android that’s been powered down to save energy in the photo of her standing next to the podium.
I was thinking that or a wax figure at Madame Tussauds.
HAHA!!! She sure does!
He’s a germaphobe and yet from reports he doesn’t use condoms with all his hookups?
I can just picture a SNL skit with the Obamas, Clintons and others in a parody of “A Christmas Carol” all haunting him .
It hasn’t been confirmed that he’s a germaphobe, but he stated he was to disconfirm the report in the Steele dossier that he took part in “golden showers.”
I literally just choked on my coffee reading your title!!! I’m rolling!!! Lol
I think about all of those families whose lives could be upended by his spiteful government shutdown, and it infuriates me. He and his family will be filling their piggy snouts at Mar-A-Lago, exchanging a roomful of gifts while so many will be worrying when they’ll get another paycheck.
Attention, GOP and Mr. Trump; those government employees and their families WILL remember your immaturity and pettiness, especially come election time.
Including his Secret Service detail..,
Actually, we civil servants love it when the government shuts down – we always get paid in the end; it’s not the bureaucracy that suffers. It’s those who are reliant on government services and resources that are suddenly unavailable to them.
This civil servant doesn’t love it, nor do others I know. A lot of us live paycheck to paycheck, so missing one or two has an impact. And there’s nothing that says they HAVE to pay us retroactively. They have in the past, but they don’t have to. Wouldn’t trust this president, this Congress on that point.
Well, obviously there is only space for one saviour. It’s still called Christmas not Trumpmas. No wonder he hates this holiday.
Not wanting to take those pictures is the only relatable thing I’ve ever read about Trump.
Breaking news on CNN that the Trump Foundation will be dissolving under court supervision. Trump is getting coal in his stocking this year with all that is going on around him and his family and cronies.
And will Eric be going to prison?
None of the children can serve on a board for any charity for 10 years. It is a start!
So, people that can’t run a charity, can’t run a university, and bankrupt businesses, are running the country.
It’s a classic narcissist move.
Easy on the Adderall, Mushroom D*ck, the photo lines are packed!
***Possible Huge News***
According to CNN, there was a big HUGE challenge to a grand jury subpoena on Friday. They cleared an entire floor of the courthouse, and people didn’t see the attorneys coming or going. It was remarkable for how tight the courthouse was locked down.
Today, they report that the judges ruled that an unnamed company must comply with the grand jury subpoena. This company is foreign.
***My bet is on CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA! ***
I hope they pry open that company and provide all the receipts for how Trump used them to sell our democracy to Russia.
Or maybe Panama? I’m wondering if all the stuff from the business there is ever going to come to light
Good grief you people are saaaad. Its terrible you are so miserable. The same Trump on the campaign trail said:
President Donald Trump said Friday at the Values Voter Summit in Washington that “people don’t talk about ” Christmas anymore, promising to say “Merry Christmas again.”
“You know we’re getting into that beautiful Christmas season that people don’t talk about anymore,” Trump said. “They don’t use the word Christmas because it’s not politically correct. You go into department stores and they’ll say ‘happy new year’ or they’ll say other things. And it will be red, they’ll have it painted.”
“Well, guess what, we’re saying ‘Merry Christmas’ again,” Trump said to raucous cheers. “And as a Christmas gift to all of our hardworking families, we hope Congress will pass massive tax cuts for the American people.”
Trump zeroed in on this subject much more during his presidential campaign than he has as president.
During a 2016 meeting with religious leaders, Trump said current US leadership was “selling Christianity down the tubes.” He pledged to make sure department store employees say “Merry Christmas.”
And in late 2015, Trump suggested that people should boycott Starbucks because the chain was not printing “Merry Christmas” on its holiday cups.
“Did you read about Starbucks? No more Merry Christmas on Starbucks,” Trump told a Springfield, Illinois rally. “Maybe we should boycott Starbucks. I don’t know. Seriously, I don’t care.”